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侯宇凯  侯松嵋  汪洋 《农药》2008,47(4):302-307
概述了2007年6月在南非举行的第四届CIPAC/FAO/WHO联席会议情况。会议内容主要包括:CIPAC、FAO、WHO和其它相关国际组织一年来嗣绕农药这个大课题的工作进展情况;CIPAC方法,FAO、WHO农药标准以及FAO,WHO联合农药标准的制、修订情况和老IHCIPAC方法和FAO农药标准的废止和程序;农药原药中杂质限量以及不同厂家生产的同一种农药的等同性条件。上述内容与农药登记要求密切相关。  相似文献   

第五届CIPAC/FAO/WHO联席会议(暨第52届CIPAC年会、第七届农药规格联席会议)概述了有关农药标准和质检的重大国际会议情况.联席会议的主要信息包括:一年来CIPAC、FAO、WHO和其他有关国际组织关于农药标准、分析方法、质量控制、卫生健康等方面的工作进展以及技术交流与和合作的成果;FAO、WHO农药规格,FAO/WHO联合农药规格以及CIPAC方法制修订情况和已经过时的CIPAC方法,FAO、WHO农药规格废止情况.一些议题如长效杀虫网(LN)新方法、新标准的研究,原药中相关杂质分析方法的研究和确认,纯品和工业级农药对物理化学性质的不同要求,原药等同性的认定增加了物化性质数据的要求以及确定农药混合制剂物理性能指标的原则等,是比较耀眼的技术亮点.  相似文献   

第五届CIPAC/FAO/WHO联席会议(暨第52届CIPAC年会、第七届农药规格联席会议)概述了有关农药标准和质检的重大国际会议情况。联席会议的主要信息包括:一年来CIPAC、FAO、WHO和其他有关国际组织关于农药标准、分析方法、质量控制、卫生健康等方面的工作进展以及技术交流与和合作的成果;FAO、WHO农药规格,FAO/WHO联合农药规格以及CIPAC方法制修订情况和已经过时的CIPAC方法,FAO、WHO农药规格废止情况。一些议题如长效杀虫网(LN)新方法、新标准的研究,原药中相关杂质分析方法的研究和确认,纯品和工业级农药对物理化学性质的不同要求,原药等同性的认定增加了物化性质数据的要求以及确定农药混合制剂物理性能指标的原则等,是比较耀眼的技术亮点。  相似文献   

第50届国际农药分析协作委员会(CIPAC)年会及第3届CIPAC/FAO/WHO农药规格联合会议于2006年6月在瑞士的日内瓦召开,参加会议的有来自美、英、法、德、瑞士、澳大利亚、日本以及中国等二十多个国家和FAO、WHO、AOAC等国际组织的代表。我国的农业部农药检定所、沈阳化工研究院和台湾共派出3人参加会议。会议按照以往的形式仍分为两部分。一是FAO/WHO农药规格联合会议(以公开会议和秘密会议两种形式举行)。二是CIPAC技术会议和学术报告会。  相似文献   

第 46届国际农药分析协作委员会(CIPAC)年会及第 1届FAO/WHO农药规格联合会议于 2 0 0 2年 6月 1 5日~ 2 2日在意大利的罗马召开 ,参加会议的有来自美、英、法、德、瑞士、意大利、澳大利亚、日本以及中国等二十多个国家和FAO、WHO、AOAC、ECCA、ASTM、IU PAC等国际组织的代表 ,本次会议是FAO、WHO联合开发农药规格召开的第一次会议 ,一些从事农药研发的大公司如杜邦、住友化学、巴斯福、拜尔等都有代表参加会议。我国的农业部农药检定所、沈阳化工研究院、国家质量监督检验检疫总局、辽宁商检局…  相似文献   

第2届FAO/WHO农药规格联合会议及第47届国际农药分析协作委员会((CIPAC)年会于2003年6月10~22日在罗马尼亚布加勒斯特召开,参加会议的有来自美、英、法、日本等多个国家和FAO、WHO、AOAC、ASTM、IUPAC等国际组织的代表,由于受到“非典”的影响,本  相似文献   

王以燕  钱传范 《农药》2003,42(7):42-46
一、原药和母药 A.原药(TC)B.母药(TK) 二、固体制剂 (一)直接使用的固体制剂 A.粉剂(DP)B.种子处理干粉剂(DS)C.颗粒剂(GR)D,片剂(DT)  相似文献   

第45届国际农药分析协作委员会(CIPAC)年会及第31届FAO农药规格非正式会议于2001年6月17-25日在泰国首都曼谷召开,参加会议的有来自美,英,法,德,瑞士,澳大利亚,日本以及中国等二十多个国家和FAO,WHO,AOAC,ECCA,ASTM,IUPAC等国际组织的代表,一些从事农药研发的大公司如杜邦,住友化学,三井东亚,巴斯福,拜尔等都有代表参加会议,我国的农业部农药检定所,沈阳化工研究院,上海商检局,辽宁商检局和台湾均派出了代表,共有7人参加会议,今年是我国代表参加FAO,CIPAC会议人数较多的一次,会议主要分为两部分,一是FAO非正式会议(以公开会议和秘密会议两种形式举行),二是CIPAC技术会议和学术报告会。  相似文献   

侯宇凯 《农药》2002,41(5):43-45
国际农药分析协作委员会 (CIPAC)组织制定的农药原药和制剂的分析方法 ,是国际上公认的最高权威的农药分析方法 ,代表着当代国际最高水平。CIPAC方法 ,直接被FAO农药规格所引用 ,并成为该农药规格能否制定和通过的关键因素 ,即没有CIPAC方法 ,相应的FAO农药规格将难以问世。CIPAC方法之所以先进可靠 ,为世界各国所接受 ,这与其科学、严格的制定程度有关。CIPAC方法发起单位往往是具垄断地位的生产该农药的大公司、跨国公司 ,具体研究人员多是富有经验的高级农药分析专家。他们凭借着强大的经济实力、先进的…  相似文献   

唯客乐(Waikoloa)是美国夏威夷岛中数一数二的度假胜地,现在这里吸引了来自光盘业界的近300名相关技术人员。他们来这里是为了参加2002年7月7~11日召开的光存储器相关国际会议“ISOM/ODS 2002”。会议的日程安排包括特邀演讲、普通演讲及张贴板演讲,在本次会议上共发表了超过160项的研究成果。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the methodology proposed by FAO/WHO/UNU 1985 to determine energy requirements and recommendations for population groups. The physiological basis for individual requirements and the components to estimate the energy expenditure of population groups, are presented. This new approach requires a detailed knowledge of the distribution of the population by sex, age and level of physical activity. In the absence of physical activity data the distribution by employment category may be used. Our study suggests characterizing the population through the use of biotypes, according to sex, age and level of physical activity. This new approach also requires the knowledge of weight and height of a representative sample of the population. The planner should also consider a desirable level of physical activity for the population, and decide if the energy recommendation should optimize the weight and height of individuals to promote improved physical well being and health status. The application of this approach to a specific country in Latin America revealed that the available data are insufficient for an adequate estimation of energy needs of the population. Nevertheless, results suggest that the energy gaps for urban sedentary groups are less than those calculated using the traditional FAO/WHO 1973 reference pattern. The energy needs of the countries in the Region will increase as the infant population improves physical development more in accordance with the full expression of their genetic endowment. Further increases in energy needs are estimated as the general population increases the level of discretionary physical activity.  相似文献   

王凤生 《中国橡胶》2011,27(7):13-14
中国橡胶工业协会七届四次理事会扩大会议于3月16日在山东青岛召开.中橡协主席团执行主席、软控股份有限公司董事长袁仲雪主持会议,297名代表出席会议。  相似文献   

The 1973 FAO/WHO Joint Expert Committee on Energy and Protein Requirements has recommended two methods to adjust the safe level of protein intake according to protein quality: chemical score and net protein utilization (NPU). However, the effect of protein concentration on protein utilization is not considered. The results of the present work, as well as those obtained by other investigators, show that there is an inverse relationship between protein concentration and protein utilization. The net protein utilization (NPU) at 10% of protein-calories or the chemical score adjusted by the nitrogen digestibility can be applied when results are to be projected to national average diets, which have values ranging between 9 and 13%. When it is necessary to evaluate the diet of specific relatively homogeneous population groups, the recommended method should use the NPU determined or calculated in each meal considering the level of protein concentration of the diet as eaten (NPU op). This method takes into account the amino acid complementation in each meal. The data on which these conclusions are based have been presented and discussed.  相似文献   

中日第四次聚氨酯工业界技术交流报告   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
概述了中日第四次聚氨酯工业界技术交流的内容。介绍了两国聚氨酯工业的发展动向,聚氨酯弹性胶粘剂、密封剂、建筑工业用聚氨酯泡沫材料以及CFC发泡剂的替代物等近期的研发概况。  相似文献   

可伸缩铰支管接头简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文指出了埋入地下的刚性管接头连接的管道易出现的问题及为解决这些问题而发明的可伸缩铰支管接头的特点及结构。  相似文献   

开放性实验旨在让学生成为实验课的主导。培养学生自主学习的积极性和选择最佳的教学模式是实现这一目的的有效途径。同时为学生建立全面的考评方案也是激励学生自主学习的有效方法。笔者在开放性实验课中通过选择学生感兴趣的实验项目,减轻学生的学习压力,转换实验指导教师的角色从而实现以学生为主体的目的。同时,在开放性实验课中建立以学生自查、团队监督和实验指导老师考评的三种考核方式相结合的考核制度来激励学生自主学习。  相似文献   

The FAO is interested in increasing world protein supplies both by advising and assisting developing countries to increase their production of staple foods and by encouraging the development of technology to produce protein concentrates both from vegetable and animal sources to supplement diets which are low in protein content. Recent revisions of the amount of protein required in the diet in relation to total per capita energy requirements and the difficulties encountered in introducing novel foods into established dietary patterns has led FAO to concentrate on increased agricultural productions in developing countries as the primary means of combatting malnutrition. In the meantime, in North America and Europe, advances in the technology of processing vegetable proteins has given highly acceptable products simulating meats which are being used as meat extenders and meat analogues. The consequent increase in vegetable protein production has revealed a need for international, agreement on standardization, and it has been agreed that this will be undertaken by the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards’ Programme. The program operates chiefly through the Codex Alimentarius, Commission, an international governmental body, the purpose of which is to protect consumers against health hazard in food and against fraud. The Commission, which has 116 member governments, controls an intensive program of work covering the composition, labeling, additives, contaminants, pesticide residues, hygiene, sampling and analysis aspects of foods and has established a procedure which allows member governments ample opportunity to reach agreement on food standards and to accept them for incorporation into national legislation. The Codex Commission, at its 12th session, decided to establish a Committee on Vegetable Proteins with the following terms of references: “to elaborate definitions and world-wide standards for vegetable protein products deriving from soybeams, cottonseed, groundnuts, cereals and from other vegetable sources as they come into use for human consumption, and to elaborate guidelines on utilization of such vegetable protein products in the food supply system, on nutritional requirements and safety on labeling and on other aspects as may seem appropriate.” The question of which country will host the Committee is still under discussion.  相似文献   

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