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In this paper, we give characterizations of ordered semigroups in terms of (∈, ∈ ∨q)-fuzzy interior ideals. We characterize different classes regular (resp. intra-regular, simple and semisimple) ordered semigroups in terms of (∈, ∈ ∨q)-fuzzy interior ideals (resp. (∈, ∈ ∨q)-fuzzy ideals). In this regard, we prove that in regular (resp. intra-regular and semisimple) ordered semigroups the concept of (∈, ∈ ∨q)-fuzzy ideals and (∈, ∈ ∨q)-fuzzy interior ideals coincide. We prove that an ordered semigroup S is simple if and only if it is (∈, ∈ ∨q)-fuzzy simple. We characterize intra-regular (resp. semisimple) ordered semigroups in terms of (∈, ∈ ∨q)-fuzzy ideals (resp. (∈, ∈ ∨q)-fuzzy interior ideals). Finally, we consider the concept of implication-based fuzzy interior ideals in an ordered semigroup, in particular, the implication operators in Lukasiewicz system of continuous-valued logic are discussed.  相似文献   

Uncertainty relations for more than two observables have found use in quantum information, though commonly known relations pertain to a pair of observables. We present novel uncertainty and certainty relations of state-independent form for the three Pauli observables with use of the Tsallis $\alpha $ -entropies. For all real $\alpha \in (0;1]$ and integer $\alpha \ge 2$ , lower bounds on the sum of three $\alpha $ -entropies are obtained. These bounds are tight in the sense that they are always reached with certain pure states. The necessary and sufficient condition for equality is that the qubit state is an eigenstate of one of the Pauli observables. Using concavity with respect to the parameter $\alpha $ , we derive approximate lower bounds for non-integer $\alpha \in (1;+\infty )$ . In the case of pure states, the developed method also allows to obtain upper bounds on the entropic sum for real $\alpha \in (0;1]$ and integer $\alpha \ge 2$ . For applied purposes, entropic bounds are often used with averaging over the individual entropies. Combining the obtained bounds leads to a band, in which the rescaled average $\alpha $ -entropy ranges in the pure-state case. A width of this band is essentially dependent on $\alpha $ . It can be interpreted as an evidence for sensitivity in quantifying the complementarity.  相似文献   

The power of a test for no three way interaction in 2 × J × K tables, performed by partitioning the K strata into two groups was investigated by simulation. Mantel-Haenszel estimation techniques were used to calculate the test statistic. The power was compared with that of Pearson's X2 and the likelihood ratio G2. The partition test had substantially greater power than either X2 or G2 in cases most favorable to the partition test and somewhat greater power for cases moderately favorable to it. The greater power can be explained by the smaller degrees of freedom for the partition test (J − 1 vs (J − 1)(K − 1) for X2 and G2). The results also suggest that the distribution of the test statistic more closely follows a non-central chi square distribution in non-null cases for the partition test. If an appropriate partitioning of the strata can be made, the partitioning test would be preferable to the widely used X2 and G2 tests.  相似文献   

FASOR (Field Analysis of Shells of Revolution) is a user-oriented code for the analysis of stiffened, laminated axisymmetric shells. Very general shell geometries are allowed in that the reference surface meridian may form a branched, multi-circuit figure. Modes of response treated are linear asymmetric and geometrically nonlinear axisymmetric prebuckling, and asymmetric buckling and vibration under static axisymmetric loads. Bifurcation buckling under asymmetric loads is also treated by using a symmetrized prebuckling state based on the linear response of a user-specified meridian. For each mode of response, the user may specify any combination of orthotropic or anisotropic material properties with classical or transverse shear deformation shell theories.FASOR employs a numerical integration method (called the field method) whereby a numerically unstable linear boundary-value problem (all modes of response reduce to a sequence of such problems) is converted into two successive numerically stable initial-value problems. In this context, numerical stability means that round-off errors introduced at each step of the integration process tend to decay out. As a consequence, solution accuracy is controlled essentially by a single number, the truncation error tolerance, which is satisfied by automatically adjusting the size of each integration step. The field method thus eliminates the need for mesh generation required by finite element and finite difference methods, and the associated problem of numerical convergence. It also provides for automatic determination of response storage points so as to obtain a uniformly valid discrete approximation of the continuous response.In this paper the field method is briefly described, basic aspects of the mathematical model are discussed, the organization of input data is presented, and input and plot output are given for specific examples.  相似文献   

With the development of the Internet, more people are creating personal websites and blogs, and they expect to be able to use their own name or surname in the domain name. The aim of this article is to identify and analyse the existing problems in the use and protection of personal names in the domain space, as well as the development of legal approaches that can be used to resolve disputes that arise. In the course of the analysis, the authors conclude that the existing legal regulations at both the international and national levels are not sufficient to protect personal names effectively. Current approaches in this area are scattered and not systematic. The conclusions and suggestions made in this paper can be used to form a specialised procedure to resolve domain name disputes relating to personal names, as well as in the course of organising and updating the national legislations of the states of Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

Various experimentally measured diffusivities of fcc Al–Mg, Cu–Mg and Al–Cu–Mg alloys available in the literature are critically reviewed in the present work. The first-principles calculations coupled with a semi-empirical correlation is employed to derive the temperature dependence of impurity diffusivity for Mg in fcc Cu. Atomic mobilities for the above fcc alloys are then evaluated as a function of temperature and composition by means of DICTRA (DIffusion Controlled TRAnsformation) software. Comprehensive comparisons between calculated and measured diffusivities show that most of the experimental data can be well reproduced by the presently obtained atomic mobilities. The concentration profiles and diffusion paths are predicted with the mobility parameters in a series of binary and ternary diffusion couples. A good agreement is obtained between experiment and simulation.  相似文献   

Wheat plants were experimentally infested with wheat stem sawflies, and hyperspectral images (reflectance range from 402.8–838.7 nm) were collected from leaves of infested and non‐infested plants. Mean and variance reflectance per leaf were calculated in five of 213 spectral bands (452, 553, 657, 725, and 760 nm) and compared with vegetation indices (NDVI, SI and PRI), and standard variogram parameters (nugget, sill and range values). Mean reflectance values and their variance values and vegetation indices showed significant effects of sawfly infestation in one dataset but not in another. Based on directional variogram analyses, we showed that: (1) better separation of leaf type and infested/non‐infested wheat plants was seen in variograms in longitudinal direction compared to transverse; (2) mainly spectral bands in the red edge and NIR showed consistent effect of sawfly infestation; (3) range values were not affected significantly by either sawfly infestation or leaf type; and (4) sawfly‐induced stress was most likely to be detected about three weeks after infestation. Variogram analysis is one of the key standards in quantitative spatial ecology, and this study supports further research into its use in remote sensing with particular emphasis on detection of biotic stress.  相似文献   

1 Foreword Do we really need Ethernet in the production of tomorrow? I think, the answer is YES. The production technology of today has to meet the challenge to develop new strategies for a highly flexible, highly available and cost-effective automation technology. Through the gradual increase of Ethernet technology in the automation field industrial communication could be standardized considerably to deal with all the requirements of future automation and production strategies. Industria…  相似文献   

One of the most important characteristics of chance discovery is that it focuses on the specific events or patterns in which the essential nature of an applied domain is implicitly included. The understanding and forecasting of such patterns and events will have a significant impact on decision making in the applied domain. This paper discusses the meaning of chance discovery from the viewpoint of medicine. Since chance discovery in medicine can be viewed as the way to find a suitable occasion for some critical actions or to check the dangerous possibilities, called rare risky events, detection and interpretation of rare but important events are ones of the components that supports chance discovery. According to this observation, several approaches for detecting rare events were introduced and evaluated by a small dataset on neurological diseases. Experimental results show that a set of events which include rare risky events can be detected by the introduced detection method, though interpretation by domain experts is required for selection of such events. Shusaku Tsumoto, Ph.D.: He graduated from Osaka University, School of Medicine in 1989. After residents of neurology in Chiba University Hospital, he was involved in developing hospital information system in Chiba University Hospital. He moved to Tokyo Medical University in 1993 and started his research on rough sets and data mining in medicine. He received his Ph.D (Computer Science) from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1997, and is now a Professor at Department of Medical Informatics, Shimane Medical University. His interests include approximate reasoning, data mining, fuzzy sets, knowledge acquisition, mathematical theory of data mining, and rough sets (alphabetical order).  相似文献   

In this paper we describe SelectCare, a computer system to support psychotherapists in their decision making for the treatment of depressed patients. Treatment decision tasks are complex and ill-structured: it is not clear what the relevant bits of information are and how these should be integrated into a correct decision, or even what a correct decision is. Still, treatment decisions are important and merit thorough consideration. We therefore set ourselves the goal of equipping psychotherapists with a system that helps them improve the completeness and overview of their considerations for treatment decisions.  相似文献   

In this study a link was established between anomalies in climatic and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)/Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data in Spain for the period from 1989 to 1999 on a monthly and annual basis using multivariate distributed lag (DL) models and generalized least‐square (GLS) parameter estimation. In most areas significant time‐delayed correlation between anomalies of monthly rainfall and NDVI data was confined to an interval of 1 month. Locally higher lag orders of up to 3 months were found. By contrast, relationships between surface temperature and the NDVI were insignificant in the multivariate context at most locations. The multiple correlation coefficients of the DL models achieved 0.6 in the maximum. Regions characterized by the most significant NDVI–rainfall correlations include the southern forelands of the Pyrenees in Catal?na, rainfed agricultural areas in Extremadura, Andalusia, and the western parts of Castilla y Leon. Average ratios of rainfall to potential evapotranspiration (PET) in the sensitive areas ranged between 0.5 and 2, with annual rainfall amounts less than 700 mm. For each land‐cover class a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was carried out to assess the environmental factors that might explain the differences in the NDVI–rainfall relationships. The highest discriminant coefficients and factor loadings were recorded for those factors that recurrently trigger water deficit in the sensitive regions, such as low total annual rainfall, large seasonal rainfall variability, high average PET and surface temperature. On the annual basis the lagged correlation of the NDVI and rainfall data was confined to natural vegetation (grassland and scrubland) areas in western Spain. This region suffered from a severe drought in the early 1990s, after which biomass production lagged several years behind improved rainfall conditions. The approach presented is useful for assessing the influence of climatic variables on the pattern of temporal anomalies in the NDVI or related vegetation parameters.  相似文献   

Using an exact solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations for a free electric field and dustlike matter, we study the internal structure of the wormhole-type space with two nonclosing static throats opening to two parallel vacuum spaces or to a single space. This geometry is considered as a particleantiparticle pair with two electric charges of opposite signs, ±e, and the rest mass m0 (the total mass of the particle’s gravitational internal world) specified on the throats. These fundamental constants emerge while solving the Cauchy problem in the form of first integrals. Using the energy conservation law, we consider an irremovable rotation of the internal structure, and the projection of the corresponding angular momentum onto the rotation axis is identified with the z-projection of the charged particle’s spin. The Gaussian 2D curvature radius of the throat is identified with the particle’s radius; the z-projection of the magnetic moment and the gyromagnetic ratio have been found. The plausibility of this gravitational model is confirmed by the fact that the proton and electron spins, s = 1/2, turn out to be independent of the particle radius and of the relativistic mass of the rotating throat; also, there is a coincidence with great accuracy between the proton radius value calculated in this model, 0.8412 × 10?13 cm, and the one obtained in measurements of the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen, 0.8409× 10?13 cm. The electron turns out to be also a structured particle, with a radius of 3.8617 × 10?11 cm.  相似文献   

Consciously designed message bearing signals are generally well suited to bottom-up decoding. Signals are first segmented into low-level units, the units are classified, and the higher level information is then deduced. Evidence from the reading of printed text suggests that humans may not use such a strategy even on signals apparently well suited to it, and that spontaneous modes of communication - handwriting and speech - are quite unsuited to the stratery. It is argued that the most effective algorithms for automatic speech recognition derive their effectiveness from an ability to delay low-level decisions (such as segmential identities and boundaries) until higher level decisions (such as word identities) have been made. A case is made for the representation of speech for recognition purposes in terms of the frequencies of the vocal tract resonances (formants). The fact that formant frequencies have not hitherto been widely used in speech recognition is ascribed to their resembling other low-level features in that they too cannot be reliably extracted and labeled prior to some higher level decisions. An algorithm is presented that allows decisions on formant identities to be delayed and made contingent on higher level decisions. A technique is described for deriving the cost functions used in this algorithm from the statistical properties of formants, and some practical applications of the algorithm are briefly described.  相似文献   

With the high developed hardware from the PC‘s today,there arise possibilities to implement programming environments on such kind of computers.To rduces the amount of calculaiton time and required memory space from implemented algorithms.new optimization approaches in the algorithm design are demanded.The purpose of this work is to explore and analyse possibilities to reduce the required memory space through elimination of superfluonus grammar rules created during the process of recognition.  相似文献   

Much attention is given to the problem how to avoid transfer-bound processing in MIMD supercomputers. The interactivity between processing tasks is compared with the interconnectability that exists between processors in the case of a multi-bus communication system. For this purpose quantitative measures are introduced for both the task interactivity and the processor interconnectability.For a MIMD computer with p processors and p busses the asymptotic speed-up is proportional to p both for tightly and loosely coupled tasks. For tightly coupled tasks a still larger speed-up can be achieved by taking more than p busses.For a MIMD computer with p processors in the case of 2-level parallelization considerably more speed-up can be obtained, but that requires at the 2nd level of parallelization p powerful interconnects (one per processor). Full processor interconnectability is ideal in the sense that no queueing problems can arise. In case of 1-level parallelization with p processors full interconnectability requires p2 (one-word wide) interconnections. In the Delft Parallel Processor (DPP), instead of using a p2-tuple bus communication system, for this purpose a multibroadcast system with p data channels has been applied, where each data channel has p taps (one per processor) and each processor has a p-tuple accessible input memory (one input per channel). In the DPP84 (with maximally 16 processors) electric data channels have been applied. But for technical reasons for large p full interconnectability is only feasible by the way of optical data channels. This optical interconnect must be provided with electro-to-optic (E/O) and opto-to-electric (O/E) transducers as long as optical computing is not yet practically possible. The resulting Electro-Optic Communication System (EOCS) will be implemented in the DPP8X. The EOCS will consist of a combination of guided-wave and a p-tuple way starcoupler technique. Special E/O and O/E transducers have to be developed as well. An intelligent Opto-Electric logic element, the POWERRAM, is realized as a prototype p-tuple accessible input memory IC, capable to accept the multidata stream at the input of a processor in one clock cycle.  相似文献   

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