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基于并联机构的六分量并联天平及其力雅可比矩阵研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
为了由感测力导出被测模型受力 ,必须研究基于Stewart平台六维力传感器的力变换关系。本文将并联机构引入风洞天平 ,提出了并联天平的概念 ,应用并联机构学理论 ,对并联天平实现的关键理论问题即天平感测力与被测模型上所受的六维力的转化关系进行了研究 ,得到了二者转化的力雅可比矩阵 ,同时推导出基于 5个基本结构参数的雅可比矩阵条件数 ,并用数值算例加以验证。为该类天平的优化和设计奠定了理论基础 相似文献
新型并联机床的固有特性研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
新型并联机是空间多环机构在数控机床不上的应用,本文建立了该机庆的弹性动力学有限元模型,并确定了机床的结构参数种典型的加工轨迹,经过有限元实例计算得到了机床一阶有频率变化曲线,通过对计算结果的分析得出机床固有频率随机床结构参数和刀头姿态变化的规律。本文的研究对在机床设计阶段提高机床的动力学性能具有重要意义。 相似文献
研究了一种新颖并联天平的广义刚度矩阵,首先应用虚位移原理与微分运动关系,导出并联天平各连杆分支承受的力与模型所承受的外载荷之间的关系,进而得出广义刚度矩阵用敏感元件的刚度系数与力雅可比矩阵表达的表达式.最后,将分析结论应用于数值算例,求解出并联天平的六阶固有频率,验证了该方法的有效性. 相似文献
一种基于固有频率分析的液压6自由度并联机构参数优化方法 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
液压6自由度并联机构存在固有频率低成本高体积大的缺点,在动态响应要求较高的场合使用常用的优化方法较难得到最佳性能,提出了基于固有频率的参数优化方法,建立了数学模型。考虑了液压系统主要运动部件活塞杆和油缸的摆动惯量,经过准确性验证后分析了液压缸面积、构件质量和结构尺寸等参数对系统固有频率的影响,实现了参数的优化。该优化方法简单、精确、高效,为固有频率较低的液压6自由度平台的参数优化及固有频率指标校核提供了新的理论研究手段,对实际工程具有指导意义。 相似文献
并联机床数控系统软件开发 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
根据并联机床的特点,开发了一套具有自主知识产权的开放式并联机床系统,该系统是基于工业PC机和Windows98操作系统的单CPU数控系统,所有数控功能均由软件实现,对并联机床数控系统进行了软件模块划分,重点介绍了程序设计模块,加工及仿真模块,手动测量模块的主要功能,该数控系统提供了多种数据接口,参数化编程模块实现了代码自动生成;工件定位模块通过在工件基准平面内采集6点即可自动计算工件在机床坐标系的位置和姿态,实现了工件在机床坐标系任意位置的定位与加工。 相似文献
刚度在机床设计中至关重要。讨论BKX-I型并联机床的刚度问题,通过采用结构矩阵分析方法和有限元分析方法,分别建立BKX-I型并联机床的刚度模型,并进行分析和比较。在此基础上,分析BKX-I型并联机床的刚度在工作空间中的分布规律。 相似文献
位置姿态的精度问题是六自由度并联伺服驱动平台的关键技术之一。本文对六自由度并联平台机构的位置姿态精度控制进行了探讨,分析了几种位姿精度补偿的方法。同时,针对实际对象,作了六自由度并联平台位姿精度控制的初步试验,结果表明,所采取的平台位姿精度控制方法具有一定的有效性 相似文献
一种新型4自由度高速并联机械手动力尺度综合 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
研究一种可实现SCARA运动的新型4自由度高速并联机械手动力尺度综合方法。简要阐述该机构中由可变菱形动平台和齿轮增速机构生成绕z轴转动的传动原理。在建立运动学和刚体动力学模型基础上,利用直接和间接雅可比代数特征构造出两类可用于描述运动/力在链内和链间传递能力的压力角,并提出一种基于单轴最大驱动力矩全域最大值最小的动力学性能评价指标。在满足工作空间与机构尺度比、可装配条件等几何约束和运动学性能约束下,综合出一组可使得系统刚体动力学性能全域最优的尺度参数,并利用Adept拓展轨迹预估出电动机参数。 相似文献
Due to the structural complexity, the dynamic modeling and quick performance evaluation for the parallel kinematic machines (PKMs) are still to be remained as two challenges in the stage of conceptual design. By using the finite element method and substructure synthesis, this paper mainly deals with the dynamic modeling and eigenvalue evaluation of a novel 3-DOF spindle head named the A3 head. The topological architecture behind the proposed A3 head is a 3-RPS parallel mechanism, which possesses one translational and two rotational capabilities. The mechanical features of the A3 head are briefly addressed in the first place followed by inverse position analysis. In the dynamic modeling, the platform is treated as a rigid body, the RPS limbs as the continuous uniform beams and the joints as lumped virtual springs. With the combination of substructure synthesis and finite element method, an analytical approach is then proposed to formulate the governing equations of motion of system using the compatibility conditions at interface between the limbs and the platform. Consequently, by solving the eigenvalue problem of the governing equations of motion, the distribution of lower natural frequencies of the A3 head throughout the entire workspace can be predicted in a quick manner. Modal analysis for the A3 head reveals that the distributions of lower natural frequencies are strongly related to the mechanism configuration and are axially symmetric due to system kinematic and structural features. The sensitivity analysis of the system indicates that the dimensional parameters of the 3-RPS mechanism have a slight effect on system lower natural frequencies while the joint compliances affect the distributions of lower natural frequencies significantly. The proposed dynamic modeling method can also be applied to other PKMs and can effectively evaluate the PKM's dynamic performance throughout the entire workspace. 相似文献
并联机床工作空间分析及实时运动仿真的研究 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
根据哈尔滨工业大学研制的第一台并联机床设计图纸,按照其结构尺寸,动平台的姿态要求及并联机床的几何约束,以刀头点为基准计算出该并联机床的工作空间,利用VC++调用OpenGL图形函数对机床各部分零件进行参数化实体造型;然后按照各零件之间的装配关系进行实体装配,并经过渲染形成具有真实感的,参数化的并联机床实体造型。根据给定刀头点的轨迹和轨迹上各点对应刀具轴线矢量(一般为曲面上点的法 矢),采用逆解的方法,实时,动态地显示出并联机床的工作过程,同时检查各几何约束条件。 相似文献
简要介绍了稳定平台系统功能和主要技术指标,详细介绍了机载SAR稳定平台动态性能测试系统组成,包括三轴电动飞行仿真转台系统、接口转换卡、激光笔、屏幕.提出了动态性能测试方法.最后,给出了某型稳定平台的动态性能测试结果. 相似文献
Optimum design is a key approach to make full use of potential advantages of a parallel manipulator. The optimum design of multi-parameter parallel manipulators(more than three design parameters), such as Stewart manipulator, relies on analysis based and algorithm based optimum design methods, which fall to be accurate or intuitive. To solve this problem and achieve both accurate and intuition, atlas based optimum design of a general Stewart parallel manipulator is established, with rational selection of design parameters. Based on the defined spherical usable workspace(SUW), primary kinematic performance indices of the Stewart manipulator, involving workspace and condition number are introduced and analyzed. Then, corresponding performance atlases are drawn with the established non-dimensional design space, and impact of joint distribution angles on the manipulator performance is analyzed and illustrated. At last, an example on atlas based optimum design of the Stewart manipulator is accomplished to illustrate the optimum design process, considering the end-effector posture. Deduced atlases can be flexibly applied to both quantitative and qualitative analysis to get the desired optimal design for the Stewart manipulator with respect to related performance requirements. Besides, the established optimum design method can be further applied to other multi-parameter parallel manipulators. 相似文献