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为保证锅炉制造厂家出产的每一台锅炉产品质量符合ASME法规和《蒸汽锅炉安全技术监查规程》的要求,在严格按照全面质量管理体系的要求下,本着预防为主。从原材料入厂开始,对在制造过程中的各道工序,特别是关键工序进行严格控制,防止工序中不合格产品流入下道工序,甚至于流到用户。要真正严格把住锅炉质量关。一定要将工作的重点放在影响产品质量的关键项目上,即放在影响锅炉的安全使用、锅炉的性能及安装调试工作等项目上。  相似文献   

东北电力科学研究院有限公司是国家电力主管部门确认的火电工程与送变电工程甲级启动调试单位,拥有以调整试验研究所为主体的国内一流专业调试队伍。调试所设有汽机、锅炉、电气、热控、化学专业,共有专业人员65人。具备同时承担8台600 MW以上机组启动调试工作的能力,调试所建立了科学完整的调试质量体系并通过了ISO9002质量标准体系认证,所领导班子成员均获得了国家建设部颁发的建设施工项目经理资格证书。多年来,调试所面向国内外电力基建市场承担调试工程,以优良的调试质量和较短的工期完成了89家发电厂的146台国产和进口机组的…  相似文献   

东北电力科学研究院有限公司是国家电力主管部门确认的火电工程与送变电工程甲级启动调试单位,拥有以调整试验研究所为主体的国内一流专业调试队伍。调试所设有汽机、锅炉、电气、热控、化学专业,共有专业人员65人。具备同时承担8台600 MW以上机组启动调试工作的能力,调试所  相似文献   

在外高桥三期工程2台1 000 MW超超临界汽轮发电机组调试阶段,高标准、严要求,以又好又快地完成调试项目及节能减排为目标,以技术创新为抓手,以完全不同于传统的启动方式,成功实现多项世界上首创的运行技术,如:不启动给水泵、静压状态下的锅炉上水及热态水冲洗技术;大型汽动给水泵组低速启动及全程调速运行技术;直流锅炉蒸汽加热启动和稳燃技术;直流锅炉低给水流量疏水启动技术以及带旁路启动高动量清洗技术等,大大提高了机组的启动和运行安全性,简化了系统和控制策略,并使启动用油及用电呈数量级下降。并通过合理安排辅机调试和启动方式,改革冲管和带旁路清洗工艺等,在全面提高调试质量的同时取得了巨大的节能减排效益。  相似文献   

介绍目前国内投入商业运行的循环流化床锅炉的冷态启动调试和燃烧调整工作。通过冷态试验,全面检查了锅炉及其附属设备的性能,为锅炉的点火启动和机组的联合启动试运提供了运行数据;通过燃烧调整试验,发现了有碍锅炉设备0经济运行方面的问题及设备缺陷。  相似文献   

为减少贫煤锅炉启动调试过程中的燃油消耗量,满足烟塔合一技术对锅炉启动过程提出的新要求,提出贫煤锅炉烟煤启动技术方案,分析机组烟煤启动相关系统和实施方案,介绍烟煤启动过程中应注意的问题和应用效果.  相似文献   

NERC在循环流化床燃烧技术领域的研究与开发   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
简述电站锅炉煤清洁燃烧国家工程研究中心(NERC)近年来对循环流化床(CFB)燃烧技术的研究概况。对其开发工作、试验研究和工业装置设计的技术关键进行了较详细的介绍,并对已进行的国产CFB锅炉的启动调试和试验研究概况及CFB锅炉大型化技术未来的开发步骤作了阐述。  相似文献   

新建火力发电厂多数采用快装燃油启动锅炉,近几年燃油启动锅炉点火时经常出现爆燃超压严重,导致超压保护动作,锅炉不易点燃,有些启动锅炉运行不久甚至造成超压损坏。作者在某新建工程调试时恰巧也遇到了同样的问题,我们认真分析了造成启动锅炉爆燃超压的根本原因,提出了解决方案,经过试验彻底解决了这一问题,并对厂家点火和停炉程控逻辑进行了优化修改,不仅保证了调试工作的顺利进行,而且为今后启动锅炉的安全运行提供了可靠保证。此改进方案对其它燃油启动锅炉的调试和安全运行具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

五百万千瓦机组投产是1985年水电部的光荣任务,水电部西安热工研究所组织各专业人员积极为五百万千瓦机组的投产提供技术服务(参见附表)。服务工作包括:锅炉、汽机和热工自动系统启动调试、锅炉风机设计技术推广应用和现场调试、大气环境调查和评价、凝汽器胶球清洗装置技术推广应用和现场调试、电除尘器设计技术及安装质量检验和冷态调试、汽机安全监视系统技术推广和调试、锅炉酸洗和热工自动化系统技术培训等共52项次,参加工作的科技人员130多人,涉及21台机组共360万千瓦发电容量。  相似文献   

炉水泵是超超临界锅炉重要而精密的设备,如何正确的使用和处理故障非常重要.介绍了炉水泵在我国1000 MW超超临界锅炉上的应用,介绍了炉水泵主要制造厂家以及在1000 MW机组调试、运行过程中应该注意的问题;还介绍了在使用过程中出现的典型故障以及原因分析.可以给同类型机组在炉水泵调试及生产过程中解决问题提供参考.  相似文献   

The capabilities of the voltage stability security assessment (VSSAD) to assess proximity to and ranking voltage instability by (a) performing a contingency selection of each model determined subsystem and (b) diagnosing where, why, when and what can be done to cure voltage instability for each equipment outage and transaction combination is thoroughly documented in IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 13 (1998) 1423; Division of Engineering Research Technical Report December 1998, Santorini, Greece. This paper reviews these capabilities and how they can be used to implement a contingency selection module and security constrained optimization module for the open access system dispatch (OASYDIS) being proposed as part of the proposed transmission dispatch and congestion management (IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 13 (1998) 1466) in an ISO. The open access system dispatch can be implemented as either a preventive control as given in IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 13 (1998) 1466 or as a corrective control as proposed in this paper. The VSSAD based contingency selection can provide the security constraints for either a preventive or corrective control implementation of OASYDIS. The advantages of corrective control are discussed and the changes in the proposed open access system dispatch (IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 13 (1998) 1466) required to implement a corrective control are discussed.  相似文献   

广东省六氟化硫气体运行监测中的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
六氟化硫(SF6)电气设备在电力系统中的应用越来越广泛,SF6气体运行监督检测工作显得极为重要。为此,就SF6气体湿度测试的温度修正、SF6气体测试的影响因素、SF6变压器的气体测试指标以及SF6气体的回收与再生利用等问题进行论述,并指出故障气体分析应该成为SF6电气设备的有效监督手段。  相似文献   

Superconductivity, along with other cryogenic electronic technologies, can provide microwave and millimeter-wave (mm-wave) components, both passive and active, with characteristics superior to what can be realized using conventional room-temperature technologies [1], [2]. Radio astronomers have been cooling their receiver front ends to temperatures of 10 K and below for more than 50 years whereas superconductor-insulator- superconductor (SIS) devices cooled to near 4 K have been used as the mixers and detectors of preference for radio telescopes operating in the mm-wave frequency range since the 1970s. Other cryogenic electronics that date back to the 1960s include infrared focal plane arrays that were operated at temperatures of 50-70 K whenever long wavelength operation and very low noise are required. Although superconducting devices (such as high Q-value cavities) have a long history in high-energy physics (HEP) particle accelerators, other applications have not found wide use. Several factors have contributed to this situation including the lack of maturity of some of these technologies, as well as the practical fact that the cryogenic burden has been perceived as too great compared to the performance advantage that could be realized.  相似文献   

远距离大型DFIG风电场的混合型HVDC建模及控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对远距离大型双馈感应发电机(DFIG)风电场,提出了一种混合型高压直流(Hybrid HVDC)输电方式并给了出其控制策略。在该方案中,HVDC整流侧采用基于晶闸管的相控换流器(LCC),并以STATCOM作为电压支撑为DFIG提供励磁和整流器换向电压;逆变侧采用基于全控器件的电流源型逆变器(CSI),从而达到对电网提供独立无功支撑的目的。文章首先建立了DFIG风电场及混合型HVDC并网系统的动态数学模型,然后针对其中的STATCOM子系统、整流器子系统和逆变器子系统给出了相应的控制器设计方法。经Matlab/Simulink仿真验证,该系统能够顺利完成黑启动,具有精确的功率跟踪和快速的功率响应能力,还能够向电网提供独立的无功支撑。  相似文献   

The circumstances leading to the discovery in 1980 of impurity-induced layer disordering (IILD) of AlAs-GaAs (AlxGa 1-xAs) quantum-well heterostructures (QWHs) and superlattices (SLs) are described. In view of the great stability of a QWH or SL (AlAs-GaAs) against ordinary thermal annealing, IILD came as a surprise, i.e., the lower temperature (selective) change from red-gap QW crystal to yellow-gap bulk crystal. Layer disordering can be carried out most effectively, via diffusion or implantation, with two-site dopants such as Zn (acceptor) or Si (donor), but is not restricted to active impurities alone. This maskable planar technology, which (with crystal conservation) transforms a coarser layered III-V “alloy” to a smoother stochastic alloy, and higher bandgap, is capable of forming, as desired, regions that confine carriers and photons. Accordingly, IILD has broad and growing use in optoelectronics (lasers, waveguides, etc.), particularly for III-V systems employing Al and Ga which easily substitute for one another and are sensitive to IILD. The atomic rearrangement of diffusion, a small scale (microscopic) lattice change, is in essence “amplified” by IILD into a large scale (macroscopic) layer change (patterned) that provides a method to study III-V diffusion mechanisms. IILD, a planar technology and growing area of work, is useful in optoelectronics applications as well as for basic diffusion studies in III-Vs and potentially other crystal systems  相似文献   

(1)首次系统地和明显地给出了GME和CTRW在Laplace-Fourier表象的严格解以及时间-动量的一般解和渐近解;(2)讨论了上述各种形式的解的应用并给出了平均平方位移的各种表达形式.  相似文献   

运行中的SF6变压器的气体监督检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SF6气体绝缘变压器在我国电力系统中的应用越来越广泛,建立运行中的气体分析的有效检测手段和监督依据,对此类电气设备进行监督管理显得尤其重要。为此,根据深圳供电分公司SF6变压器投运七年来的运行情况和监督检测方面所积累的经验,结合厂家的监督标准,提出了SF6变压器气体监督检测方面的建议,为SF6气体绝缘变压器的安全运行和监督提供参考。  相似文献   

RS-485总线转USB接口微模块研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了基于通用串行总线(USB)专用芯片PDIUSBD12(D12)及其相关电路的硬件设计方案、转换装置微处理器AT89C52(MCU)的firmware程序设计方案、基于Windows驱动模型标准(WDM)技术的Windows下的驱动程序设计方案和基于基础类(MFC)技术的Windows下试验程序的设计方案。列举了研制工作中的难点:USB总线枚举过程的调试和Windows下WDM模式的驱动程序设计,并给出了相应的解决方案和调试经验。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new nonlinear convex network flow programming (NLCNFP) model and algorithm for solving the on-line economic power dispatch and automatic generation control (AGC) with security and economy. Two AGC functions—load frequency control (LFC) and economic dispatch control (EDC) are modeled on the same timescale as EDC. This new AGC modeling and solution algorithm meets not only the control requirement of frequency and tie-line power as in the conventional load frequency control, but also the line security and system economy. The proposed approach is tested on an IEEE 30-bus system with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

如何高效、清洁地利用煤炭资源,解决世界能源短缺和大气污染,是人们历来关注的一个焦点.整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)和增压流化床联合循环(PFBC—CC)的问世,提供了有效燃煤发电的发展方向.IGCC和PFBC-CC以其显著的优势,越来越倍受青睐。本文简要阐述了IGCC和PFBC—CC的概念、工作原理、技术经济指标和国内外发展现状及发展IGCC和PFBC—CC的几项关键技术,并提出在我国应发展IGCC和PFBC-CC的建议。  相似文献   

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