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One approach to testing concurrent programs is called reachability testing, which derives test sequences automatically and on‐the‐fly, without constructing a static model. Existing reachability testing algorithms are exhaustive in that they are intended to exercise all possible synchronization sequences of a concurrent program with a given input. In this paper, we present a new testing strategy, called t‐way reachability testing, that adopts the dynamic framework of reachability testing but selectively exercises a subset of synchronization sequences. The selection of the synchronization sequences is based on a combinatorial testing strategy called t‐way testing. We present an algorithm that implements t‐way reachability testing, and report the results of several case studies that were conducted to evaluate its effectiveness. The results indicate that t‐way reachability testing can substantially reduce the number of synchronization sequences exercised during reachability testing while still effectively detecting faults. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reachability testing is an important approach to testing concurrent programs. It generates and exercises synchronization sequences automatically and on-the-fly without saving any test history. Existing reachability testing can be classified into exhaustive and t-way testing. Exhaustive testing is impractical in many cases while t-way testing may decrease the capability of fault detection in some cases. In this paper, we present a variable strength reachability testing strategy, which adopts the dynamic framework of reachability testing and uses a variable strength combinatorial strategy. Different parameter groups are provided with different covering strength. Variable strength testing covers no t-way combinations but the necessary combinations of parameters having mutual interactions in a concurrent program. It is more reasonable than t-way testing because uniform interactions between parameters do not often exist in concurrent systems. We propose a merging algorithmthat implements the variable strength combinatorial testing strategy and conduct our experiment on several concurrent programs. The experimental results indicate that our variable strength reachability testing reaches a good tradeoff between the effectiveness and efficiency. It can keep the same capability of fault detection as exhaustive reachability testing while substantially reducing the number of synchronization sequences and decreasing the execution time in most cases.  相似文献   

Reachability testing is an approach to verifying concurrent programs. During reachability testing, every partially ordered synchronization sequence of a program with a given input is exercised exactly once. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a distributed reachability testing algorithm for a cluster of workstations. This algorithm allows different test sequences to be exercised concurrently by different workstations without any synchronization, and without any duplication of sequences among workstations. Dynamic load balancing is performed using a work‐stealing scheme. A novel aspect of this scheme is that work‐stealing requests progress in rounds. This round‐based structure identifies overloaded workstations to target for work stealing. Empirical studies show good speedup for four benchmark Java programs and one Lotos specification. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a method for selecting test sequences for concurrent programs from labeled transitions systems (LTS). A common approach to selecting test sequences from a set of LTSs is to derive a global LTS, called the reachability graph, and then force deterministic program executions according to paths selected from the graph. However, using a reachability graph for test path selection introduces a state explosion problem. To overcome this problem, a reduced graph can be generated using incremental reachability analysis, which consists of repeatedly generating a reachability graph for a subset of LTSs, reducing this graph, and using the reduced graph in place of the original LTSs. Unfortunately, existing incremental reachability analysis techniques generate reduced graphs with insufficient information for deterministic testing. We present an incremental approach to testing concurrent programs. Incremental testing consists of incremental reachability analysis for test path selection and deterministic testing for test execution. We define a new type of reachability graph for incremental analysis, called an annotated labeled transition system (ALTS). An ALTS is an LTS annotated with information necessary for deterministic testing. We propose practical coverage criteria for selecting tests paths from an ALTS and present an ALTS reduction algorithm. The results of several case studies are reported  相似文献   

Java程序的并发性使它比串行程序更难测试,而可达性测试是一种有效的并发程序测试方法。首先比较了现有的Java程序可达性测试技术,进而提出了一种融合的改进方案以提高同步序列集的生成效率。然后指出新方案已覆盖了用伯恩斯坦条件裁减同步序列集的功能。最后详述如何通过扫描源程序来自动获取同步事件的时序约束关系,进而减少不可行的同步序列,并介绍了相应的实现算法和数据结构。  相似文献   

The object-oriented paradigm in software engineering provides support for the construction of modular and reusable program components and is attractive for the design of large and complex distributed systems. Reachability analysis is an important and well-known tool for static analysis of critical properties in concurrent programs, such as deadlock freedom. It involves the systematic enumeration of all possible global states of program execution and provides the same level of assurance for properties of the synchronization structure in concurrent programs, such as formal verification. However, direct application of traditional reachability analysis to concurrent object-oriented programs has many problems, such as incomplete analysis for reusable classes (not safe) and increased computational complexity (not efficient). We propose a novel technique called apportioning, for safe and efficient reachability analysis of concurrent object-oriented programs, that is based upon a simple but powerful idea of classification of program analysis points as local (having influence within a class) and global (having possible influence outside a class). We have developed a number of apportioning-based algorithms, having different degrees of safety and efficiency. We present the details of one of these algorithms, formally show its safety for an appropriate class of programs, and present experimental results to demonstrate its efficiency for various examples  相似文献   

随着并行编程越来越普及,并行程序的测试也变得越来越重要。本文面向共享内存的并行程序,研究一种新的并行程序测试技术,设计了工具CPTester,采用冗余分析方法避免重复的结果。和已有工作不同的是CPTester能够自动生成每一个并行bug的上下文信息,对程序员理解并修复一个并行bug具有重要意义。将CPTester在一些真实的并行程序上进行实验评测,结果显示CPTester能够有效地检测到程序中的并行bug,且每一个并行bug都有相应的上下文信息来描述该bug触发的根本原因。  相似文献   

针对由于并发程序的行为不可控而导致难以对其进行测试的问题,提出了一种控制C程序中并发行为的方法。该方法以多线程同步为基础,使用测试序列和测试单位完成对并发行为的控制。在此基础上,实现了对C程序测试活动中并发行为控制的工具支持,以生产者-消费者为例说明了使用此工具进行测试活动,并讨论了其效率。  相似文献   

Carver  R.H. Tai  K.-C. 《Software, IEEE》1991,8(2):66-74
Attention is given to the problems that arise during the testing and debugging cycle of concurrent programs because of their nondeterministic execution behavior, whereby multiple executions of a concurrent program with the same input may exercise different synchronization sequences and even produce different results. These problems are solved by using deterministic execution debugging and testing. The purpose of deterministic execution debugging to to replay executions of a concurrent program so that debugging information can be collected. Examples of semaphores and monitors are used to illustrate the approach and the process of designing replay tubes is described. The use of regression testing to see if earlier debugging and testing introduced new errors, is examined  相似文献   

This paper presents and evaluates a specification-based methodology for testing concurrent programs. This methodology requires sequencing constraints, which specify restrictions on the allowed sequences of synchronization events. Sequencing constraints for a concurrent program can be derived from the program's formal or informal specification. Details of the proposed testing methodology based on the use of Constraints on Succeeding and Preceding Events (CSPE) are given. How to achieve coverage and detect violations of CSPE constraints for a concurrent program, according to deterministic and nondeterministic testing of this program, are described. A coverage criterion for CSPE-based testing is defined and analyzed. The results of empirical studies of CSPE-based testing for four concurrent problems are reported. These results indicate that the use of sequencing constraints for specification-based testing of concurrent programs is a promising approach  相似文献   

We describe the Modern Multithreading (MM) class library. MM is a class library consisting of thread and synchronization classes that provide significant support for testing and debugging multithreaded programs. The synchronization classes implement commonly used synchronization objects such as semaphores, monitors, and asynchronous and synchronous message passing channels, for programs that run on a single computer or on a distributed system. MM uses controlled executions to provide program tracing and replay and to support a number of implementation-based and specification-based testing techniques, including non-deterministic and deterministic testing and several forms of reachability testing. MM is portable and easy to use, and has been implemented in Java and C++, with C++ versions for the POSIX Pthreads library and for the Windows Win32 API.  相似文献   

苏杰  杨祖超  田聪  段振华 《软件学报》2023,34(7):3064-3079
模型检测是一种基于状态空间搜索的自动化验证方法,可以有效地提升程序的质量.然而,由于并发程序中线程调度的不确定性以及数据同步的复杂性,对该类程序验证时存在更为严重的状态空间爆炸问题.目前,大多采用基于独立性分析的偏序约简技术缩小并发程序探索空间.针对粗糙的独立性分析会显著增加需探索的等价类路径问题,开发了一款可细化线程迁移依赖性分析的并发程序模型检测工具CDG4CPV.首先,构造了待验证可达性性质对应的规约自动机;随后,根据线程迁移边的类型和共享变量访问信息构建约束依赖图;最后,利用约束依赖图剪裁控制流图在展开过程中的独立可执行分支.在SV-COMP 2022竞赛的并发程序数据集上进行了对比实验,并对工具的效率进行比较分析.实验结果表明,该工具可以有效地提升并发程序模型检测的效率.特别是,与基于BDD的程序分析算法相比,该工具可使探索状态数目平均减少91.38%,使时间和空间开销分别平均降低86.25%和69.80%.  相似文献   

并发Java程序动态分析及重演技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Java语言在并发程序方面的广泛应用对软件测试提出了新的挑战。众所周知,由于并发程序的不确定性,使得并发程序的设计、开发、调试和测试都非常困难。文章介绍了Safepro/Java中的多线程测试技术,通过对Java源程序进行适当的修改并且保持语义不变,跟踪并发Java程序的运行过程,收集有关数据并对数据进行分析,最终控制并发Java程序的重演。  相似文献   

并发程序切片是并发程序分析的一种重要手段。针对多线程共享变量通信机制,在通过程序分析工具CodeSurfer获取程序基本信息的基础上构造程序可达图,生成以程序状态和语句二元组为节点的并发程序依赖图,实现了基于程序可达图的并发程序切片原型系统。初步实验结果表明,与传统的切片方法相比,采用基于程序可达图的并发程序切片方法,可有效地解决依赖关系不可传递问题,获得高精度的并发程序切片。  相似文献   

Parallel programs present some features such as concurrency, communication and synchronization that make the test a challenging activity. Because of these characteristics, the direct application of traditional testing is not always possible and adequate testing criteria and tools are necessary. In this paper we investigate the challenges of validating message‐passing parallel programs and present a set of specific testing criteria. We introduce a family of structural testing criteria based on a test model. The model captures control and data flow of the message‐passing programs, by considering their sequential and parallel aspects. The criteria provide a coverage measure that can be used for evaluating the progress of the testing activity and also provide guidelines for the generation of test data. We also describe a tool, called ValiPar, which supports the application of the proposed testing criteria. Currently, ValiPar is configured for parallel virtual machine (PVM) and message‐passing interface (MPI). Results of the application of the proposed criteria to MPI programs are also presented and analyzed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Program slicing is an effective technique for analyzing concurrent programs. However, when a conventional closure-based slicing algorithmfor sequential programs is applied to a concurrent interprocedural program, the slice is usually imprecise owing to the intransitivity of interference dependence. Interference dependence arises when a statement uses a variable defined in another statement executed concurrently. In this study, we propose a global dependence analysis approach based on a program reachability graph, and construct a novel dependence graph calledmarking-statement dependence graph (MSDG), in which each vertex is a 2-tuple of program state and statement. In contrast to the conventional program dependence graph where the vertex is a statement, the dependence relation in MSDG is transitive. When traversing MSDG, a precise slice will be obtained. To enhance the slicing efficiency without loss of precision, our slicing algorithm adopts a hybrid strategy. The procedures containing interaction statements between threads are inlined and sliced by the slicing algorithm based on program reachability graphs while allowing other procedures to be sliced as sequential programs. We have implemented our algorithm and three other representative slicing algorithms, and conducted an empirical study on concurrent Java programs. The experimental results show that our algorithm computes more precise slices than the other algorithms. Using partial-order reduction techniques, which are effective for reducing the size of a program reachability graph without loss of precision, our algorithm is optimized, thereby improving its performance to some extent.  相似文献   

Presents a method of generating test sequences for concurrent programs and communication protocols that are modeled as communicating nondeterministic finite-state machines (CNFSMs). A conformance relation, called trace-equivalence, is defined within this model, serving as a guide to test generation. A test generation method for a single nondeterministic finite-state machine (NFSM) is developed, which is an improved and generalized version of the Wp-method that generates test sequences only for deterministic finite-state machines. It is applicable to both nondeterministic and deterministic finite-state machines. When applied to deterministic finite-state machines, it yields usually smaller test suites with full fault coverage than the existing methods that also provide full fault coverage, provided that the number of states in implementation NFSMs are bounded by a known integer. For a system of CNFSMs, the test sequences are generated in the following manner: a system of CNFSMs is first reduced into a single NFSM by reachability analysis; then the test sequences are generated from the resulting NFSM using the generalized Wp-method  相似文献   

Concurrency constructs are widely used when developing complex software such as real-time, networking and multithreaded client–server applications. Consequently, testing a program, which includes concurrency constructs is a very elaborate and complex process. In this work, we first identify the different classes of synchronization anomalies that may occur in concurrent Java programs. We then consider testing concurrent Java programs against synchronization anomalies using dynamic data flow analysis techniques. Moreover, we show how the data flow analysis technique can be extended to detect such anomalies.  相似文献   

卢炎生  卢超 《计算机科学》2008,35(2):268-273
可达性测试是目前较为成熟的一种并发程序测试方法,该方法解决了如何生成最小完备偏序测试序列集的问题.但研究表明,对于一般规模的并发程序,这一测试序列集仍然太大,以至穷尽测试无法完成.因此,目前亟需能投入实际应用的并发程序测试准则和相应的测试序列生成算法.本文提出了一种实用性较高的并发程序测试准则:全发送接收语句对(ASRSP),并针对该准则提出了一种新的并发程序测试方法:全发送接收语句对可达性测试(ASR-SP-RT).该方法利用可达性测试生成测试序列集的完备性来保证覆盖所有的发送接收语句对,并在每次生成新序列 之后及时去掉对覆盖剩下发送接收语句对无作用的序列,从而达到约简测试序列集的目的.  相似文献   

Lazy abstraction with interpolation-based refinement has been shown to be a powerful technique for verifying imperative programs. In presence of arrays, however, the method suffers from an intrinsic limitation, due to the fact that invariants needed for verification usually contain universally quantified variables, which are not present in program specifications. In this work we present an extension of the interpolation-based lazy abstraction framework in which arrays of unknown length can be handled in a natural manner. In particular, we exploit the Model Checking Modulo Theories framework to derive a backward reachability version of lazy abstraction that supports reasoning about arrays. The new approach has been implemented in a tool, called safari, which has been validated on a wide range of benchmarks. We show by means of experiments that our approach can synthesize and prove universally quantified properties over arrays in a completely automatic fashion.  相似文献   

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