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神经营养因子与人工耳蜗的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
综述了在听觉神经系统中,神经营养因子与听力损伤、电刺激、突触疲劳的关系;介绍了神经营养因子保护听觉的分子机制,及神经营养因子在人工耳蜗研究中的应用前景和意义。  相似文献   

交通警察神经行为功能状态的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解交通污染对交警神经行为功能的影响,选择某市有代表性的5个交通路口交警环境监测,并对该市外勤交警进行神经行为功能测试。结果如下:噪声昼Leq日均值为786dB(A),超过国家标准12.3%,空气中Pb和CO平均浓度为3.38μg/m3、4.39mg/m3。交警自觉症状发生率明显高于对照组;排除有关影响因素后,在NCTB测试的情感特征、数字跨度等五方面,交警组较对照组有显著性差异。提示:交警的神经行为功能变化与交通污染有关。  相似文献   

梁晨  孙元 《包装工程》2022,43(16):76-91
目的 探索神经美学研究中用户的情感认知与脑活动规律、脑电成分间的关联,对非侵入性测量方法的3个主要研究方向进行分类梳理及总结,提出神经美学在用户研究领域发展的3个方向。方法 从当下量化美学的需求出发,阐述神经美学的产生发展、相关概念、研究方法;从审美偏好、意象认知、用户体验3个方向,交叉对比现有国内外学者的研究,对神经美学在用户研究领域的应用进行分类讨论;对神经美学的理论研究和应用实例文献进行讨论,提出了实验设计可行性、数据采集精准度、研究方法普适性3个维度中可能存在的问题。结论 神经美学的产生发展是美学与实证科学并行、融合的结果,在用户情感需求的驱动下,促进效能提升、优化美学计算、扩展应用范围将成为神经美学在用户研究领域的重要研究方向。  相似文献   

本文根据对国内外现有适用微电子器件生产的圆形平面溅射源的基本特性的分析比较,通过对平面磁控溅射靶的磁场分布和溅射距离同沉积薄膜厚度均匀性关系的讨论,得出适应于微电子器件生产的磁控溅射源的基本结构,最终确定了能保证良好的沉积特性、膜厚均匀性及靶材利用率高的圆形平面旋转溅射源.  相似文献   

Ma R  Xie L  Han C  Su K  Qiu T  Wang L  Huang G  Xing W  Qiao J  Wang J  Cheng J 《Analytical chemistry》2011,83(8):2964-2970
In vitro fertilization (IVF) technology has been broadly applied to solve human infertility in recent years. However, the physical tools for IVF remain unchanged over several decades before microfluidic technology was introduced in this field. Here, we report a novel microdevice that integrates each step of IVF, including oocyte positioning, sperm screening, fertilization, medium replacement, and embryo culture. Oocytes can be singly positioned in a 4 × 4 array of octacolumn units. The four symmetrical straight channels, crossing at the oocyte positioning region, allowed efficient motile sperm selection and facilitated rapid medium replacement. The fertilization process and early embryonic development of the individual zygote was traced with microscopic recording and analyzed by in situ fluorescent staining. The murine sperm motility was increased from 60.8 ± 3.4% to 96.1 ± 1.9% through the screening channels. The embryo growth rate and blastocyst formation were similar between the routine Petri dish group and the microdevice group. The healthy blastocysts developed in the microdevice could be conveniently retrieved through a routine pipetting operation and used for further embryo transfer.  相似文献   

李强 《中国标准化》2000,(7):6-7,11
一、发展现状船舶行业标准化是船舶工业领域在科研、生产、使用、贸易及管理范围内为获得最佳秩序与效益,对共同关心的事物、需要统一的技术、管理等要求和重复使用的规则、方法等制定为标准,加以实施并对标准实施进行监督。目前,船舶工业标准共有4000余项,其中由原船舶总公司牵头制定的国家标准、国家军用标准、行业(部门军用)标准共计3030项。船舶标准体系已经基本形成,其整体水平已达到或接近90年代初期国际水平。但船舶工业标准也存在问题:(1)标准的协调统一和现有标准化资源不能充分利用,机构重复建设。(2)标准体系不完善,标准配套与发…  相似文献   

张汉民 《中国标准化》2004,(5):31-32,28
市场经济的建设与发展,给出租汽车行业带来了极大的机遇,同时也不断出现新问题、新情况、新挑战。实践告诉我们:面对机遇与挑战,坚持在实践中探索,在改革中前进,才能不断发展。回顾出租汽车行业多年来所走过的路程,是一个波浪式前进的过程,是行业质量管理不断加强的过程。在出租汽车行业注入质量管理理念,开展有质量的运营,讲质量的管理,实施质量运营战略,是促进该行业规范、快速发展至关重要的课题和永恒的主题。一、出租汽车运营的质量和管理出租汽车运营行业不同于其他行业,它的“产品”就是运营劳务,它的质量就是运营劳务质量(即乘客的…  相似文献   

关于我国物流信息化发展的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
20世纪60年代以来,随着数据采集技术、处理技术和计算机与通信技术等的飞速发展,物流信息随之可以及时地、大批量地获得,并能安全可靠地存储和快速地处理、传输。物流产生信息流,信息流控制物流,信息化已成为现代物流发展的灵魂,没有物流的信息化,就谈不上物流的现代化。一、我国物流信息化发展现状近几年我国物流业的发展非常迅速,物流信息化也得到了很大程度的发展,企业物流信息化意识普遍提高,物流信息标准化进程也正在加快,但从整体来看,我国物流信息化还处于起步阶段。从宏观来看,我国还有待建立和完善与信息化服务相关的编码标识、协…  相似文献   

本文利用CCD技术研究了银盐扩散转移体系的物理显影过程。原位地监测了印刷用银盐直接制版材料的显影过程,通过版材表面白银(亲油部分)的反射光强(Intensity)随CCD单元及反应时间的变化来表征物理显影速率,达到了直观、快速、实时监测物理显影全过程的目的。结果表明CCD技术应用于研究物理显影是完全可行的。  相似文献   

我国半导体照明发展战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在详细分析国内外半导体照明产业发展现状和趋势的基础上,提出了我国发展半导体照明的技术路线,给出了不同发展情景下,我国中长期半导体照明节能潜力的预测结果,并对我国半导体照明发展战略提出了若干政策建议.  相似文献   

To improve the blood compatibility of Bombyx mori silk fibroin (SF) film, the film was modified by SO2 gas plasma treatment, or by a two-step process including NH3 gas plasma treatment and reaction with 1,3-propane sultone. XPS and ATR-FTIR were used to analyze the surface chemical elements. In vitro antithrombogenicity was determined by the method of the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), prothrombin time (PT) and thrombin time (TT) tests. Percents of sulfur element on the surfaces of both modified SF films were 4.03% and 3.30%, respectively, while that of the control film was only 0.32%. Moreover, the antithrombogencity of treated films was increased remarkably due to surface sulfonation. The results implied a potential use of sulfonated SF for blood-contacting biomaterials.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effect of pharmaceutical excipients preferred in lipid-based formulations for lymphatic delivery on in vitro association of probucol with chylomicron (CM). CM stability study was performed under the conditions of room temperature, refrigeration and deep freezing to optimize the storage condition of CM dispersion prior to CM-binding study. The mean particle size, size distribution and zeta potential value were considerably maintained for 48?h under the refrigeration condition. CM-binding study was conducted using probucol incorporated in vehicles composed of solubilizer (Transcutol HP or ethanol or propylene glycol) or surfactant (Tween-80 or Tween-20 or Cremophor ELP), and CM dispersion obtained by a density-gradient ultracentrifugation. Levels of the association of probucol with CM were largely governed by solubility of probucol in pharmaceutical excipients tested in this study, and the ability of solubilizers tested to enhance the affinity of probucol with CM was much greater than that of surfactants tested. Furthermore, the association of probucol with CM was enhanced by increasing the amount of the drug solubilized in propylene glycol or Transcutol HP. Together, the result of this CM-binding study showed that solubilizers tested in this study can increase levels of the association of probucol with CM, potentially leading to an increase in lymphatic exposure of drugs. Thus, identifying pharmaceutical excipients having better solubilizing ability would be advantageous for enhanced lymphatic delivery.  相似文献   

Synthetic hydroxyapatite, (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, HA), is an important material used for orthopedic and dental implant applications. The biological hydroxyapatite in the human bone and tooth is of nanosize and differs in composition from the stoichiometric HA by the presence of other ions such as carbonate, magnesium, fluoride, etc. Osseointegration is enhanced by using nanocrystalline HA. This stimulates the interest in synthesizing nanocrystalline HA by different routes and among the methods, microwave processing seems to form the fine grain size and uniform characteristic nanocrystalline materials. Fluorinated hydroxyapatite, (FHA, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2−x F x ), possesses higher corrosion resistance in biofluids than pure HA and reduces the risk of dental caries. The present work deals with the synthesis of nanocrystalline FHAs by microwave processing. The crystal size and morphology of the nanopowers were examined by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods. The functional groups present in FHA powders were ascertained by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and laser Raman spectroscopy. Since the physiological stability is an important parameter while selecting the material for implantation, the in vitro dissolution studies of FHAs with different fluorine contents were carried out.  相似文献   

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