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灌区沟塘湿地对稻田排水中氮磷的原位削减效果及机理研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
沟塘系统是控制农田面源污染的有效措施,本文通过修整灌区内承泄沟塘、重建其水生植物系统,研究了沟塘湿地对稻田排水的原位削减能力及机理。试验结果表明,通过沟塘底泥、水生植物等的综合净化作用,沟塘出流水中总氮TN和总磷TP平均质量浓度分别较入口减小22.01%和9.59%,实现了对稻田排水中氮磷的原位削减,其中氮磷单峰浓度消减均近似服从指数规律。较小的沟塘入流浓度和较长的沟塘净化时间利于获得更大的消减率,因此,建议利用排水沟系对稻田排水进行先期调蓄,初步净化后再排入沟塘,以提高沟塘净化效果。沟塘拦水坝的修建使得底泥吸附在水体净化过程中作用更加明显,0~40cm深底泥在稻麦轮作年TN截留量达1.559kg·m-2、TP累积量达0.394kg·m-2,吸附量可观;水生植物氮磷吸收是沟塘水质净化的重要途径,收割是实现其净化有效性的关键环节,仅移除芦苇和茭草茎叶,可除去氮193.69kg·hm-2和磷33.49kg·hm-2。芦苇和茭草综合对比表明,茭草更适于当地排水沟塘选用。  相似文献   

为进一步提升护岸材料对面源污染物的净化能力,采用骨料交联法制备了具有较高透水率的多孔生态砌块,研究骨料粒径与砌块透水率的关系,并采用动水挂膜法对不同透水率的生态砌块进行反硝化细菌表面负载,在此基础上,研究所制备的不同骨料粒径的生态砌块的透水率、比表面积等对水体中硝态氮去除率的耦合效应。结果表明:在相同孔隙率条件下生态砌块的透水率随比表面积的增加而降低,且随着骨料粒径的增大而提高;生态砌块对水体中硝态氮的去除率随透水率的增加呈现先增大再减小的趋势,其中骨料粒径为7~11 mm,透水率为6.6 m L/(s.cm~2)的多孔生态砌块对硝态氮的去除率可达90.3%。  相似文献   

Nitrogen removal performance and the ammonia-oxidising bacterial (AOB) community were assessed in the batch loaded 1.3 ha saturated surface vertical flow wetland at CSBP Ltd, a fertiliser and chemical manufacturer located in Kwinana, Western Australia. From September 2008 to October 2009 water quality was monitored and sediment samples collected for bacterial analyses. During the period of study the wetland received an average inflow of 1,109 m3/day with NH3-N = 40 mg/L and NO3-N = 23 mg/L. Effluent NH3-N and NO3-N were on average 31 and 25 mg/L, respectively. The overall NH3-N removal rate for the period was 1.2 g/m2/day indicating the nitrifying capacity of the wetland. The structure of the AOB community was analysed using group specific primers for the ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and by clone libraries to identify key members. The majority of sequences obtained were most similar to Nitrosomonas sp. while Nitrosospira sp. was less frequent. Another two vertical flow wetlands, 0.8 ha each, were commissioned at CSBP in July 2009, since then the wetland in this study has received nitrified effluent from these two new cells.  相似文献   

秸秆还田条件下稻田田面水不同形态氮动态变化特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为探索巢湖流域稻麦(油)轮作区水稻季减少农田氮素流失的有效耕作措施,降低其对湖区水质的威胁,采用野外定位观测试验并结合室内实验分析,研究了连续两年秸秆还田条件下稻田田面水总氮(TN)、溶解态氮(DN)、溶解态有机氮(DON)、铵态氮(NH4+-N)和硝态氮(NO3--N)浓度的动态变化特征。结果表明,稻田施用尿素后第2天或第4天田面水的TN、DN、DON和NH4+-N浓度达到峰值,然后随着时间的推移迅速降低,至8~10 d后趋于稳定;在整个水稻生育期内,NO3--N浓度普遍较低;尿素施用后8~10 d之内是控制稻田氮素流失的关键时期,秸秆还田降低这一时期TN、DN、NH4+-N浓度的效果显著,而DON浓度差异未达显著水平。DN是稻田田面水氮素存在的主要形态,所占TN比例达63.2%~88.8%,尿素施用后6 d内DN又以NH4+-N为主,NH4+-N所占TN的比例为33.8%~69.9%。DON是稻田田面水氮素的重要组成部分,其生态环境效应不容忽视。秸秆还田还有利于水稻产量的提高,增产幅度分别为12.25%和7.68%,平均为9.96%。在保证水稻产量的前提下,秸秆还田可以作为控制稻田氮素流失的措施在巢湖流域使用。  相似文献   

The feasibility of cross-flow micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) was investigated to remove nitrate and phosphate simultaneously. At the above critical micelle concentration (CMC), a cationic surfactant added in wastewater forms micelles, which have positive charge on their surface. Anionic contaminants such as nitrate and phosphate can be bound on the micelles by electrostatic interaction, and the micelle-pollutants complex is removed effectively by ultrafiltration. In this study, a cross-flow MEUF system was designed and investigated the feasibility of MEUF for field application. A cationic surfactant, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), was used, and the synthetic wastewater was treated by the polyacrylonitrile membranes with molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of 30,000 Da and 10,000 Da. With the molar ratio of CPC to total pollutants of > 3, > 86% of nitrate and > 91% of phosphate were removed, respectively, and > 97% of CPC was also rejected. The flux was maintained 20-30% of the flux of distilled water. Therefore, it is feasible to remove nitrate and phosphate simultaneously using the cross-flow MEUF system.  相似文献   

以山东省平阴中水湿地为研究对象,通过对湿地水体、底泥的氨态氮(NH3-N)、硝态氮(NO3--N)沿程变化的分析,研究湿地对中水中氮(N)的去除效果。结果表明:湿地对水体中NH3-N的去除效果较好,而作为水体中N主要存在形式的NO3--N沿水流方向却呈增加趋势,微生物硝化作用强烈。底泥中总氮(TN)沿水流方向也呈增加趋势,累计效应比较明显。研究结果为湿地设计的进一步改进提供理论支持。  相似文献   

以南京水利科学研究院铁心桥试验基地内象目湖微污染水体为对象,研究总氮大于1.0 m3/(m2·d)的高水力负荷条件下,鹅卵石、陶粒、砾石、钢渣、蛭石、碎石和砂子等多种基质和再力花、芦苇、美人蕉及菖蒲等水生植物组合条件下的垂直流湿地和水平潜流湿地对氮磷的去除效果。试验结果表明:进水总氮浓度在0.793~2.662 mg/L时,种植菖蒲,填料从上到下分别为鹅卵石、碎石、粗砂和细砂的垂直潜流湿地单元(20单元)出水总氮平均浓度最低,为0.905 mg/L;总氮、氨氮和硝态氮平均去除率最高,达80.89%,43.06%和46.32%;总氮浓度从Ⅳ类水体提升至Ⅲ类。进水TP浓度在0.035~1.003 mg/L时,20单元总磷平均去除率最高,为30.59%,价格相对便宜的碎石对磷素的去除效果较好。种植菖蒲及填料组合为鹅卵石、碎石、粗砂和细砂的人工湿地处理单元可以应用于饮用水源地原水等微污染水强化处理。  相似文献   

We estimated the reduction in nitrogen outflow load from a paddy field that had a recycling irrigation facility and, by using a replacement cost method, evaluated the economic effect of nitrogen removal by the paddy field during the irrigation period in the Yoshinuma region of Tsukuba City, Japan. The recycling ratio of outflow water (proportion of outflow reused) was 13.5%. The nitrogen (N) outflow load was reduced by about 45 kg ha(-1) by the N removal function of the paddy field and by about 39 kg ha(-1) by the recycling irrigation facility. The paddy field equipped with a recycling irrigation facility as an N removal facility was valued at 32.6 million Japanese yen (JPY) ha(-1) and 0.72 million JPY ha(-1) per year, which compare it with the construction and maintenance costs, respectively, of a water quality improvement facility. The recycling irrigation facility was costed at 17.3 million JPY ha(-1) for construction and 0.21 million JPY ha(-1) for maintenance per year. The cost for constructing and maintaining a recycling irrigation facility was 53% of the value of the paddy field area equipped with a recycling irrigation facility as an N removal facility.  相似文献   

目前硝酸盐污染已经严重影响了地下水水质,对饮用水安全构成了一定威胁。本研究拟采用电化学方法去除水体中硝酸盐,探究其机理、动力学、影响因素及实际地下水处理方法,为地下水脱氮提供参考。研究结果表明:在无氯离子体系下,30.0 mg/L的硝酸盐在2.0 A电流下电解,其一级反应动力学常数为0.040 h-1,产物中54%为氨氮,46%为氮气。在添加300.0 mg/L氯离子条件下电解,一级反应动力学常数为0.029 h-1,其产物主要为氮气。硝酸盐去除速率随着硝酸盐初始浓度和电流增加而增加,随着氯离子浓度增加而略微减少。对实际地下水水样的电解结果表明,20.0 mg/L的硝酸盐在2.0 A、100.0 mg/L氯离子条件下电解,其一级反应动力学常数为0.031 h-1,产物主要为氮气。二维电极电解过程中,硝酸盐扩散至阴极表面速率较慢,电解效率较低。  相似文献   

采用液相还原法制备改性凹凸棒土/纳米铁复合材料(简称复合材料),考察了该复合材料的稳定性及其作用下"三氮"(NO_3~--N、NH_4~+-N、NO_2~--N)的变化情况,阐明了地下水环境因素(DO、温度、光照)对复合材料去除NO_3~--N的影响。模拟地下水环境时,3种材料去除NO_3~--N的反应活性顺序为:复合材料纳米铁改性凹凸棒土,且复合材料作用下NH_4~+-N的转化率低,几乎无NO_2~--N生成。DO、温度对复合材料去除地下水NO_3~--N的影响较大;而光照和黑暗环境下,地下水中NO_3~--N的去除率及NH_4~+-N、NO_2~--N的生成量均无明显差异。研究成果旨在为NO_3~--N污染地下水工程修复提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

为解决湿地系统反硝化脱氮过程中碳源不足的问题,选取芦苇、水稻、小麦和香蒲等秸秆为研究对象,研究在不同环境因素下,碳及氮磷成分释放规律及其强化湿地脱氮效果.  相似文献   

Nitrogen removal from sludge reject water was obtained by oxygen-limited partial nitritation resulting in nitrite accumulation in a first stage, followed by autotrophic denitrification of nitrite with ammonium as electron donor (similar to anaerobic ammonium oxidation) in a second stage. Two membrane-assisted bioreactors (MBRs) were used in series to operate with high sludge ages and subsequent high volumetric loading rates, achieving 1.45 kg N m(-3) day(-1) for the partial nitritation MBR and 1.1 kg N m(-3) day(-1) for the anaerobic ammonium oxidation MBR. Biomass retention in the nitritation stage ensured flexibility towards loading rate and operating temperature. Nitrite oxidisers were out-competed at low oxygen and high free ammonia concentration. Biomass retention in the second MBR prevented wash-out of the slowly growing bacteria. Nitrite and ammonium were converted to dinitrogen gas in a reaction ratio of 1.05, thereby maintaining nitrite limitation to assure process stability. The anoxic consortium catalysing the autotrophic denitrification process consisted of Nitrosomonas-like aerobic ammonium oxidizers and anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria closely related to Kuenenia stuttgartiensis. The overall removal efficiency of the combined process was 82% of the incoming ammonium according to a total nitrogen removal rate of 0.55 kg N m(-3) day(-1), without adding extra carbon source.  相似文献   

采用等温吸附方程对6种基质吸附氨氮的能力进行筛选,并将效果较优的3种材料组合成人工湿地基质试样,通过筛选实验和不同因素影响下的动力学实验,得到不同组合基质的氨氮去除效果,分析不同温度、进水浓度和粒径下的动力学特征。结果表明:沸石、生物陶粒和石灰石质量比在3∶1∶1时除氨氮效果最优,吸附量达到283.814 mg/kg,去除率为94.61%。随着温度增高,氨氮吸附量减小。进水浓度的增加虽然可以增加吸附量,但会降低吸附效率。改变粒径对吸附量有一定影响,但并不显著。从相关系数来看,准二级比一级动力学能更好地模拟基质吸附氨氮的过程,在估算改变温度对平衡吸附量影响时,一级动力学估算更为准确,在改变进水浓度和粒径时,二级动力学较优。  相似文献   

含氮化合物是水体污染监测中的重要指标,因此需要可靠精确的检测方法作为支撑。本文采用气相分子吸收光谱法对亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮、总氮进行检测分析,结果表明:标准曲线相关系数均大于0.999,检出限、精密度、准确度、加标回收率均满足方法要求。表明气相分子吸收光谱法具有较高的灵敏度和准确度,稳定性好,可实现样品在线自动稀释和在线消解,简化样品前处理过程,更适用于大批量含氮化合物水质检测工作。  相似文献   

人工湿地生态系统脱氮除磷机理及研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了人工湿地生态系统去除污水中氮磷的机理,并从工艺优化、湿地植物、基质和微生物四个方面系统地阐述了目前人工湿地系统提高氮磷去除率的研究进展情况;通过优化湿地系统设计、湿地植物的筛选、基质的选择和复合、微生物种群的调控等可以有效提高人工湿地的氮磷去除率,提出了当前人工湿地研究中存在的问题和研究方向.  相似文献   

Nitrogen removal from digested manure in a simple one-stage process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A process based on partial nitrification and recirculation into the anaerobic digester was studied to remove nitrogen from digested manure and thus reduce enhanced gaseous ammonia emissions due to on-farm biogas production. An anaerobic reactor representing an anaerobic manure digester was fed with a nitrite solution and digested manure liquor. Nitrite was efficiently removed from the influent and ammonium formation was observed first. Ammonium was subsequently eliminated up to a maximum of 90% of the influent concentration, indicating anaerobic ammonium oxidation activity. This activity, however, decreased again and was lost at the end of the 4-month operation period. In a 1.5 L aerobic CSTR that was fed with digested manure liquor, ammonium was efficiently removed from the influent. Nitrite and nitrate formation was observed but mass balances indicated significant N-removal. Accumulation of suspended solids was observed at the end of the experiment suggesting presence of oxygen-free environments. In a second test in a 15 L CSTR where suspended solids sedimentation could be avoided, low N-removal rates were observed in the absence of biofilm carrier elements whereas high N-removal rates were achieved in their presence. A simple one-stage process based on immobilized biomass could therefore be installed downstream of agricultural anaerobic digesters in order to mitigate undesirable gaseous ammonia emissions.  相似文献   

为了揭示稻田不同节水灌溉与施肥管理方式下氮素迁移转化与利用损失规律,以指导水稻田的水肥管理,以水稻生育期田间水分氮素监测试验为基础,运用Hydrus-1D结合一阶动力学方法建立模型,对不同节水灌溉、肥料管理条件下的氮素运移进行模拟,并以反演的综合一阶动力学系数作为统一的评价指标,对不同方案处理下的氮素利用效率及环境效应进行分析评价。结果表明,植物吸收利用对于分蘖期、拔节孕穗期和抽穗开花期土壤水中氮素变化速率的影响比较显著;而氮素的主要损失差异在于分蘖肥和拔节肥导致的分蘖期和拔节孕穗期氨挥发损失效率大,以及分蘖期、抽穗开花期和乳熟期NO3-的反硝化作用造成的氮素变化差异明显;浅灌深蓄(G1)的NO3-综合一阶动力学系数较浅勤灌溉(G2)小,NO3-损失速率较小;施用氮肥(135 kg/hm2)(F1)施肥模式、(G1)灌溉模式下的植物吸收效率较另两种模式高,对应产量也较高;建议采用浅灌深蓄(G1)的节灌方式,同时采取分次施肥、深施等措施减少氨挥发损失,对于提高稻田氮素利用率尤为重要。  相似文献   

研究基于地表水,进行小试探索实验并搭建中试装置,研究了不同时间下的系统脱氮效果、除浊效果和副产物生产量,为该工艺在地表水方面的工程化应用提供理论依据.  相似文献   

人工湿地净污效果影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湿地是介于水、陆两种生态系统界面的特殊生态系统,被誉为“地球之肾”、“物种的基因库”、“地球上生物多样性最丰富的生态系统”等。它利用系统中物理、化学、生物的三重协调作用,通过过滤、吸附、沉淀、植物吸收、微生物降解来实现对污染物质的分解与净化。目前已经有很多有关人工湿地应用方面的报道,但是人工湿地的净污效果受多方面因素的影响,并不一定能够按照人们的要求净化污水,或者说净化效果不太理想。这些因素主要包括湿地的水力条件、湿地的类型、湿地植物、温度、湿地的宽度和面积、pH值和氧化还原电位(Eh)、湿地基质及微生物等。  相似文献   

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