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Fully matured fresh guava fruits (Lucknow‐49) were precooled at 10 °C for 1 h and pretreated with 500‐ppm benomyl for 5 min. The fruits were packed in 25‐µm and 50‐µm LDPE bags with active modified atmosphere packaging of 3% O2 + 5% CO2, 6% O2 + 5% CO2 and 9% O2 + 5% CO2 gas concentrations and stored at 5 ± 1 °C and 10 ± 1 °C temperatures as well as non‐packaged as control. The shelf life of guava could be increased up to 42 days by packaging in 50‐µm LDPE bags with a gas concentration of 9% O2 + 5% CO2 and stored at 10 °C without much change in physical, biochemical and sensory characteristics. Physico‐chemical changes viz., PLW, pulp to peel ratio, firmness, TSS, total sugar, ascorbic acid and titratable acidity were observed minimum for fruits packed in 50‐µm LDPE bags at 3% O2 + 5% CO2 gas concentration at 5 °C storage temperature, but sensory score decreased drastically after 21 days of storage. Chilling injury was observed for the fruits packed at 5 °C storage temperature after 21 days of storage, and it was severe in 25‐µm LDPE bag at later stage. Control fruits over‐ripened with the highest weight loss (12.47%) on 6 days of storage and discarded from the storage. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modern agribusiness plays a vital role in safeguarding and improving the production, quality, and quantity of food, feed, fiber, and fuel. Growing concerns over the impact of chemical pesticides on health and the environment have stimulated the industry to search for alternative and greener solutions. Over the last years, the RNA interference (RNAi) process has been identified as a very promising new approach to complement the arsenal of foliar spray, soil, or seed treatments applied as chemical and biological pest control agents, and of plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs). RNA-based active ingredients (AIs) possess a unique mode of action and can be implemented via both genetic modification (GM) and biocontrol approaches. RNA-based AIs promise to deliver the selectivity and sustainability desired in future crop protection agents. This is due to their utilization of a natural process to exert control and their high level of selectivity, which leads to reduced risk for non-target organisms (NTOs). This review discusses the advantages and limitations of RNA-based solutions in crop protection and recent research progress toward RNA-based biocontrols against the Colorado potato beetle (CPB), corn rootworm (CRW), and soy stink bug (SSB). Many challenges still exist on the road to the implementation of a broad range of RNA-based products and their widespread use and application. Despite these challenges, it can be expected that RNA-based AIs will become valuable new tools complementing the current arsenal of crop-protection solutions.  相似文献   

增设“包装工程”为一级学科的可行性论证   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
按照2009年《国务院学位委员会、教育部关于修订学位授予和人才培养学科目录的通知》精神,湖南工业大学组织专家讨论,提出了增设“包装工程”一级学科的可行性论证报告。报告认为,经过20多年的发展,“包装工程”类学科专业已在我国高等教育中占有相当重要的地位,增设“包装工程”一级学科的条件目前已经成熟。拟增设的“包装工程”一级学科主要涵盖“包装设计及理论”、“包装制造及自动化”、“包装安全及环境”3个二级学科。“包装工程”一级学科的增设,将有效缓解经济社会对包装人才与包装科技的迫切需求,对促进我国经济建设、社会发展乃至建设“包装强国”的战略目标的实现具有极其重要和深远的意义。  相似文献   


The basic fundamentals of statistical process control (SPC) were proposed by Walter Shewhart for data-starved production environments typical in the 1920s and 1930s. In the 21st century, the traditional scarcity of data has given way to a data-rich environment typical of highly automated and computerized modern processes. These data often exhibit high correlation, rank deficiency, low signal-to-noise ratio, multistage and multiway structures, and missing values. Conventional univariate and multivariate SPC techniques are not suitable in these environments. This article discusses the paradigm shift to which those working in the quality improvement field should pay keen attention. We advocate the use of latent structure–based multivariate statistical process control methods as efficient quality improvement tools in these massive data contexts. This is a strategic issue for industrial success in the tremendously competitive global market.  相似文献   

包装用薄型稻草刨花板的制备工艺研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
任丽敏  王逢瑚  张利 《包装工程》2013,34(11):10-15,76
从包装减量化设计理念出发,探索了薄型稻草刨花板的制备工艺,为绿色包装设计提供材料支撑。 首先在 2% 的 MDI 施胶量水平下,探索了热压温度、热压时间、酚醛胶施胶量对板材物理力学性能的影响,但在最佳工艺条件下板材的内结合强度和吸水厚度膨胀率都没有达标。 将 MDI 的使用量提高到 3% ,并在热压温度为150 ℃ 、热压时间为 2. 0 min/ mm、酚醛胶施胶量为 14% 、石蜡用量为 1% 的最佳工艺条件下,制备的薄型稻草刨花板的各种性能都达到了标准的要求。  相似文献   

果蔬自发气调包装原理与应用   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
李家政 《包装工程》2011,32(15):33-38
系统地介绍了自发气调包装的概念、保鲜膜的性能与作用、保鲜袋内气体平衡规律,阐述了自发气调包装的设计方法,分析了自发气调保鲜的局限性,最后提出了自发气调保鲜应用中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

本文旨在构建符合中国国民经济发展需要的高等学校工业工程本科专业类课程体系模型,为工业工程本科专业课程体系的建设提供理论指导。使用文献研究的方法,研究了高等学校工业工程本科专业课程体系构建的影响因素。在此基础上,提出了符合工业工程专业课程体系构建框架模型,并以吉林大学工业工程本科专业课程体系的建设为例详细解读了该模型的使用方法,需要考虑的因素。研究指出:课程体系建设是一项系统工程,在建设过程中不应盲目拷贝欧美发达国家的课程体系,而应从中国国民经济发展的需要出发构建适合中国工业化进程与社会形态发展的工业工程本科专业课程体系。  相似文献   

随着人工智能在神经科学和人机交互等领域的深度交叉融合,脑-机接口(BCI)再次引起了国内外智能交互领域学者的关注.目的 为了提高脑-机接口系统效率,运用交互设计思维呈现符合被试心理预期的界面形式,减少被试视觉疲劳,更加高效、准确的获取实验数据.方法 对目前基于事件相关电位(ERP)、视觉稳态诱发电位(SSVEP)和运动想象(MI)等EEG-BCI实验范式的交互界面设计进行了详细地梳理和归纳.结论 通过综述为脑-机接口实验范式设计研究提供参考,改善目前EEG-BCI在交互控制领域的应用局限性,提高BCI系统可用性、易用性.更有助于促进工效学、设计学科、认知神经科学、信息科学等多学科的交叉融合,为基于脑-机交互的人工智能发展提供新方向和新思路.  相似文献   

Based on a three‐year experience of developing, facilitating, and assessing NSF‐funded workshops on Rigorous Research in Engineering Education (RREE), the authors present four representations of engineering education scholarly work in the United States, specifically teaching and research. Many of the representations describe the relationships between engineering research, education research, teaching, and assessment. For each of the representations, assessment data are presented to evaluate which aspects resonated with workshop participants and which needed to be changed for wide acceptance by a U.S. engineering education audience. It was found that participants preferred continua to dichotomy and were more receptive to models that were introduced inductively through active learning exercises. Lessons learned, implications for the field, and future plans for further development of the paradigm are also included.  相似文献   

In this work, the combined effects of sodium lactate and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) in extending the shelf life of a ready‐to‐cook fresh skewer, made up of raw pork chops and semi‐dried vegetable mix (i.e. zucchini, peppers and tomatoes), were investigated. In the first experimental step, a sodium lactate solution was used to dip pork chops at three different concentrations: 20, 40 and 60% w/w. The second part of the work was focused on the use of MAP. In particular, the following MAPs were tested: MA1 (50%O2/30%CO2/20%N2), MA2 (70%O2/30%CO2), MA3 (30%O2/70%CO2) and MA4 (30%O2/30%CO2/40%N2). Finally, the optimal concentration of sodium lactate and the best gas composition were combined. The samples were stored at 4 °C; their microbial and sensory qualities were monitored along the entire observation period. The results indicate that the shelf life of the investigated ready‐to‐cook meal can be extended by approximately 83%, if compared with the control skewer packaged in air. The best preservation strategy is the combination of dipping of meat pieces in 40% sodium lactate solution and packaging under MA1. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

汪宣  朱翔  徐文君 《包装工程》2023,44(3):233-240
目的 研究卷烟商标纸和印刷材料中挥发及半挥发性有机化合物(VOCs和SVOCs)的波动性和一致性的监测及评价方法。方法 利用顶空气相色谱/质谱(HS–GC/MS)采集卷烟包装印刷品及原料中VOCs和SVOCs的色谱图,以氘代苯及氘代萘双内标方法在不同信号采集时间段对分析物保留时间进行校正,依据校正色谱图间相关系数,构建卷烟包装材料中VOCs和SVOCs的质量控制图。结果 该方法操作简单、重现性好,有效校正由于更换色谱柱、仪器开关机及仪器性能波动导致的保留时间偏移,谱图间相关系数最小值由0.407 6提升至0.962 9;该方法能高效地识别不同厂商及不同牌号卷烟商标纸中该类物质的整体差异,差异显著(P<0.05),相关系数均值差异率分别为12.5%和38.6%。结论 本研究提供了一种卷烟包装材料中VOCs及SVOCs信号采集、谱图校正和质量控制方法,为卷烟包装材料的质量稳定性评价提供技术手段和支撑方法。  相似文献   

新型高效包装用高分子材料——聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯(PEN)   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
论述了聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯(PEN)的研究现状,合成方法,性能及PEN/PET共混物(或共聚物)的有关情况。  相似文献   

We developed a multi‐functional agar‐based biofilm for fresh produce packaging by modulating its CO2 absorption and water vapour absorption functions. The film was prepared from solutions containing agar as a matrix and a water vapour absorbent, glycerol as a plasticizer, and sodium carbonate (SC) and/or sodium glycinate (SG) as a CO2 absorbent. The optical, mechanical, and CO2 and water vapour absorption properties of SC, SG, and SC/SG films were investigated. Multi‐functional films tended to show poor mechanical properties, with a hard texture and an opaque and yellowish colour. The three films had different CO2 absorption capacities and coefficients, with SC film showing the highest absorption, followed by SC/SG and SG films. The water absorption coefficients were much higher than those of CO2, with the opposite dependence on the absorbent compound. The multi‐functional benefits of the developed film were shown by using the film for modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) of shiitake mushrooms as an insert label. A tailored MAP design for shiitake mushrooms was produced based on mass transfer mathematical models. The package attached with SC film label was capable of generating the desired internal atmosphere and thus showed the best quality preservation in terms of colour, firmness, flavour score, and bacterial growth after 5‐day storage. A tailored MAP system with our multi‐functional film can provide an optimal modified atmosphere for CO2‐sensitive fresh commodities, preserve their quality, and extend their shelf life. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王莉  王进修  程潇苇 《包装工程》2017,38(15):231-234
目的研究施工现场建筑包装废弃物量化模型,以达到减量化目的。方法用问卷调查和专家访问的方式,根据工程量清单对建筑包装废弃物分类和相应指标分析,建立施工现场建筑包装废弃物清单,提出定量估算施工现场建筑包装废弃物方法。结果该模型能较准确和全面地预估施工现场包装废弃物量,促进施工阶段现场包装废弃物分类和量化管理。结论通过建立建筑材料包装废弃物量化管理模型,为管理者提供较准确的废弃物预估量清单和最佳处置方式。  相似文献   

高岭  王璞  伊朋 《包装工程》2023,44(1):279-285
目的 实现高压电器设备包装材料的优选,提高包装材料选择的一致性和经济型,降低制造成本。方法 建立一种多目标材料选择优选模型,包括包装承载力、包装可靠性、包装成本、资源消耗、包装绿色性等5个优化目标,使用组合隶属度函数构建评价指标集,运用灰关联法与基于可能度排序算法的模糊层次分析法相结合的方法,实现材料优选。结果 候选材料的关联系数分别为0.745、0.606、0.669、0.749。结论 关联程度最大的包装材料为最终优选包装材料。  相似文献   

为了准确和高效地评估在构建下一代广播电视网(NGB)中起重要作用的中国移动多媒体广播(CMMB)系统的链路传输性能,根据CMMB协议标准,利用大量高斯信道下的仿真数据拟合出了接收比特互信息率(RBIR)与误帧率(FER)之间的一一对应关系,然后给出了基于互信息量的CMMB物理层抽象算法——能在解调的输入端计算平均互信息量的RBIR算法,并利用开发的CMMB物理链路仿真平台在巴西信道模型中验证了该抽象算法的准确性:能够精确地预测当前无线信道的质量。  相似文献   

应用于电子封装的新型硅铝合金的研究与开发   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
王敬欣  张永安 《材料导报》2001,15(6):18-20,17
较详细地论述了新型硅铝(Al-70%Si)合金的制备,机械加工及焊接性能,物理性能,应用Osprey喷射沉积成形技术开发出的新型硅铝(Al-70%Si)合金,晶粒细小,微观结构各向同性,可用一般刀具机加工,机加工后的表面可以镀镍,铜,银和金,电镀层与基体结合牢固,在450度不会开裂,硅铝合金的热传导率及热膨胀系数与半导体的相近,并有其它优良性能,与传统的电子封装材料相比有更好的应用价值。  相似文献   

基于工作分析的绩效考核体系研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
根据某企业的需求,应用工作分析的原理和先期研究得出的“业绩 表现”的绩效考核模式,构建了基于客观化业绩考核的绩效考核体系。业绩考核分为可量化工作和不可量化工作考核,对于可量化工作从工作定额的角度考核,对于不可量化工作从时间进度的角度考核,并设计了相应的考核标准和考核方法。为了使不同的工作岗位之间具有可比性,设置了业绩考核的岗位系数。通过案例研究,说明了该绩效考核体系的应用,表明该体系具有很强的可操作性。  相似文献   

In the present study, casein‐based edible films containing 1, 1.5 or 2 times of minimum inhibitory concentration of pomegranate peel extract (as antimicrobial agent) were prepared, and their physical, mechanical and antimicrobial impacts against two Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacterial strains were investigated. To evaluate the microstructure changes resulting from the addition of the antimicrobial extracts, scanning electron microscopy images were taken from both surface and cross section of the films. Different physical and mechanical properties of films were affected by the addition of pomegranate extract. For example, the water vapour permeability of films increased. Antimicrobial effectiveness of prepared films was more pronounced against Gram‐positive strain compared with Gram‐negative strain. Antimicrobial impact of edible films was also studied on ground meat. It was observed that antimicrobial activity of the films was mostly dependent on the types of microorganisms present in meat. Although they were not a suitable replacement for common films, they could substantially extend the shelf life of ground meat. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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