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集束包装可增大终端展示面积,更易引起消费者注意,容易引发消费者产生购买的冲动.有助于促销产品(可直接进行买赠、折价券、抽奖等促销活动)。另外,集束包装可以使产品更美观,有效提高产品的附加值。[第一段]  相似文献   

刘霞 《包装工程》2004,25(3):236-238
包装作为品牌的载体,它不仅起着保护商品和促进销售的功能,而且,好的包装起着创造和提升品牌附加值的作用,通过色彩、造型、设计、材料和风格体现和强化品牌的定位策略,有助于培养品牌忠诚,形成和消费者情感交流的纽带关系.  相似文献   

商品使用价值为商品能满足消费者某种需求的属性,根据商品的功能是否是由人设计创造,可将使用价值分为人与自然关系以及人与人之间的两种关系。以表格的形式描述技术投入与商品的使用价值以及商品品牌之间的关系,解释了商品附加值形式。  相似文献   

张兰 《中国包装》2007,27(1):95-96
引言 瓦楞纸板托盘是现在广泛地被欧洲和其它许多国家的水果、蔬菜行业接受和使用的包装形式。与其他材质的托盘相比,用瓦楞纸板做托盘具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。建立瓦楞纸板托盘的统一标准有着重要意义。  相似文献   

陈岚 《上海包装》2008,(3):22-25
古往今来,包装设计这一有着深远文化底蕴的实用性载体,在商业市场不断繁荣的今天,充当着“关键角色”的作用。众所周知,包装具有保护商品、储存商品和美化商品以增加其附加值,使其便于销售的功效。而对于现代包装市场而言,则正是由于设计师们投入了大量的时间和精力来塑造商品的包装形象,使消费者们对于商品品牌认知度的不断提升,现代包装设计已超越了它本身所具有的功能性,它的内涵和外延在今天都在被不断地放大。而与此同时,现代包装设计中也存在着一些容易被忽略的因素,这些因素的聚积将会对现代包装设计产生一系列的不良影响,应当引起警惕。  相似文献   

不安 《湖南包装》2002,(2):15-16
我国进入温饱型经济时代,百姓的消费已经由生存消费形式转变成时尚消费形式,使得商品的品牌由大众化转入个性化、人性化和情感化,即所谓的时尚化。现在的“麦当劳”、“肯德基”生意火爆,说  相似文献   

余勇 《包装世界》2010,(2):76-77
蚕丝被行业面临几大“痛”:规模化的大企业偏少、品牌知名度不高、产品的附加值低、销售渠道不畅、制假严重。从整体上看来,目前我国蚕丝被行业仍旧处于产业发展的初期。  相似文献   

对国内包装产业的现状进行了分析。提出了通过ODM原创设计与品牌协同创新相结合的方式将传统的加工生产基地转型为包装品牌服务商的转型思路,以此实现产业链的价值提升并推进包装产业升级。  相似文献   

在经济、技术日益发达的今天,越来越多的商品趋向异质化,这已是不争事实。无论设计师还是客户,都希望所做的品牌、包装形象能有强烈个性。诚然,在买方市场的商品,若无突出个性,怎能与同类相别,引起消费者注意并购买呢?进一步,商品在品质之外,尤需强烈文化个性以提高其附加价值…,··。那么,“个性化设计”——听起来如此感性,是不是有些无迹可寻,只能凭设计师的感觉去把握呢?笔者近两年正好为两种味精产品设计了品牌形象和包装,它们品质相近,而形象截然不同,且反响良好。关于品牌、包装的个性化设计的一些构想,在这两个…  相似文献   

孙丹丽 《包装工程》2017,38(24):66-70
目的提高在展示设计中信息传播的效用。方法对展示设计中信息传播的过程进行研究,总结现有设计的表达形式,利用教学案例,分析人、物、空间在信息传播中的作用,并预测展示信息传播的新方向。结论从静态方面观看走向,多感官、多体验、多媒介、多形式的信息传播设计将成为未来设计的发展方向。通过运用叙事性、体验性、述行性的信息传播方式,将更有利于信息的传播。  相似文献   

从2001年的10类产品到2004年的48类产品,中国名牌产品的队伍越来越大,但是,曾经的"老队员",也是中国胶卷业惟一一家企业乐凯胶片集团却不幸掉队--由于新一届的名牌评选没有将胶卷列入名牌评选范围,因此,乐凯成为最早被摘掉中国名牌称号的企业.  相似文献   

Biological hydroxyapatite obtained from fish bones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study biological HA has been obtained from fish bones, which are available as waste from fishing activities. Fish bone can be used as a cheap source of biological HA contributing at the same time to give added value to fishing by-products as well as reducing the undesirable environmental impact. For this purpose, fish bones of sword fish and tuna have been cleaned and subjected to heat treatment. Material obtained at 600 °C is a B type hydroxyapatite. At 950 °C a biphasic material was found: biological hydroxyapatite/beta-TCP in a 87/13 ratio. The in vitro cytotoxicity test assessed that all materials are non-cytotoxic.These materials present a promising future because the raw material are wastes, while using a biological substituted apatite containing Mg and Sr as bone substitutes, instead of synthetic apatite without them, would be much beneficial for bone defect healing.  相似文献   

In the five-thousand-year history of Chinese nation,dragon is the embodiment of Chinese culture.It represents the profound cultural deposits and expresses the cultural features of China.The characteristics of dragon are snake’s body,  相似文献   

In the present paper, the nanocomposite laminate structure of scales from the Amazonian fish Arapaima Gigas is investigated. The structure and composition of the scales were assessed by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The theory of Fickian diffusion is used and discussed in order to rationalize the water absorption and desorption behavior of the scales. Morphology studies and fracture analysis of the native scales were carried out using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Light Optical Microscopy (LOM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). A fibrous layer of collagen and a plywood-like structure were observed. In order to study the mineral phase, the native scales were burned at 600 °C until all the organic components were degraded. The remaining ashes were then observed under the microscope and weighed to determine ratio of organic and inorganic components. The mechanical behavior of dry and wet scales was assessed by tensile tests and the effect of water in mechanical properties is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a compartmental model for estimating the ingestion dose, due to 137Cs, arising from the consumption of marine fish in Hong Kong. 137Cs is one of the more important radionuclides released in routine liquid effluents discharged from the Guangdong Nuclear Power Station at Daya Bay, which began commercial operation in 1994. In the model, three sea/ocean compartments are considered. Assuming the discharge of this radionuclide is maintained at a constant rate, the model shows that the concentration of 137Cs in the water and in the marine fish in the three sea compartments would become steady after 5 years. The predicted annual dose to an average local individual in Hong Kong, for a release rate of 10 GBq.y(-1), is 3.2 x 10(-5) microSv, which is dominated by the contribution from fish cultured in Hong Kong waters. The cumulative collective dose to the local population of 6 million, at 50 years of discharge, amounts to 9.0 x 10(-3) man.Sv. The annual dose to members of the critical group of local fish farmers does not exceed 3.0 x 10(-3) microSv. All these doses are small compared to the dose of around 1.2 microSv.y(-1) arising from ingestion of naturally occurring radionuclides found in marine fish. Sensitivity of model parameters and uncertainties of prediction are also studied. Difficulties encountered in model validation are discussed. Despite such difficulties. limited field data that are available show that the predicted results are generally within one order of magnitude with measurements.  相似文献   

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