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The growing complexity of today’s computing systems requires a large amount of administration, which poses a serious challenging task for manual administration. Therefore, new ways have to be found to autonomously manage them. They should be characterized by so-called self-x properties such as self-configuration, self-optimization, self-healing and self-protection. The autonomous assignment of services to nodes in a distributed way is a crucial part for developing self-configuring systems. In this paper, we introduce a self-configuration algorithm for Organic Computing systems, which aims on the one hand to equally distribute the load of services on nodes as in a typical load balancing scenario and on the other hand to assign services with different importance levels to nodes so that the more important services are assigned to more trustworthy nodes. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm includes a fault handling mechanism enabling the system to continue hosting services even in the presence of faults. The evaluation indicates that the proposed approach is suitable for large scale and distributed systems.  相似文献   

This paper studies a distributed charging model based on day-ahead optimal internal price for PV-powered Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station (PVCS). Considering the feed-in-tariff of PV energy, the price of utility grid and the forecast model of PV based on back-propagation neural network (BPNN), a system operation model of PVCS is introduced, which consists of the profit model of PVCS operator (PO) and the cost model of EV users. The model proposed in this paper can be designed as a Stackelberg game model, where the PO acts as the leader and all EV users participated are regarded as the followers. An optimization strategy based on heuristic algorithm and nonlinear constrained programming are adopted by the PO and each EV user, respectively. Moreover, a real-time billing strategy is proposed to deal with the errors from the forecasted PV energy and the expected charging arrangements. Finally, through a practical case, the validity of the model is verified in terms of increasing operation profit and reducing charging cost.  相似文献   

The Mixed-Language Programming (MLP) System is a simple system that facilitates construction of sequential programs in which procedures can be written in different programming languages to exploit heterogeneity in language functionality. In addition, MLP provides a simple remote procedure call (RPC) facility that allows heterogeneity in machine functionality to be exploited. To minimize implementation cost, the system does not solve all of the problems related to mixed-language programming; rather, MLP is designed to handle common situations well. Among the unique aspects of MLP are its advanced facilities, which allow complex situations to be handled with user intervention; for example, these facilities allow arguments of a type not defined by a language to be used by procedures written in that language. This paper overviews the use of MLP and describes its implementation. In addition, two programs that have been written using the MLP system—a small database system and a collection of plot routines—are discussed. The system executes on a collection of Vaxes and Suns running Berkeley UNIX. Currently supported languages are C, Pascal and Icon.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1980s, expert systems have been developed for a variety of problems in accounting and finance. The most commonly cited problems in developing these systems are the unavailability of the experts and knowledge engineers and difficulties with the rule extraction process. Within the field of artificial intelligence, this has been called the ‘knowledge acquisition’ (KA) problem and has been identified as a major bottleneck in the expert system development process. Recent empirical research reveals that certain KA techniques are significantly more efficient than others in helping to extract certain types of knowledge within specific problem domains. This paper presents a mapping between these empirical studies and a generic taxonomy of expert system problem domains. To accomplish this, we first examine the range of problem domains and suggest a mapping of accounting and finance tasks to a generic problem domain taxonomy. We then identify and describe the most prominent KA techniques employed in developing expert systems in accounting and finance. After examining and summarizing the existing empirical KA work, we conclude by showing how the empirical KA research in the various problem domains can be used to provide guidance to developers of expert systems in the fields of accounting and finance.  相似文献   

With the increasing proliferation of computer networks and distributed systems, there is a growing number of applications using multicast communication. This paper presents the Vartalaap system developed at IIT, Bombay. Vartalaap is an hierarchical distributed system for multicast communication over a network, implemented in a hardware-independent fashion. The multicast is achieved without resorting to unnecessary broadcasting of messages over the network. Issues covered in this paper include the primitives for multicast, the multicast model and the system architecture. We discuss the implementation of Vartalaap and compare it with some other systems. We conclude with a discussion on the limitations of the current implementation and directions for future work.  相似文献   

This paper uses Perrow’s sociological framework as a basis for a comparative organisation analysis of the impact of expert systems on organisational issues. The study analyses the relative impact of expert systems on two different types of accounting work: auditing and tax. The results indicate an impact on factors that ultimately improve productivity. The aggregate results indicate that expert systems are found to allow the user substantial control of search for solutions and discretion on whether to follow system recommendations, increased access to top management, and a decrease in the need for supervision. The systems allow the user the ability to solve a broader range of problems, while allowing the user the ability to perform more work. The comparison of auditing and tax expert systems indicates that audit systems seem to allow for greater control over search. Tax systems seem to allow more work to be done without supervision, make more decisions immediately, and allow the user to make a wider range of decisions.  相似文献   

一种流媒体在线计费系统研究和性能优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
流媒体应用中,预付费业务向计费系统提出了实时计费和实时控制的要求。分析了流媒体应用中现有计费方案存在的不足,设计了一种支持实时计费的流媒体在线计费系统,介绍了流媒体典型业务的在线计费流程,并利用内存数据库技术优化了系统的实时处理性能。实验表明设计的在线计费系统能有效满足流媒体业务实时计费的要求,具有良好的实用性。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a control strategy based on retuning a multi-rate PID controller in accordance with the variable delays detected in a networked control system, in order to avoid a decreased control performance. The basic idea is minimising the first-order Taylor terms of a performance measure via gain scheduling, i.e., making the controller gains delay dependent. As network delay is time-variant, the stability of this control approach will be proved by means of linear matrix inequalities.  相似文献   

针对电动汽车充电口视觉定位系统存在的配置成本高、图像处理算法复杂、环境适应性差等问题,提出了一种基于超声波测距的充电口位姿测量系统。首先对基于超声波的充电口位姿的测量技术进行了研究,然后对充电口的超声位姿重构进行了分析,采用了多点位超声融合的关键技术,最终实现了电动汽车充电口位姿的测量。实验结果表明测距模块在300~1200mm范围内测距精度可达±0.2959mm,位姿测量系统定位精度可达±1.5mm、±2.4°。经实际应用发现该系统具有较强的鲁棒性,达到了传统视觉定位装置的效果,满足了电动汽车充电口位姿测量的工程需求。  相似文献   

K. Sreenivasan 《Software》1976,6(2):239-244
A method of determining the utiliaztion of the processor, the channel and the disk device using the accounting data is described. Controlled experiments are performed with an IBM 370/155 in a dedicated environment using a software monitor, Configuration Utilization Evaluator (CUE). The accounting data collected by Systems Management Facility (SMF) during these experiments are used to calculate the utilization of the processor, the channel and the disk device. The calculated values compare favourably with those measured by the software monitor.  相似文献   

A distributed expert control system (DECSHZ) has been built for a hydrometallurgical zinc process, whose basic steps are leaching, purification and electrolysis. It consists of a central computer management system and three local expert control systems, one for each of the basic steps. This paper deals with the design and application of DECSHZ, especially its distributed architecture and main functions; expert control strategies based on rule models and a combination of rule models and steady-state mathematical models; system implementation; and the results of actual runs. DECSHZ has been found to provide not only a very pure product, but also significant economic benefits.  相似文献   

Emerging distributed applications increasingly require adequate tools and techniques for system- and application-level management. The integration of both aspects in an overall system framework is an important issue. This paper presents such a framework supporting advanced distributed applications in the context of the evolving Open Distributed Processing reference model. For system-level communication, an efficient subsystem providing advanced service capabilities is presented to cope with the increasing diversity of application service requirements. For application-level processing, a distributed object-based environment is offered. It implements location-independent invocation and object mobility and provides a high level of distribution transparency. The approach is augmented with tools and techniques for managing an overall application configuration.  相似文献   

On-line surveillance for safety and security is a major requirement of public transport and other public places to address the modern demands of mobility in major urban areas and to effect improvements in quality of life and environment protection. The surveillance task is a complex one involving technology, management procedures and people. Visual surveillance based on Closed Circuit Television system is an important part of such systems, but visual processing is not sufficient and the geographical distribution of devices and management has to be taken into account. In this paper we present a surveillance architecture that reflects the distributed nature of the monitoring task and allows for distributed detection processes, not only dealing with visual processing but also with devices such as acoustic signature detection and mobile smart cards, actuators and a range of other possible sensors. The design uses ideas from control engineering and distributed communications networks resulting in a communications architecture based on CORBA and XML messaging. We have shown how to define a generic device/sensor model appropriate for the surveillance task and sufficiently flexible so as to allow for scalability, expansion and customisation of a practical surveillance task. The paper gives sufficient details on the protocols to show how intelligent detection modules can be integrated as part of this kind of system. The system components have been implemented and integrated in two major successful trials in metropolitan railway stations in London and in Paris, as part of a major EU-funded project (PRISMATICA).  相似文献   

A distributed semantic network model for a collaborative intelligent system   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A methodology based on topology theory to model a semantic network for a collaborative system is given. This framework is used to support the creation of a semantic network and to define the associated intelligent cooperative system. Our methodology is illustrated via a set of agents whose knowledge-base is a semantic network. By a series of functions applied on a base of entities, issued from the application domain, a family of sets are synthesized with their subspaces correlated. The resultant subspaces and their relations form a network of elementary and complex concepts that can be naturally represented with the IDEF1x language. A prototype Multi-Agent System (MAS), set up with the Zeus platform,1 was developed for the Process Plan domain, which was used as a case study. Full correspondence among the subspaces, the semantic network IDEF1x information model and the MAS implementation is obtained by employing this framework.  相似文献   

计费系统(BOSS)是电信运营商最核心的业务支撑系统(BSS)之一,是提高服务质量、减少话费纠纷、提高管理经营效率的重要工具。分析了OCS在线计费系统处理用户资源申请的原理与模型,提出了解决预付费情况下多个用户同时使用同一个帐户进行资源申请时的资源分配方案。该方案通过机器学习改变资源分配的限定额,再定期地针对每个帐户进行计算得到该帐户最合理的初始时间片T,从而解决了限定额分配的问题。实验表明:与现有方案进行比较,该方案得到更好的用户体验。  相似文献   

In process-control system design, the Computer Aided Design (CAD) techniques have evolved a new generation of design techniques. This also paves the way for implementing Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS). However, the key issue to accomplishing the objectives in CAD is the automation of conceptual design. This paper first introduces the fundamentals of conceptual design for process-control system design. Then, a strategy to solve the problems in conceptual design is proposed. The associated system configuration and software implementation platform for developing intelligent systems for process control system design are presented. Finally, an application case is studied.  相似文献   

本文介绍了基于SJA1000的CAN总线在GKS-9000分散控制系统中的应用,给出了整个系统的结构包括硬件配置和软件流程图,同时对通讯协议的制定也做出了详尽的说明。该系统已在多个工程中投入使用,取得了满意的效果。  相似文献   

This paper describes a network-based video capture and processing peripheral, called the Vidboard, for a distributed multimedia system centered around a 1-Gbit/s asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network. The Vidboard is capable of generating full-motion video streams having a range of presentation (picture size, color space, etc.) and network (traffic, transport, etc.) characteristics. The board is also capable of decoupling video from the real-time constraints of the television world, which allows easier integration of video into the software environment of computer systems. A suite of ATM-based protocols has been developed for transmitting video from the Vidboard to a workstation, and a series of experiments are presented in which video is transmitted to a workstation for display.  相似文献   

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