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复合材料零件固化变形是多种因素综合作用的结果,如何优化结构及制造工艺以降低固化变形是许多科研工作者长期研究的课题.根据过程诱导应力和变形产生机理可将影响固化变形的因素分为热应力、固化收缩应力、温度梯度与树脂固化度、压力分布和树脂流动、模具与零件的相互作用等.分别介绍了这几种因素导致固化变形的机理,同时阐述了目前固化变形控制的研究进展.  相似文献   

针对热固性复合材料制件热压罐成型过程中,工装结构优化和降低升温速率等温度场均匀性优化方法的不足,提出了在"温度低谷"区域添加加热器来提高温度场均匀性的方法。通过温度场模拟确定加热器的个数、安放位置,并求解各个加热器的功率密度,实现对"温度低谷"区域的热量补偿,提高温度场的均匀性。通过实例分析,将热量补偿前的温度场和补偿后的进行对比,最大温差从20℃降低到6.5℃,温度场均匀性有了很大的改善。  相似文献   

王仁宇  关志东  王乾  蒋婷  黎增山 《材料导报》2017,31(2):130-135, 141
利用固化动力学模型对20mm厚度和3mm厚度的ZT7H/5429碳纤维复合材料层合板进行了固化模拟,在固化过程中,20mm厚度平板出现了温度峰值,中心温度与表面温度差不超过6℃,3mm平板温度分布均匀,温度历程与热压罐工艺温度基本一致。利用简化的温度场和等效热膨胀系数对60°和90°拐角的V型基准试件进行了固化变形模拟,并进行了V型基准试件的固化试验。60°和90°拐角试件的固化回弹角的模拟值分别为1.58°和1.18°,试验测得的回弹角的平均值分别为1.59°和1.11°。对V型复合材料蒙皮构件进行了固化变形模拟,并得到了补偿过的工装型面,在该工装上成型的试件与设计形状基本一致。  相似文献   

基于热压罐成型复合材料构件的无损检测数据, 利用群子统计理论分析了复合材料构件结构形式与成型质量的关联性, 建立了分层面积的群子模型, 获得了反映分层面积倾向性的群子参数, 对热压罐成型复合材料构件的工艺质量进行了评价。结果表明, 在所统计的航空复合材料构件中, 构件的分层面积分布以小分层为主, 构形复杂(如工形件)、过薄(1~2 mm)或过厚(>5 mm)的复合材料构件产生大分层的倾向性增大, 同时分层面积分布的分散性也增大, 成型质量不易控制。   相似文献   

变厚度复合材料热压罐工艺层板厚度控制的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对2种碳纤维织物/环氧预浸料,采用热压罐工艺在不同条件下制备了变厚度层板,并通过层板内部形貌、层板厚度、纤维含量、吸胶量、织物渗透率的测试分析,研究了变厚度层板的密实过程和纤维分布的影响因素。结果表明:密实过程中树脂的二维流动导致2种织物变厚度层板厚板区的纤维含量高于薄板区;G0827单向织物的面内渗透率与厚度方向渗透率比值大于G0803缎纹织物,造成G0827织物变厚度层板的纤维分布不均匀性更大;无吸胶材料的条件下层板内纤维分布均匀,说明吸胶材料内树脂的面内流动对层板的纤维分布有很大影响。  相似文献   

热压罐成型法是大尺寸高质量炭纤维增强树脂基复合材料制件的主要生产方法,其生产工艺过程数字化是其工艺方法研究热点之一.制定生产工艺所需要各项信息的数字化表达是实现其工艺数字化的基础,信息描述的质量直接影响到工艺知识的重用性.在详细分析热压罐成型法生产工艺制定需考虑的设备、工艺、工装等因素的基础上,应用本体技术对炭纤维增强树脂基复合材料热压罐生产所用到的设备能力参数、工艺过程参数、工装模具信息进行了数字化描述,建立主要工艺装备框架式模具设计的知识表达模型框架,开发了基于模拟的模具设计原型系统.研究结果可用于热压罐成型模具设计知识的存储和推理重用.  相似文献   

利用固化动力学模型对20 mm厚度和3mm厚度的ZT7H/5429碳纤维复合材料层合板进行了固化模拟,在固化过程中,20 mm厚度平板出现了温度峰值,中心温度与表面温度差不超过6℃,3mm平板温度分布均匀,温度历程与热压罐工艺温度基本一致.利用简化的温度场和等效热膨胀系数对609和90°拐角的Ⅴ型基准试件进行了固化变形模拟,并进行了Ⅴ型基准试件的固化试验.60°和90°拐角试件的固化回弹角的模拟值分别为1.58°和1.18°,试验测得的回弹角的平均值分别为1.59°和1.11°.对Ⅴ型复合材料蒙皮构件进行了固化变形模拟,并得到了补偿过的工装型面,在该工装上成型的试件与设计形状基本一致.  相似文献   

在热固性树脂基复合材料热压成型过程中,外加压力和加压时机是决定层板厚度、纤维含量以及孔隙含量的两个主要因素.基于复合材料热压成型过程树脂流动模型,采用遗传算法,根据固化层板纤维体积分数的要求,对单向和正交两种铺层形式的T700/5228和T700/5224层板加压时机进行了分析.以航空航天应用的典型纤维含量为准,对优化得到的加压时机以及不同工艺条件下固化层板内纤维分布特点进行了分析.结果表明,纤维、树脂种类相同,铺层方式不同,加压时机差别很大;纤维种类、铺层方式以及初始和优化目标相同的条件下,不同树脂体系,加压时刻树脂粘度基本相同;层板内纤维分布均匀性主要由纤维层压缩特性决定.采用本文建立优化方法,可以快速地得到满足目标纤维含量要求的加压时机,具有重要的学术价值和工程应用意义,有助于降低成本,缩短复合材料研制周期.  相似文献   

目的 针对蒙皮带筋典型构件,在容易产生孔隙的加强筋底部放入橡胶增压,以优化应力场、减小孔隙缺陷。方法 针对CFRP固化成型制度,进行红/蓝2种橡胶模量、热膨胀系数测试及双马树脂流变测试。基于材料测试数据及预浸料固化特征建立了固化前中后3类数值仿真模型,以对比不同橡胶在不同固化时期的增压效果。结果 在固化前期,红、蓝橡胶均有增压作用,可使加强筋底部应力提高约5倍;在固化中期,红橡胶有显著增压作用,可使加强筋底部应力提高约9倍并改善应力梯度;在固化后期,橡胶难以发挥增压作用。结论 红橡胶可显著发挥增压作用,有效解决加强筋固化成型前中期底部应力不足的问题;在CFRP固化前期,热膨胀系数是影响热应力的主要因素,在固化后期,模量为主要因素。通过对比多组仿真数据,明确了最优增压材料及最主要的材料属性,为解决OOA成型局部压力不足的问题提供了指导方向。  相似文献   

热压罐固化工艺过程中的模具温度分布对于先进复合材料成形质量影响很大。本文在之前相关文献研究的基础上,对模具温度场分布的工艺环境因素作了进一步的研究。结果表明,工艺环境因素中,风速、升降温速率对于模具型面温差影响显著,而模具在罐内的摆放位置则对模具型面温度场温差影响很小。  相似文献   

针对厚截面复合材料固化过程温度峰值过大所引起的材料力学性能降低及残余应力过大等问题,建立了基于多场耦合方法的复合材料固化过程多目标优化模型,用以降低固化温度峰值和缩短固化时间.首先建立包含热化学子模型、树脂黏度子模型和流动压实子模型的固化温度多场耦合模型,用以准确描述固化过程复合材料内部温度及构件厚度的演化规律.通过与...  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study on the influence of curing conditions on compressive strength development in inorganic polymeric binder prepared from natural pozzolan. Three mixes with different chemical formulations were prepared and cured hydrothermally at different temperatures and times. In particular, the effect of a precuring at an atmosphere of more than 95% relative humidity at room temperature on compressive strength development before the application of heat was studied. Different curing regimes including hydrothermal treatment in steam-saturated atmosphere at different temperatures of 45, 65, 85 °C and for different time periods of 5, 10, 15, and 20 h after 1 and 7 days of precuring were applied. The mix exhibiting the maximum compressive strength after hydrothermal treatment was selected and cured in autoclave at temperatures of 125, 150, 180, and 210 °C for different time periods of 20, 30, 40, and 50 h for investigating the effects of higher times and temperatures of curing on strength development and also to determine the maximum achievable compressive strength. Results show that relatively long precuring in humid atmosphere is very beneficial for compressive strength development. The highest compressive strength achieved for three different regimes of curing including 28 days at an atmosphere of more than 95% relative humidity at 25 °C, 20 h hydrothermal treatment at 85 °C after 1 day precuring, and 20 h hydrothermal treatment at 85 °C after 7 days precuring were 37.5, 37.5, and 57.5 MPa, respectively. The maximum achievable compressive strength under autoclave curing at 210 °C for 30 h after 7 days of precuring was 108.7 MPa.  相似文献   

Relative creep moduli of a series of epoxy laminating resins were found to be the same in uniaxial tension and in torsion when measured under loads of short duration. However, their tensile creep moduli decreased with time and temperature at different rates, changing their relative stiffness. For one typical resin the short-term tensile and shear moduli decreased with cure temperature reaching minima and then increased slightly. Deflection temperature under load determined by standard tests correlated inversely with the short-term tensile modulus for the typical resin considered and failed to provide a basis for determining the relative stiffness of the different resin systems.  相似文献   

针对复合材料制件在成型过程中的固化变形这一关键技术问题,通过在模具与复合材料制件之间引入剪切层的方法,建立了预测复合材料制件固化变形的解析计算模型和有限元仿真模型。剪切层的剪切模量用来衡量固化过程中模具与复合材料制件之间的相互作用,其数值大小通过与实验数据进行比对而得到。基于建立的固化变形模型,与文献中已有的实验结果进行了比较。结果表明:所建立的模型具有较高的可靠性。同时针对L型复合材料制件建立了三维有限元仿真模型,模型中除考虑材料各向异性和化学收缩效应以外,还将成型过程中模具与复合材料制件间的相互作用考虑在内。模拟结果表明:引入模具作用后L型零件的固化变形预测结果更加准确。   相似文献   


Many practical situations have both a quality characteristic and a reliability characteristic with the goal to find an appropriate compromise for the optimum conditions. Standard analyses of quality and reliability characteristics in designed experiments usually assume a completely randomized design. However, many experiments involve restrictions on randomization, e.g., subsampling, blocking, split-plot.

This article considers an experiment involving both a quality characteristic and a reliability characteristic (lifetime) within a subsampling protocol. The particular experiment uses Type I censoring for the lifetime. Previous work on analyzing reliability data within a subsampling protocol assumed Type II censoring. This article extends such an analysis for Type I censoring. The method then uses a desirability function approach combined with the Pareto front to obtain a trade-off between the quality and reliability characteristics. A case study illustrates the methodology.  相似文献   

为了全面了解复合材料的固化特性,在对碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料固化变形进行数值仿真分析的基础上,将自行设计的光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)传感器埋入复合材料中,实时在线监测复合材料固化过程中温度和应变的演变。预浸料铺层方式为[011/9011],分别在层合板0°和45°方向的典型位置埋入FBG温度和应变传感器,采用热模压方式固化成型复合材料层合板,并对成型后的层合板进行连续2次降温处理,实时记录固化过程中FBG传感器中心波长的变化。结果表明:在相同的温度条件下,复合材料在第1次降温初始阶段的压应变绝对值明显小于在第2次降温初始阶段的压应变绝对值,表明复合材料在第1次降温过程中仍在进行FBG传感器可检的“后固化”反应;此外,层合板变形的FBG传感器监测数据与有限元模拟结果吻合良好。因此,采用内埋FBG传感器的方法能够实时监测复合材料固化过程,为更全面地分析复合材料固化特性提供了一种可靠有效的方法。   相似文献   

The high temperature (22–600 °C) properties were evaluated for a Cu-20%Fe composite deformation processed from a powder metallurgy compact. The ultimate tensile strengths decreased with increasing temperature but were appreciably better than those of similarly processed Cu at temperatures up to 450 °C. At 600 °C, the strength of Cu-20%Fe was only slightly better than that of Cu as a result of the pronounced coarsening of the Fe filaments. However, at temperatures of 300 and 450 °C, the strength of Cu-20%Fe is about seven and six times greater, respectively, than that of Cu, as compared to about a two fold advantage at room temperature. Therefore, Cu-20%Fe composites made by deformation processing of powder metallurgy compacts have mechanical properties much superior to those of similarly processed Cu at room temperature and at temperatures up to 450 °C. The pronounced decrease in electrical conductivity of deformation processed Cu-20%Fe as compared to Cu is attributed to the appreciable dissolution of Fe into the Cu matrix which occurred during the fabrication of the starting compacts where temperatures up to 675 °C were used. While the powder metallurgy compacts used for the starting material for deformation processing in this study did not lead to a high conductivity composite, the powder metallurgy approach should still be a viable one if processing temperatures can be reduced further to prevent the dissolution of Fe into the Cu matrix.  相似文献   

This study proposes a fiber-optic temperature sensor with a single-mode fiber tip covered with a thermo-sensitive polymer resin. The temperature is sensed by measuring the Fresnel reflection from the optical fiber/polymer interface. Because the thermo-optic coefficients differ between the optical fiber and the polymer, the in situ temperature can be measured even in curing composite materials. In initial experiments, the proposed sensor successfully measured and recovered the temperature information. The measured sensor data were linearly correlated, with an R2 exceeding 0.99. The standard deviation in the long-term measurements of constant temperature was 2.6%. The durability and stability of the sensor head material in long-term operation was validated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. In further experiments, the suggested miniature temperature sensor obtained the internal temperatures of curing composite material over a wide range (30–110 °C).  相似文献   

Ali Gokce  Suresh G. Advani   《Composites Part A》2004,35(12):1419-1432
In liquid composite molding processes the resin is injected into the mold cavity, which contains pre-placed reinforcement fabrics, through openings known as gates while the displaced air leaves the mold through openings called as vents. Gate and vent locations determine process outputs such as fill time, pressure requirements and whether the fabrics will be saturated entirely, a requirement for the success of the mold filling operation. Disturbances such as racetracking, in which the resin flows faster along the edges of the mold, further complicate the gate and vent selection process. In this study, a cascaded optimization algorithm, which is created by integration of branch and bound search and map-based exhaustive search, is proposed for simultaneous gate and vent location optimization in the presence of racetracking. Three case studies are presented to demonstrate usefulness of this methodology and the results are validated in a Virtual Manufacturing Environment.  相似文献   

The effect of high-pressure curing within an autoclave on the cured glass transition temperature (T g) of a thermoset fibre-reinforced composite has been studied. The results indicate that an increase in the T g value was obtained by a higher curing pressure as well as a lower moisture content. Both results have been related to the reduction in the microscopic free volume and the macroscopic void content of the matrix resin. Using the results obtained, the T g increase was related to the applied autoclave pressure through equations based on both free-volume and thermodynamic concepts, with the results indicating a significantly higher effect than for homogeneous polymers. This has been attributed to a moisture-dominant diffusion process which has been used to explain the growth and reduction of voids.  相似文献   

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