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本文对传统的龙伯透镜反射器采用有源频率选择表面(active frequency selective surface, AFSS)技术进行电磁结构的设计,用具有吸波/反射可切换的AFSS龙伯透镜反射器代替金属反射板,达到对入射电磁波的反射强度和雷达散射截面(radar cross section, RCS)大小可调、工作状态可切换的主动型龙伯透镜反射器. 仿真结果表明,在X波段内,设计的新型龙伯透镜反射器可实现吸波/反射功能的可切换以及单站RCS可调,大小相差约8 dB. 通过对龙伯透镜AFSS反射器进行实物加工与测试,测试结果和仿真结果较为吻合,实现了龙伯透镜反射器在一定频段内工作状态切换和RCS可调.


介绍了Ku波段上变频组件的设计与制作,整个组件由低相噪振荡器、滤波器、功分器、功率放大器、PIN开关、上变频器等部分组成。文章分别对一些主要部件进行了简要的理论分析,并给出微波电路的结构形式,最后给出样品的测试结果。  相似文献   

介绍了Ku波段收发组件的设计与制作,整个组件由低相噪振荡器、滤波器、功分器、发射开关、发射推动级、功率放大器、低噪声放大器、接收开关、混频器和中频放大器等部分组成。文章分别对一些主要部件进行了简要的理论分析,并给出微波电路的结构形式,最后给出样品的测试结果。  相似文献   

In this letter, the design of a self-bias 1.8-mm AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor with a compact source capacitor for operation in Ku-band frequency is described. Based on the proposed device, a self-bias Ku-band 1-W two-stage power amplifier monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) is also demonstrated. Under a single bias condition of 8 V and 630 mA, the self-bias MMIC possesses 14.2-dB small-signal gain, 30.2-dBm output power at 1-dB gain compression point with 19.2% power added efficiency and 31.3-dBm saturated output power with 22.5% power added efficiency at 14GHz. With the performance comparable to the dual-bias MMIC counterpart, the proposed self-bias MMIC is more attractive to system designers on very small aperture terminal applications.  相似文献   

This paper describes a Tx module for IMT2000 applications consisting of an up-conversion mixer and a variable-gain driver amplifier. The up-conversion mixer, based on the Gilbert active topology has a power gain of 4.8 dB and consumes 15-mA current from a 3-V supply. The variable-gain driver amplifier comprises a gain-controlled stage of the current steering structure and a common emitter stage, and has a variable-gain range of over 30 dB with 30.3-mA current consumption. The Tx module achieves a gain error of less than 1.2 dB over a 30-dB gain range, an output IP3 of 25 dBm, and an output PI dB of 7.4 dBm at the maximum gain of 24.5 dB. It occupies 1.0 /spl times/ 1.2 mm.  相似文献   

设计了一种结构极为紧凑的Ku频段正交模耦合器(orthomode transducer,OMT),器件最大尺寸36 mm,公共端口为方波导,适用于复杂的多馈电网络集成系统.通过一系列阶梯变换以及侧壁缝隙耦合形式实现了电磁波的极化过滤,两个输出端口分别对应一种极化波.加工了耦合器实物并进行了测试,实测15%频带范围内端口驻波小于1.6,两端口隔离度小于-50 dB,仿真和实测数据一致.  相似文献   

A photonic sub-millimetre (sub-mm) wave transmitter module has been developed and fabricated. The module consists of a 1.55 μm waveguide InP photodetector monolithically integrated with a planar full wave slot antenna and passive lowpass filter for DC bias supply. For the first time, optical heterodyne 460 GHz sub-mm signal generation is demonstrated It is further shown that the module can effectively replace the classical solid-state oscillator of an astronomical superconductor-insulator-superconductor heterodyne receiver The module generates sufficient sub-mm wave power to operate the receiver under optimum conditions  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于非接触式垂直互连、大功率高密度集成芯片组和低成本高密度混合电路的Ku频段半双工瓦式高发射功率T/R组件的集成方案。研制了16通道T/R组件原理样机,体积为36 mm×36 mm×21 mm,质量为65 g。每个信道的发射功率大于7 W,幅度一致性均方根误差(RMS)优于0.5 dB,相位一致性RMS优于4°。对比相似功能单通道发射功率仅0.5 W的砖式TR组件,其体积缩减一半以上,质量缩减2/3以上。  相似文献   

In this letter, we present a novel ultra-compact embedded IC integration approach for system-on-package (SOP) based solutions for RF and wireless communication applications. This concept is applied to the integration of a Ku band VCO module. The module fabrication is described and the impact of the packaging on the chip-set performances is discussed. The final thickness of the module is about 150 /spl mu/m. The embedded VCO exhibits an oscillation frequency of 15.4 GHz, a phase noise of -99.2 dBc/Hz at a 1 MHz offset and maximum output power of 10.67 dBm. Multilayer interconnects built with modified MCM-D technology using advanced photosensitive epoxy Intervia 8000 is described. Characterization and modeling of RF inductors are detailed and show quality factor as high as 80 at 10 GHz.  相似文献   

提出了一个SDH网络分析仪发送模块的设计方案,可以实现SDH网络分析测试仪发送模块所需的功能--能够产生符合ITU-T G.707标准STM-I、STM-4、STM-16、STM-64帧结构的光信号以及符合ITU-T G.704标准的E1、E3、E4、DS1、DS3各种PDH电信号,同时还能插入各种相关的报警和误码,并提供指针调整功能.所设计的发送模块不仅可以作为SDH网络分析仪中重要的组成部分,也可以作为信号源为各种SDH设备的研发和调试提供标准的SDH信号.  相似文献   

展示了一种基于新型自组装微带-波导过渡的D波段(110-170GHz)发射机模块。过渡结构的仿真平均插入损耗为0.6 dB,回波损耗于带内基本优于10 dB。基于该过渡结构以及阻性混频器和倍频器芯片,设计了一种D波段发射机模块。该发射机模块工作于110-153 GHz,峰值输出功率于150 GHz可达-4.6 dBm,3-dB带宽为145.8-159.3 GHz。使用该模块进行了64-QAM高阶无线通信测试,测试传输速率为3 Gb/s,验证了模块封装方案的实用性。  相似文献   

基于相控阵雷达的应用需求,利用LTCC多层基板技术,研制了Ku波段四通道T/R组件。该组件通过三维布局实现了组件的小型化和轻量化,同时也保证了射频、电源和控制的信号完整性。通过微带线变换带状线的优化设计,实现了良好的传输性能,提高了四通道信号间的隔离度。腔体内部做了隔墙设计,避免四通道的信号干扰,保证一致性。最终研制实现的小型化Ku波段四通道T/R组件,尺寸仅为70 mm×37.8 mm×11.5 mm,质量约53 g,组件接收增益大于25 dB,噪声系数小于4 dB,发射功率大于16 W。该T/R组件四通道一致性好,性能稳定,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

This paper describes a complete 3R optical receiver module for synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) STM-16 short-haul systems, housed in a 20-pin dual-in-line (DIL) ceramic package. The module includes an InGaAs p-i-n photodiode, a commercial GaAs transimpedance amplifier, and a custom-made silicon bipolar frequency- and phase-locked loop (FPLL)-based clock and data recovery (CDR) circuit. The fiber pigtail is actively aligned to the photodiode by using a proprietary technology that uses a silicon-based optical submount assembly (OSA). The use of a clock recovery circuit based on an FPLL allows avoiding an external low-frequency reference clock and achieving a root-mean square (rms) jitter of 0.075 UI. The module requires two supply voltages of 5 V and -4.5 V, for a total power dissipation of 930 mW, and has a total volume below 0.75 cm3 (24.7×9.9×3 mm3). Measurements have shown full compatibility with SDH standards  相似文献   

A GaInAsP/InP laser transmitter module incorporating an external cavity is described. It is shown that the cavity produces stable tunable single longitudinal mode operation of the laser even under high speed modulation conditions.  相似文献   

为了提高现代武器系统在恶劣电磁环境中的通信和信息交换能力,充分利用激光的天然保密性,减少对无线电频率资源的占用,对无线激光通信系统中的光发射模块进行了设计。在信标光发射模块的设计中采用驱动电路与温度控制电路分离的设计方案;在信号光发射模块中采用掺银铒光纤放大器(EDFA)作为功率放大器的设计方案,并采用DS90LV001芯片完成PECL信号与LVDS信号转换。试验结果表明,信标光的最高输出功率为1.53 W,最高频率大于10 kHz;信号光的输出功率大于19.8 dBm,误码率低于10-7,消光比为10.2 dBm,完全满足设计需求。  相似文献   

利用低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)高集成化设计优势,设计并实现了一款Ku波段高增益8通道T/R组件。该组件通过双向放大器的合理运用,有效提高了组件的收发增益,同时利用液态金属材料的特性,将硅铝壳体与铝合金散热齿进行有机结合,大大提高了组件在连续波发射工作模式下的热量传导能力,保证了组件小体积下工作的可靠性。最终设计实现的Ku波段高增益8通道T/R组件,体积仅84 mm×48 mm×6 mm,质量约60 g,发射功率增益大于45 dB,发射输出功率大于1 W,接收增益大于29 dB,接收噪声系数小于3.5 dB。该组件8个通道收发性能一致性好,性能稳定,具有良好的工程实用价值。  相似文献   

为了阻止阻带反射信号回到信号源,设计了一款LTCC半分布式吸收低通滤波器。该滤波器通过衰减电阻把阻带能量衰减掉,在不增加插入损耗的情况下达到吸收阻带反射信号的效果。仿真结果表明,该款滤波器的3 dB截止频fc=2.5 GHz,带内回波损耗大于20 dB,6fc处对反射信号的吸收大于12 dB,3.7 GHz处的带外抑制大于20 dB,模型尺寸仅为4.8 mm×3.6 mm×1.43 mm。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the design of a Ku-band active transmit-array module of transistor amplifiers excited by either a pyramidal horn or a patch array. Optimal distances between the active transmit array and the signal-launching/receiving device, which is either a passive corporate-fed array or a horn, are determined to maximize the power gain at a design frequency. Having established these conditions, the complete structure is investigated in terms of operational bandwidth and near-field and far-field distributions measured at the output side of the transmit array. The experimental results show that the use of a corporate-fed array as an illuminating/receiving device gives higher gain and significantly larger operational bandwidth. An explanation for this behavior is sought  相似文献   

The design and measured results of a single-substrate transceiver module suitable for 76-77-GHz pulsed-Doppler radar applications are presented. Emphasis on ease of manufacture and cost reduction of commercial millimeter-wave systems is employed throughout as a design parameter. The importance of using predictive modeling techniques in understanding the robustness of the circuit design is stressed. Manufacturing techniques that conform to standard high-volume assembly constraints have been used. The packaged transceiver module, including three waveguide ports and intermediate-frequency output, measures 20 mm×22 mm×8 mm. The circuit is implemented using discrete GaAs/AlGaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistors (pHEMTs), GaAs Schottky diodes, and varactor diodes, as well as GaAs p-i-n and pHEMT monolithic microwave integrated circuits mounted on a low-cost 127-μm-thick glass substrate. A novel microstrip-to-waveguide transition is described to transform the planar microstrip signal into the waveguide launch. The module is integrated with a quasi-optical antenna. The measured performance of both the component parts and the complete radar transceiver module is described  相似文献   

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