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炼厂二氧化碳排放估算与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了炼厂二氧化碳排放源的分类、分布以及主要的计算方法;对炼厂排放情况进行了估算和分析,提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

王旭 《广州化工》2013,(16):41-43,48
近年来频频爆发的灰霾天气,PM2.5是一个很大原因。石油化工行业排放的废气涵盖了PM2.5的直接排放与二次排放污染源。加之国家正在逐步提高对于炼油厂废气排放标准。因此本文介绍PM2.5的物理化学特性,以及对环境和人体产生的影响;统计炼油厂废气的特征排放源以及排放物,查阅相关文献,从生产工艺和改良设备方面,对典型工艺进行防治措施的探究。  相似文献   

马风哪  程伟琴 《广州化工》2011,39(16):17-19,30
随着大气中NOX污染日益加重,"十二五"期间,我国将NOX列入总量控制指标。通过广泛调研国内外文献,本文总结和分析了我国火电厂NOX排放特性及现有NOX总量估算方法的研究现状,同时对火电厂如何测算其NOX排放总量提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

张芝兰  张峰  石翔  王健华  马烈 《广州化工》2013,(15):164-166
总结了化工及石化生产过程中机泵类设备及管道连接件无组织排放速率的估算方法和削减此类无组织排放的有效技术措施,结合某化工项目环评中无组织排放量的计算,说明了各类估算方法的适用性,并对不同情况下估算方法的合理选择提出了建议。  相似文献   

马红敏 《广州化工》2015,(5):52-54,57
大气中的NOx是PM2.5的重要组成成份,近几年来雾霾天气接连不断,引起了人们对NOx的治理工作的极大重视。而炼化企业作为我国清洁能源的最大供应商,也是NOx排放的一大主要贡献源,因此对其NOx的排放治理自然不可忽视。本文在查阅文献的基础上,对目前国内炼化企业使用到的主要脱硝技术进行了简单介绍和总结。  相似文献   

本文介绍国内外水泥企业的碳排放核算方法,并从编制目的、核算边界、排放源和计算方法等方面分析各核算方法的区别。  相似文献   

钢铁行业二氧化碳排放影响因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了客观的评价钢铁行业CO2排放的影响因素,在详细分析我国钢铁行业的生产工艺流程、CO2产生机理及排放影响因素的基础上,构建了涉及工序能耗、燃料组成、技术特征以及资源效率4个子系统构成的钢铁行业CO2排放影响因素综合评价指标体系.该指标体系由24个指标构成,具有科学、全面、指标较易获取的特点,可以帮助分析我国钢铁行业CO2的减排潜力,并为管理者制定碳减排措施提供重要的理论依据.  相似文献   

VOCs无组织排放估算方法和控制标准初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
无组织排放是挥发性有机物(VOCs)进入大气环境的重要途径,控制难度也最大。对当前VOCs无组织排放的估算模型进行了总结和比较,对无组织排放的控制标准进行了探讨。  相似文献   

张红霞 《化工中间体》2023,(22):104-106
近年来,随着城市化和工业化的快速发展,能源消耗及碳排放量正在逐步上升,空气污染程度越来越严重,其中以工业企业挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染排放尤为突出。因此,在低碳经济发展背景下,推动VOCs的减量减排对提升城市空气环境质量、实现“双碳”目标显得尤为重要。某区作为某市的产业大区、工业强区,工业企业数量多、规模大、类型丰富,无疑对VOCs的减量减排提供了充足的样本。VOCs的减量减排经验具有较强适用性和普及性,基于此,本文以某区为例,对该区工业企业涉VOCs污染排放情况进行了统计与分析,并针对该区VOCs污染治理现状,提出VOCs减排控制对策,为VOCs的减量减排提供经验参考。  相似文献   

水泥生产二氧化碳排放分析和定量化探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简单介绍了清洁发展机制基本概念和水泥生产二氧化碳的排放特点及水泥生产二氧化碳排放的分类和来源.在参考国外相关研究的基础上,重点从原料煅烧、原料中有机碳、传统烧成燃料、可替代烧成燃料和非烧成燃料五个方面对水泥生产直接二氧化碳排放进行分析计算和定量化探讨;同时从外部电力生产和购买熟料生产的两个方面,对水泥生产间接二氧化碳排放也进行简单定量分析.  相似文献   

Peng-Robinson equation of state(PR EOS)was chosen for modeling the thermodynamic be-havior of supercritical(SC)-CO_2/Solid systems.The necessary critical constants and acentric factorof the solute were obtained by the Sigmund and Trebble(1992)method based on the molecular weightand boiling temperature,and the vapor pressure of the solute was calculated by its meltingtemperature and heat of fusion.This approach compared very favorably with the conventional corres-ponding state theory,but without using critical constants and vapor pressure of solutes.Four mixingrules were tested for the calculation of solid solubility in SC-CO_2.van der Waals(vdW)mixing rulewith one parameter was considered to be most suitable for the estimation of solubility.A simplecorrelation was developed for the SC-CO_2/solid binary interaction coefficient k_(ij) with the meltingtemperature of pure solutes.The solubilities of solids in SC-CO_2 were estimated for eleven binarysystems at various temperatures,the total absolute average  相似文献   

R. Ball  M.G. Sceats 《Fuel》2010,89(10):2750-6502
In an Endex reactor endothermic and exothermic reactions are directly thermally coupled and kinetically matched to achieve intrinsic thermal stability, efficient conversion, autothermal operation, and minimal heat losses. Applied to the problem of in-line carbon dioxide separation from flue gas, Endex principles hold out the promise of effecting a CO2-capture technology of unprecedented economic viability. In this work we describe an Endex Calcium Looping reactor, in which heat released by chemisorption of carbon dioxide onto calcium oxide is used directly to drive the reverse reaction, yielding a pure stream of CO2 for compression and geosequestration. In this initial study we model the proposed reactor as a continuous-flow dynamical system in the well-stirred limit, compute the steady states and analyse their stability properties over the operating parameter space, flag potential design and operational challenges, and suggest an optimum regime for effective operation.  相似文献   

Animal slurry stored in-house and outside is a significant source of atmospheric methane (CH4). The CH4 source strength of stored slurry is greatly affected by temperature. To improve emission calculations on a global scale there is a need for knowledge about the relationship between production of CH4 in slurry and temperature. In this study, the filling of slurry channels was reproduced in the laboratory by gradually filling 1 m-high PVC vessels during 9 days followed by incubation for 100–200 days. A preliminary test showed that little CH4 was produced from animal slurry during 10 days of incubation at 20°C, if no inoculum (slurry incubated anaerobically at the test temperature for 1.5–2 months) was present. However, the addition of 7.6% inoculum supported an immediate production of CH4. Vessels amended with inoculum and gradually filled with cattle or pig slurry were then incubated at 10, 15 and 20°C. Methane production from stored pig and cattle slurry was not significant at temperatures below 15°C, where CO2 was the main product of decomposition processes. In contrast, the anaerobic production of CH4 was high and significant relative to the production of CO2 at 20°C. Peak emissions of CH4 averaging 0.012 and 0.02 g C h−1 kg−1 volatile solids (VS) were reached within about 10 days at 10 and 15°C, respectively. At 20°C, the emission of CH4 from pig slurry was about 0.01 g C h−1 kg−1 for 10 days, and thereafter emissions increased to about 0.10 g C h−1 kg−1 VS. For cattle slurry a peak emission of 0.08 g C h−1 kg−1 VS was measured after 180 days. Degradation of organic nitrogen (N) in cattle slurry was related to the reduction of organic material as reflected in CO2 and CH4 emission. The mineralization of organic N during storage represented 10–80% of organic N in cattle slurry, and 40–80% of the organic N in pig slurry.  相似文献   

张媛媛  王永刚  田亚峻 《化工进展》2016,35(12):4060-4064
基于低碳经济发展的要求,对几种典型煤化工过程中的CO2排放情况进行了分析,提出科学比较现代煤化工过程的CO2排放量。对于煤制烯烃、煤制乙二醇等煤基化学品而言,使用单位热值CO2排放量作为评价指标并不合适。基于煤基燃料产品和化学品的不同特点,结合我国碳排放强度的控制目标,本文探索采用单位产值CO2排放量和单位工业增加值CO2排放量作为补充指标,用以比较研究不同现代煤化工过程的低碳水平和碳排放强度。研究结果表明,用不同的指标来衡量比较现代煤化工过程的CO2排放量,得到的结果不同。煤制甲醇、煤制二甲醚的吨产品CO2排放量虽然较低,分别为3.85t和5.0t,但单位热值CO2排放量较高,分别为0.159t/GJ和0.160t/GJ。在80美元/bbl和40美元/bbl的原油价格体系下,煤制天然气和煤制甲醇的单位产值和单位工业增加值CO2排放量均高于其他现代煤化工产品。  相似文献   

介绍了三种二氧化碳清洗技术的原理,分别是干冰清洗技术、二氧化碳微粒喷射清洗和二氧化碳超临界清洗。得出了二氧化碳微粒喷射清洗技术是在焦-汤效应下出现的三相清洗,比干冰清洗技术更先进;二氧化碳超临界清洗充分利用了液体密度大,溶解能力强的规律,其清洗原理和前二者完全不同。  相似文献   

李慧  曹祥  张春路 《化工进展》2016,35(Z2):421-426
CO2跨临界热泵循环,其制冷剂工质为CO2,不可燃,无毒,无刺激性气味,零臭氧层破坏能力(ODP=0)以及微乎其微的温室效应(GWP=1)而对环境无害,可从工业生产中回收,逐渐成为被广泛应用的热泵技术。本文从国内外CO2热泵技术的研究现状及应用现状出发,总结概述了目前典型的CO2热泵循环系统应用案例,如单级压缩供给加用热水系统、双级压缩带中间补气供给家用热水系统、家用供暖及供给热水于一体的双热泵单元家电辅热系统、大型公用建筑用CO2热泵系统,并从系统层面对影响CO2热泵循环系统效率的相关热力学参数进行循环分析,如水箱进出水温度、气冷器水流量、系统的制冷剂充注量等参数的控制。以期为未来CO2热泵技术在中国的发展、进一步研究和应用设计提供一些参考和依据。  相似文献   

The design of a compact, environmentally acceptable, carbon dioxide-diluted, coal-oxygen-fired power plant is described. The plant releases no combustion products to the atmosphere. The oxygen for combustion is separated in an air liquefaction plant and the effluent nitrogen is available for use in oil well production. Recycled carbon dioxide mixed with oxygen replaces the nitrogen for the combustion of coal in the burners. The carbon dioxide produced is used in enhanced oil recovery operations and injected into spent wells and excavated salt cavities for long-term storage. The recovery of CO2 from a coal-burning power plant by this method appears to have the lowest energy expenditure and the lowest by-product cost compared to alternative removal and recovery processes.  相似文献   

A process plant flow sheet that coproduces acetic acid and hydrogen/power from natural gas with zero carbon dioxide emissions is developed. Two cases are explored: the production of acetic acid and hydrogen (Case 1) and the production of acetic acid and power (Case 2). This is realized by the selection of an appropriate reaction cluster whose sum results in the overall reaction that coproduces acetic acid and hydrogen/power. The concept of energetic self‐sufficiency is introduced and it imposes constraints on the system defined in terms of the ratio of oxygen feed to acetic acid produced. Heat and power integration of the converged flow sheet reveals an operating range for each case that guarantees energetic self‐sufficiency. Operating points are chosen to conduct a preliminary economic analysis and a carbon dioxide cost and performance metric calculation to quantify profitability and carbon capture potential of the overall process. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 860–876, 2018  相似文献   

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