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This article examines the performance effects caused by repeated part visits at the workstations of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS). Such repeated part visits to the same workstations are commonly associated with fixture changes for machining complex parts, reclamping, and remounting or reorienting them. Since each of the repeated visits to a workstation may require different processing requirements, the resulting queueing network does not have a product form solution. We therefore develop an approximate mean value analysis model for performance evaluation of an FMS that may produce multiple part types with distinct repeated visits.We provide numerical examples and validate the accuracy of our solution algorithm against simulation. These examples show that the proposed model produces accurate throughput and utilization predictions with minimal computational efforts. These examples reveal that increasing the total pallet population may result in a reduction of the aggregate throughput, and that the FMS's performance could be more sensitive to the mix of pallets and part routes than to the total number of pallets. Our model will be of use, in particular, when managers wish to control individual operations (e.g., to adjust individual operation times to achieve economic savings in tool wear and breakage costs) or to investigate the performance implications of route changes due to alternate assignments of particular manufacturing tasks to certain workstations.  相似文献   

Performance management of communication networks is critical for speed, reliability, and flexibility of information exchange between different components, subsystems, and sectors (e.g., factory, engineering design, and administration) of production process organizations in the environment of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). Essential to this distributed total manufacturing system is the integrated communications network over which the information leading to process interactions and plant management and control is exchanged. Such a network must be capable of handling heterogeneous traffic resulting from intermachine communications at the factory floor, CAD drawings, design specifications, and administrative information. The objective is to improve the efficiency in handling various types of messages, e.g., control signals, sensor data, and production orders, by on-line adjustment of the parameters of the network protocol.This paper presents a conceptual design, development, and implementation of a network performance management scheme for CIM applications including flexible manufacturing. The performance management algorithm is formulated using the concepts of: (1) Perturbation analysis of discrete event dynamic systems; (2) stochastic approximation; and (3) learning automata. The proposed concept for performance management can also serve as a general framework to assist design, operation, and management of flexible manufacturing systems.The performance management procedure has been tested via emulation on a network test bed that is based on the manufacturing automation protocol (MAP) which has been widely used for CIM networking. The conceptual design presented in this paper offers a step forward to bridging the gap between management standards and users' demands for efficient network operations since most standards such as ISO and IEEE address only the architecture, services, and interfaces for network management.This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation under Research Grant No. DDM-90-15173.  相似文献   

In this article we consider the problem of determining the minimum cost configuration (number of machines and pallets) for a flexible manufacturing system with the constraint of meeting a prespecified throughput, while simultaneously allocating the total workload among the machines (or groups of machines). Our procedure allows consideration of upper and lower bounds on the workload at each machine group. These bounds arise as a consequence of precedence constraints among the various operations and/or limitations on the number or combinations of operations that can be assigned to a machine because of constraints on tool slots or the space required to store assembly components. Earlier work on problems of this nature assumes that the workload allocation is given. For the single-machine-type problem we develop an efficient implicit enumeration procedure that uses fathoming rules to eliminate dominated configurations, and we present computational results. We discuss how this procedure can be used as a building block in solving the problem with multiple machine types.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical programming model to help select equipment for a flexible manufacturing system, i.e., the selection of the types and numbers of CNC machines, washing stations, load/unload stations, transportation vehicles, and pallets. The objective is to minimize equipment costs and work-in-process inventory cost, while fulfilling production requirements for an average period. Queueing aspects and part flow interactions are considered with the help of a Jacksonian-type closed queueing network model in order to evaluate the system's performance. Since the related decision problem of our model can be shown to be NP-complete, the proposed solution procedure is based on implicit enumeration. Four bounds are provided, two lower and two upper bounds. A tight lower bound is obtained by linearizing the model through the application of asymptotic bound analysis. Furthermore, asymptotic bound analysis allows the calculation of a lower bound for the number of pallets in the system. The first upper bound is given by the best feasible solution and the second is based on the anti-starshaped form of the throughput function.  相似文献   

Evaluating the design of flexible manufacturing systems is complex. Developing a measure of performance useful for evaluating alternate designs continues to be interesting. Here, total productivity of the system is proposed as an appropriate measure. Specification of parameters based upon strategic considerations for this measure are discussed. Finally, the usefulness of the measure is demonstrated through an example.  相似文献   

The capacity of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is optimized with the objective to maximize the system's throughput, while a budget constraint is considered. Decisions are performed on the capacity of machine groups (sets of identical machines), the transportation system and, in case of a significant cost impact, the number of pallets in the system. Throughput evaluation is achieved either by an open finite queueing network or by a closed queueing network if the number of pallets is included in the decision process. For both cases the solution procedure is based on the marginal allocation scheme.  相似文献   

Problems related to the flow management of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) are here formulated in terms of combinatorial optimization. We consider a system consisting of several multitool automated machines, each one equipped with a possibly different tool set and linked to each other by a transportation system for part moving. The system operates with a given production mix.The focused flow-management problem is that of finding the part routings allowing for an optimal machine workload balancing. The problem is formulated in terms of a particular capacity assignment problem.With the proposed approach, a balanced solution can be achieved by routing parts on a limited number of different paths. Such a balancing routing can be found in polynomial time. We also give polynomial-time and-space algorithms for choosing, among all workload-balancing routings, the ones that minimize the global amount of part transfer among all machines.  相似文献   

We present a rough-cut analysis tool that quickly determines a few potential cost-effective designs at the initial design stage of flexible assembly systems (FASs) prior to a detailed analysis such as simulation. It uses quantitative methods for selecting and configuring the components of an FAS suitable for medium to high volumes of several similar products. The system is organized as a series of assembly stations linked with an automated material-handling system moving parts in a unidirectional flow. Each station consists of a single machine or of identical parallel machines. The methods exploit the ability of flexible hardware to switch almost instantaneously from product to product. Our approach is particularly suitable where the product mix is expected to be stable, since we combine the hardware-configuration phase with the task-allocation phase.For the required volume of products, we use integer programming to select the number of stations and the number of machines at each station and to allocate tasks to stations. We use queueing network analysis, which takes into account the mean and variance of processing times among different products to determine the necessary capacity of the material-handling system. We iterate between the two analyses to find the combined solution with the lowest costs. Work-in-process costs are also included in the analysis. Computational results are presented.  相似文献   

Good methods are needed to specify, test, and debug material-handling control logic. This article surveys a number of representative methods for defining and describing control algorithms for programmable material-handling equipment used in flexible manufacturing systems. The methods are evaluated with regard to their suitability for communication between people and as bases for interfaces to automatic program generators. It is concluded that no single method is entirely satisfactory. Three methods (position diagrams, function block diagrams, and operation networks) have potential to be combined into an effective hybrid approach that minimizes the need for the user to switch between various conceptual models.  相似文献   

In automated production systems like flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs), an important issue is to find an adequate workload for each machine for each time period. Many integer linear programming (ILP) models have been proposed to solve the FMS loading problems, but not all of them take tools into account. Those that do not consider tooling are quite unrealistic, especially when setup times are important with respect to processing times. When tool loading has to be handled by the model, the load assignment may have to be changed completely.In this article we consider FMSs with a tool management of the following type: the system works in time periods whose durations are fixed or not; and tools are loaded on the machines at the beginning of each time period and stay there for the whole time period. Tool changes may occur only at the end of each time period when the system is stopped.We present some integer programming models for handling these situations with several types of objectives. Emphasis is laid on the ILP formulations. Computational complexities are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of planning the requirements of some of the important resources in flexible manufacturing systems. Specifically, we model the problem of estimating the required numbers and types of machines and tools in the context of a cellular layout. A two-stage procedure is developed which first forms the part families, using the complete-linkage clustering method based on a new similarity index defined in terms of the tooling requirements, and then subsequently estimates the resource requirements to manufacture the part families using an integer programming model. Several variations of the model are discussed and a numerical example is given.  相似文献   

Manufacturing systems design involves the solution of a complex series of interrelated problems. This complexity will increase in the future as manufacturing practices change to meet increased global competition. Research within manufacturing systems design has mainly been focused on finding improved models for solving particular problems, or extending existing modeling techniques. This has resulted in numerous modeling tools being available to support manufacturing systems design. However, little research work has been carried out into consolidating the existing theories and models. As a result, a large body of this work has not been applied in industry.Model management has evolved as a research area which investigates methods for storing, modifying, and manipulating models. This article describes a prototype model management system for manufacturing systems design. The objective here is not to develop another decision support system for manufacturing design, but to illustrate, through the development of a prototype system, a number of key ideas of how concepts from the area of model management systems can be used to support manufacturing systems design. The prototype model management system utilizes the structured modeling framework and uses an extended version of the structured modeling language. An important aspect of the prototype model management system is the incorporation of the model development task, thus allowing the system to be easily updated and adapted. The prototype system was evaluated using a range of queueing network models for manufacturing systems design.  相似文献   

Production planning in flexible manufacturing may require the solution of a large-scale discrete-event dynamic stochastic optimization problem, due to the complexity of the system to be optimized, and to the occurrence of discrete events (new orders and hard failures). The production planning problem is here approached for a multistage multipart-type manufacturing shop, where each work cell can share its processing time among the different types of parts. The solution of this problem is obtained by an open-loop-feedback control strategy, updated each time a new event occurs. At each event time, two coupled problems are solved: 1) a product-order scheduling problem, conditioned on estimated values of the production capacities of all component work cells; and 2) a production-capacity planning problem, conditioned on predefined sequences of the product orders to be processed. In particular, the article aims at defining a production planning procedure that integrates both analytical tools, derived from mathematical programming, and knowledge-based rules, coming from experience. The objective is to formulate a hybrid (knowledge-based/analytical) planning architecture, and to analyze its use for multicell multipart-type manufacturing systems.  相似文献   

为提高网络制造环境下企业间的集成性能,在经济视图概念框架下,从企业间和企业内两方面,提出了网络化制造环境下从协同企业网络到各节点企业,以及各节点企业内部如何进行性能评估的全面解决方案.首次给出了能够支持经济视图与计算机集成制造体系结构中其他视图相关方法集成应用的企业内性能建模的具体方法.在此基础上,从构建一个完整性能系统所需的三个要素出发,逐步探讨和阐述了企业间集成性能评估方法.  相似文献   

The dynamic nature of manufacturing makes rescheduling essential in today's complex production environment, particularly in flexible and re-configurable systems. Research on optimising schedules, which includes deadlock avoidance, is rather limited. Furthermore, the deadlock problem is mostly ignored in research on rescheduling. A rescheduling algorithm, that uses time petri-nets and the minimal siphons concept, was developed to deal with sources of disturbance such as machine breakdowns in real-time. The algorithm guarantees a deadlock-free new schedule. The existence of alternative routes, availability of material handling facilities and the limitation of buffer capacities were taken into consideration. The developed algorithm modifies only the affected portion of the original schedule, rather than rescheduling all jobs, in order to limit changes to the original schedule and reduce the impact on the response time.The effect of flexible routing, machine breakdowns, machine downtime, routing criterion and the use of the dispatching rule on the performance of manufacturing systems was studied. The systems performance was measured by the average flow time, the makespan and the average machine utilisation. The results indicate that utilising the system routing flexibility in real-time rescheduling, while avoiding deadlocks, improves system performance. Moreover, routing the interrupted operation to an alternative machine, based on the minimum expected completion time rather than the least utilised machine criterion, resulted in better performance.  相似文献   

Production lead-time performance in flexible manufacturing systems is influenced by several factors which include: machine groupings, demand rates, machine processing rates, product batching, material handling system capacity, and so on. Hence, control of lead-time performance can be affected through the manipulation of one or more of these variables. In this article, we investigate the potential of batch sizing as a control variable for lead-time performance through the use of a queueing network model. We establish a functional relationship between the two variables, and incorporate the relationship in an optimization model to determine the optimal batch size(s) which minimizes the sum of annual work-in-process inventory and final inventory costs. The nonlinear batch sizing problem which results is solved by discrete optimization via marginal analysis. Results show that batch sizing can be a cheap and effective variable for controlling flexible manufacturing system throughput.  相似文献   

The key competitive strength of a manufacturing system lies in its flexibility, which represents the ability to respond effectively to changing circumstances. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) react appropriately to change. The relevance of a particular type of flexibility depends upon the system and problem being considered. In this paper, the machine loading problem in a flexible manufacturing system is addressed. The loading problem is concerned with the allocation of part operations and required tools to the machines, so as to optimise some objective(s) subject to some technological constraints. Several objectives have been considered in the past such as maximisation of the utilisation of resources, minimisation of processing and tooling costs and maximisation of throughput rates. In such procedures, it is quite probable that a rigid loading schedule is obtained and in cases of machine breakdowns and tool failures alternate routeings are often not available. Therefore, in this paper, we develop a mathematical model which considers maximisation of the production routeings available for the parts and hence increases the routeing flexibility. The model is illustrated by examples.  相似文献   

Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) comprise, automated machine tools, automated material handling, and automated storage and automated retrieval systems (AS/RS) as essential components. Effective sequencing and scheduling of the material handling systems (MHS) can have a major impact on the productivity of the manufacturing system. The material handling cannot be neglected while scheduling the production tasks. It is necessary to take into account the interaction between machines, material handling systems and computer. In this context, this paper attempts to link the operation of automated guided vehicles (AGV) with the production schedule and suggests a heuristic algorithm that employs vehicle dispatching rules (vdr) for conflict resolution. The vdrs considered in this paper are: shortest operation time (SPT), longest operation time (LPT), longest travel time (LTT) and shortest travel time (STT). The performance of the vdrs in the proposed heuristic is compared with makespan criteria. The results show that the STT provides the best solutions compared to other vdrs.  相似文献   

This article analyzes costs and relative benefits of several hundred flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) in the world. The analyses are based on the computerized data bases, which make it easy to correlate different cost and benefit indicators with each other and to look for regular patterns and tendencies in the applications. Both investment cost distributions and the system complexity distributions are analyzed. The relative benefits and advantages and their relationships are shown. Finally, technical and economic explanations for successful implementation strategies are given.The results show that there are two classes of economically successful systems. The small-scale and technically compact systems are usually used in small-batch production for the replacement of semimanual production. The main benefits are increased capacity and productivity as well as quality improvements. The large-scale and technically complex systems are used in large-volume production for the replacement of fixed automation and transfer lines. The benefits are mainly due to the increased potential for flexibility and capital savings.  相似文献   

对一具有变浓度容量调节功能的新型空气源热泵系统进行了冬季性能的理论预测,得到了系统主要性能参数随蒸发器进风温度的变化关系,并与R22常规热泵系统及定浓度R32/R134a常规热泵系统进行了主要性能参数对比,为该装置的设计改进提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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