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人类活动所产生的CO2和其他温室气体的排放,导致全球变暖,其实质就是碳足迹日益增大所致。本文通过介绍气候变化、引起气候变化的原因,综述了碳足迹概念、类型、计算方法、边界确定,介绍了PAS2050标准(2008标准),提出了减少碳足迹的措施,旨在了解碳足迹,倡导低碳生活,加强节能减碳的环境意识,实现社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

李曾婷 《电器》2024,(2):56-58
<正>在“双碳”目标下,推动建立产品碳足迹管理体系,完善重点产品碳足迹核算方法规则和标准体系,建立产品碳足迹背景数据库等工作势在必行。为了助力家电行业低碳、绿色发展,2024年1月1日,中国家用电器协会发布的T/CHEAA0027—2023《家用电器产品碳足迹核算通则》、T/CHEAA 0028—2023《家用电器产品碳足迹核算细则电冰箱》和T/CHEAA 0029—2023《家用电器产品碳足迹核算细则房间空气调节器》3项标准正式实施。这标志着全球首个家电产品碳足迹核算系列标准出台,填补了行业空白。  相似文献   

碳足迹的概念 为了减少温室气体排放,保护环境,有必要认识这些气体排放及其排放源。“碳足迹”是一个用于描述某个特定活动或实体产生温室气体(GHG)排放量的术语,因而它是供各个组织和个体评价温室气体排放对气候变化贡献的一种方式。测量碳足迹不仅限于公司内部产生的排放,也要关注整个供应链的排放。  相似文献   

李曾婷 《电器》2024,(2):23-25
<正>2024年1月18日,中国家电可持续发展高峰论坛在北京隆重召开。在这场聚焦可持续发展的论坛上,中国家用电器协会副秘书长万春晖介绍了中国家电产品碳足迹核算体系建设情况,解读了由中国家用电器协会发布的全球首个家电产品碳足迹核算系列标准,助力家电行业绿色低碳发展。  相似文献   

气候变化与碳足迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>碳足迹的概念为了减少温室气体排放,保护环境,有必要认识这些气体排放及其排放源。"碳足迹"是一个用于描述某个特定活动或实体产生温室气体(GHG)排放量的术语,因而它是供各个组织和个体评价温室气体排放对气候变化贡献的一种方式。测量碳足迹不仅限于公司内部产生的排放,也要关注整个供应链的排放。  相似文献   

介绍了生命周期碳足迹理论,并以某110 kV变电站为例,确定了变电站生命周期碳足迹的范围及碳排放源,计算了变电站生命周期碳足迹.计算结果表明,变电站碳足迹主要产生于建设阶段与运行阶段,碳排放主要来源于机电设备、金属结构、混凝土及运行维护的耗能.计算结果有助于采取有针对性措施,以实现变电站的节能减排及变电站工程的低碳设计.  相似文献   

本文介绍了碳排放绩效指标,以及一种碳足迹计算方法。同时开发一款软件,该软件可以实现家电产品碳排放绩效评价,以及完成产品碳足迹的计算。以液晶电视为例,对本方法及软件进行了应用。  相似文献   

随着国内外市场对环境问题的日益重视,越来越多的企业正在开展产品的碳足迹评价和有毒有害物质分析,为此我们研究开发了电子电器产品生命周期环境管理集成解决方案。本文介绍了此解决方案的功能、特点及优势,可为相关企业开展产品碳足迹评价和有毒有害物质分析、建立相应管理体系提供支持。  相似文献   

园区作为区域经济发展、产业调整升级的空间承载形式,是我国能源消费的重要主体,发展多能互补、绿色高效的园区综合能源系统是实现“双碳”目标的重要途径。因此,结合园区综合能源系统的供能特点,提出了全过程碳足迹的概念,其包括外生碳足迹和内生碳足迹2部分。首先,针对外生碳足迹,即汲取自公共能源网络的能流对应的碳足迹,研究了多能流虚拟碳流传输机理,提出了多能流的统一节点碳排放强度评估模型和公共能源网络节点碳排放强度的预测方法,以实现外生碳足迹的可观。然后,结合外生碳足迹和内生碳足迹,考虑园区柔性负荷的用能特性,建立了面向全过程碳足迹的园区综合能源系统低碳优化模型。最后,通过仿真分析验证了所提方法的正确性和有效性。结果表明,基于所提优化模型,园区综合能源系统能够根据外部公共能源网络的运行状态做出及时响应,进而利用其多能互补赋予的灵活性最小化自身碳足迹,实现深度减排的目标。  相似文献   

<正>在如今极具竞争的市场环境里,测量及管理企业的碳足迹已经日益成为一项必需的工作。分步的流程正如ISO9000质量管理系列标准一样,ISO还拓展了14000环境管理标准体系,为碳管理开发了一套完整实用的国际标准:ISO14064系列标准(在开发ISO14064标准的过程中,加拿大标准协会扮演全球秘书处的角色)。  相似文献   

The Stern Review was commissioned by the Treasury in July 2005 to examine the economics of climate change. It warns of the global economic consequences of failing to act on climate change and urges global action on both mitigation and adaptation. To be at least 60% decarbonized by 2050, the power sector needs to adopt such strategies as carbon pricing through taxation, emissions trading and/or regulation, international cooperation in boosting low carbon technology, research and development, price signals and markets for carbon, and action to remove barriers to energy efficiency, and to inform, educate and persuade individuals about what they can do to respond to climate change  相似文献   

The price of sin     
The paper discussed carbon footprint and carbon emission calculator. A carbon footprint is defined as the total amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases emitted over the full lifecycle of a product or service.  相似文献   

基于来源多样性特征的中国电力碳足迹估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王君章  方恺 《电力学报》2012,27(2):158-162
来源多样性是电力有别于其他能源类型的最显著特征。根据不同电力来源的碳排放强度和消费水平,结合土地覆被的固碳能力变化,对2005~2009年的中国电力碳足迹进行了分类估算。结果表明,全国电力碳足迹从500.92×106hm2增加到765.53×106hm2;人均电力碳足迹从0.40 hm2.人-1增加到0.60 hm2.人-1。火电、水电、风电和核电平均占比分别约为96%、4%、0.03%、0.01%。煤炭投入增加和石油投入减少削弱了火电乃至整个电力的来源多样性。为有效推进电力产业的节能减排,应坚持低碳电力开发与火电结构调整并重的原则。  相似文献   

在收集某款家电产品的主流生产水平数据的基础上,采用GaBi数据库中的温室气体排放相关数据,根据ISO 14040/44制定的生命周期评价理论框架,采用PAS2050准则开展家电产品碳足迹的研究,制订了碳足迹计算方法。以微波炉产品为例,讨论不同生命周期过程对碳足迹产生的影响。结果表明:微波炉在使用阶段的温室气体的排放量最大。  相似文献   

Many British businesses have vowed to undertake major environmental programs in 2007. These include Marks & Spencer and Tesco, both of whom have recently announced their pledge to significantly reduce their firms' carbon emissions. Representatives from the London Stock Exchange, Barclays, Shell UK, Corus, British Airways and McKinsey have also committed to participating in a CBI task force to study the Stern Review, the government-funded report on the economic impact of climate change. In addition, the government has announced plans for a gold standard, a voluntary standard and code of practice to help consumers and businesses navigate the available carbon offsetting options. While campaigners are pleased with this development, they believe an economy-wide response from the UK industry is still needed  相似文献   

Anthropogenic carbon emissions associated with energy consumption are rapidly increasing. Such carbon emissions are further directly related to global climate change. Thus, reducing carbon emissions to mitigate global climate change has been attracting increasing attention. Energy production and energy consumption is linked by energy networks. The network-constrained energy flow leads to a virtual circulation of embedded carbon emissions. This paper introduces the concept and significance of carbon emission flow(CEF), which helps identify the relationship between carbon emissions and energy consumption. Challenges for extending the CEF from an electricity network to multiple energy systems(MES) are analyzed, and CEF models in both the electricity network and MES are summarized. The distribution of CEF and transfer of carbon emissions are studied using realistic case studies based on the energy interconnection system of Southeast Asia and real-world MES in the Jing-Jin-Ji economic circle. Considering the electricity trade in Southeast Asia in 2050, the results show that significant amounts of carbon emissions are transferred among countries. Approximately 19698 ktCO_2 of carbon emissions in Malaysia are attributable to electricity demands of other countries. Conversely, the Philippines and Vietnam would be responsible for additional carbon emissions of 10620 ktCO_2 and 42375 ktCO_2, respectively. With the CEF model, carbon emissions in different energy sectors can be reasonably quantified, thus facilitating the allocation of emission reduction targets in climate change negotiations and low-carbon policymaking.  相似文献   

Electrification is a promising approach to most carbon-emitting sectors of economic sectors of human activities such as transportation and industry sectors. Electrifying the machinery and different systems used in a farm can mitigate the carbon footprint of the agriculture sector if renewable energy sources are coordinated with the agricultural loads appropriately. This paper presents a road-map that: 1) presents greenhouse gases emitting activities in the food supply chain, 2) the potential impact of vertical farming on the agriculture sector, 3) discuss the carbon footprint of different activities in the food supply chain, and 4) presents a road-map to decarbonize greenhouse gas emitting activities in farms. This paper estimates that electrification of farms in an appropriate process with renewable energy resources can decrease the carbon footprint of farming 44–70% depends on the type of the farm.  相似文献   

《The Electricity Journal》2019,32(10):106669
This paper discusses different policies for combating climate change, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to warming global temperatures. Climate change presents the classical problem of risk management in an environment of massive uncertainty. The paper focuses on carbon taxes, although appealing to economists, has problems in dealing with real-world issues, such as politics and measurement of the social cost of carbon.  相似文献   

Electricity sector,as one of the major emission sources of carbon dioxideis responsible for reducing carbon emissions and is a major player that addresses global climate change.In the efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change over the coming decades,decarbonizing power systems is critical.To achieve this goal,power generation systems need a transition from a high reliance on coal-fired power stations to a low-carbon energy mix.This paper proposes a transition planning method that includes the retirement of coal-fired generators and the integration of large-scale renewable power plants.Hence,transmission systems need to be upgraded simultaneously with the changing of generation mix to ensure system reliability.This paper also considers carbon emission cost and introduces and compares two models,which include carbon trading and carbon tax.Furthermore,issues related to the ramping of renewable power systems that are caused by the large penetration of renewable power generators are taken into account by adding the cost related to the sudden change of renewable generation(ramping cost)in the objective function.The proposed model is demonstrated on a modified IEEE 24-bus RTS system.  相似文献   

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