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Compared preterm and fullterm infants' temperament and development and to evaluate the physical and social stimulations they experience at 2, 4 and 6 months (correcting for prematurity). Fifty-six mother–infant dyads, including 28 premature and 28 fullterm infants, participated in the study. The groups did not differ on temperament and developmental measures, neither on physical environment (density, toys, accessories). However, significant differences were found regarding social stimulation. Mothers of preterm infants had less optimal sensibility-contingency scores and used more distal stimulation at 2 months than mothers of fullterm infants. During the first 6 months, premature infants spent more time in activities involving the immediate family, whereas fullterm infants went more frequently on outings. At home, fullterm infants interacted more with people from their social network. These stimulations could eventually have an impact on infant development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the contribution of mother–child partnership and maternal depression during the preschool period to the prediction of the child's attachment classification at early school-age in 91 French-Canadian children. Mother–child interactions were observed during a collaborative task using a scale measuring synchronized and reciprocal social-affective exchanges in the mother-child partnership (age 3–5 yrs). Maternal depression was assessed during the same lab visit using the Beck Depression Inventory. At a second lab visit (age 5–7 yrs), attachment classifications were assigned on the basis of reunion behaviour. A discriminant function analysis showed that reciprocal mother–child partnerships in the absence of maternal depressive symptom predicted security of attachment two years later, whereas failed reciprocity in the presence of maternal depressive symptoms predicted both insecure disorganized and ambivalent attachment. Quality of prediction is high for secure, ambivalent and disorganized children, although ambivalent and disorganized children cannot be distinguished from each other. Results support the importance of mother–child interactions and maternal depression as preschool variables associated with security and insecurity of attachment at early school-age. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Notes that the assessment of psychopathology should address the issue of "test taking attitude". The author states that protocols made at random, faked good or bad, should be identified and no interpretation of clinical scales should be provided for invalid protocols. Three concepts were used in the assessment of scale validity. An incongruency scale for the yes-sayers was designed to evaluate the agreement between responses of a specific yes-sayer and those of yes-sayers in general. An infrequency scale was composed of items rarely endorsed by patients and normals. Finally, an inconsistency scale was derived from pairs of items highly correlated and usually answered in a similar or opposite way. Concomitant validity of the 3 scales was established by mean of correlations with similar MMPI-2 scales. By excluding yes-sayers with incongruent responses and protocols with many infrequent or inconsistent responses, it is concluded that the assessment of psychopathology can be more accurate and the clinical scales more specific. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mothers' health and quality of mother–child relationship are often held as factors that predict the adaptation of children exposed to domestic violence, but the connection between these factors has not been analysed yet. This study verifies if mothers' health has a mediator or a moderator effect on the connection between domestic violence and mother–child relationship. The study was conducted with 111 abused women and their children aged 6 to 12 years. An indicator of physical health and a score of psychological distress were used to measure mothers' health. The mother–child relationship was evaluated from both the mother's and the child's perspective. The results show that the 2 indicators of mother's health have no mediator effect, but have a moderator effect when the mother–child relationship was evaluated by children themselves. The discussion underlines the importance of mother's health as a protective factor for mother–child relationship and the incidence of this result for intervention. The interest of having multiple informants is also underlined. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present research examined the joint impact of characteristics of the work schedule and the participation in household work on psychological distress and parental role strain as well as stress crossover. A total of 93 dual-earner couples with at least one child living at home participated. Multiple regression analyses revealed that predictive variables of the psychological distress or the parental role strain differed for men and women and that the parental role strain was related to the psychological distress for both men and women. Results partially support the hypothesis of stress crossover since no characteristics of work schedule of the husband's and wife's were related to parental role strain of the spouses, but women's participation in the children's care was associated with men's higher parental role strain. These results underline the importance of studying strains associated with specific social roles of women and men with respect to effects of both work schedule and family strains related to psychological distress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examines whether mother-child conversation patterns are associated with child attachment classifications at preschool age (N=80). Results revealed that a child's discourse style is similar to that of her or his mother. In comparison with mothers of insecure ambivalent or disorganized children, mothers of secure children made more frequent verbal statements that elaborated emotional content. Mothers of avoidant children were more inclined to minimize emotional content than mothers of secure children. In comparison with other mothers, those with a disorganized child were sharing more frightening and hostile content, or made more verbal statements accompanied by aggressive behaviors. Secure children made more frequent verbal statements that elaborated emotional content than avoidant and disorganized children. Disorganized children made more controlling verbal statements as well as statements accompanied by aggressive or flight behaviors. Finally, our results showed that child capacity to elaborate emotional experiences partially mediated the link between maternal capacity to elaborate emotional content and child security of attachment. Our results emphasize the importance of mother-child conversational exchanges for the development of attachment in preschool children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   


The use of an image furnace made possible the construction of an X ray device capable of studying samples up to 3,200°C in air or controlled atmosphere. The apparatus is a high temperature diffractometer of the Bragg-Brentano type. The goniometer has an horizontal axis; X ray tube and counter are symetrical1y rotated about the sample.


Un ensemble permettant d'effectuer des expériences de diffraction des rayons X jusqu'à 3 200°C, a l'air ou sous atmosphère contrôlée a été construit. un comprend un four à image auquel est associê un diffractomètre de type Bragg – Brentano dont le goniomètre est à axe horizontal Le tube de rayons X et le compteur se dépiacent symétriquement aut our de l'echantilon.  相似文献   

The present study pursued two goals. The first goal was to explore the presence of students’ learning goals profiles during the beginning of middle school, using cluster analyses procedure. The second goal was to examine whether these profiles are related to academic (motivation, feeling of competence, and achievement) and emotional (anxiety and depression) characteristics. Three hundred ten adolescents participated in this study. Results of cluster analyses showed the presence of different learning goals profiles (high mastery, mixed, mastery-avoidance, and low engaged). Furthermore, results indicated that students in high mastery and mixed profiles are better adapted than students in mastery-avoidance and low engaged profiles, particularly in regard of academic characteristics. On the whole, these findings suggest that considering heterogeneous profiles of learning goals at the beginning of middle school appears quite useful to better understanding students’ academic and emotional characteristics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   


A magnetic concentrate from Magpie titaniferous iron ore has been smelted in a pilot scale arc furnace. A pig iron containing most of the chromium and vanadium of the ore has been obtained, while the titanium remained in the slag. The main phases occurring in this slag are a pseudobrookite-type solid solution, a spinel and several silicates. The composition of pseudobrookite depends on the reducing conditions and can reach 90% TiO2. The spinel composition is on the MgAl2O4 side of the MgAl2O4-Mg2TiO4 solid solution.


Des essais de fusion réductrice au four électrique en présence de carbone, ont été réalisés sur un concentré magnétique du minerai de Magpie. Ce traitement permet d'obtenir une fonte contenant la plus grande partie du chrome et du vanadium, et une scorie titanifere. Cette dernière est constituée d'une pseudobrookite, d'un spinelle et de silicates. La pseudobrookite est une solution solide de composition variable suivant le degré de réduction et titrant plus de 90% en TiO2. Le spinelle est de composition voisine de MgAl2O4.  相似文献   

The present study explores the link between the father–child relationship and outcomes following child sexual abuse disclosure cases. Seventy-nine children completed measures evaluating perceived attachment security to mother and father (Kerns Security Scale; Kerns, Klepac, & Cole, 1996), as well as the child's internalised and externalised behaviour problems (Dominic Interactif; Valla, Bergeron, St-Georges, & Berthiaume, 2000), and self-esteem (Self-Perception Profile for Children; Harter, 1985) after the disclosure of the sexual abuse. Results indicated that perceived attachment security to the father figure is not correlated with perceived attachment security to the mother. A series of hierarchical multiple regression revealed that perception of paternal attachment security added to the prediction of internalised and externalised (marginal) behaviours over and above perceived attachment security to the mother. Results are discussed in terms of implications for intervention with sexually abused children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Over the past 30 yrs, research on visual word recognition has contributed greatly to the understanding of how information is processed, represented, and accessed in the cognitive system. Today, word recognition continues to serve as a rich domain for modelling and investigating core issues in cognition. In addition, research on word recognition has been used to improve assessment and instruction of reading for children and adults. This article provides a brief overview of some trends and developments in word recognition research over the past few decades. This overview is not meant to be exhaustive (or unbiased); it is intended to give readers from outside the area a feel for why word recognition is such an important domain for cognitive research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study compares language and cognitive development of children from different socio-economic backgrounds, during the first three years of their life, in relation to the duration of maternal vocalizations and to the number of toys available to the child in his/her environment. A total of 209 mother–child dyads participated in the study. The sample was divided in three groups of mothers: 65 teenage mothers (aged 14–19 yrs), 91 mothers of low socioeconomic status (LSES; aged 20–37 yrs), and 53 mothers of higher socioeconomic status (HSES; aged 22–37 yrs). Results showed that children of teenage mothers and children of LSES mothers had a language development and a cognitive development inferior to those of children of HSES mothers. The duration of maternal vocalization at 6 and at 18 mo of age was related to measures of child development, particularly to child language development at 18 and 24 mo. Furthermore, the number of linguistic and social toys in the child's environment was correlated with some measures of language and cognitive development. Variability in children's language and cognitive development is related to environmental factors which seem more significant at certain times than others in the child's development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the annual fluctuations of mathematics motivation among high school students. Several self-reported scales were administered at the beginning and at the end of the school term to 610 French speaking students in the Montreal area (first to fifth year of the secondary program). Results show that, in general, at the end of the year, Ss report less support from their teacher, a decrease of performance and mastery goals, less commitment, an increase of avoidance goals, and a decrease of the use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies. Moreover, older Ss also report less parental support, a decrease of their self-confidence, a diminution of the usefulness of mathematics, and an increased level of anxiety for this subject matter. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   


With the ionic microanalyser it is possible to obtain, with a resolution better than a micron, an image of the distribution of elements present in a metallic matrix.

The contrast on the image results primarily from the local difference in concentration; however, other effects related to the variation in the efficiency of the pulverisation with orientation as well as to the modification of the electronic environment can be observed. Local variations in contrast related to the nature of the chemical bonds can also be observed. In this latter case, oxygen plays an important role, so that an element in a homogeneous solid solution, even in slight concentrations, can appear reinforced at the sites at which it is bond with oxygen.

The study of the contrast obtained provided new experimental data on the mechanisms of the grain boundary diffusion of oxygen during the low temperature oxidation of zironium and during the internal oxidation of Cu-Be.


A l'aide du microanalyseur ionique il est possible d'obtenir - avec une résolution meilleure que le micron - une image de la répartition des éléments présents dans une matrice métallique.

Le contraste observé sur l'image provient en premier lieu de la différence locale de concentration, toutefois d'autres effets liés à la variation du rendement de pulvérisation avec l'orientation ainsi qu'à la modification de l'environnement électronique peuvent être observés. De plus, on peut remarquer localement des variations de contraste induites par la nature des liaisons chimiques. Dans ce cas précis, l'oxygènejoue un rôle fondamental: Ainsi un élément en solution solide homogène - même en faible quantité - peut paraître renforcé aux endroits où il se trouve lié à l'oxygène.

L'étude par densitométrie des images obtenues nous a pennis d'apporter des données expérimentales nouvelles sur les mécanismes de diffusion intergranulaire de l'oxygène, soit lors de l'oxydation à basse température du zirconium, ou lors de l'oxydation interne du Cu-Be.  相似文献   

Reviews the book Traité de psychologie appliquée, Livre Troisième. L'Utilisation des aptitudes, orientation et sélection professionnelles by H. Piéron, M. Reuchlin, R. Bize, C. Béssy-Chauffard, S. Pacaud, P. Rennes (see record 1955-04213-000). This 415-page book is volume three in a projected seven-volume work on applied psychology being brought out under the editorship of H. Piéron. In the opening chapter of the work, the editor of the series calls attention to the importance of becoming professional regarding the utilization of aptitudes and the scope of his appeal is nationwide. The other four chapters in the first part deal successively with surveys regarding current knowledge of different kinds of aptitude, the criteria in terms of which prediction regarding vocational success can be made, the varying demands of different trades and occupations on human resources, and different modes and degrees of adaptation made by the individual upon entering a profession. The four chapters of part two are subsumed under the general heading of professional selection. This work represents a survey of the variety of ways in which psychological methods-testing, factor analysis, job analysis, etc. have been used in connection with different aspects of the complex personnel problem. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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