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TiC particle-reinforced 304 stainless steels were prepared using a new developed in situ technology and their corrosion behavior was compared with that of 304SS in 5 wt.% HCl solution. As compared to 304SS, Ecorr, Epit and Erp values had shifted to a more negative region in 304SS containing TiC, indicating faster corrosion rate by TiC addition. The addition of TiC particles to 304SS resulted in no rapid pit propagation but maintained a high corrosion rate in the whole immersion time investigated.  相似文献   

The corrosion behaviour of AISI type 304L stainless steel (SS) in different concentration of 0.01 M, 1 M and 5 M HNO3 in presence of oxidizing ions at different temperatures has been evaluated. The main objective of this study is to assess the corrosion resistance of type 304L SS in non-radioactive conditions encountered during storage of liquid nuclear waste. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and laser Raman spectroscopy (LRS) has clearly brought out the deleterious effect of oxidizing species on the passive film leading to increased corrosion along with increase in HNO3 concentration and higher temperature.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen ion implantation on corrosion behaviour of 304L stainless steel in 1 N HNO3 medium were investigated using surface analytical and electrochemical techniques. Nitrogen ion was implanted at 70 keV in the dose range of 1 × 1015, 1 × 1016, 1 × 1017 and 2.5 × 1017 N+/cm2, respectively. Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction results for unimplanted and up to dose of 1 × 1016 N+/cm2 showed co-existence of γ-Fe and α′-Fe and, at higher doses (1 × 1017 and 2.5 × 1017) preferential formation of chromium nitride was observed. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigation confirmed the formation of chromium nitride at higher doses. Electrochemical corrosion investigation revealed nobler open circuit potential, decrease in corrosion current densities, passive current densities and increase in polarization resistance with increase in dose rate. Surface morphology analysis after polarization study using atomic force microscope showed grain boundary dissolution for unimplanted specimens and resistance to surface dissolution with increase in dose rate for implanted specimens.  相似文献   

The grain boundary network (GBN) was controlled by grain boundary engineering (GBE) in a 304 stainless steel. The total length proportion of Σ3n coincidence site lattice (CSL) boundaries was increased to more than 70% associating with the formation of large size highly twinned grain-cluster microstructure. Only coherent twin boundaries (Σ3c) were found to be resistant to intergranular corrosion (IGC) and only such boundaries could be termed “special” ones. The improvement of resistance to IGC of the GBE specimen can be attributed to the large size grain-clusters associated with high proportion of the Σ3n boundaries and the interconnected Σ3n-type triple junctions.  相似文献   

Acoustic emission (AE) during pitting corrosion of 304 stainless steel (304 SS) in H2SO4 solutions with different pH values and Cl concentrations was studied. Two types of AE signals are detected in all solutions. Each type of signals is characterized by AE parameters (rise time, counts number, duration and amplitude) and waveform carefully. It is believed that the hydrogen bubbles evolution inside the pits is the AE source.  相似文献   

Corrosion control in nuclear power systems is examined via addition of LiOH to the coolant at pressurized water reactor (PWR) and supercritical water-cooled reactor (SCWR) operating conditions in stainless steel tubing. The loss of metal to the coolant is analyzed using the voltammetry method. The SEM/EDX analysis of metallographic cross-sections is performed. The results indicate that an adequate pH control is possible for water temperatures up to 500 °C. Above this temperature pH control becomes progressively more difficult as dielectric constant and density of water decrease. Significant hydrogen production is detected at 650 °C.  相似文献   

Oxidation of 304L stainless steel in a carbon dioxide atmosphere at 105 Pa has been studied. Between 1193 and 1293 K the oxidation kinetics exhibit first a rapid increase, then a parabolic behaviour with apparent activation energy of (209 ± 8) kJ mol−1 and obeys a Langmuir pressure law. After 1.15 mg cm−2, the kinetics become almost linear.The reaction products are chromia at the grain boundaries, wüstite (Fe1−xO) on the surface for weight gains greater than 0.30 mg cm−2 and chromite. The very complex reaction mechanism takes into account random buckling for weight gains >1.15 mg cm−2.  相似文献   

Corrosion behavior of low-alloy steel containing 1% Cr (1Cr) with normalized (ferritic–pearlitic) and quenched-and-tempered (tempered martensitic) microstructures was investigated in CO2 environments at 60 °C. The severe localized corrosion which was observed in N80 carbon steel, did not exist for 1Cr steel due to the formation of a compact and self-repairable Cr-rich scale. For 1Cr steel, the corrosion resistance with ferritic–pearlitic microstructure was better than that with tempered martensitic microstructure. An apparent corrosion scale spallation was observed on the surface of quenched-and-tempered 1Cr steel, while only slight scale spallation was seen for normalized 1Cr steel.  相似文献   

Ni-Cu-Pd welding consumables have been recently developed for 300-series austenitic stainless steels such as Type 304L (SS304L) to reduce the amount of Cr(VI) in the welding fumes. In this study, a modified filler metal that replaces Pd with Ru was evaluated. Initial tests conducted on button-melted samples and bead-on-plate welds indicated that Ni-Cu-Ru exhibited good corrosion properties. Actual Ni-Cu-Ru arc welds made on SS304L were successfully produced and the corrosion performance was comparable to or better than that of Ni-Cu-Pd welds. These welds are a suitable replacement for welds made with standard 300-series welding consumables, such as SS308L.  相似文献   

TiC particle-reinforced 304 stainless steels were prepared using a new developed in situ technology and exhibited the uniform distribution of TiC particles in the matrix. The oxidation behavior of 304SS-2TiC and 304SS-6TiC (all in weight percentage) was compared with that of 304SS at 850 °C in air for 96 h using thermogravimetry analysis. For 304SS, the rate of weight gain was very slow initially, but accelerated suddenly to a very high level, forming breakaway oxidation. The addition of TiC particles to 304SS resulted in no breakaway oxidation and maintained a low oxidation rate in the whole reaction time investigated. Examination of oxide scale morphology and cross-section analysis by scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy showed a significant scale spallation and a deep oxide penetration in the case of 304SS, but a rather continuous, dense and adherent oxide layer formed on the surface of TiC particle-reinforced alloys. XRD analysis revealed the presence of Cr2O3 together with spinel-type oxides in the oxide scale. For TiC-containing alloys, fine TiO2 was also found on the surface and the amount of this oxide increased with TiC addition. The TiC addition developed finer matrix structure before oxidation, which accelerates chromium diffusion. As a result, scale adherence was improved and oxidation resistance was increased.  相似文献   

Acoustic emission (AE) signals generated by transgranular stress corrosion cracking (TGSCC) and intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) have been compared by means of slow strain rate tensile tests (SSRT) performed using both solubilised and sensitised type AISI 304 stainless steel in a 1 M NaCl + 1 M HCl solution. Results show that the AE activity during the propagation of TGSCC is much higher than the AE activity during the IGSCC propagation. However, no significant difference was found between the mean amplitude and rise-time of the AE signals registered during the propagation of TGSCC and those measured for IGSCC propagation.  相似文献   

The corrosion resistance of three indigenous nitric acid grade (NAG) type 304L stainless steel (SS), designated as 304L1, 304L2 and 304L3 and two commercial NAG SS designated as Uranus-16 similar to 304L composition and Uranus-65 similar to type 310L SS were carried out in nitric acid media. Electrochemical measurements and surface film analysis were performed to evaluate the corrosion resistance and passive film property in 6 N and 11.5 N HNO3 media. The results in 6 N HNO3 show that the indigenous NAG 304L SS and Uranus-65 alloy exhibited similar and higher corrosion resistance with lower passive current density compared to Uranus-16 alloy. In higher concentration of 11.5 N HNO3, transpassive potential of all the NAG SS shows a similar range, except for Uranus-16 alloy. Optical micrographs of all the NAG SS revealed changes in microstructure after polarization in 6 N and 11.5 N HNO3 with corrosion attacks at the grain boundaries. Frequency response of the AC impedance of all the NAG SS showed a single semicircle arc. Higher polarization resistance (RP) and lower capacitance value (CPE-T) revealing higher film stability for indigenous NAG type 304L SS and Uranus-65 alloy. Uranus-16 alloy exhibited the lowest RP value in both the nitric acid concentration. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) study in 6 N and 11.5 N HNO3 revealed that the passive films were mainly composed of Cr2O3 and Fe2O3 for all the alloys. The corrosion resistance of different NAG SS to HNO3 corrosion and its relation to compositional variations of the NAG alloys are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

A.A. Hermas 《Corrosion Science》2008,50(9):2710-2717
Potentiodynamic polarization and EIS have been employed to compare the corrosion behaviour of 304 stainless steel in NH2SO3H and H2SO4 solutions. Corrosion tests were carried out as a function of the acid’s concentration (0.1-0.5 M) and solution temperature (20-60 oC). The corrosion rate is higher in H2SO4 than in H2NSO3H in all concentrations and temperatures. Values of the activation energy (Ea) revealed that the corrosion process is faster in H2SO4 than in NH2SO3H solution. EIS data showed that the display of Nyquist plots, and hence the mechanism of corrosion, depends not only on the acid concentration but also on the solution temperature. In 0.1 M concentration, the equivalent circuits Re(RctQdl) and Re(RctQdl)(RQ)ads describe the corrosion systems in H2NSO3H and H2SO4 solutions respectively. At concentrations ?0.2 M, the equivalent circuit Re(RctQdl)Qdiff is applicable. Adsorption of the counter ion of the acid on the steel surface and the stability of the surface complex may explain the observed corrosion rates.  相似文献   

We have developed a new SCC test device that enables the SKFM (super Kelvin force microscope) observation. By using this test device, SCC test was done at 343 K and 28% RH with attaching MgCl2 droplets. The crack tip deformation was observed by both KFM and SKFM. The results show that cracks initiated from the pit were usually found within half day. The negative potential parts were observed on both cracked parts and some of slip deformation parts and disappeared with time when the specimen was kept in the air. Discontinuous cracks were often found near the tip of the slip deformation part. These discontinuous cracks joined together and the amount of slip deformation increased with the progress of the crack. The negative potential part is considered to be the part where hydrogen exists. The movement of hydrogen generated by the cathodic reaction plays the important role to create the crack.  相似文献   

Weight loss, corrosion potential and EIS measurements were performed to understand the role of HCl in the pickling of oxidised 304 stainless steel in iron chloride-based electrolytes. The surface finish was analysed with SEM-EDX. The oxidised 304 stainless steel is active on immersion, resulting in a low corrosion potential and a high weight loss. After certain duration the stainless steel either remains active or becomes passive depending on HCl content. At low HCl contents, an ongoing active-to-passive transition results in localised corrosion at pits, grain boundaries and honeycombed recesses. The corrosion potential becomes high and the weight loss is suppressed. The weight loss decreases in the initial stage and rises on extended pickling with adding HCl. Because of anodic brightening, the 304 stainless steel is always active as HCl is concentrated. In contrast with the material that is passivated, the charge transfer resistance is considerably low and the double layer capacitance is large during that brightening.  相似文献   

Materials for critical components in nuclear fuel reprocessing plants are required to have low corrosion rates and long designed life because access for repairs is not possible. Stainless steel type 304L, nitric acid grade (NAG), is the new material suitable for such applications. It has guaranteed low corrosion rates and is not susceptible to intergranular corrosion (IGC) in nitric acid environments. The corrosion behavior of type 304L stainless steel, NAG, and type 304L stainless steel, commercial purity (CP), in nitric acid environments is investigated in detail. Studied are: microstructural mapping in the three directions (longitudinal, long transverse, and short transverse), effect of sensitization heat treatment, resolution annealing and sensitization heat treatment for the as-received and cold-worked samples of the two varieties on the resultant microstructures. The anodic polarization characteristics along the three directions for both varieties in 1N HNO3 are compared. The susceptibility of both varieties to end grain corrosion in 9N HNO3 + 1 g Cr+6/liter boiling solution is assessed, and microstructural examination of the exposed sample is carried out to compare the degree of end grain corrosion. Their susceptibility to IGC due to segregation of impurity elements to grain boundaries is also compared. It is shown that controlled microstructure (fine grain size, retained cold work, and discrete precipitation at grain boundaries) along with controlled chemical composition is responsible for improved corrosion resistance of the NAG variety. The NAG variety has much less susceptibility to corrosion along the long- and short-transverse directions and, therefore, less susceptibility to end grain corrosion. The means and consequences of controlling chemical composition are also discussed.  相似文献   

The change of polarization curves and surface morphologies of SUS304 stainless steel was investigated in 3.5 mass% NaCl solution with or without the application of ultrasound (US). As the result, both the pitting corrosion and the crevice corrosion were largely suppressed by the application of US. The reason is attributed to the decrease in the concentration of hydrogen and chloride ions in pits or in the crevice by removing the corrosion product and stirring the liquid there.  相似文献   

To investigate the initiation behavior of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) for sensitized Type 304 stainless steel in high temperature water, a constant load SCC test method combined with in situ crack observation technique was employed. The in situ crack observation system allowed us to detect small cracks of at least 100 μm. As a result, a fracture time decreased with an increase in an applied stress. The first cracks were observed at most 3 h before the specimen was fractured under all the stress conditions. After that, many cracks were initiated in a short time to fracture. The fracture was caused by coalescence of multiple cracks rather than by growth of some primary cracks. The simulation model for surface crack initiation was newly developed using a Monte Carlo method, which was based on damage mechanics and stress analysis around the existing cracks. The simulation could represent the empirical results of changes in the crack distribution and the cumulative number of cracks during the SCC tests. It was concluded, therefore, that the crack initiation process should be considered in simulating the life prediction of the material in this SCC system.  相似文献   

The degree of sensitization (DOS) in resistance spot welding (RSW) joints is considered as the combined effect of intergranular corrosion (IGC) and transgranular corrosion (TGC) in the heat affected zone (HAZ) and of interdendritic corrosion (IDC) in the weld nugget (WN). The DOS is evaluated from electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation (EPR) tests. The application of EPR test to RSW joints is optimized and an electrochemical minicell is used to study the effect of heat input on IDC in the WN.  相似文献   

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