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In a changing business environment, data within and around organizations rapidly accumulate. In recent years, many organizations have implemented business intelligence (BI) to manage and refine the vast stocks of data. The effective use of BI can support managers to make faster and better decisions. The goal of this study is to investigate how to increase a manager’s intention to read information and to create reports. Based on the technology acceptance model, a research model is developed and tested to assess the factors (i.e., usefulness and ease of use) affecting a manager’s intention to use BI. In addition, the relationship between the intention to read information and the intention to create reports is linked using Dholakia and Bagozzi (D&B) model. A survey of 271 managers supports the proposed model. The empirical results show that the usefulness of BI directly and indirectly affects the intention to read information. Both the reading and creating interfaces of BI affect the intention to read information and the intention to create reports, respectively. The intention to read information positively and significantly affects the intention to create reports. Given the empirical findings, this study provides theoretical and managerial insights for organizations and managers. 相似文献
Christian Maier Sven Laumer Andreas Eckhardt Tim Weitzel 《The Journal of Strategic Information Systems》2013,22(3):193-207
An in-depth case of an e-Recruiting system implementation is used while focusing on the level of Human Resource (HR) employees to research unintended consequences during the implementation of Human Resources Information Systems (HRISs). We develop a model that integrates the belief and attitude component of the technology acceptance literature with work-related consequences. We provide evidence for an indirect effect of attitudes toward the HRIS on turnover intention that is fully mediated by job satisfaction. Our results contribute to the literature on systems implementations and technology adoption by suggesting work-related outcomes as important additional success variables. 相似文献
In order to verify how social network affects entrepreneurial intentions, a theoretical model is developed between network, entrepreneurial desirability, entrepreneurial feasibility and entrepreneurial intentions. As for empirical studies, a structural equation model is developed and several hypotheses are tested based on Chinese College-graduate Village Officials’ samples. Results showed that three social network dimensions, which are network size, network heterogeneity and properties of top node, affect entrepreneurial intentions significantly. Specifically, entrepreneurial intention is negatively correlated with properties of top node and the size of the social network; significant positive correlation is found between heterogeneity of social network and entrepreneurial intentions. Besides, entrepreneurial desirability and entrepreneurial feasibility are two mediators between network heterogeneity and entrepreneurial intension. This paper has also found that social networks sometimes may become an obstacle for College-graduate Village Official to start a business. The theoretical and practical implications for policymaker of the study’s findings are also discussed. 相似文献
Online communities that provide social media services need to engage newcomers so as to not lose them to competitors. This study examines the role of community diversity (in terms of perceived visible dissimilarity, perceived informational dissimilarity and perceived value dissimilarity) in influencing perceived inclusion of newcomers in the online community and the influence of such perception on newcomers’ engagement intention. The theoretical background on perceived inclusion is obtained from the optimal distinctiveness theory, which comprises of two dimensions, namely, social identification and perceived uniqueness. The results support the multiple roles of community diversity on a newcomer’s perceived inclusion. The findings of this study contribute to a better understanding of the effect of community diversity on newcomers’ engagement behavior, and provide recommendations on designing a personalized community diversity environment. 相似文献
《Computers & Education》2011,56(4):1628-1639
e-Learning systems are increasingly being adopted by modern enterprises, because of their cost-down effect. However, the extant literature provides little insight into their beneficial consequences. It is expected that a transfer of acquired knowledge, skills and/or work attitudes to jobs will occur through e-learning systems use. This makes e-learning systems a useful tool for improving job outcomes, although this is not well documented. The IS success model, which captures both the human and technological elements of information systems, provides a theoretical basis for linking system use to system task. The current study then examines the relation between e-learning systems use and overall job outcomes based on the model. The data collected from one hundred and ninety-three e-learning system users were analyzed with partial least square (PLS). The results indicate that e-learning systems are perceived as useful and satisfying by employees, and employees’ e-learning systems use is significantly associated with overall job outcomes. In practice, these results provide a basis for establishing a link between an organization’s investment in e-learning and human capital management. They also lend empirical support to the IS success model. 相似文献
In recent years, online shopping has been proliferated around the world. Online retailers’ reputation and purchase intentions are critical for survival and profitability of any online store. Thus, this study proposes a research framework to examine the perceived justice effects on customers purchase intention and online retailers’ reputation. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to demonstrate the reliability and validity of the measurement model, and the structural equation modelling technique was used to test the research model. The hypothesised model was validated empirically using data collected from 383 online shopping customers in China. The results indicated that perceived procedural, distributive and interactional justice components were strong predictors of customers purchase intention and online retailers’ reputation while online retailers’ reputation had significant effects on purchase intentions. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications are also presented in the paper. 相似文献
As a media and communication platform, microblog becomes more popular around the world. Most users follow a large number of celebrities and public medias on microblog; however, these celebrities do not necessarily follow all their fans. Such one-way relationship abounds in ego network and is displayed by the forms of users’ followees and followers, which make it difficult to identify users’ real friends who are contained in merged lists of followees and followers. The aim of this paper is to propose a general algorithm for detecting users’ real friends in social media and dividing them into different social circles automatically according to the closeness of their relationships. Then we analyze these social circles and detect social attributes of these social circles. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we build a microblog application which displays algorithm results of social circles for users and enables users to adjust proposed results according to her/his real social circles. We demonstrate that our algorithm is superior to the traditional clustering method in terms of F value and mean average precision. Furthermore, our method of tagging social attributes of social circles gets high performance by NDCG (normalized discounted cumulative gain). 相似文献
《Information & Management》2023,60(6):103843
This study delves into how employee proactiveness on enterprise social media can influence social outcomes at work, both positively and negatively. Drawing on social network and social exchange theories, we develop a model to understand how virtual proactiveness is perceived by leaders and coworkers. Using a round-robin design, we collected data from 281 respondents in 56 teams across three waves. The results show that affiliative and challenging proactiveness positively relate to leader-member and team-member exchanges. However, challenging proactiveness negatively affects team-member exchange, potentially leading to coworker envy. These findings shed light on the intricate social dynamics in remote working environments. 相似文献
Wei-Hung Hsiao 《Behaviour & Information Technology》2014,33(7):730-742
While issues regarding mobile advertising have captured the interest and attention of both practitioners and academics, in practice success stories are rare. An understanding of the continuance intention to use such services can provide insights into failed mobile marketing campaigns, and help to improve the implementation of future ones. Therefore, it is important to examine the underlying drivers of loyalty with regard to mobile advertising. This study uses the expectation–confirmation model in conjunction with the perspectives of value and trust to derive an integrated model to better understand the motivations behind consumers’ continued use of mobile advertising. We conducted an empirical study consisting of an online survey of 508 consumers who had experience with mobile advertising. The results show that perceived value, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction all directly influence continuance intention. Furthermore, consumer satisfaction has a crucial intervening role in the relationships that perceived value, perceived usefulness, and confirmation have with continuance intention. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed. One key limitation of this research is that the majority of respondents were students, although this group is the chief user of mobile advertising. Future research could be extended to consider other drivers of loyalty in this context, such as cultural differences and personal behavioural characteristics. 相似文献
Although mobile purchase is convenient in the age of mobile commerce, many consumers still do not utilize mobile purchase to its full potential. From the mobile vendor’s perspective, retaining current customers and facilitating their continued purchase are crucial to create profitability and achieve a sustainable development. An understanding of the continuance intention towards mobile purchase can provide insights into mobile vendors’ marketing campaigns. Therefore, it is important to examine the determinants that impact continuance intentions of consumers for mobile purchase. Drawing upon information success model, flow theory and trust, this study proposed and empirically tested an integrated model to better understand the determinants of consumers’ continued intention to purchase on mobile sites. Empirical data from 462 users who had experience with mobile purchase were tested against the proposed research model by using structural equation modelling (SEM). The results indicated that information quality, and privacy and security concerns are the main factors affecting trust, whereas service quality is the main factor affecting flow. System quality, and privacy and security concerns affect satisfaction. Trust affects flow, which in turn affects satisfaction. These three factors together affect continued intention towards mobile purchase. The findings of this study provide several important implications for mobile commerce research and practice. 相似文献
Building on the influence of presumed influence (IPI) model, this study examines how smoking-related messages on social media influence college students’ smoking. We surveyed 366 college students from three U.S. Midwestern universities in 2012 and examined the effects of expression and reception of smoking-related messages on smoking using path analysis. We found that the expression and reception of prosmoking messages not only directly affected smoking but also had indirect effects on smoking through (1) perceived peer expression of prosmoking messages and (2) perceived peer smoking norms. For antismoking messages, only reception had a significant indirect influence on smoking through (1) perceived peer reception of antismoking messages and (2) perceived peer smoking norms. In conclusion, social media function as an effective communication channel for generating, sharing, receiving, and commenting on smoking-related content and are thus influential on college students’ smoking. 相似文献
Xi Zhang Xiangda Yan Xiongfei Cao Hui Chen Jinghuai She 《Information Technology for Development》2018,24(2):198-223
ABSTRACTIn recent years, mobile healthcare applications (MHAs) have boomed, providing several new kinds of health services and methods of information transmission. However, MHA vendors face a significant challenge in attracting users to adopt software continuously. Some recent studies recognized users’ perceived e-health literacy (PEHL) as a critical factor in continuance intention, but its influence was still unclear. In this paper, based on the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), we investigated how the users’ PEHL affects their continuance intention when adopting MHAs. We distributed convenience sample questionnaires by Wechat (similar to WhatsApp) in China, where hundreds of MHAs can be downloaded, and 273 valid samples were collected. The result shows that ELM works well in this model, with six of the eight hypotheses supported. The moderating effect of PEHL is largely significant for the peripheral route but not significant for the central route. The most interesting finding is that, with regard to continuance adoption, PEHL has a positive relationship with users’ satisfaction. Possible reasons are discussed, such as there could be a moderator on this relationship. Limitations, future studies and implications for theory, practice and policy are also given. 相似文献
Social commerce is creating increasing opportunities for consumers to access product recommendations. Evidence from practical and academic literature shows that product recommendations may lead to impulse buying, yet relatively limited research exists on this topic. Based on the signaling theory, this research proposes a model to examine how product recommendations on social media affect a user’s urge to buy impulsively. Our results indicate that urge to buy impulsively is determined by affective trust in the recommender and affection toward the recommended product, which are influenced by both recommender-related signals (information quality and similarity) and product-related signals (vicarious expression and aesthetic appeal). 相似文献
《Electronic Commerce Research and Applications》2010,9(1):84-95
It is commonly believed that good security improves trust, and that the perceptions of good security and trust will ultimately increase the use of electronic commerce. In fact, customers’ perceptions of the security of e-payment systems have become a major factor in the evolution of electronic commerce in markets. In this paper, we examine issues related to e-payment security from the viewpoint of customers. This study proposes a conceptual model that delineates the determinants of consumers’ perceived security and perceived trust, as well as the effects of perceived security and perceived trust on the use of e-payment systems. To test the model, structural equation modeling is employed to analyze data collected from 219 respondents in Korea. This research provides a theoretical foundation for academics and also practical guidelines for service providers in dealing with the security aspects of e-payment systems. 相似文献
Today, people use a variety of social and gameful (mobile) applications in order to motivate themselves and others to maintain difficult habits such as exercise, sustainable consumption and healthy eating. However, we have yet lacked understanding of how social influence affects willingness to maintain these difficult habits with the help of gamification services. In order to investigate this phenomenon, we measured how social influence predicts attitudes, use and further exercise in the context of gamification of exercise. Our results show that people indeed do “work out for likes”, or in other words, social influence, positive recognition and reciprocity have a positive impact on how much people are willing to exercise as well as their attitudes and willingness to use gamification services. Moreover, we found that the more friends a user has in the service, the larger the effects are. Furthermore, the findings of the empirical study further provide new understanding on the phenomenon of social influence in technology adoption/use continuance in general by showing, in addition to subjective norms, how getting recognized, receiving reciprocal benefits and network effects contribute to use continuance. 相似文献
A well-designed field trip can promote active learning and reinforce classroom materials. Few studies have examined the potential for social media to enhance IS field trip experiences by promoting active and collaborative learning. One major barrier to the exploitation of this potential is the lack of the adoption of social media by students as a learning tool to enhance field trip experiences. Therefore, the first task is to understand how to increase the satisfaction of students in their use of social media to enhance IS field trips. This research sets out to understand the factors that could help increase students’ satisfaction with the use of social media to enhance IS field trips, and thereby their intentions to continue to use social media in future field trips. The results show that to increase user satisfaction, course instructors should ensure that students perceive the social media sites used for enhancing field trip study to be trustworthy, effortless, useful and accepted by their peers. Future research could determine how we can incorporate the use of social media to enhance the field trip learning experience. 相似文献
Social commerce has emerged as a new platform that enables users to conduct shopping assisted by inputs from other members and to publicly comment on transactions or products. It therefore adds a social aspect to traditional online commerce environments. Nevertheless, the role of the social facet embedded in such transactions in influencing user behaviors is not fully understood. In this study, we rely on theories of risk deterrence in decision-making and the “risky/choice shift” logic to suggest that the social identification of users regarding their community members skews the way they consider risks in decision-making on these sites. Using data from 175 users of etsy.com, we show that perceived commerce risk reduces intentions to buy from the website and that perceived participation risk curtails intentions to post comments on social commerce forums. The findings further show that the influence of these risk assessments is reduced when the degree of social identification with the website community increases; these risk considerations become negligible in decision-making processes when ’social identification is one standard deviation above the mean. Hence, users’ social identification with the social commerce website community skews their rational decision-making. 相似文献
Cao YuanYuan Qin XingHong Li JunJun Long QingQi Hu Baoliang 《Universal Access in the Information Society》2022,21(1):71-92
Universal Access in the Information Society - With the rapid increase of senior users in mobile social network sites (MSNS), how to attract and maintain seniors’ continuous usage is more and... 相似文献
《Information & Management》2016,53(7):904-914
Based upon the stressor-strain-outcome framework, this study proposes that perceived system feature overload, information overload, and social overload are stressors which induce strain, in terms of social network fatigue and dissatisfaction. Both of social network fatigue and dissatisfaction further influence discontinuous use intention. The empirical results indicate that three types of perceived overload exert greater effects on social network fatigue than dissatisfaction, both of which further increase users’ intention of discontinuance. The study also finds that demographic characteristics, such as gender and age, also have moderating effects on these relationships. 相似文献
Although an increasing number of organizations implement social media as means to enhance internal knowledge exchange, employees are in many cases not motivated to make use of new technologies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify antecedents of employees’ intentions to adopt social media for knowledge exchange. Measured factors were derived from expectancy theory and technology acceptance model. To identify factors influencing the willingness to seek and contribute knowledge using social media, in this study N = 315 employees within one organization were surveyed. The results clearly support the predictions: the interplay between the importance and deficits concerning knowledge exchange, perceived usefulness of social media for knowledge exchange, and experience in social media use jointly affected the intention to apply social media for knowledge exchange after their implementation. 相似文献