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随着系统规模的扩大和复杂性的增加,设计验证已成为集成电路设计中最大的挑战。符号模型检测(Formal model check)的验证方法由于可以解决验证的完备性问题,正受到越来越多的重视。在多时钟域设计已成为大规模集成电路设计热门领域的今天,原来的符号模型检测方法无法直接进行多时钟域的验证。通过建立一个虚拟时钟来代替原来的多个时钟,并对原电路以及CTL(Computation Tree Logic)进行适当改写,使之能直接用符号模型检测的方法进行验证,并对改写的电路进行了复杂度分析。 相似文献
软件完整性检测是手机病毒检测的重要方法。论文介绍了一个软件完整性检测算法,简要描述了SyncMLDM(SyncML设备管理)协议,提出了一个基于SyncMLDM的手机软件完整性检测方法,并进行了功能验证。 相似文献
针对模型驱动的协同应用系统开发,将范畴理论、代数规范和进程代数相结合,为软件体系结构模型提出了一种新的语义描述方法.该方法在构件规约描述的基础上,用态射表示构件之间的关系,态射类型蕴含了构件关系的不同语义,从而用类型范畴图表来描述软件体系结构模型,用函子描述体系结构模型之间的映射关系.体系结构模型的形式化描述可用于判断一个转换是否满足某些特性或约束.以一个协同编著系统为例说明了该方法的应用. 相似文献
Cloud storage is now widely used,but its reliability has always been a major concern.Cloud block storage(CBS)is a famous type of cloud storage.It has the closest architecture to the underlying storage and can provide interfaces for other types.Data modifications in CBS have potential risks such as null reference or data loss.Formal verification of these operations can improve the reliability of CBS to some extent.Although separation logic is a mainstream approach to verifying program correctness,the complex architecture of CBS creates some challenges for verifications.This paper develops a proof system based on separation logic for verifying the CBS data modifica-tions.The proof system can represent the CBS architecture,describe the properties of the CBS system state,and specify the behavior of CBS data modifications.Using the interactive verification approach from Coq,the proof sys-tem is implemented as a verification tool.With this tool,the paper builds machine-checked proofs for the functional correctness of CBS data modifications.This work can thus analyze the reliability of cloud storage from a formal per-spective. 相似文献
随着软件系统复杂度的持续增长,如何保证大型复杂软件系统的健壮性与正确性逐渐成为一个热点问题,不确定性语义计算的研究是解决这一问题的关键.本文提出了一种不确定性语义计算模型,并应用模型对示例小语言设计了四种不同的形式语义,通过四种形式语义等价性的证明论证了模型的正确性与灵活性. 相似文献
Analog and mixed signal (AMS) designs are an important part of embedded systems that link digital designs to the analog world. Due to challenges associated with its verification process, AMS designs require a considerable portion of the total design cycle time. In contrast to digital designs, the verification of AMS systems is a challenging task that requires lots of expertise and deep understanding of their behavior. Researchers started lately studying the applicability of formal methods for the verification of AMS systems as a way to tackle the limitations of conventional verification methods like simulation. This paper surveys research activities in the formal verification of AMS designs as well as compares the different proposed approaches. 相似文献
云计算是一种新兴的计算、存储资源使用模式,由于具备低成本、高效率等优点,得到了业界的广泛应用,但安全性仍然是云计算推广最大的障碍之一。虚拟化作为云计算的关键技术,其安全水平直接影响云环境的安全性,目前对云计算虚拟环境多采用传统的覆盖式验证方法,无法彻底解决正确性问题。文中通过结合形式化方法中的模型检测技术,经过配置采集、需求分析和性质检测3个阶段对虚拟化安全性质进行高覆盖率验证,提供了一种对云计算环境进行安全评估的可行思路。 相似文献
讨论利用sybase SQL Server提供的参照完整性和触发器机制控数据完整性的技术和实现,它介绍了数据库数据完整性多事务完整性概念。 相似文献
This paper presents a general Bayesian model for speaker verification tasks.It is a generative probability model.Due to its simple analytical property,a computationally efficient expectation-maximization algorithm can be derived to obtain the model parameters.A closedform solution,which allows the scalable size of enrollment set,is given in a full Bayesian way for making speaker verification decisions.Factor analysis technique is employed to model the speaker-specific components,then the redundant information in this model will be dropped.Experimental results are evaluated by both equal error rate and minimum detection cost function.The proposed approach shows promising results on the National institute of standards and technology (NIST) Speaker recognition evaluation (SRE) 2010 extended and 2012 core tasks.Significant improvement is obtained when comparing with Gaussian probabilistic linear discriminant analysis,especially under phone-call conditions and mismatched train-test channel conditions.Contrast experimental results with other popular generative probability models are also presented in this paper. 相似文献