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单元机组负荷多变量模型预测控制   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6  
提出了一种具有输入约束的多变量模型预测控制算法,并将其应用于单元机组负荷控制进行仿真研究,结果表明,该多变量约束预测控制算法是有效的,并具有算法简单,在线计算量小的优点。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the stability results already derived for predictive and adaptive predictive control, discusses them from an intuitive and practical implementation perspective and, from the same perspective, illustrates them by means of two simulated examples. In this way it recalls the limits of stability when applying predictive control and how they are related to the modelling errors, which may change as the process dynamics changes. Also it recalls how, by adding adaptation to the predictive scheme, this source of instability may be compensated for. Already within the adaptive predictive formulation it considers the limits of stability for different scenarios, particularly when a reduced-order adaptive predictive model cannot account for unmodelled process dynamics. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

统一潮流控制器的多变量控制设计   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
通过一实例,讨论报告了统一潮流控制器的多个控制器之间存在的交互影响及在负交互影响下,多个控制器设计安排的不合理性。文中建议对统一潮流控制器应设计1个多变量控制器来完成其具有的多个控制功能。并给出了这样1个多变量控制设计的成功实例。  相似文献   

This paper presents the summary application of an adaptive predictive control system (APCS) to the control and optimization of the processes in a coal power station. The results obtained, corresponding to a Research and Development project at the Pasajes de San Juan power station, which belongs to the company Iberdrola, demonstrate the suitability of the APCS application in this field as well as the important benefits that may be derived from it. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this brief note we make three remarks concerning adaptive implementations of neural networks and fuzzy systems. First, we bring to the readers attention the fact that the potential power of these systems as function approximators is lost when, as in some recently published works, the adjustable parameters are only the linear combination weights of the basis functions. Second, we show that the stability analysis in those papers in any way uses properties particular to neural nets or fuzzy systems and follows immediately from well-established results in adaptive systems theory. The second fact is well known to people familiar with adaptive systems theory, but not necessarily so to the neuro-fuzzy community. On the other hand, the opposite seems to be the case for the first remark. Finally, we present a simple version of a result on adaptive stablilization of non-linearly parametrized non-linear systems which might be useful for the stability analysis of adaptive neuro-fuzzy systems. This result, though well known in the Russian literature for a long time, has apparantly been overlooked in ‘western’ publications.  相似文献   

自适应离散变结构控制及其在电力系统中的应用   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
对利用传统离散趋近律方法设计变结构控制时系统抖振原因进行分析,提出一种新的组合趋近律控制策略,并将之与自适应控制相结合,较好地消除抖振并增强了系统鲁棒性,将研究结果应用于电力系统,设计了并联运行同步发电机组有功分配控制器,仿真结果表明所提设计方法的有效性。  相似文献   

提出了一种新颖的具有预测误差校正的多变量广义预测控制 (GPC)与动态矩阵控制 (DMC)混合集中优化控制算法。该算法直接对被控对象的整体模型性能指标进行优化 ,可获得最全面的反映过程未来变化趋势的动态信息量 ,以实现整个系统的最优控制。同时考虑了所有输入输出之间的交互影响 ,合理考虑各控制输入输出量在算法中的地位 ,避免常规多变量控制系统设计中因解耦而造成的不可实现性和解耦网络对系统模型的过分依赖性 ,且易于实施 ,对模型的变化有较强的鲁棒性。通过对 30 0MW单元机组协调控制系统进行仿真 ,结果表明 ,该算法具有控制性能好、鲁棒性强等优点  相似文献   

An interactor plays a basic role in the design problems of multivariable control systems, such as the model matching control, decoupling control, adaptive control, and disturbance decoupling control. For example, it is well known that a linear multivariable system is decouplable by the static state feedback if and only if it has a diagonal interactor. But, in general, the interactor is a lower left triangular matrix, which makes the design problems of multivariable control systems complicated. From this point of view, the precompensator such that the total system has a diagonal interactor is important for multivariable control systems to simplify their design procedure. This paper concerns the systematic design method of the precompensator for a diagonal interactor using Markov parameters of the plant. It will also be proved that this compensator is always obtained by the proposed design algorithm. Furthermore, this argument will be a basic idea when this technique is applied to the nonlinear multivariable systems. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 163(1): 65–72, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20599  相似文献   

In this paper we present an adaptive output feedback controller for feedback linearizable non-linear systems. It employs a high-gain observer with estimate saturation which is crucial in achieving semiglobal asymptotic stabilization to the origin and, if the regressor vector is persistently exciting, exponential tracking of reference signals. A byproduct of this result is an exponentially stable adaptive observer for feedback linearizable non-linear systems. We show that in the absen ce of persistence of excitation the tracking error can be made as small as desired by increasing the observer and parameter adaptation gains. The same idea allows us to prove approximate tracking when the unknown parameters are varying at an arbitrary but bounded rate.  相似文献   

We show that an adaptive input/output feedback linearization control scheme for minimum phase non- linear systems is robust with respect to unstructured plant uncertainties such as unmodelled dynamics and disturbances provided that the adaptive law is modified in the same fashion as for linear systems and the plant non-linearities satisfy some growth c onstraints. In the analysis we utilize weighted ℒ︁2-norms analogously to the case with a linear model.  相似文献   

水轮机参数在线辨识及调节器参数自整定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本语文以一般混流式水轮机的六参数模型为基础,推导了参数在线辨识的算法,研究了PI参数在线定的方法,利用仿真技术对整套方案的实现进行仿真,并对此自适应控制方案的性能进行了分析。  相似文献   

针对复杂热工系统多变量、强耦合的特点,介绍了多变量的动态矩阵控制(DMC)算法用于热工系统控制的实现步骤,提出了DMC控制器参数自整定方法.将DMC控制器应用于中储式钢球磨煤机(球磨机)制粉系统进行的仿真表明,该控制方法具有较好的解耦性能,提高了过程控制的品质.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new design scheme of multiloop predictive self‐tuning PID controllers is proposed for multivariable systems. The proposed scheme first uses a static precompensator as an approximately decoupling device in order to roughly reduce the interaction terms of the controlled object. The static matrix precompensator is adjusted by an on‐line estimator. Furthermore, by regarding the approximately decoupled system as a series of single‐input single‐output subsystems, a single‐input single‐output PID controller is designed for each subsystem. The PID parameters are calculated on‐line based on the relationship between the PID control and the generalized predictive control laws. The proposed scheme is numerically evaluated on a simulation example. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 147(3): 63–71, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10284  相似文献   

Concurrent learning adaptive controllers, which use recorded and current data concurrently for adaptation, are developed for model reference adaptive control of uncertain linear dynamical systems. We show that a verifiable condition on the linear independence of the recorded data is sufficient to guarantee global exponential stability. We use this fact to develop exponentially decaying bounds on the tracking error and weight error, and estimate upper bounds on the control signal. These results allow the development of adaptive controllers that ensure good tracking without relying on high adaptation gains, and can be designed to avoid actuator saturation. Simulations and hardware experiments show improved performance. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于自适应原理的电流互感器的有源补偿方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种引入自适应控制思想的电流互感器补偿方法。根据相似原理,用相似电感提取CT的励磁电流,经过一些电子线路,产生适当的补偿电流,注入补偿绕组。补偿电流在辅助铁芯中产生磁通,使主铁芯达到零磁通,从而减小误差。根据MIT自适应调节规律,建立自适应调节模块,使补偿信号的增益随着误差能够进行微调,进一步提高补偿精度。  相似文献   

虽然滑模控制具有控制简单和对不确定性与扰动不灵敏等优点,但是控制信号中的颤动是其应用中需解决的主要问题。该文首先针对一类非线性系统提出了一个新型控制器-模糊神经网络滑模控制器。新控制器不仅能消除颤动,而且比一般滑模控制器具有更强的鲁棒性。然而它与一般滑模控制器相比有较大的跟踪误差。为了解决这个问题,提出了结合滑控制器和模糊神经网络滑模控制器的自适应控制方法。这种自适应控制方案可以减小跟踪误差,增强系统的鲁棒性和消除控制信号中的颤动。仿真结果说明了控制方案的有效性。  相似文献   

可控串补自适应模糊阻尼控制策略的设计与仿真   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对含可控串补(TCSC)系统阻尼特性的分析,依据运行点位置和偏差大小对清晰化过程和控制策略进行自动应调整,提出了TCSC自适应模糊阻尼控制策略的设计方法。通过对系统在不同负荷水平及不同干扰下的时域仿真,表明了所提出的自适应模糊阻尼控制策略具有良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

基于广义误差积分约束函数,提出了一种具有全局渐近收敛的带有二阶惯性补偿器的模型参考自适应预估控制算法,并给出了体现算法中广义模型误差积分约束的实现形式。该自适应预估控制算法对于过程建模误差和过程干扰具有较强的鲁棒性,在带有热交换器调节的再热汽温控制中的成功应用,为自适应控制技术在火电厂大机组控制中的实际应用进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

非线性汽门控制器的自适应鲁棒逆推设计   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
针对带有内部及外部扰动的汽轮机调速系统,使用自适应逆推方法构造出调速系统的存贮函数,进而同时获得非线性L2增益干扰抑制控制器及参数替换律。该控制器在内部扰动中重点考虑了输电线路参数的不确定性,因此不仅能够抑制干扰对系统输出的影响,而且对系统参数变化也具有很强的鲁棒性。同时,基于该方法的设计过程系统、简明,易为工程人员所接受。仿真结果表明该自适应逆推方法设计的控制器拥有优越的性能。  相似文献   

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