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云母是一种性能独特的层状铝硅酸盐矿物,用途十分广泛。本文详细分析了云母矿物的晶体结构、表面性质及浮选药剂与云母的作用机理,综述了云母浮选捕收剂和抑制剂的研究现状,探讨了云母浮选传统工艺、新工艺和新装备的研究进展及实际应用。最后提出了云母浮选存在的问题并展望了未来的研究趋势。 相似文献
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Polytechnic Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk. Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 5, pp. 87–91, September–October, 1993. 相似文献
某长石尾矿Rb_2O品位为0.54%,主要矿物为云母和长石,Rb_2O主要赋存在云母矿物中。为了综合回收该尾矿中的铷,分别考察了矿浆在酸性(pH=3.0)和中性(pH=7.3)环境中,矿石不磨(-74μm占10%)与矿石粒度磨至-74μm占50%时的闭路试验指标。结果表明,矿石不磨时,酸性矿浆环境闭路试验和中性矿浆环境闭路试验所得精矿指标差异不大,精矿中Rb_2O品位分别为1.24%和1.21%,Rb_2O回收率分别为67.93%和67.72%。矿石磨矿至粒度-74μm占50%时,酸性矿浆环境闭路试验和中性矿浆环境闭路试验所得精矿指标差异较大,精矿中Rb_2O品位分别为1.04%和1.21%,Rb_2O回收率分别为80.91%和79.10%。BK414与十二胺联合使用,在中性矿浆环境中可实现云母与长石的浮选分离。研究结果可为开发利用该类型含铷云母矿物提供参考。 相似文献
甘肃某铷多金属矿中主要矿物成分比较简单,以长石、石英、云母为主,铷主要以类质同象形式分布于钾长石、锂云母中,矿物中铌、钽主要以铁铌锰矿、钽铁铌锰矿和铌铁钽锰矿形式存在。该矿石云母嵌布粒度范围广,嵌布关系复杂,重选难以回收,本试验研究确定采用浮选回收。在对该铷多金属矿进行矿石性质研究基础上,采用磨矿-脱泥-浮选工艺流程回收矿石中的锂云母,可获得Rb2O品位0.75%,回收率为28.31%的云母精矿。该试验研究结果可作为开发利用该类铷多金属矿的锂云母回收利用的基础技术依据。 相似文献
《Minerals Engineering》2006,19(13):1336-1340
The knowledge of the distributed performance of a flotation bank, consisting of a number of cells in series, is a key factor for different purposes such as process design, scale-up, diagnosis, operation, control and optimization. A common practice in plant operation is to develop mass balances around the whole flotation bank in order to characterize the overall recovery, typically in rougher flotation. However, testing to fit flotation rate models are seldom developed on industrial flotation banks because they are high consumers of human labor during sampling, mineral samples preparation and chemical analysis development. In this paper a short-cut method is proposed which allows obtaining the relevant information for flotation rate modeling in a flotation bank with minimum effort and cost, and within a reasonable accuracy (less than 1–2% error in estimating cell recovery along the bank). The procedure considers two mass balances, one around the first cell of the bank and the second is the overall mass balance around the whole flotation bank, with a total of only 5 sampling streams. Examples developed in four rougher flotation banks located in three industrial concentrators illustrate the merit of this procedure. 相似文献
A. A. Lipin 《Journal of Mining Science》2005,41(2):157-161
The state of borehole drilling by downhole pneumatic punchers and their potential use in open and underground mining as well
as in exploration for reliable samplign are analyzed. Performance specification is presented for the new-generation pneumatic
punchers equipped with a pin tool, effectively operating at a compressed-air pressure of 0.5...0.7 MPa, and with an additional
extended exhaust from the power stroke chamber during working cycle.
Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 2, pp. 74–78, March–April, 2005. 相似文献
A pilot-scale flotation apparatus has been developed for the purpose of determining floatability parameters for an ore. It has the capability to vary many of the important flotation variables allowing them to be investigated independently. Adjustable factors include: cell size, froth depth, feed, tailings and air volumetric flow rates and reagent addition rates.The flotation rig was commissioned successfully at BHP Billiton’s Cannington mine in North-West Queensland, Australia. It was found to supply a stable feed stream with air well distributed across the cell. At the test conditions, the relative standard deviation of the calculated galena overall recovery was found to be only 1%.Such an apparatus could prove invaluable in flotation research, allowing live streams from an operating industrial flotation plant to be processed continuously. The versatility of the design and accuracy of performance allow the investigation of most major flotation variables with confidence. 相似文献
以广东云浮某硫铁矿选矿厂的浮选尾矿为样品,采用浮选机-浮选柱联合分选工艺进行分选,充分利用浮选机和浮选柱两种设备的特性,在保证粗颗粒回收的同时强化了微细颗粒的回收。对原矿样品的粒度和硫含量进行了分析,结果表明硫主要分布于+74 μm和-10 μm两个粒级中。通过浮选机两次粗选、两次扫选、粗精矿再磨后两次精选流程的闭路试验,可从含硫6.91%的浮选入料中获得品位为33.42%、回收率为63.82%的硫精矿。在相同的药剂用量下,通过浮选机-浮选柱联合分选,可获得品位为32.68%、回收率为70.84%的硫精矿。粒级回收率分析表明,与单一浮选机工艺相比,浮选机-浮选柱联合分选后,-54 μm细粒级的回收率明显提高,尤其是-20 μm粒级,回收率提高了将近10个百分点。 相似文献
简要介绍了邢台矿选煤厂煤泥处理工艺流程,详细分析了浮选柱与浮选机各自的分选原理和特点,并根据邢台矿选煤厂工艺流程和入浮煤泥性质,通过对选前脱泥与不脱泥重介条件下旋流微泡浮选柱和机械搅拌式浮选机浮选工艺效果的分析,对比了两种浮选设备的分选工艺效果。 相似文献
S. A. Kondrat’ev V. I. Rostovtsev O. I. Yarovaya N. F. Salakhutdinov 《Journal of Mining Science》2011,47(4):514-521
The authors present experimental data on synthesis of new flotation agents, based on the renewable vegetal resource, and their applicability to floating copper-nickel ores. It is verified experimentally that the new flotation agents efficiently improve extraction of copper minerals. 相似文献
《Minerals Engineering》1999,12(9):1001-1019
This paper is aimed at producing a conceptual model for gold flotation based on the discussion of a number of experimental results where the behaviour of free and refractory gold has been studied under different chemical and physical conditions. A review of the literature suggests that there have been numerous studies on the flotation of free gold particles and refractory sulphides, but these investigations have typically focused on the individual flotation behaviour of each gold bearing species in synthetic mixtures and not when they are present together in “real” ores in the same pulp. The model discussed here shows that the flotation of refractory gold follows a similar trend to the recovery of refractory pyrite and pyrrhotite and is mainly affected by chemical conditions in the pulp such as redox potential, aeration conditions, copper activation, reagent synergism and galvanic interaction. Refractory gold is usually recovered by true flotation that is hydrophobic particle-bubble attachment, unless under certain conditions the physical transport of water and gangue provides a washing effect and detaches some of the sulphide material from the air bubbles. The flotation recovery of free gold is largely affected by physical constraints like the shape and size of the particles, the degree of water and gangue transport to the froth, the stability of the froth, and the extent of bubble loading of sulphide particles which can provide a barrier towards the hydrophobic bubble attachment of free gold. In each individual study the results suggest that the recovery of free gold follows a proportional trend with regard to water and gangue recovery. However, there is an inverse relationship between the true flotation of free and refractory gold due to the fact that free gold particles cannot attach to air bubbles properly in the presence of physical barriers. 相似文献
《Minerals Engineering》2003,16(11):1061-1068
Flotation is a difficult process to run efficiently. One way to make flotation performance better is to improve cell level control. However, controlling pulp levels in flotation cells is a complex control task because of strong interactions between the levels in flotation cells. Therefore advanced controllers are needed to give good level control. This paper deals with a model of six flotation cells in series. Simulations are performed to compare different control strategies. Four control strategies are considered: one SISO controller and three different MIMO controllers including a new multivariable controller. It is shown that level control performances of the MIMO controllers are significantly better than that of the classical SISO controller. 相似文献
在工艺矿物学研究基础上,对某含银铜硫矿石进行了优先浮选与混合浮选工艺试验研究,经条件试验,确定了药剂制度并进行了实验室小型浮选闭路试验。试验结果显示,在磨矿细度-74μm占90%条件下,采用铜硫优先浮选工艺,经一次粗选两次精选两次扫选铜,可获得铜品位为20.17%、回收率为98.41%、银品位为277.9g/t、回收率为92.38%的铜精矿;经一次粗选两次精选两次扫选硫,获得硫品位37.11%、硫回收率43.76%的硫精矿。在磨矿细度-74μm占80%条件下,采用铜硫混合浮选工艺,经一次粗选三次精选两次扫选获得铜硫精矿,再经一次粗选一次精选一次扫选实现铜硫分离,铜精矿铜品位为20.03%、回收率为93.37%、银品位为259.5g/t、回收率为82.41%;硫精矿硫品位32.34%、硫回收率26.01%。优先浮选精矿铜、银品位及回收率高于混合浮选工艺,且优先浮选工艺过程稳定可靠,药剂制度简单,适合生产,对类似的含银铜硫矿石工艺流程的选择具有重要参考价值。 相似文献
通过三乙醇胺对油酸进行酯化改性,获得油酸酯化改性捕收剂,经红外光谱分析表明,具有明显特征吸收峰。通过浮选机理研究,在试验用量范围内,胶磷矿纯矿物与改性捕收剂作用后接触角可达87.23°(此时上浮回收率达97.87%);油酸改性捕收剂引入亲水基团,CMC提高19.58倍,在水中溶解性增加;同时改性后的捕收剂分子截面积由7.27 ?2增大至9.51 ?2,分子截面积提高了30.81%。药剂作用机理的研究,对与纯矿物来自同一矿山的低品位磷矿石浮选具有较强理论指导意义。 相似文献