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辜长明 《光学仪器》2010,32(3):49-54
为了实现将LED应用于基于光纤传输的照明系统中以替代传统光源,首先简要介绍了基于光纤传输照明系统的应用及组成,描述了LED应用于光纤传输照明系统设计的光学扩展量理论。根据光学扩展量理论分析了LED选型方法,总结了基于LED光纤传输照明系统的设计原则和要点。然后应用设计实例:基于红,绿和蓝三色LED合光的光纤照明模组,详述了设计过程,给出了测试数据。结果表明:LED可以应用于光纤传输照明系统中替代传统光源,市场前景广阔。  相似文献   

基于运动导轨、多测试工位、计算机控制和LabVIEW软件开发,通过集成多种LED特性测试仪器,开发一套LED光源综合发光特性连续测试试系统,使待测的LED光源依次经过基于光强测试、基于积分球测试和基于光强空间分布测试的3个测试工位,实现LED光源的光、电、色等综合发光特性的自动连续测试。该套系统具有综合、自动、集成、连续、在线的突出优点,大大提高LED测试仪器的集成度和自动化水平,并有助于提高测试数据和结果的可靠性和准确性。  相似文献   

A technique for obtaining differential interference contrast (DIC) imaging using a confocal microscope system is examined and its features compared to those of existing confocal differential phase contrast (DPC) techniques as well as to conventional Nomarski DIC. A theoretical treatment of DIC imaging is presented, which takes into account the vignetting effect caused by the finite size of the lens pupils. This facilitates the making of quantitative measurements in DIC and allows the user to identify and select the most appropriate system parameters, such as the bias retardation and lateral shear of the Wollaston prism.  相似文献   

LED光源光强空间分布特性的快速测试   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍一种LED光源光强空间分布特性的快速测试方法及装置,具有测试速度快,精度高,信息量丰富,更具有实时性和直观性的显著优点。采用31个光度探测器的多路同步测试方法,取代1个光度探测器多点测试,同时基于PC和LabVIEW开发测试软件,进行LED光源的二维光强空间分布特性的快速测试,测试时间小于0.2s,通过增加LED光源相对旋转机构,也可快速获取LED光源三维光强空间分布立体图。  相似文献   

一种小型LED照明工具的设计方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王乐  鲍超 《光学仪器》2005,27(1):57-62
发光二极管同诸如白炽灯、荧光灯和气体放电灯等传统的光源比较,有着显著的优势,将成为新一代的照明光源。为了使其在照明领域的应用越来越广泛,对LED照明设计的方法做了初步研究,给出了LED光源的计算方法和相应的光学器件的设计原理。用一种小型LED照明工具的设计实例来证明了此设计方法的可行和便捷。  相似文献   

侯珏  刘陈 《光学仪器》2010,32(1):90-94
结合当今医疗环境对光源的特殊要求,论文对半导体发光二极管(LED)与传统光源进行比较分析;以此为基础,对LED在医用照明、医学治疗和医疗诊断中的工作原理、发展应用现状进行综述;分析了LED在医疗卫生中应用的可行性、优越性及不足;最后,分析讨论了LED在医学应用方面的发展方向和应用前景。  相似文献   

Epithelial cell dynamics can be difficult to study in intact animals or tissues. Here we use the medusa form of the hydrozoan Clytia hemisphaerica, which is covered with a monolayer of epithelial cells, to test the efficacy of an orientation‐independent differential interference contrast microscope for in vivo imaging of wound healing. Orientation‐independent differential interference contrast provides an unprecedented resolution phase image of epithelial cells closing a wound in a live, nontransgenic animal model. In particular, the orientation‐independent differential interference contrast microscope equipped with a 40x/0.75NA objective lens and using the illumination light with wavelength 546 nm demonstrated a resolution of 460 nm. The repair of individual cells, the adhesion of cells to close a gap, and the concomitant contraction of these cells during closure is clearly visualized.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the development and manufacture of an automated optical inspection (AOI) system for light emitting diode (LED) properties, which include the luminance and forward voltage. We use the concept of graphic supervisory control to combine LabVIEW software and programmable logic controller (PLC) for the motion control. By connecting the analog input block, PLC would read the forward voltage to judge whether this value is too large or not. In LED optical inspection, LabVIEW software is employed to coordinate charge coupled device (CCD) camera interface in acquiring data and processing image analysis. The LED luminance is inspected according to whether or not it achieves the desired standard pixels of binary morphologic area. In the inspection process, LEDs quickly advance on rail, and a pneumatic cylinder will sort them into different storages by PLC. The system characteristics mainly include automated platform control and imaging inspection. From experiments, the LED inspection speed could achieve 40-45 pieces per minute. For luminance inspection, the rate of accuracy approaches 100% when the inspection in a dark room or the brightness of exterior environments is fixed.  相似文献   

远场均匀照明的LED排列设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭靖  金尚忠 《光学仪器》2009,31(1):56-60
为了实现远场的照度均匀性,在已设计的LED平面排列组合的基础上,提出了LED白光照明单元的球面排列设计方法。相比平面的排列,把LED照明单元组合排列在半球形表面,在被照接收面上产生更宽角度的照度分布。并对几种不同排列的LED照明单元进行分析,建立了光学模型和设计方程式,模拟出远场的照度分布情况。结果表明在极限角度内LED球形排列具有均匀广泛的远场照度分布。  相似文献   

基于LED光谱分布可调光源的设计   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
发光二极管(LED)是一种半导体固体发光器件。在可见-近红外波段的光辐射测量和光电探测器的定标中,发光二极管显示出高辐射亮度、高电光转换效率、可组合调配光谱分布、发光性能稳定等独特优点,可作为辐射度学,光度学和色度学研究的新型参考光源。本文介绍了一种光谱分布可调光源的设计,它由积分球和大量不同颜色的LED组成。在可见波段,这种光源能产生不同光谱分布,可以模拟很多不同光源的光谱分布。光源设计通过仿真使光源的光谱分布模拟目标光源的光谱分布,并设计了电源控制箱精确地控制每个LED模块。这种新型光源在光辐射测量中可以作为一种传递标准。  相似文献   

Current optical methods to collect Nomarski differential interference contrast (DIC) or phase images with a transmitted light detector (TLD) in conjunction with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) can be technically challenging and inefficient. We describe for the first time a simple method that combines the use of the commercial product QPm (Iatia, Melbourne Australia) with brightfield images collected with the TLD of a CLSM, generating DIC, phase, Zernike phase, dark-field or Hoffman modulation contrast images. The brightfield images may be collected at the same time as the confocal images. This method also allows the calculation of contrast-enhanced images from archival data. The technique described here allows for the creation of contrast-enhanced images such as DIC or phase, without compromising the intensity or quality of confocal images collected simultaneously. Provided the confocal microscope is equipped with a motorized z-drive and a TLD, no hardware or optical modifications are required. The contrast-enhanced images are calculated with software using the quantitative phase-amplitude microscopy technique ( Barone-Nugent et al., 2002 ). This technique, being far simpler during image collection, allows the microscopist to concentrate on their confocal imaging and experimental procedures. Unlike conventional DIC, this technique may be used to calculate DIC images when cells are imaged through plastic, and without the use of expensive strain-free objective lenses.  相似文献   

为解决汽车用发光二极管的散热问题,将散热器的结构进行优化,对某LED车灯散热器进行参数化建模,利用仿真软件对每一组散热器进行热力学仿真分析,并结合汽车静止和行驶两种工况,通过改变不同参数的参数值研究该参数对散热器散热效能的影响。根据参数值—温度曲线选定最合适的参数值,以此对散热器进行优化设计。通过实物加工并设计实验平台对仿真计算结果进行实验,验证了优化参数的正确性。  相似文献   

LED照明产品的空间色度和光度分布是衡量其产品质量的一项重要指标,但传统的空间色度测量技术光谱采集耗时长、效率低,因此研究一种快速精确测量LED空间色度和光度分布的技术显得尤为重要。基于对测动一体空间光谱同步扫描技术、智能精确采样间隔判定技术和LED空间颜色分布综合分析技术的研究,构建了一套快速测量LED空间色度和光度的测量系统。实验结果表明,该系统较之传统测量系统,在确保精度的基础上,测量速度有较大提高,有效地提升了空间测量的效率。  相似文献   

用于植物照明的LED阵列设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于温室植物光学作用和光形态调节原理,设计了两种用于植物照明的发光二极管(LED)阵列.通过推导阵列的辐射照度叠加公式并根据叠加公式对阵列进行仿真优化.两种阵列均采用红蓝LED相结合的方式排列,其中阵列1红光和蓝光LED的数量比是1∶1,阵列2红光和蓝光LED的数量比是4∶1.通过光学模拟软件Tracepro对照射平面...  相似文献   

We have developed a method to automatically segment notochord cell boundaries from differential interference contrast (DIC) timelapse images of the elongating ascidian tail. The method is based on a specialized parametric active contour, the network snake, which can be initialized as a network of arbitrary but fixed topology and provides an effective framework for simultaneously segmenting multiple touching cells. Several modifications to the original network snake were necessary for high-quality segmentation, including linear Gaussian derivative filtering to reconstruct edge maps from DIC images and a new energy function to improve the segmentation of critical cell-cell vertices. We find that post-intercalation ascidian notochord cells exhibit two distinct cell behaviors: lateral cell edges expand along the AP axis while showing a rapid pulsatile behavior, whereas anterior and posterior cell edges contract smoothly.  相似文献   

LED以其体积小、控制灵活、光色纯、耐震动、启动时间快,在功耗、寿命以及以及环保方面均有不可比拟的优越性;广泛应用于照明产品之中,地位举足轻重,更成为新一代摩托车光源技术的首选。如何设计LED摩托车前照灯的关健部件光学系统组件,成为了摩托车前照灯产品上利用LED光源的一个主要研究课题。  相似文献   

多主色LED照明光源的相关色温调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过建立光电热(PET)模型,研究了发光二极管(LED)光源相关色温(CCT)的模型预测控制方法,实现了多主色LED光源的相关色温控制。首先,提出了热平衡状态稳定假设和修正的非对称高斯函数作为基函数的假设;根据软模型建模思路,用最小二乘估计求解各个模型参量的回归子模型,分析光谱敏感系数曲线随CCT变化的关系。然后,通过重力线法调试出在3 000,4 500和6 500K下3个常用色温点处所需的电流控制量。最后,在调设好的电流控制量上加以一定的无规则扰动产生一组验证数据,用于评价模型精度。实验结果表明:建立的多主色LED光源的PET数学模型能够很好地通过电流控制量和环境温度来预测LED的热沉温度和多主色合成光谱功率分布函数,进而能够预测控制色温,具有很好的模型精度。得到的色度坐标预测精度优于±0.005,CCT预测精度优于±150K。提出的基于模型的控制方法不仅适用于常用LED光源的CCT调控,还可推广到更多通道的LED光源的色度及CCT控制中。  相似文献   

Application of light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) in frequency‐domain fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) has been limited by the trade‐off between modulation frequency and illumination intensity of LEDs, which affects the signal‐to‐noise ratio in fluorescence lifetime measurements. To increase modulation frequency without sacrificing output power of LEDs, we propose to use LEDs with multiple dice connected in series. The LED capacitance was reduced with series connection; therefore, the frequency response of multidie LED was significantly increased. LEDs in visible light, including blue, green, amber and red, were all applicable in FLIM. We also present a homogenizing optics design, so that multidie LEDs produced uniform illumination on the same focal spot. When the homogenizing optics was combined with multicolour emitters, it provides multiple colour selection in a compact and convenient design.  相似文献   

白莹  谢国庆 《光学仪器》2013,35(2):58-62
为了设计一款配光简单、光照均匀的LED台灯,从抛物线的光学特性出发,详细说明了LED光源的放置位置对出光效果的影响。证明了把LED面光源放置在中心轴上焦点与抛物线顶点之间的适当位置,可以使光线均匀发散。利用抛物线的这个特性,经过多次实验把单颗LED面光源放在旋转抛物反光镜顶点与焦点之间的正确位置,在距台灯400 mm、面积为1 000mm×1 000mm的平面得到了均匀的光照。在总体光通量基本不变的情况下,把10个如此配光组合按一定尺寸排列成2×5分布的光源模块,能很好地达到台灯的标准配光要求。  相似文献   

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