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接种根瘤菌技术在农业生产中应用广泛.通常,接种菌菌剂以液体或者固体(同载体结合在一起)的形式出售.菌剂的生产涉及大量细胞的生成,该过程主要受两个因素的制约:一是根瘤菌生长培养基的成本,另一个是用于固体菌剂生产的载体的费用.一些工农业副产物(如麦芽、秸秆等)含有氮源和碳源等促进根瘤菌生长的因子,还有一些工农业废料(如植物堆肥等)可以用作根瘤菌菌剂生产的载体.最近,全世界一种广泛存在的可再生废料:污水污泥,很有可能被用作接种根瘤菌剂生产的培养基和载体(脱水污泥).污泥通常含有足以维持根瘤菌生长的氮元素,其重金属含量也较低.有时候可以通过污泥预处理或者添加营养素的方法优化其生长条件.同普通菌剂相比,污水污泥中生长的根瘤菌能够使植物进行有效的结瘤和固氮.本文所介绍的这种接种根瘤菌剂生产的新方法为废料处理以及菌剂生产提供了一种安全、环保的选择.  相似文献   

复合菌剂用于膜生物反应器的污泥减量试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将复合菌技术与膜生物反应器结合处理校园生活废水,考察其污泥减量的效果.试验结果表明,反应器内MLSS的质量浓度由投加微生物前的9 000 mg·L~(-1)降到了投加后的5 000 mg·L~(-1),MLSS降低了44.4%,MLVSS同MLSS的变化基本一致;m(MLVSS)/m(MLSS)的变化不是很大,投加微生物后的m(MLVSS)/m(MLSS)较没投加前的平均0.83略有提高;而对COD、NH_4~+-N、TP的平均去除率分别由未投加时的93.78%,78.38%、75.56%增大到96.03%、88.25%、84.79%,所有指标都有所提高.研究表明,利用膜生物反应器(MBR)对泥水高效分离的特点,通过投加复合菌剂,抑制了不利菌和"无用菌"的生长,改善污泥性能和代谢活性,可以在实现MBR污泥零排放的同时,提高系统的去污能力.  相似文献   

在城市污泥堆肥领域,复合菌剂的应用受到广泛关注。综合国内外研究,探讨了复合菌剂在城市污泥堆肥过程中对氮素转化和腐殖质合成方面的影响,还讨论了复合菌剂对堆肥过程中腐殖质各组分含量变化的影响和相关机制,并对今后复合菌剂在城市污泥堆肥中的重点研究方向做了展望。  相似文献   

综述了3种典型工业污泥综合利用的研究进展。对造纸污泥在制备生物炭、有机肥和土壤改良剂等方面进行了归纳,对含油污泥在原油回收率的提升和制备化工材料方面进行了阐述,对电镀污泥在回收重金属的方法、制备建筑材料以及制备催化剂方面进行了总结。并针对工业污泥利用方面所存在的问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

采用催化湿式氧化技术处理印染污泥,考察了反应温度、时间、氧气量、初始pH、催化剂用量等条件对污泥处理效果的影响。确定了最佳工艺条件:反应温度260℃、反应时间2 h、催化剂添加量为0.3%、初始pH值5.5,氧气量为理论量的140%,该工艺条件下污泥中TOC的去除率可达82%以上,可挥发性固体物的去除率在90%以上。此外,还研究了污水处理厂污泥、抗生素发酵污泥、油泥站含油污泥的处理效果,研究表明催化湿式氧化技术对污泥有较好的适用性,为工业有毒有害污泥的处置提供一种新思路。  相似文献   

随着"重水轻泥"逐渐向"泥水并重"转变,工业水污泥处理成为环保难题.针对高含水率工业污泥,研究国内不同的污泥处理技术,确定了适合工业企业污泥处理的技术路线.  相似文献   

本文介绍了用ICP-AES和快速碘量法测定工业污泥中铜含量的分析测试技术,经两种实验方法分析结果的对比及加标回收试验,证明方法简便、快速,精密度好、准确度较高。  相似文献   

本研究利用功能性菌剂构建出新型反硝化系统.通过观察功能性菌剂在不同浓度的硝酸盐废水中的生长情况与性能参数,总结该系统的启动规律以及性能优势.结果 表明:废水中硝酸盐浓度越高,功能菌生长越缓慢,污泥产率系数越少.功能性菌剂在运行过程中具有亚硝酸盐累积量少,泥量少的特点,并且其污泥反硝化速率达到63~123 mg/(g M...  相似文献   

潘博 《清洗世界》2024,(3):103-105
工业生产中的烟气排放在环保问题中占据重要地位,而有效的收集与净化烟气可以大大减少环境污染,并对我国以及全球的环境保护起到积极推动作用。随着科学技术的发展,新型烟气收集净化方法不断涌现,这些方法集合各类先进技术和设备,为打造绿色环保的工业生产提供了可能。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was the investigation of the ozonation of sludge as a method to improve anaerobic digestion performance in a chemically enhanced primary treatment facility. Batch tests were conducted to evaluate the effect of ozonation on the physicochemical characteristics of both primary and digested sludge. Then, the performance of semi-continuous anaerobic digesters in combination with ozone treatment was investigated (pre-ozonation and post-ozonation). Ozonation of primary sludge did not increase the soluble COD nor the biodegradable COD, but resulted in the mineralization of a fraction of the organic matter into CO2. However, the ozonation of anaerobic digested sludge resulted in an increase in soluble COD and biodegradable COD and in a small level of mineralization at the dose of 90 mg O3/g COD. Pre-ozonation of primary sludge was not effective in enhancing the performance of the anaerobic digester. The coupling of ozonation and anaerobic digestion by means of the post-ozonation of digested sludge was found to be effective in improving methane production (+16%), for COD removal efficiency and for the dewaterability of anaerobic digesters compared to the control digester.  相似文献   

The production of canned maize is accompanied by formation of large volumes of waste water, with high contents of starch, and high chemical- and biochemical oxygen demand. In our work the effects of acidic, microwave and ozone pretreatment on the biogas production and aerobic biodegradability of canned maize production sludge were examined and the energy balance of the processes were determined when different sludge pretreatments were used. It was found that ozone treatment decreased the chemical oxygen demand, while the biochemical oxygen demand and the aerobic biodegradability increased. The combination of microwave and ozone treatment increased the biodegradability relative to ozone treatment alone.  相似文献   

工业镁化合物生产现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了工业镁化合物的品种及用途,以及生产工业镁化合物所需的原料,统计了世界镁化合物消耗量和中国镁化合物生产能力及进出口数据,对2009年中国工业镁化合物生产运行状况进行了分析,并对中国工业镁化合物生产发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

The ever-increasing amount of solid waste generated by wastewater treatment plants highlights emerging economic and environmental issues. In order to develop new processes producing less sludge, the use of ozone combined with anaerobic digestion was investigated for waste activated sludge treatment. This paper was aimed at evaluating the impact of ozone pretreatment on anaerobic digestion and particularly the enhancement of biogas production. Sludge solubilization was estimated in terms of modification of chemical oxygen demand, solids and nitrogen. Batch anaerobic digestion highlighted the enhancement of ozonated sludge biodegradability. Ozonation led to an increase in biogas production. The ozone dose of 0.15 g O3/g total solids resulted in a considerable increase in the soluble COD ratio from 4% to 37%. This ozone dose achieved the highest increase in biogas production: 2.4 times greater than without chemical pretreatment.  相似文献   

低旦锦纶66工业丝生产工艺探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱勇  李海周  孙坚 《合成纤维》2003,32(4):35-36
就低旦锦纶66工业丝生产的工艺条件进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Properties of activated sludge during ozonation were analyzed. The structure and surface characteristics altered with the increase of ozone dosage. At low ozone dosage, the floc structure was completely dismantled. Floc fragments reformed through reflocculation at an ozone dosage greater than 0.20 g O3·g?1 mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS). Inactivation of microorganisms in the activated sludge mixture was caused by ozonation. Microbial growth decreased by up to 65% compared to the control. Simultaneously, 92.5% of nucleotide and 97.4% of protein in microbial cells of the sludge were released. Organic substance, nitrogen and phosphorus were released from the sludge during the ozonation process. The initial value of soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) was 72 mg·L?1. When the ozone dosage was 0.12 g O3·g?1 MLSS, the value of SCOD rapidly reached 925 mg·L?1, increased by almost 12-fold. Simultaneously, 54.7% of MLSS was reduced. The composition of MLSS was changed, indicating that the inner water of cells and volatile organic substance decreased during the ozonation process.  相似文献   

Thermal drying of dewatered municipal sludge was studied in the temperature range 50–180°C for different times from 10 to 120 min. The Box–Wilson response surface experimental method was used to investigate the effects of temperature and time on sludge drying. Statistical analysis using the methodology was employed to determine the response function coefficients for each variable: temperature and time. The response functions of the study were dry solids (DS) content, volatile solids (VS) content, and low heating value (LHV). Experimental and predicted results from the model indicated excellent agreements. Higher drying temperatures and time led to higher DS content. Higher temperatures increase the drying kinetics and longer drying times allow more time for water to evaporate. The elevated temperatures and time did not drastically change the VS content values. Only small-scale changes were observed regarding the increases in temperature and time. Higher shrinkage percentages were achieved via increased temperature and time. The drying kinetics exhibited increased drying rates depending on the decrease in water content. This study showed that the response surface methodology could be used as a tool for drying process optimization.  相似文献   

走向21世纪的新型阻燃剂   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
详细论述了20世纪具有发展前途的新型阻燃剂,提出了新世纪阻燃剂的发展方向,阐明了阻燃剂微胶囊化的机理,分析了无机阻燃剂的微细化,纳米化的阻燃效果,并对各种复合型阻燃剂的协同作用性进行了分析和说明。  相似文献   

污泥建材利用途径与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
污泥建材利用是污泥处置方式的一种,它不仅解决了污泥危害环境的问题,也达到综合利用的目的。该文主要介绍了国内外污泥建材利用的主要形式,特别是污泥作为砖块、轻骨料、水泥再利用等,并对其进行了分析评价,进一步探讨了污泥在建材行业的应用前景,以期为污泥建材利用的实际运用提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

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