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利用CFD数值模拟方法,气相采用RNGκ-ε湍流模型,油滴相采用随机轨道模型,对油气两相流在一次油份内的流动分布进行研究,分析油滴在分离器内的运动轨迹及分离机理。计算结果表明:油气分离器的长径比越大其分离效果越好;当入口速度较大时,增大分离器容积可提高分离效率;当入口速度较慢时,即使增大容积其分离效果也不会得到明显的改善;分离器入口速度越大分离效果越理想。在工程应用中,利用以上分析结论进行选型和尺寸设计的油气分离器可以满足实际要求,并取得理想的分离效果,同时验证了采用的方法切实可行。 相似文献
Hydrophobic and anti-rain surface treatments are increasingly used to treat various glass articles such as windscreens, windows, headlamps, wing mirrors, optical lenses, sunglasses, etc.
To evaluate the efficiency and durability of these treatments, we determine the smallest volume or critical sliding volume, V c, of a water drop able to slide down spontaneously under gravity after having been deposited on a vertical treated, glass surface. The property of water repellency is considered to be better when V c, is smaller. In this paper, a new simplified theory to describe the capillary force retaining the water drops on an inclined plane is proposed and verified practically.
The experimental method allows us to compare the efficiency and durability of a commercial anti-rain and of a Corning Inc. proprietary hydrophobic surface treatment for glass, both being based on silicone derivative chemistry. As defined in this paper, the critical sliding volume appears to be a practical parameter which may be used to characterize quantitatively the hydrophobicity of a solid surface. 相似文献
To evaluate the efficiency and durability of these treatments, we determine the smallest volume or critical sliding volume, V c, of a water drop able to slide down spontaneously under gravity after having been deposited on a vertical treated, glass surface. The property of water repellency is considered to be better when V c, is smaller. In this paper, a new simplified theory to describe the capillary force retaining the water drops on an inclined plane is proposed and verified practically.
The experimental method allows us to compare the efficiency and durability of a commercial anti-rain and of a Corning Inc. proprietary hydrophobic surface treatment for glass, both being based on silicone derivative chemistry. As defined in this paper, the critical sliding volume appears to be a practical parameter which may be used to characterize quantitatively the hydrophobicity of a solid surface. 相似文献
Effect of weathering on oil sand processability was studied using a good processing ore, a laboratory weathered ore and a naturally weathered ore. The laboratory weathered ore was prepared by weathering the good processing ore in an oven under controlled conditions to study the nature of ore weathering. It was found that the bitumen recovery, bitumen flotation rate, and bitumen froth quality were greatly reduced due to ore weathering. It was also observed that the fresh bitumen coating on a silicon surface could recede and liberate from the silicon surface easily even in a warm water of 35°C. However, after weathering of the bitumen coating, its liberation became more difficult and effective liberation of bitumen from the silicon surface could only occur at higher temperature of 65°C. The current study further confirms that weathering enhanced adhesion of bitumen with solids, causing difficulties for bitumen liberation from sand grains and hence poor processability of weathered ores. 相似文献
本文以滤纸为模板,通过浸渍-高温煅烧法制得具有生物形态的氧化铝,利用乙烯基三乙氧基硅烷(A151)对所制备样品的表面进行疏水改性。利用悬浮聚合法制备了聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯、丙烯酸丁酯和苯乙烯的吸油树脂。根据正交实验结果,得出分散剂的用量为5 wt %、交联剂的用量为2 wt %、引发剂的用量为1.5 wt %、改性氧化铝的添加量为4 wt %,树脂的吸油倍率较原树脂有了明显的提高,而且复合树脂能够反复多次使用。对改性前后的氧化物进行红外光谱(IR)、透射电镜(TEM)、扫描电镜(SEM)以及动态疏水性分析;并对复合高吸油树脂进行扫描电镜(SEM)和热重(TG-DTA)分析。 相似文献
Crude oil properties significantly affect foam behavior that is important to foam application in enhanced oil recovery. This study focused on the comparison on foam behavior in the presence of light oil and heavy oil. Foamability and foam stability, the bubble size, and the film thickness as well as the configuration of oil drops were fully investigated. Final results indicated that both the heavy oil and light oil increased the foamability of sodium dodecyl sulfate but decreased that of the amphoteric surfactant imidazoline. The positive effect of both light oil and heavy oil on foam stability was reconfirmed. However, heavy oil was more favorable to foam stability. The light oil may shorten the foam half‐life but prolong the foam drainage half‐life. The heavy oil was more effective in reducing the foam size and increasing the foam uniformity compared with light oil. According to the micrograph of foam, light oil was emulsified into quite small oil droplets, filling the plateau borders and lamellas. The heavy oil, in the form of far larger oil droplets, was mainly distributed in plateau borders only. The larger oil droplets resulted in the more stable foam, which was verified. Moreover, light oil (oil B) performed well in thickening the foam film, as did the heavy oil (oil A). But for the lightest oil (oil C), a thinning effect on the film was detected. 相似文献
In order to enhance the oil–water separation properties of polyurethane foam (PFU), hydrophobic silica nanoparticles (H-SiO2 NPs) were firstly prepared by incorporating long alkyl chains into silica nanoparticles, and then, it was combined with PFU by in situ loading to fabricate a hydrophobic PFU (H-SiO2 NPs/PUF). When the loading amount of H-SiO2 NPs was 10%, the water contact angle of the modified foam H-SiO2 NPs/PUF-10 reached 147 ± 1°, which proved it was highly hydrophobic. The elongation at break of the foam was increased by 202%, which indicated that it had better resilience and recyclability. In addition, the total pore area and porosity were increased to 16.24 m2/g and 88.43% from 5.46 m2/g and 2.11%, which provided more storage space for adsorption. The oil–water separation experiment showed that the adsorption capacity for most light oils was 11–13 g/g, and that for dichloromethane was as high as 40.5 g/g. After 10 adsorption–desorption cycles, the adsorption capacity only decreased from 15.6 to 14.5 g/g, which was still 93% of the initial adsorption capacity. H-SiO2 NPs/PUF represents good adsorption capacity, recyclability, and recyclability, so it as a carrier has a potential application in the treatment of marine oil spills. 相似文献
The purpose of this work is to seek the key factors influencing the pressure drop calculation for oil‐water separated flow using a one dimensional two‐fluid model. Closure relations published for the two‐fluid model such as interface configuration, wall, and interfacial shear stress correlations are summarized. Interface configurations are established by numerically solving the Young‐Laplace equation, correlated with the Bond number, contact angle, and water holdup. Results show that the interface transforms from concave to convex with the enlargement of the contact angle and becomes flat as the Bond number increases. For the pressure drop calculation, a limited difference of predicted accuracy between the curve and flat interface is found. Discussions of both the wall and interfacial friction factor correlation on the pressure drop calculation are performed. In contrast to the effect of the interfacial friction factor, the correlation of the wall friction factor is found to have more contributions. We validate the prediction accuracy of different wall frictions factors using eight groups of published experiment results, and one correlation is recommended and being further extended. 相似文献
熔窑挂钩砖头部掉落后,冒出的火焰直接烧托铁板,严重影响熔窑的安全运行,同时使重油消耗增加.对挂钩砖掉头部位采取密封措施后,取得了良好效果. 相似文献
以文献报道的实验数据及关联式为基础 ,比较了Billet模型、S -B -F模型及常用泛点 /压降计算模型在国产散堆和规整填料的泛点 /压降上的计算偏差 ,并对国产散堆和规整填料的泛点 /压降计算模型进行了总结 相似文献
以异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯(IPDI)、聚四氢呋喃二醇(PTMG2000)、双尾型羟基硅油(DSE)、2,2-二羟甲基丙酸(DMPA)、1,4-丁二醇(BDO)为主要原料,先采用预聚体分散法制备梳状有机硅改性水性聚氨酯(DSE-WPU),再通过物理共混氧化石墨烯(GO)浆体制备了高强度多功能水性聚氨酯纳米复合材料(GO-DSE-WPU),并考察了其结构与性能的关系。力学性能分析表明,GO和DSE的加入可以有效地提高GO-DSE-WPU成膜的力学性能;接触角分析表明,随着GO含量的增加,GO-DSE-WPU成膜的疏水性能呈现先升后降的趋势,总体上疏水性有了大幅提升,利用AFM从内部结构做出了分析;从SEM断面线扫能谱图中可明显看出,GO-DSE-WPU成膜表面硅的富集率可提升100%;抗紫外分析表明,即使加入质量分数0.1%的GO,GO-DSE-WPU成膜的紫外吸收速率也有显著提高,紫外透过率显著降低;热性能分析表明,GO-DSE-WPU的3个热降解温度均较DSE-WPU有所改善,热性能提升。 相似文献
Waterborne anti-icing coatings were prepared by embedding silicone oil microcapsules in latex paints. The long-term hydrophobicity and ice adhesion strength of the coatings were examined with a QUV accelerated weathering tester and a pull-off adhesion tester. The effects of silicone oil content and pigment/binder (PB) ratio on the long-term hydrophobicity and the ice adhesion strength of the coatings were investigated. A higher silicone oil content and a PB ratio close to the critical pigment volume concentration favor long-term hydrophobicity of the coatings. An obvious decrease in ice adhesion strength was achieved for coatings with a PB ratio of 5.0 and a silicone oil content of 4.2%. For coatings with the same surface roughness, a higher water contact angle (WCA) led to lower ice adhesion strength. However, for coatings with different surface roughnesses, the ice adhesion strength was found to be dependent on surface roughness rather than on WCA. 相似文献
实验研究了直径为 35mm的除油水力旋流器能量耗散与分流比的关系 .结果发现 ,当改变溢流孔径 (分别为 4、 6、 8mm)和入口流量 (分别为 30、 40、 5 0、 6 0、 70L·min-1)时 ,只要分流比小于 2 5 % ,旋流器的能量耗散在不同入口流量下都能保持与入口流量对应的某一常数值 .当入口流量分别为 30、 40、 5 0、 6 0、 70L·min-1时 ,旋流器的能量耗散大约分别为 10、 30、 80、 140、 2 0 5N·m·s-1.根据旋流器的这一特征 ,并结合理论分析 ,建立了除油水力旋流器压降比数学模型 .该模型预测计算的压降比与分流比关系曲线与实验室测定的结果能很好地吻合 相似文献
焦化汽柴油加氢装置床层压降大的原因及对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
层压降对加氢装置来说是一个很重要的参数,它直接影响到装置安,稳,长的运行,压降小有利于装置的操作,压降大将直接导致装置停工,本文就反应器压降大而导致装置两次停工进行分析和处理,并采取相应的措施后,装置的床层压降问题基本解决。 相似文献