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We present a method that detects boundaries of parts in 3D shapes represented as point clouds. Our method is based on a graph convolutional network architecture that outputs a probability for a point to lie in an area that separates two or more parts in a 3D shape. Our boundary detector is quite generic: it can be trained to localize boundaries of semantic parts or geometric primitives commonly used in 3D modeling. Our experiments demonstrate that our method can extract more accurate boundaries that are closer to ground-truth ones compared to alternatives. We also demonstrate an application of our network to fine-grained semantic shape segmentation, where we also show improvements in terms of part labeling performance.  相似文献   

In order for the deep learning models to truly understand the 2D images for 3D geometry recovery, we argue that single-view reconstruction should be learned in a part-aware and weakly supervised manner. Such models lead to more profound interpretation of 2D images in which part-based parsing and assembling are involved. To this end, we learn a deep neural network which takes a single-view RGB image as input, and outputs a 3D shape in parts represented by 3D point clouds with an array of 3D part generators. In particular, we devise two levels of generative adversarial network (GAN) to generate shapes with both correct part shape and reasonable overall structure. To enable a self-taught network training, we devise a differentiable projection module along with a self-projection loss measuring the error between the shape projection and the input image. The training data in our method is unpaired between the 2D images and the 3D shapes with part decomposition. Through qualitative and quantitative evaluations on public datasets, we show that our method achieves good performance in part-wise single-view reconstruction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we tackle the challenging problem of 3D keypoint estimation of general objects using a novel implicit representation. Previous works have demonstrated promising results for keypoint prediction through direct coordinate regression or heatmap-based inference. However, these methods are commonly studied for specific subjects, such as human bodies and faces, which possess fixed keypoint structures. They also suffer in several practical scenarios where explicit or complete geometry is not given, including images and partial point clouds. Inspired by the recent success of advanced implicit representation in reconstruction tasks, we explore the idea of using an implicit field to represent keypoints. Specifically, our key idea is employing spheres to represent 3D keypoints, thereby enabling the learnability of the corresponding signed distance field. Explicit key-points can be extracted subsequently by our algorithm based on the Hough transform. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations also show the superiority of our representation in terms of prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

We present an approach to incorporate topological priors in the reconstruction of a surface from a point scan. We base the reconstruction on basis functions which are optimized to provide a good fit to the point scan while satisfying predefined topological constraints. We optimize the parameters of a model to obtain a likelihood function over the reconstruction domain. The topological constraints are captured by persistence diagrams which are incorporated within the optimization algorithm to promote the correct topology. The result is a novel topology-aware technique which can (i) weed out topological noise from point scans, and (ii) capture certain nuanced properties of the underlying shape which could otherwise be lost while performing surface reconstruction. We show results reconstructing shapes with multiple potential topologies, compare to other classical surface construction techniques, and show the completion of real scan data.  相似文献   

Modern acquisition techniques generate detailed point clouds that sample complex geometries. For instance, we are able to produce millimeter-scale acquisition of whole buildings. Processing and exploring geometrical information within such point clouds requires scalability, robustness to acquisition defects and the ability to model shapes at different scales. In this work, we propose a new representation that enriches point clouds with a multi-scale planar structure graph. We define the graph nodes as regions computed with planar segmentations at increasing scales and the graph edges connect regions that are similar across scales. Connected components of the graph define the planar structures present in the point cloud within a scale interval. For instance, with this information, any point is associated to one or several planar structures existing at different scales. We then use topological data analysis to filter the graph and provide the most prominent planar structures. Our representation naturally encodes a large range of information. We show how to efficiently extract geometrical details (e.g. tiles of a roof), arrangements of simple shapes (e.g. steps and mean ramp of a staircase), and large-scale planar proxies (e.g. walls of a building) and present several interactive tools to visualize, select and reconstruct planar primitives directly from raw point clouds. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated by an extensive evaluation on a variety of input data, as well as by comparing against state-of-the-art techniques and by showing applications to polygonal mesh reconstruction.  相似文献   

The estimation of differential quantities on oriented point cloud is a classical step for many geometry processing tasks in computer graphics and vision. Even if many solutions exist to estimate such quantities, they usually fail at satisfying both a stable estimation with theoretical guarantee, and the efficiency of the associated algorithm. Relying on the notion of corrected curvature measures [LRT22, LRTC20] designed for surfaces, the method introduced in this paper meets both requirements. Given a point of interest and a few nearest neighbours, our method estimates the whole curvature tensor information by generating random triangles within these neighbours and normalising the corrected curvature measures by the corrected area measure. We provide a stability theorem showing that our pointwise curvatures are accurate and convergent, provided the noise in position and normal information has a variance smaller than the radius of neighbourhood. Experiments and comparisons with the state-of-the-art confirm that our approach is more accurate and much faster than alternatives. The method is fully parallelizable, requires only one nearest neighbour request per point of computation, and is trivial to implement.  相似文献   

3D shape recognition has been actively investigated in the field of computer graphics. With the rapid development of deep learning, various deep models have been introduced and achieved remarkable results. Most 3D shape recognition methods are supervised and learn only from the large amount of labeled shapes. However, it is expensive and time consuming to obtain such a large training set. In contrast to these methods, this paper studies a semi-supervised learning framework to train a deep model for 3D shape recognition by using both labeled and unlabeled shapes. Inspired by the co-training algorithm, our method iterates between model training and pseudo-label generation phases. In the model training phase, we train two deep networks based on the point cloud and multi-view representation simultaneously. In the pseudo-label generation phase, we generate the pseudo-labels of the unlabeled shapes using the joint prediction of two networks, which augments the labeled set for the next iteration. To extract more reliable consensus information from multiple representations, we propose an uncertainty-aware consistency loss function to combine the two networks into a multimodal network. This not only encourages the two networks to give similar predictions on the unlabeled set, but also eliminates the negative influence of the large performance gap between the two networks. Experiments on the benchmark ModelNet40 demonstrate that, with only 10% labeled training data, our approach achieves competitive performance to the results reported by supervised methods.  相似文献   

We propose a novel approach to learning cloth deformation as a function of body pose, recasting the graph-like triangle mesh data structure into image-based data in order to leverage popular and well-developed convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in a two-dimensional Euclidean domain. Then, a three-dimensional animation of clothing is equivalent to a sequence of two-dimensional RGB images driven/choreographed by time dependent joint angles. In order to reduce nonlinearity demands on the neural network, we utilize procedural skinning of the body surface to capture much of the rotation/deformation so that the RGB images only contain textures of displacement offsets from skin to clothing. Notably, we illustrate that our approach does not require accurate unclothed body shapes or robust skinning techniques. Additionally, we discuss how standard image based techniques such as image partitioning for higher resolution can readily be incorporated into our framework.  相似文献   

3D scanned point cloud data of teeth is popular used in digital orthodontics. The classification and semantic labelling for point cloud of each tooth is a key and challenging task for planning dental treatment. Utilizing the priori ordered position information of tooth arrangement, we propose an effective network for tooth model classification in this paper. The relative position and the adjacency similarity feature vectors are calculated for tooth 3D model, and combine the geometric feature into the fully connected layers of the classification training task. For the classification of dental anomalies, we present a dental anomalies processing method to improve the classification accuracy. We also use FocalLoss as the loss function to solve the sample imbalance of wisdom teeth. The extensive evaluations, ablation studies and comparisons demonstrate that the proposed network can classify tooth models accurately and automatically and outperforms state-of-the-art point cloud classification methods.  相似文献   

We present a practical method to synthesize plausible 3D facial expressions for a particular target subject. The ability to synthesize an entire facial rig from a single neutral expression has a large range of applications both in computer graphics and computer vision, ranging from the efficient and cost-effective creation of CG characters to scalable data generation for machine learning purposes. Unlike previous methods based on multilinear models, the proposed approach is capable to extrapolate well outside the sample pool, which allows it to plausibly predict the identity of the target subject and create artifact free expression shapes while requiring only a small input dataset. We introduce global-local multilinear models that leverage the strengths of expression-specific and identity-specific local models combined with coarse motion estimations from a global model. Experimental results show that we achieve high-quality, plausible facial expression synthesis results for an individual that outperform existing methods both quantitatively and qualitatively.  相似文献   

A 3D human skeleton plays important roles in human shape reconstruction and human animation. Remarkable advances have been achieved recently in 3D human skeleton estimation from color and depth images via a powerful deep convolutional neural network. However, applying deep learning frameworks to 3D human skeleton extraction from point clouds remains challenging because of the sparsity of point clouds and the high nonlinearity of human skeleton regression. In this study, we develop a deep learning-based approach for 3D human skeleton extraction from point clouds. We convert 3D human skeleton extraction into offset vector regression and human body segmentation via deep learning-based point cloud contraction. Furthermore, a disambiguation strategy is adopted to improve the robustness of joint points regression. Experiments on the public human pose dataset UBC3V and the human point cloud skeleton dataset 3DHumanSkeleton compiled by the authors show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

The fast development of novel approaches derived from the Transformers architecture has led to outstanding performance in different scenarios, from Natural Language Processing to Computer Vision. Recently, they achieved impressive results even in the challenging task of non-rigid shape matching. However, little is known about the capability of the Transformer-encoder architecture for the shape matching task, and its performances still remained largely unexplored. In this paper, we step back and investigate the contribution made by the Transformer-encoder architecture compared to its more recent alternatives, focusing on why and how it works on this specific task. Thanks to the versatility of our implementation, we can harness the bi-directional structure of the correspondence problem, making it more interpretable. Furthermore, we prove that positional encodings are essential for processing unordered point clouds. Through a comprehensive set of experiments, we find that attention and positional encoding are (almost) all you need for shape matching. The simple Transformer-encoder architecture, coupled with relative position encoding in the attention mechanism, is able to obtain strong improvements, reaching the current state-of-the-art.  相似文献   

Motion retargetting refers to the process of adapting the motion of a source character to a target. This paper presents a motion retargetting model based on temporal dilated convolutions. In an unsupervised manner, the model generates realistic motions for various humanoid characters. The retargetted motions not only preserve the high-frequency detail of the input motions but also produce natural and stable trajectories despite the skeleton size differences between the source and target. Extensive experiments are made using a 3D character motion dataset and a motion capture dataset. Both qualitative and quantitative comparisons against prior methods demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method.  相似文献   

We present an efficient new method for computing Mandelbrot-like fractals (Julia sets) that approximate a user-defined shape. Our algorithm is orders of magnitude faster than previous methods, as it entirely sidesteps the need for a time-consuming numerical optimization. It is also more robust, succeeding on shapes where previous approaches failed. The key to our approach is a versor-modulus analysis of fractals that allows us to formulate a novel shape modulus function that directly controls the broad shape of a Julia set, while keeping fine-grained fractal details intact. Our formulation contains flexible artistic controls that allow users to seamlessly add fractal detail to desired spatial regions, while transitioning back to the original shape in others. No previous approach allows Mandelbrot-like details to be “painted” onto meshes.  相似文献   

We study a general form of gears known as non-circular gears that can transfer periodic motion with variable speed through their irregular shapes and eccentric rotation centers. To design functional non-circular gears is nontrivial, since the gear pair must have compatible shape to keep in contact during motion, so the driver gear can push the follower to rotate via a bounded torque that the motor can exert. To address the challenge, we model the geometry, kinematics, and dynamics of non-circular gears, formulate the design problem as a shape optimization, and identify necessary independent variables in the optimization search. Taking a pair of 2D shapes as inputs, our method optimizes them into gears by locating the rotation center on each shape, minimally modifying each shape to form the gear's boundary, and constructing appropriate teeth for gear meshing. Our optimized gears not only resemble the inputs but can also drive the motion with relatively small torque. We demonstrate our method's usability by generating a rich variety of non-circular gears from various inputs and 3D printing several of them.  相似文献   

Environment maps are commonly used to represent and compute far-field illumination in virtual scenes. However, they are expensive to evaluate and sample from, limiting their applicability to real-time rendering. Previous methods have focused on compression through spherical-domain approximations, or on learning priors for natural, day-light illumination. These hinder both accuracy and generality, and do not provide the probability information required for importance-sampling Monte Carlo integration. We propose NEnv, a deep-learning fully-differentiable method, capable of compressing and learning to sample from a single environment map. NEnv is composed of two different neural networks: A normalizing flow, able to map samples from uniform distributions to the probability density of the illumination, also providing their corresponding probabilities; and an implicit neural representation which compresses the environment map into an efficient differentiable function. The computation time of environment samples with NEnv is two orders of magnitude less than with traditional methods. NEnv makes no assumptions regarding the content (i.e. natural illumination), thus achieving higher generality than previous learning-based approaches. We share our implementation and a diverse dataset of trained neural environment maps, which can be easily integrated into existing rendering engines.  相似文献   

3D animations are an effective method to learn about complex dynamic phenomena, such as mesoscale biological processes. The animators' goals are to convey a sense of the scene's overall complexity while, at the same time, visually guiding the user through a story of subsequent events embedded in the chaotic environment. Animators use a variety of visual emphasis techniques to guide the observers' attention through the story, such as highlighting, halos – or by manipulating motion parameters of the scene. In this paper, we investigate the effect of smoothing the motion of contextual scene elements to attract attention to focus elements of the story exhibiting high-frequency motion. We conducted a crowdsourced study with 108 participants observing short animations with two illustrative motion smoothing strategies: geometric smoothing through noise reduction of contextual motion trajectories and visual smoothing through motion blur of context items. We investigated the observers' ability to follow the story as well as the effect of the techniques on speed perception in a molecular scene. Our results show that moderate motion blur significantly improves users' ability to follow the story. Geometric motion smoothing is less effective but increases the visual appeal of the animation. However, both techniques also slow down the perceived speed of the animation. We discuss the implications of these results and derive design guidelines for animators of complex dynamic visualizations.  相似文献   

We describe HalfedgeCNN, a collection of modules to build neural networks that operate on triangle meshes. Taking inspiration from the (edge-based) MeshCNN, convolution, pooling, and unpooling layers are consistently defined on the basis of halfedges of the mesh, pairs of oppositely oriented virtual instances of each edge. This provides benefits over alternative definitions on the basis of vertices, edges, or faces. Additional interface layers enable support for feature data associated with such mesh entities in input and output as well. Due to being defined natively on mesh entities and their neighborhoods, lossy resampling or interpolation techniques (to enable the application of operators adopted from image domains) do not need to be employed. The operators have various degrees of freedom that can be exploited to adapt to application-specific needs.  相似文献   

We present a novel method to construct short cuts for parameterizations with low isometric distortion. The algorithm contains two steps: (i) detect feature points, where the distortion is usually concentrated; and (ii) construct a cut by connecting the detected feature points. Central to each step is a greedy method. After generating a redundant feature point set, a greedy filtering process is performed to identify the feature points required for low isometric distortion parameterizations. This filtering process discards the feature points that are useless for distortion reduction while still enabling us to obtain low isometric distortion. Next, we formulate the process of connecting the detected feature points as a Steiner tree problem. To find an approximate solution, we first successively and greedily produce a collection of auxiliary points. Then, a cut is constructed by connecting the feature points and auxiliary points. In the 26,299 test cases in which an exact solution to the Steiner tree problem is available, the length of the cut obtained by our method is on average 0.17% longer than optimal. Compared to state-of-the-art cut construction methods, our method is one order of magnitude faster and generates shorter cuts while achieving similar isometric distortion.  相似文献   

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