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在真实环境的功耗分析攻击中发现,功耗曲线经常受到大量噪声的影响.为了提高攻击效率,分析了几种常用滤波方法的特点,针对具体的功耗分析问题在真实环境下进行了实验.对几种滤波效果进行了对比,得出滑动平均滤波最适合解决此类问题的结论. 相似文献
原子钟的闪变噪声及其小波分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
闪变噪声是无线电元件参量无规则变化引起的具有1/f谱密度分布的噪声。这种噪声究竟是一种基本噪声还是一种数学表象,目前尚无定论。本文根据小波分析的基本原理,从信号的正交分解出发,初步从噪声信号中分离出产生闪变噪声的二分之一阶白噪声。这种噪声分离方法经过陕西天文台国家授时中心实测数据的检验,而且与论述同一问题的其它文献中的方法有所不同,比较简单而切实可行。 相似文献
光电探测器噪声分析及降低噪声的方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文探讨了光电探测器的噪声,分析了光电探测器的噪声电压、噪声电流的影响因素,并提出了解决的方法.根据探测器噪声影响因素,分析了普通检测电路的存在的不足,设计了一种优化检测电路,通过减小电路带宽,减少噪声,从而提高系统的信噪比,增强探测器的探测能力. 相似文献
城市无人值守噪音监测及信息发布系统 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文介绍了一种城市无人值守噪音监测及信息发布系统,它是由主控中心和分布在城市中的各监测站点组成,并讲述了该系统结构及工作原理.以及能够从计算机的显示附加装置获得模拟信号用作LED显示屏图象及文字显示所需的数据,实现与计算机屏幕同步显示.借助专用软件调整显示窗口的位置及大小,无须使用特殊的显示附件,因而比以前更灵活、更方便.无人值守工作站很容易实施,具有实用价值. 相似文献
本文介绍并分析了一种电源电压监控保护电路的工作原理及应用。该保护电路采用了双通道输入/双通运输出。输入比较器有较宽的共模电压范围,有可编程磁滞输入和可编程输入/输出延时。输出采用了大电流驱动输出和显示输出。本文给出了其主要性能指标、典型应用连接图及需注意的问题。该电路可广泛用于航空、航天、雷达、通信及精密仪器等领域。 相似文献
CMOS集成混频器噪声模型的计算机仿真与分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据Hspice仿真结果,分析了CMOS集成混频器中场效应管的闪烁噪声和寄生电容产生输出噪声的详细过程。通过改变电路仿真参数,得出相应的仿真数据,结合理论模型对实验数据进行了分析。结果表明,由闪烁噪声引起的直接开关噪声增益随本振幅度递减,由寄生电容引起的间接开关噪声增益随寄生电容值和本振频率递增。 相似文献
相位噪声是雷达、通信、电子对抗等装备中发射源的主要技术指标 ,也是衡量频率合成器信号纯度的主要依据。本文阐述了相位噪声通用测试系统的功能与工作原理 ,并重点介绍了系统的硬件构成和软件的设计与实现 相似文献
本文叙述了表面组装技术(SMT)对PWB的要求,表面组装元器件(SMD)封装密度提高与引出端增多,使PWB导线宽度/间距/导通孔孔柱向微细化的积层多层(BUM)印制板发展。功率器件组装用的PWB,要求具有更高的热导率,直接键合铜箔(DBC)的陶瓷覆铜板与金属基覆铜板,将是高热导率PWB的主要基材。最后指出,生产无污染的“绿色型”PWB代替目前最常用的对环境有污染的阻燃型PWB,将是近期的发展方向。 相似文献
BandPass Sampling (BPS) is an undersampling technique by intentional aliasing. BPS enables one to have an interface between the IF stage and the ADC in a radio receiver. Conventional uniform BPS at Nyquist rate normally results in a low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) due to noise spectrum aliasing. The noise (e.g. kT/C noise introduced in a voltage-mode sampler) is combined in each of the Nyquist bands within the bandwidth of the sampling device. Also timing jitter causes a performance degradation in BPS.In this paper, signal spectrum aliasing, noise aliasing and jitter effects in BPS is analyzed. It is verified by simulation that NonUniform Sampling (NUS) has the potential to suppress signal spectrum aliasing and relax the requirement on the anti-aliasing (AA) filter. Jitter effects in BPS are compared to LowPass Sampling (LPS) case. However, a signal cannot be reconstructed from its nonuniform samples by using only ideal lowpass filtering (classic Shannons reconstruction). Finally, signal reconstruction in the presence of noise and jitter are investigated for three Reconstruction Algorithms (RAs) aimed at NUS.Yi-Ran Sun received her bachelor degree in physics in 1998 and master degree in Electronic engineering in 2002 in China and in Sweden, respectively. She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. Her current research interests are in the area of mixed-signal system design in radio receiver front-ends. Of special focus is bandpass sampling technique and corresponding area of signal processing.Svante Signell (M 95) received the Dr. Sc. degree from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden, in 1987, in the area of periodically time-varying linear systems with applications to filters.From 1987 to 1991, he was with ABB HAFO, working on mixed-signal system-on-chip design, mainly in the area of hearing aids and pacemakers. Between 1991 and 2003, he was with Ericsson Radio working with technology research for base stations and signal processing for future wireless systems. He has been holding various positions such as project leader and as an expert on analog and digital signal processing at the company level.Since 1988, he has been involved as a Consultant to companies such as ABB Hafo, Ericsson Radio, Ericsson Telecom, Siemens Elema, and Standard Radio & Telefon, as well as course developer and lecturer in courses held at companies and universities. Since the beginning of 2000, he is an Adjunct Professor in Mixed Signal System Design at KTH.He has authored around 50 papers published in international conference proceedings and magazines and holds eight patents, with more pending. He has been reviewer for IEEE magazines and conferences, program committee member, expert reviewer for a European Commission project 1997–2001, and reviewer for national research programs on both project and program level. His main research interests include, but are not limited to, systems-on-chip (SoC), software-defined radio (SDR) and critical technologies for the realization of SoC and SDR, in particular, on how to find the best combination of analog and digital signal processing. 相似文献
CCD噪声建模与仿真分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了提高在弱光照下电荷藕合器件图像传感器CCD(charge coupled device)工作性能,分析了传统相关双采样(correlated double sampling)技术的不足,介绍了在数字域对CCD读出噪声抑制的方法.首先,分析了CCD的各种噪声源,然后在MATLAB中建立CCD噪声的产生与分析平台.由此平台的分析结果可以看出,在弱光照、低频输出速率情况下,能为实际数字滤波电路设计出合适的数字滤波器.因此,在数字域处理CCD噪声,不仅没有引入其他电路噪声,而且比传统方法能更好地抑制复位噪声. 相似文献