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山葡萄单株留果量对产量和果实品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为提高山葡萄生产栽培果实质量和产量,以双红、双优和左优红为试材,进行单株不同留果量的试验。结果表明:随着单株留果量和产量的增多,植株萌芽率、穗重、粒重、果实含糖量和出汁率大幅度降低,而果穗小青粒和果实总酸大幅度增高;适宜的单株留果量为50~70个。  相似文献   

酿造冰红山葡萄酒新品种北冰红,采用行株距3.0 m×0.75 m小棚架栽培,进行了单株留果量试验.结果表明:随着单株留果量的增多,其产量、果穗上的小青粒和果实总酸含量大幅度增高,果穗和果粒重量、果实含糖量和出汁率降低,其中:单株保留30个果穗的植株表现产量低,保留90个果穗的试验树表现当年产量高,但由于树体负载量大,晚秋枝蔓不能充分成熟,导致第二年出现“歇树”和部分植株死蔓,比试验当年大幅度减产.而单株保留50 ~ 70个果穗的试验处理,果穗紧凑,小青粒少,糖酸含量适宜,试验当年及第二年产量适中,此留果量不仅可保证树体负载适量,正常生长发育和开花结果、稳产,还可保证果实品质.  相似文献   

新疆玛纳斯地区作为中国优质葡萄酒生产的一个重要产区,适宜其风土的酿酒葡萄品种在不断地引进与推广。本文对红色酿酒葡萄品种‘美乐’的4个无性系(美乐343、美乐346、美乐348及美乐181)在新疆玛纳斯产区的栽培表现和冬剪留节数进行了研究,调查探究了其植物学性状、结果习性、生物学特性、栽培技术要点。在冬剪时设置不同剪留节数,通过调查萌芽率,结果枝率及结果系数来探究适宜的冬剪截留节数。结果表明,该品种4个无性系性状相近,抗病性较强,生长势较旺盛;成熟时果实品质好,可溶性固形物含量较高,果穗紧实度适中,适于当地推广种植;短枝留节数控制在3节或4节为适宜的冬剪方式。  相似文献   

不同留芽量对赤霞珠葡萄产量及果实品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以4年生酿酒葡萄赤霞珠为试材,研究了不同树形、不同留芽量对葡萄果实品质及产量的影响。结果表明,双蔓双臂树形产量明显高于"厂"字型,不同树形下产量与留芽量密切相关,均随留芽量的减少而下降;不同留芽量处理对双干双臂树形下果实单粒质量基本无影响,"厂"字型树形下,与对照相比,每米留芽21个能显著增加果实单粒质量,每米留芽15个和18个又分别明显降低了上层和下层果实的单粒质量;每米架面留12个芽能够显著提高双蔓双臂树形下层果实的含糖量和"厂"字型树形上、下层果实的含酸量,每米架面留15和18个芽能显著提高双蔓双臂树形下上、下层果实的含酸量25%~35%,但对含糖量影响不大。  相似文献   

冰酒葡萄品种威代尔主要栽培措施筛选试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨冰酒葡萄品种威代尔优质高效综合栽培技术,进行了不同架式、夏季修剪、适宜负载量、冬剪、越冬防寒等配套栽培技术试验研究。结果发现,株行距为0.5m×3m的小棚架产量和固酸比较高;夏季修剪果穗以上留10片叶摘心果实可溶性固形物含量较高;10月16日采收,果实含可溶性固形物22.86%,总酸1.01%。株产3.5kg,适宜的叶果比和枝果比为11.2:1和1:1.3;冬季修剪,结果母枝适宜剪留长度为单芽或双芽;覆土越冬防寒深度15cm和盖膜+覆土10cm适于冰酒葡萄越冬防寒。  相似文献   

玫瑰香葡萄副梢叶片对花芽分化及花序大小的初步效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国现行葡萄栽培条件下,副梢处理是一项重要的夏季管理工作。当前,生产上大致采用以下几种方法:1.结果新梢顶端只留1—2个副梢,留2—6叶反复摘心,其余全部抹除,2.各节副梢全部抹除,使顶端冬芽萌发,冬芽梢留5—6叶反复摘心;3.果枝最上端果穗以上  相似文献   

以‘白罗莎里奥’葡萄为试材,叶面喷施不同浓度的水杨酸和壳聚糖,进行果实成熟后留树保鲜试验。通过测定留树期间果实品质、烂果率、生理指标及休眠期冬芽发育的变化,分析评价水杨酸和壳聚糖在留树保鲜中的应用效果。结果表明:两种药剂对果实留树保鲜的效果良好,表现较佳的水杨酸使用浓度为1.5 mmol/L,壳聚糖使用浓度为0.1%。高浓度的水杨酸和低浓度的壳聚糖均可有效延缓葡萄留树期间果实品质的变化,降低葡萄果实中丙二醛的含量和多酚氧化酶活性,减少烂果,同时又能促进冬芽的发育。因此认为,水杨酸和壳聚糖可以作为保鲜剂延长葡萄的挂果期。  相似文献   

通过对酿酒葡萄‘赤霞珠’单位面积的不同果穗数量进行试验比较,测定试验植株的叶片生长情况、果实质量、枝条成熟度等相关数据。结果表明:在河北省张家口市涿怀盆地,栽植的10年生酿酒葡萄‘赤霞珠’,采用株行距0.5 m×2.5 m的栽植密度、1.8 m架高的双臂篱架栽培方式,在设定的各不同果穗留量处理中,以每平方米架面留25穗果(即约5 kg)的处理表现最好。该处理葡萄叶片肥厚健壮、果实质量较高,且枝、芽成熟度好,各测定指标总体达最好效果。  相似文献   

为了探讨冰酒葡萄品种威代尔优质高效综合栽培技术,进行了不同架式、夏季修剪、适宜负载量、冬剪、越冬防寒等配套栽培技术试验研究。结果发现,株行距为0.5m×3m的小棚架产量和固酸比较高;夏季修剪果穗以上留10片叶摘心果实可溶性固形物含量较高;10月16日采收,果实含可溶性固形物22.86%,总酸1.01%。株产3.5kg,适宜的叶果比和枝果比为11.2:1和1:1.3;冬季修剪,结果母枝适宜剪留长度为单茅或双茅;覆土越冬防寒深度15cm和盖膜+覆土10cm适于冰酒葡萄越冬防寒。  相似文献   

试验以5年生的夏黑葡萄为试材,通过结果枝上不同留叶数的观测,研究对其果实品质和产量的影响。结果表明,在一定范围内,随着留叶量的增加,其果实坐果率、果穗重、果实含糖量、糖酸比和产量呈递增趋势。其中,当单穗果留叶量为6~10片时,其商品性和果实品质较差;当单穗果留叶量为12~16片时,其产量显著提高、品质性状更优良,且单穗留12~14片叶量时果实品质指标增长率显著高于14~16片叶量,故生产中单穗果最佳留叶量为12~14片。另外,调查发现,有效叶面积为130 cm×125 cm(长×宽)时即可满足夏黑单果穗生长发育,过少会影响光合效果,降低产量,过多则透光性差。  相似文献   

Aerial image analysis was utilised to predict dormant pruning weights between two growing seasons. We utilised an existing in-row spacing trial in order to examine the relationship between dormant pruning weights and remotely sensed data. The experimental vineyard had a constant between-row spacing (2.44 m) and five different in-row spacings (0.91, 1.52, 2.13, 2.74 and 3.35 m) resulting in spatial variation in canopy volume and dormant pruning weights (kg/metre of row). It was shown that the ratio vegetation index (NIR/R) was linearly correlated with field-wide measurements of pruning weight density (dormant pruning weight per metre of canopy) for both the 1998 and 1999 growing seasons (r2= 0.68 and 0.88, respectively). Additionally, it was shown that the regression parameters remained consistent between the two growing seasons allowing for an inter-annual comparison such that the vegetation index vs canopy parameter relationship determined for the 1998 growing season was used to predict field-wide pruning weight densities in the 1999 growing season prior to harvest.  相似文献   

花芽分化是葡萄产量形成的生理基础。为了解葡萄不同节位芽发育的情况,本试验以6年生藤稔品种为试材,通过在枝条不同节位进行修剪并仅保留顶部2个芽的处理,研究了不同节位芽萌发新梢的开花及结果习性。结果表明,不同节位的修剪处理均不同程度地增加了结果枝的粗度和花序数,果穗和果实性状也有所提高。  相似文献   

均匀设计在烤烟栽培技术中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用均匀设计,研究烤烟施氮量、种植密度和留叶数对烤烟单叶质量、产量、产值、化学成分、香气成分和感官品质的影响。结果表明,在黔南烟区地膜覆盖栽条件下,以每667m2施纯氮7.0~7.5kg,密度1100~1200株(行距110cm,株距50~55cm),留叶数20~22片为宜。  相似文献   

The number of primary branches (those branches that arise directly from the rachis) and the total number of flowers were counted for inflorescences of Vitis vinifera L. cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon over a range of climates and a number of seasons as part of a yield prediction study. Regression analysis indicated that the number of primary branches per inflorescence exerted a strong control over the total number of flowers per inflorescence, with highly significant ( P < 0.01) relationships explaining between 51 and 80% of the variation in flowers per inflorescence. Because the extent of primary branching is largely determined prior to grapevine buds entering dormancy, this strong functional association between branching and flower numbers, suggests that season-to-season differences in potential inflorescence size will be greatly affected by conditions during that phase of primordial differentiation in the previous growing season. A general tendency for the number of flowers per inflorescence to be positively related to other measures of vine fertility, supports this view. Lower orders of branching (secondary and tertiary) down to formation of individual flowers at budburst, also have the potential to influence eventual inflorescence size. As to the timing of such influences, we noted that increased severity of winter pruning significantly increased both flowers per inflorescence (by 9%) and the number of primary branches per inflorescence (by 21%). Such responses provide strong support for our contention that although the extent of primary branching is largely determined prior to grapevine buds entering dormancy, differentiation of new primary branches in Cabernet Sauvignon inflorescences continues to occur after the onset of dormancy.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Earlier papers have shown the utility of the whole‐of‐block approach to viticultural experimentation for assessing the relative merits of different mid‐row management strategies to improve vine vigour, and ‘reduced input’ spray programs for the control of fungal disease. Here, a similar approach was used to evaluate alternative canopy management strategies as a means of improving grape and wine quality in a Shiraz vineyard in the Coonawarra region of South Australia. Methods and Results: Two different canopy management strategies were compared: the existing practice of spur pruning to 45–50 buds per vine and shoot trimming (control) in comparison to spur pruning to 35 buds per vine, shoot thinning and shoot trimming (SPST). Contrasting treatment effects, both in terms of treatment response and its spatial extent, were observed during the trial. In 2005, the SPST treatment led to a significant improvement in some fruit quality parameters and a decline in yield. In 2006, significant treatment effects were only observed for bunch weight and the number of berries per bunch. Whilst reasons for these contrasting effects could not be deduced from the available data, it was demonstrated that the inherent variability of vine vigour within the block had a greater effect than the applied treatments. Conclusions: Consistent with the other whole‐of‐block experiments described in this series, we conclude that this experimental approach offers advantages in comparison to plot‐based approaches to viticultural experimentation. The spatial information obtained in this study created a better understanding of inherent vineyard heterogeneity and the effects this has on control options for vine vigour and grape composition than would have derived from a plot‐based experiment. Significance of the Study: This study is the first application of the whole‐of‐block experimental approach to assessment of alternative canopy management options. The work provides further demonstration of the value which accrues through using spatial variability as an experimental tool.  相似文献   

Yield components of the parthenocarpic cultivar Zante were analysed for five vineyards of diverse age and management. The data was obtained as part of an experiment to improve fruit set and yield by applying combinations of gibberellin and 2-chloroethyltrimethyl ammonium chloride or 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid. Four of the vineyards were located in the Brockman valley north of Perth, Western Australia, two of these were irrigated, one was rain fed and one received supplementary flood irrigation. The fifth lay in an adjacent area of coastal sand plain, at the foot of the Darling scarp, and was irrigated. The vines were aged from 6 to 50 years.
Principal component analysis showed that vine age was negatively correlated with vigour (pruning weight) and with berry number per bunch. Vine age however was not strongly related to either yield or yield components (bunch number and berry volume). Sugar concentration was negatively correlated with all yield components but imprecisely modelled based on any combination of the measured variables. Berry number per vine appeared to be the underlying factor determining 'sink' strength though this was inextricably confounded with bunch number per vine. Interpretation of the data leads to the conclusion that increased berry volume is an inefficient means of increasing dried yield. This conclusion argues for caution in the application of plant growth regulators that act primarily to increase berry volume.
Yield of sugar per vine was accurately modelled based on second order relationships with bunch number per vine, berry number per bunch, berry volume and pruning weight. Vine age also showed a second order relationship to yield although the range was relatively small. The observations are considered in terms of developing strategies for maximising dried yield and devising mathematical models to account for photoassimilate (dry matter) partitioning in Vitis .  相似文献   

The effects of vineyard site, season, clone and viticultural management practices were examined as possible sources of variability in seed development between populations of grape berries, cvs Traminer, Riesling and Pinot Noir. Mean values for number and weight of seeds per berry were similar in most seasons and sites, but some were significantly different. In some but not all cases, smaller means for seed number per berry were associated with larger mean weight per seed. Trellising, training, pruning level, canopy manipulation and regulation of bunch number per vine had little effect on seed complement per berry except that mean weight per seed was smaller with minimal pruning. Reduction in water supply imposed after flowering did not alter seed number but reduced seed weight. Berries of boron-deficient vines had fewer and smaller seeds. The implications of seed development for berry development are discussed.  相似文献   

福建南平烟区是我国最具潜力的优质低焦油主料烟产区之一,群体调控技术对优质烟叶原料生产具有重要意义。为了探讨南平优质低焦油烟叶群体调控技术的耦合作用,本研究通过连续两年施氮量、株距和留叶数3因素312-D饱和最优设计试验,分析了基于焦油量、感官质量和单位产值的综合得分指标变化,并寻优了南平烟区优质低焦油烟叶群体调控技术管理方案。结果表明,试验水平上影响综合得分的单因子主效应表现为株距>施氮量≈留叶数,边际效应表现相反,两因素耦合效应存在相互促进作用。不同综合得分目标的组合寻优方案中,以中肥中等群体耦合效果最佳,综合得分超过0.8的优化管理方案为施氮量6.188~10.089 kg/666.7 m2,株距0.398~0.626 m,留叶15.460~19.749片,其中可接受的最大降焦效果优化方案为施氮量8.976 kg/666.7 m2,株距为0.437 m,留叶数为17.229。  相似文献   

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