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生物医用材料及制品是近30年来发展起来的一类技术附加值最高的高新技术产品,其作用药物不能替代。近10年来,生物材料和制品的世界市场增幅百分率一直保持在两位数左右,发展趋势可与汽车和信息产业相比,正在成长为世界经济的一个新的支柱性产业,而生物材料的研发已成为世界研究热点。钛合金是一种继不锈钢、钴铬合金和TiNi形状记忆合金之后可用于人体软、硬组织修复与替代较理想的外科植入物用首选材料,它先后经过了第一代材料纯钛(α型)和Ti6Al4V合金(α β型)和第二代无钒的α β型钛合金Ti6Al7Nb和Ti5Al2.5Fe以及以β型钛合金为主的第三代新型医用钛合金(如Ti-13Nb-13Zr)的发展历程,其出发点是寻找生物相容性更好(不含对人体有毒的元素)、与人体骨骼力学相容性更加匹配(降低弹性模量、减小对骨组织的“应力屏蔽“)且综合性能优良的钛合金材料。综述了国际上生物医用钛合金的研发历史和现状,重点介绍了国际上正在热点研究的新型β型医用钛合金材料的合金设计、加工制备及其组织与性能控制和在骨科与血管介入领域的应用现状,特别是介绍了我国自主开发的两种新型医用β型钛合金的研究及其相关医疗器械产品研制情况,最后指出了医疗器...  相似文献   

综述了目前临床使用的主要骨科植入材料的研究现状及发展趋势,详细介绍了各种材料的特点、优势和存在的问题,结合各种材料的特点,介绍了它们的主要用途。本文认为目前用于制造骨科植入器械的任何一种材料(无论是金属或合金、陶瓷、高分子材料或碳质材料)均不能同时满足人体生理环境(良好的生物相容性及稳定性、耐腐蚀性)和关节生物力学环境(良好的力学相容性及强韧性、高疲劳性能和耐磨性)的苛刻要求。现有骨科植入器械的有效使用寿命和功能尚不能完全满足患者的要求,有待材料研究专家和临床医学专家共同努力解决。最后,阐述了骨科植入材料的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

模糊神经网络具有较强的非线性问题处理能力,可直接处理"不确定性"结构化知识,已成为材料科学研究领域中重要的使用技术。综述了模糊神经网络在钛合金材料化学成分设计与优化、材料成分与性能关系、微观组织定量研究等领域的应用情况,指出将该方法应用于钛合金材料研究领域,不仅可精确地描述材料成分-工艺-组织-性能之间高度复杂非线性关系,而且能够应用到材料加工的智能控制以及性能预测等领域。  相似文献   

钛合金焊接的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵红凯  王春亮  任飞  刘兰霄 《材料导报》2007,21(Z2):342-343
钛合金广泛应用于航空、军事、化工、造船等领域.分析了钛合金的焊接性,综述了钛合金焊接研究的现状,分析了焊接条件对钛合金的焊接组织与性能的影响,并对钛合金焊接的未来发展方向提出了建议.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,随着材料科学的进步,医用金属植入材料从传统的316L不锈钢、钛合金等惰性金属材料逐渐转向可降解金属材料。可降解金属材料由于其良好的生物相容性和适宜的降解速率,可以在完成植入任务时被人体吸收,无需二次手术将内植物取出,从而引起广泛关注。在过去的10多年里,镁和铁及其合金作为医用可降解金属被广泛研究。锌是人体所必需的营养元素之一,因具有良好的生物相容性和适宜的降解速率,锌基合金在最近几年里成为继镁基和铁基合金之后又一具有广泛应用前景的医用可降解金属。然而,对锌基合金的设计和制备等仍处于初步阶段,还有大量的研究工作需要完成。综述了生物降解锌近年来用于骨科领域的研究进展,重点讨论了锌及其合金的力学性能、生物降解性能和生物相容性以及锌的合金化和制造技术之间的关系。  相似文献   

钛合金以其良好的生物相容性和在生物环境下优良的抗腐蚀性等在医学领域得到了越来越广泛的应用.本文简单叙述了近年来钛合金在牙科、整形外科、心脏瓣膜、医疗器械等方面的应用进展.  相似文献   

汽车用低成本钛合金及其制品的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1前言钛及钛合金具有密度小、比强度高和耐蚀性好等优良特性。随着国民经济及国防工业的发展,钛已日渐被人们普遍认识,广泛地应用于汽车、电子、化工、航空、航天、兵器等领域,从目前的市场走向来看,在不久的将来钛及钛合金在汽车工业和民用工业领域将得到广泛应用,成为继航天航空、国防工业应用后又一个重要应用领域。目前,钛及钛合金已在体育用品、眼镜架、照像机壳、生物材料和汽车零部件等方面得到广泛的应用,具有巨大的市场前景和经济效益。但钛及钛合金的生产成本较大,限制了其应用量的扩大,所以降低成本、提高其性价比无疑…  相似文献   

可降解及可吸收性骨科材料研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对用作可降解、可吸收性骨科材料的高分子材料、无机材料和复合材料 ,及聚乳酸、甲壳素和磷酸三钙等材料的性质、用途做了较为详细的阐述。并对可降解吸收骨科材料的发展趋势进行了探讨  相似文献   

介绍了生物医用钛合金材料的定义、分类与基本特性,综述了国内外生物医用钛合金材料的发展历程,针对改善和提高医用钛合金材料的生物相容性和力学相容性问题,重点分析和讨论了医用钛合金在合金设计、显微组织和相变控制以及表面状态优化等方面存在的不足和未来研究方向,最后介绍了新型介稳定β型钛合金在设计、开发与应用方面的最新进展。  相似文献   

粉末钛合金锻造是将粉末冶金与精密锻造相结合而发展的一种近净成形工艺,在获得完全致密、高性能粉末钛合金构件方面具有广阔的应用前景。介绍了粉末钛合金锻造技术在改善粉末钛合金的组织和性能、高性能低成本粉末钛合金、医用钛合金、金属间化合物、钛基复合材料等方面的应用情况,分析了粉末钛合金锻造技术促进粉末钛合金运用和发展所取得的技术进步。  相似文献   

At the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, in 1964, the first titanium-containing bone and joint replacement was inserted. By now over 250 titanium-containing endoprostheses of various kinds have been inserted. In 1972 Ti318 (Ti-6 wt% Al-4wt% V) was introduced and this alloy replaced the previously used commercially pure titanium. Over 200 Ti318 total hip replacements have been inserted, as have a variety of other titanium devices. This article is concerned with the fracture of these components in the body. The cause of fracture is discussed and the importance of good design and good surface finish is emphasized. The incidence of fracture is determined and on preliminary evidence Ti318 is found to be at least as satisfactory as other presently used implant alloys.  相似文献   

The beta titanium alloys is one of the most promising groups of the titanium alloys. This fact is due to the good formability, mechanical properties and potential applications; moreover, these alloys present the highest level of mechanical, fatigue and corrosion resistance. The beta titanium alloys present the lowest elastic modulus, an interesting property for orthopedic implants. A β alloy recently developed for this application is Ti–35Nb–7Zr–5Ta. In this work, the alloy was produced by powder metallurgy, unique available alternative for obtaining parts with porous structure (until 50% of porosity), that is one important characteristic for the osteointegration. The Ti–35Nb–7Zr–5Ta samples were manufactured by blended elemental method from a sequence of uniaxial and cold isostatic pressing with subsequent densification by sintering among 900 at 1700 °C, in vacuum. The objective of this work is the analysis of alloy microstructural evolution from the elemental powders dissolution under the increase of the sintering temperature. The alloy was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Vickers microhardness measurements. Density was measured by Archimedes method. The results show that a β-homogeneous microstructure is obtained in the whole sample with the increase of sintering temperature. With the beginning of the β-stabilizers (Nb and Ta) dissolution, at low sintering temperatures, there is the formation of an intermediary Widmanstätten (α+β) phase.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a significant thrust directed towards the development of novel implant alloys based on β-Ti. Two recently developed and promising biocompatible β-Ti alloys are Ti–35Nb–7Zr–5Ta and Ti–29Nb–4.6Zr–13Ta. While both these alloy compositions, based on the quaternary Ti–Nb–Zr–Ta system, are promising, there is still a tremendous scope for improvement in terms of alloy design in this and other systems via optimization of alloy composition and thermo-mechanical treatments. Here a novel combinatorial approach has been used for the development of implant alloys with optimized compositions and microstructures. Using directed laser deposition, compositionally graded alloy samples based on the Ti–Nb–Zr–Ta system have been fabricated. These samples have been heat-treated to affect different microstructures in terms of the volume fraction and distribution of the α phase in the β matrix as a function of composition. Subsequently, composition-specific indentation-based hardness and modulus information has been obtained from these samples to construct a database relating the composition and microstructure to the mechanical properties. These databases have been used to train and test fuzzy-logic based neural-network models for predicting the mechanical properties. The trained models have also been used to predict the influence of different alloying additions on the hardness and modulus. These predictions have subsequently been verified by detailed experimental characterization, shedding light on the factors influencing the strength and modulus in these alloys. Such modeling approaches for the development of novel implant alloys can be highly beneficial since they offer the possibility of identifying promising compositions without the necessity for extensive experimental test cycles.  相似文献   

本文对钛合金/钢的异种接头连接技术的研究现状进行了总结和综述,分析了钛合金/钢直接连接和含中间层连接界面的显微组织特征,重点阐述了添加不同中间层(铜、铜基合金及其他)的钛合金/钢界面产物的形成和演变过程,并归纳了不同中间层与制备工艺的钛合金/钢力学性能,最后总结了制备良好的钛合金/钢接头可以采取的方法与设计思路,并指出该领域未来发展除使用传统方法继续深化现有研究外,可与模拟仿真结合,达成更具深度的认识与实验预测。  相似文献   

TiO2纳米管的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈玉进 《化工新型材料》2011,39(1):42-44,57
TiO2纳米管由于其新奇的光电、催化、气敏等性能而引起广泛的关注,在太阳能电池、光催化、环境净化、气体传感器等领域有潜在的应用价值.主要综述了TiO2纳米管的最新研究进展情况以及发展现状,介绍了其制备方法、形貌、晶体结构、形成机理及应用前景.  相似文献   

Commercially pure titanium (Ti cp) has been used successfully as an implant material in fracture fixation devices for many years. Ti cp is comparatively soft, but the mechanical properties, such as strength and ductility, can be adjusted by different means over a wide range. Titanium changes its crystal structure from a hexagonal (alpha) phase to the cubic (beta) phase at about 882 °C. Cubic titanium has the advantage of being very malleable (ductile), but in order to stabilize it at room temperature, additions of suitable alloying elements are required. In this study the soft tissue reaction to implants made from a beta titanium alloy (Ti–Mo–Zr–Al) with four different surface treatments is evaluated. The results are compared to Ti cp implants having the same surface conditions, and to electropolished stainless steel plates as controls. A minimum of four small plates of each group were implanted in rabbit tibiae for 3 months. Histomorphometric results show that the thickness of the soft tissue reaction layer, and the number of blood vessels, connective tissue cells (fibroblasts, fibrocytes), lymphocytes, and foreign body giant cells are not significantly different between beta titanium and Ti cp plates. For stainless steel plates the soft tissue reaction layer is thicker, and the numbers of macrophages and connective tissue cells are higher. Excellent biocompatibility was observed for this beta titanium alloy. The mechanical properties of this alloy surpass those of Ti cp, and because of the good tissue tolerance, this material seems to be advantageous and should enter into clinical testing.  相似文献   

非晶合金粉末是指快冷雾化合金液滴所制得的合金粉末,其中Fe基非晶合金粉末因具有生产成本低廉和应用前景广阔等优势,一直备受青睐。同时,Fe基非晶合金粉末的应用也为块体Fe基非晶合金应用难的问题提供了一条崭新的途径。本文综述了Fe基非晶合金粉末的研究进展,对其在涂层制备、磁性材料、激光3D打印、废水处理4个方面的研究现状进行了归纳分类与总结,并分析了Fe基非晶合金粉末在各领域的应用优势。最后指出Fe基非晶合金粉末在制备高质量涂层、老化磁性粉末再利用及增材制造领域的研究方向,并展望了作为传感、控制等功能性器件的应用前景。此外,在薄膜等小尺寸、低维材料及柔性电子领域也展现出巨大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

张水  史新伟  宋开兰  王晓 《真空》2012,49(4):68-71
介绍了拟合氮化钛薄膜光学常数常用的色散模型,且结合第一性原理计算出的能带结构和态密度给予阐述;概括了氮化钛在表面等离子体共振方面的研究进展和掺杂对于氮化钛薄膜光学性能的影响;并且指出了氮化钛在节能镀膜玻璃方面的应用。  相似文献   

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