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ABSTRACT:  Despite more than 20 y of awareness of the importance of calcium to health, U.S. calcium intakes remain suboptimal. Fortification of foods with shortfall nutrients is probably the optimal strategy for dealing with widespread nutrient deficiencies, as it has the best chance of reaching the population segments most at risk, as contrasted with attempts at changing individuals' food choices or relying on voluntary supplement taking. Given the wide array of potential calcium fortificants and fortification levels, there is not much to guide manufacturers interested in improving the nutritional value of their products. In this review, we assemble the calcium salts/complexes that have been used or proposed for use as fortificants and describe certain of their measured characteristics that relate to incorporation into foods, particularly what is known of their absorbability. The calcium salts most commonly used as supplements or fortificants exhibit similar absorbability when tested in pure chemical form. Choice of salt will depend mainly upon cost, compatability with the manufacturing process, and consumer acceptability. However, interaction with food, tablet, or beverage matrices can degrade intrinsic absorbability substantially. As a consequence, each product must be explicitly tested to establish the degree to which its calcium is available to consumers.  相似文献   

The H+(aq) concentration in Wilmington, NC, precipitation has decreased by approximately 50% during the preceding two decades, similar to trends seen nationwide. The decrease in acidity is important because solution pH plays a key role in atmospheric reactions, and because the change is so large. This study presents the first long-range study of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels in precipitation which demonstrates that DOC concentrations have decreased by approximately half in Wilmington, NC, precipitation. The concentrations of H+(aq) and DOC are highly correlated primarily because small organic acids contribute to both DOC and H+(aq) in precipitation. Ammonium ion concentrations in precipitation have increased due to increased agricultural activities, and this also affects precipitation pH. The reduction of SO2 emissions in 1995 imposed by the Clean Air Act Amendment, better control of emissions of volatile organic compounds, and the increase in ammonia emissions all contribute to the decreasing H+(aq) in precipitation nationwide. These compositional changes in precipitation have many environmental implications, such as decreased acid deposition to lakes, changing speciation for trace metals in precipitation, increased ammonium deposition to coastal waters, and decreased DOC transport to the open ocean.  相似文献   

Vegetarians’ food intake patterns vary in the extent that they exclude all or some animal products (e.g., meat, poultry, fish/ seafood, eggs, and dairy). We examined the differences of consumption of selected USDA Food Patterns food groups, subgroups, and food components, total calorie intake,and the number of food items between self-identified vegetarians and non-vegetarians in the U.S. population aged 1 year and older. Weighted reliable food consumption data from day 1 of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2010 and the USDA Food Patterns Equivalents Database, 2007-2010 were analyzed in the U.S. population (n=15,453) using SAS 9.3. Only 3% of the self-identified vegetarians (total 2.1%; n=323) did not consume any animal products. Compared to non-vegetarians, vegetarians consumed significantly fewer calories (1862 kcal vs. 2058 kcal; p<0.05) with the same number of food items (n=16) per day, and they consumed significantly less meat, poultry, solid fats and added sugars, and more soy, legumes, and whole grains than non-vegetarians. Both groups consumed about the same amounts of eggs, dairy, seafood, fruits, and vegetables. After energy adjustment, vegetarians consumed significantly more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and total grains than non-vegetarians per 1000 kcal. Although a large proportion of self-identified vegetarians report consuming some type of animal products, such as meat, poultry and/or seafood, their dietary patterns contain more plant-based foods and whole grains with less solid fats and added sugars. Caution is needed in interpreting the term “vegetarian” from self-reports. Increasing fruit, vegetable, and whole grain consumption remains a targeted message for all populations.  相似文献   

To provide the first nationwide reconnaissance of the occurrence of pharmaceuticals, hormones, and other organic wastewater contaminants (OWCs) in water resources, the U.S. Geological Survey used five newly developed analytical methods to measure concentrations of 95 OWCs in water samples from a network of 139 streams across 30 states during 1999 and 2000. The selection of sampling sites was biased toward streams susceptible to contamination (i.e. downstream of intense urbanization and livestock production). OWCs were prevalent during this study, being found in 80% of the streams sampled. The compounds detected represent a wide range of residential, industrial, and agricultural origins and uses with 82 of the 95 OWCs being found during this study. The most frequently detected compounds were coprostanol (fecal steroid), cholesterol (plant and animal steroid), N,N-diethyltoluamide (insect repellant), caffeine (stimulant), triclosan (antimicrobial disinfectant), tri(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (fire retardant), and 4-nonylphenol (nonionic detergent metabolite). Measured concentrations for this study were generally low and rarely exceeded drinking-water guidelines, drinking-water health advisories, or aquatic-life criteria. Many compounds, however, do not have such guidelines established. The detection of multiple OWCs was common for this study, with a median of seven and as many as 38 OWCs being found in a given water sample. Little is known about the potential interactive effects (such as synergistic or antagonistic toxicity) that may occur from complex mixtures of OWCs in the environment. In addition, results of this study demonstrate the importance of obtaining data on metabolites to fully understand not only the fate and transport of OWCs in the hydrologic system but also their ultimate overall effect on human health and the environment.  相似文献   

Since 2002, practices in manufacturing polyfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFCs) in the United States have changed. Previous results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) documented a significant decrease in serum concentrations of some PFCs during 1999-2004. To further assess concentration trends of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoate (PFOA), perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), and perfluorononanoate (PFNA), we analyzed 7876 serum samples collected from a representative sample of the general U.S. population ≥12 years of age during NHANES 1999-2008. We detected PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, and PFHxS in more than 95% of participants. Concentrations differed by sex regardless of age and we observed some differences by race/ethnicity. Since 1999-2000, PFOS concentrations showed a significant downward trend, because of discontinuing industrial production of PFOS, but PFNA concentrations showed a significant upward trend. PFOA concentrations during 1999-2000 were significantly higher than during any other time period examined, but PFOA concentrations have remained essentially unchanged during 2003-2008. PFHxS concentrations showed a downward trend from 1999 to 2006, but concentrations increased during 2007-2008. Additional research is needed to identify the environmental sources contributing to human exposure to PFCs. Nonetheless, these NHANES data suggest that sociodemographic factors may influence exposure and also provide unique information on temporal trends of exposure.  相似文献   

Five genetically different sorghums were ground and partially substituted for bread and cookie flour in U.S. white pan bread, Egyptian “Balady” bread and sugar cookies. Except for brown sorghum, water absorption, peak time, stability and time to breakdown, decreased as sorghum increased in the formula. Brown sorghum produced a better quality dough and higher bread volume compared to other sorghums. Bread volume decreased with increasing level of sorghum substitution. Crumb and crust color were directly related to sorghum variety and level of substitution. Replacement of bread flour with up to 30% ground sorghum produced acceptable Egyptian “Balady” bread. Spread factor of sugar cookies increased with increasing levels of sorghum.  相似文献   

可持续发展的选择没有其他材料可以与木材之好处的独特组合相比,包括强度,支撑力,易用性和环保优势。木结构建筑的安全性和可靠性能追溯到100年前甚至更久。这就是为什么今天美国十分之九的住宅都是用木材建造的。  相似文献   

介绍了韩国纺织服装产业的竞争力状况,分析了<美-韩自由贸易协定>对提升韩国纺织服装产业竞争力的作用及对中国纺织品服装出口的影响.  相似文献   

Despite evidence of increasing waterpipe tobacco smoking prevalence among U.S. young adults, little is known about the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and smoking patterns of waterpipe users in this population. To address this lack of knowledge, two convenience samples of U.S. waterpipe users were surveyed--one from a Richmond, Virginia, waterpipe café (n=101), the other from an Internet forum called HookahForum.com (n=100). Sixty percent reported first-time waterpipe use at or before age 18. Daily waterpipe use was reported by 19%, weekly use by 41%, and monthly use by 29%. Waterpipe use was more common during the weekend (75%) than during weekdays (43%). Forty-four percent reported spending >or=60 min smoking tobacco during a waterpipe session. The majority of waterpipe users owned a waterpipe (57%) and purchased it on the Internet (71%). Many waterpipe users smoked the sweetened and flavored tobacco (i.e., maassel), and fruit flavors were the most popular (54%). Past month use of cigarettes, tobacco products other than cigarettes or waterpipe, and alcohol was 54%, 33%, and 80% respectively, and 36% reported past-month marijuana use. Most waterpipe users were confident about their ability to quit (96%), but only a minority (32%) intended to quit. Most waterpipe users believed waterpipe tobacco smoking was less harmful and addictive than cigarettes. These results are from small convenience samples; more detailed study of a larger group of randomly sampled U.S. waterpipe tobacco smokers will be valuable in understanding this behavior and developing effective strategies to prevent it.  相似文献   

Lead is a component of tobacco and tobacco smoke. We examined the relationship between current, former, and passive smoking and blood lead levels in a nationally representative sample of 16,458 U.S. adults, aged 17 years or older, who participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1988-1994). We used linear and logistic regression modeling, adjusting for known covariates, to determine the relationship between smoking and blood lead levels. Geometric mean blood lead levels were 1.8 microg/dl, 2.1 microg/dl, and 2.3 microg/dl in never-smokers with no, low, and high cotinine levels, respectively. Levels were 2.9 microg/dl in former smokers and 3.5 microg/dl in current smokers. The adjusted linear regression model showed that geometric mean blood lead levels were 30% higher (95% CI = 24%-36%) in adults with high cotinine levels than they were in those with no detectable cotinine. Active and passive smoking is associated with increased blood lead levels in U.S. adults.  相似文献   

介绍了GB/T4 0 6 - 93棉本色布布面疵点标准和美国四分制标准 ,结合生产使用情况 ,对两个标准的异同、优缺点进行了对比分析 ,并对修订现有 93棉本色布布面疵点标准提出了看法  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are: 1) to examine the socio-demographic characteristics and prevalence of food insecurity in three groups of refugees resettled in the U.S.; 2) to describe themes that arose as potential determinants of food insecurity for refugees; and 3) to posit a conceptual model of the potential determinants of food insecurity for refugees and how they interrelate. This is a case study based on the analysis of three nutritional assessment studies conducted with Asian and African refugees (n = 97 combined). A mixed methods approach was adopted with a semi-structured interview questionnaire, containing both quantitative and open-ended qualitative questions. Interviews were conducted in-home by community interviewers. Seventy percent (n = 69) of the sample, which represented a group that has been resettled in the U.S. for an average of 8 years, experienced some level of food insecurity. Themes related to previous food shortage in refugee camps, health care costs, and remittance of resources to relatives back home emerged as factors impacting food security and demonstrating its lack for those who have been resettled for even as many as 8 years. Pre-resettlement factors and transnational remittance have been understudied as they relate to the food security status of resettled refugees. With greater investigation, the knowledge acquired of these factors could impact the way resettlement programs design education, training and counseling for refugees.  相似文献   

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