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In addition to nucleotide excision repair (NER), the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe possesses a UV damage endonuclease (UVDE) for the excision of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and 6-4 pyrimidine pyrimidones. We have previously described UVDE as part of an alternative excision repair pathway, UVDR, for UV damage repair. The existence of two excision repair processes has long been postulated to exist in S.pombe, as NER-deficient mutants are still proficient in the excision of UV photoproducts. UVDE recognizes the phosphodiester bond immediately 5'of the UV photoproducts as the initiating event in this process. We show here that UVDE activity is inducible at both the level of uve1+ mRNA and UVDE enzyme activity. Further, we show that UVDE activity is regulated by the product of the rad12 gene.  相似文献   

Yeast cells mutated in YRB2, which encodes a nuclear protein with similarity to other Ran-binding proteins, fail to export nuclear export signal (NES)-containing proteins including HIV Rev out of the nucleus. Unlike Xpo1p/Crm1p/exportin, an NES receptor, Yrb2p does not shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm but instead remains inside the nucleus. However, by both biochemical and genetic criteria, Yrb2p interacts with Xpo1p and not with other members of the importin/karyopherin beta superfamily. Moreover, the Yrb2p region containing nucleoporin-like FG repeats is important for NES-mediated protein export. Taken together, these data suggest that Yrb2p acts inside the nucleus to mediate the action of Xpo1p in at least one of several nuclear export pathways.  相似文献   

ALG-2 is a 22 kDa EF-hand type Ca2+-binding protein associated with lymphocyte apoptosis. Comparison of the primary structure of ALG-2 with those of EF-hand type proteins revealed that it belongs to the penta-EF-hand (PEF) protein family including the small subunit of calpain. We established a convenient method for the purification of the recombinant mouse ALG-2 expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein was first pelleted from a lysate in the absence of a Ca2+-chelator, and then extracted with buffer containing EDTA/EGTA followed by purification by conventional column chromatographies. Estimation of the molecular mass by gel filtration suggested that the recombinant ALG-2 occurred as a monomeric form. Ca2+-dependent precipitation was blocked by inclusion of non-ionic detergent Triton X-100, suggesting hydrophobic self-aggregation at high concentrations of the protein. The N-terminal deletion mutant lacking the hydrophobic non-PEF region was found to be more soluble than the wild type in the presence of Ca2+. Analysis using a fluorescent hydrophobicity probe indicated that ALG-2 exposed a hydrophobic surface in a Ca2+-concentration dependent manner, the half-maximal effect occurring at approximately 6 microM. Mg2+ was not effective for the conformational change. On Western blotting, ALG-2 was detected in particulate fractions from cultured mammalian cells, suggesting the association of the protein with macromolecules in the cells.  相似文献   

Mnt1p is an alpha 1.2-mannosyltransferase which resides in an early compartment of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Golgi apparatus. We have shown that the signal-anchor region is sufficient, and the transmembrane domain necessary, for its normal Golgi localization. This is similar to the transmembrane domain-mediated retention of mammalian glycosyltransferases, and distinct from the tail-mediated recycling retention of certain mammalian and yeast trans-Golgi proteins. To examine the mechanism involved in transmembrane domain-mediated retention, we have isolated six classes of mutants which fail to retain Mnt1p-reporter fusions in the early Golgi. These mutants all show additional phenotypes which are consistent with alterations in Golgi function. We have called the mutant classes 'gem', for Golgi enzyme maintenance. GEM3 is identical to the previously cloned gene ANP1, and homologous to VAN1 and MNN9. Together, these define a new class of proteins involved in the organization and functioning of the secretory pathway. Interestingly, Anp1p is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), implying that some function of the ER is required to maintain a functional Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

The fission yeast cdc21 protein belongs to the MCM family, implicated in the once per cell cycle regulation of chromosome replication. In budding yeast, proteins in this family are eliminated from the nucleus during S phase, which has led to the suggestion that they may serve to distinguish unreplicated from replicated DNA, as in the licensing factor model. We show here that, in contrast to the situation in budding yeast, cdc21 remains in the nucleus after S phase, as is found for related proteins in mammalian cells. We suggest that regulation of nuclear import of these proteins may not be an essential aspect of their function in chromosome replication. To determine the function of cdc21+, we have analysed the phenotype of a gene deletion. cdc21+ is required for entry into S phase and, unexpectedly, a proportion of cells depleted of the gene product are able to enter mitosis in the absence of DNA replication. These results are consistent with the view that individual proteins in the MCM family are required for all initiation events, and defective initiation may impair the coordination between mitosis and S phase.  相似文献   

We describe the identification of the ERG-2 gene products using an antibody raised against recombinant human ERG-2 protein. ERG-2 is a nuclear phosphoprotein and binds to purine-rich sequences (C/G)(C/a)GG-AA(G/a)T. ERG-2 protein, with a half-life of 21 h, is considerably more stable than the short-lived ETS-1 or ETS-2 proteins. Its phosphorylation is stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), but not by Ca2+ ionophore treatment. ETS-1 protein is phosphorylated by Ca(2+)-dependent events, whereas ERG-2 protein is phosphorylated by activation of protein kinase C, suggesting their involvement in distinct signal transduction mechanisms. The expression of ERG-2 protein is restricted to few cell types and is high in early myeloid cells, indicating that it may function at an early stage of hematopoietic lineage determination. The DNA-binding sequence for ERG-2 protein is identified by using a random oligonucleotide selection procedure. The selected sequence is very similar to the binding sequence determined for human ETS-1 using the same method. Like other ets proteins, ERG-2 is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein and is expressed at higher levels in early myeloid cells than in mature lymphoid cells. These results suggest that it may act as a regulator of genes required for maintenance and/or differentiation of early hematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

The mouse amyloid precursor-like protein 2 (APLP2) belongs to the Alzheimer peptide precursor family. A possible role in pre-implantation development had been suggested previously, and was investigated further by creating a large deletion in the genomic locus. While heterozygous mice developed normally, homozygous embryos were arrested before reaching the blastocyst stage. One-cell embryos which contained protein of maternal origin underwent a limited number of cleavages. The progressive disappearance of the protein at stages 4 and beyond correlated with the appearance of extensive cytopathological effects. Nuclear DNA contents of the arrested embryos departed widely from the normal 2-4C value, thus suggesting a role for the protein in replication and/or segregation of the embryonic genome. Embryonic mortality was not due to the untimely initiation of programmed cell death, and it occurred before the stage at which apoptotic cells normally appear. The same abnormal distribution of DNA contents was seen in primary cultures of Aplp2 +/- embryonic fibroblasts following transfection of an expression vector for Aplp2 antisense RNA with green fluorescent protein (GFP) expressed from a co-transfected construct. Daughter cells derived from a GFP-positive cell showed abnormal DNA contents both >4C and <2C, thus indicating a role for the protein in the mitotic segregation of the genome and establishment of the proper nuclear structure.  相似文献   

A gene encoding the mitochondrial dicarboxylate transport protein (DTP) has been identified for the first time from any organism. Our strategy involved overexpression of putative mitochondrial transporter genes, selected based on analysis of the yeast genome, followed by purification and functional reconstitution of the resulting protein products. The DTP gene from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a 298-residue basic protein which, in common with other mitochondrial anion transporters of known sequence and function, displays the mitochondrial transporter signature motif, three homologous 100-amino acid sequence domains, and six predicted membrane-spanning regions. The product of this gene has been abundantly expressed in Escherichia coli where it accumulates in inclusion bodies. Upon solubilization of the overexpressed DTP from isolated inclusion bodies with Sarkosyl, 28 mg of DTP was obtained per liter of E. coli culture at a purity of 75%. The purified, overexpressed DTP was then reconstituted in phospholipid vesicles where both its kinetic properties (i.e. Km = 1. 55 mM and Vmax = 3.0 micro;mol/min/mg protein) and its substrate specificity were determined. The intraliposomal substrates malonate, malate, succinate, and phosphate effectively supported [14C]malonate uptake, whereas other anions tested did not. External substrate competition studies revealed a similar specificity profile. Inhibitor studies indicated that the reconstituted transporter was sensitive to inhibition by n-butylmalonate, p-chloromercuribenzoate, mersalyl, and to a lesser extent pyridoxal 5'-phosphate but was insensitive to N-ethylmaleimide and selective inhibitors of other mitochondrial anion transporters. In combination, the above findings indicate that the identified gene encodes a mitochondrial transport protein which upon overexpression and reconstitution displays functional properties that are virtually identical to those of the native mitochondrial dicarboxylate transport system. In conclusion, the present investigation has resulted in identification of a gene encoding the mitochondrial DTP and thus eliminates a major impediment to molecular studies with this metabolically important transporter. Based on both structural and functional considerations, the yeast DTP is assignable to the mitochondrial carrier family. Additionally, the development of a procedure that enables the expression and isolation of large quantities of functional DTP provides the foundation for comprehensive investigations into the structure/function relationships within this transporter via site-directed mutagenesis, as well as for the initiation of crystallization trials.  相似文献   

A conserved family of Ran binding proteins (RBPs) has been defined by their ability to bind to the Ran GTPase and the presence of a common region of approximately 100 amino acids (the Ran binding domain). The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome predicts only three proteins with canonical Ran binding domains. Mutation of one of these, YRB1, results in defects in transport of macromolecules across the nuclear envelope (Schlenstedt, G., Wong, D. H., Koepp, D. M., and Silver, P. A. (1995) EMBO J. 14, 5367-5378). The second one, encoded by YRB2, is a 327-amino acid protein with a Ran binding domain at its C terminus and an internal cluster of FXFG and FG repeats conserved in nucleoporins. Yrb2p is located inside the nucleus, and this localization relies on the N terminus. Results of both genetic and biochemical analyses show interactions of Yrb2p with the Ran nucleotide exchanger Prp20p/Rcc1. Yrb2p binding to Gsp1p (yeast Ran) as well as to a novel 150-kDa GTP-binding protein is also detected. The Ran binding domain of Yrb2p is essential for function and for its association with Prp20p and the GTP-binding proteins. Taken together, we suggest that Yrb2p may play a role in the Ran GTPase cycle distinct from nuclear transport.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that masc1, a gene encoding a putative C5-DNA-methyltransferase (MTase), was necessary for the de novo 'Methylation Induced Premeiotically' (MIP) process and sexual reproduction in Ascobolus, whereas it was dispensable for maintenance methylation. A second MTase gene from Ascobolus, masc2, encodes a protein, Masc2, which possesses the large amino-terminal part characteristic of eukaryotic maintenance MTases. In vitro assays have shown that Masc2 displays a methylation activity, suggesting that it might be the MTase responsible for maintenance methylation. To check its function in vivo, we engineered a disruption of the masc2 gene. The resulting mutant strains did not exhibit any particular phenotype during either vegetative growth or sexual reproduction. Neither the masc2 mutation nor the double masc1 masc2 mutation had any detectable effect upon the maintenance of the pre-existing methylation of single gene copies previously subjected to MIP, natural retroelement-like repeats and tandemly repeated rDNA. The masc2 mutation did not alter either MIP or the other de novo methylation process that operates in vegetatives cells. Nor did it impair the meiotic process of methylation transfer. These results suggest that at least a third MTase gene responsible for maintenance and vegetative de novo methylation is present in Ascobolus.  相似文献   

The S. cerevisiae SIS1 gene is essential and encodes a heat shock protein with similarity to the bacterial DnaJ protein. At the nonpermissive temperature, temperature-sensitive sis1 strains rapidly accumulate 80S ribosomes and have decreased amounts of polysomes. Certain alterations in 60S ribosomal subunits can suppress the temperature-sensitive phenotype of sis1 strains and prevent the accumulation of 80S ribosomes and the loss of polysomes normally seen under conditions of reduced SIS1 function. Analysis of sucrose gradients for SIS1 protein shows that a large fraction of SIS1 is associated with 40S ribosomal subunits and the smaller polysomes. These and other results indicate that SIS1 is required for the normal initiation of translation. Because DnaJ has been shown to mediate the dissociation of several protein complexes, the requirement of SIS1 in the initiation of translation might be for mediating the dissociation of a specific protein complex of the translation machinery.  相似文献   

YKL-40, also called human cartilage glycoprotein-39 (HC gp-39), is a member of family 18 glycosyl hydrolases. YKL-40 is secreted by chondrocytes, synovial cells, and macrophages, and recently it has been reported that YKL-40 has a role as an autoantigen in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The function of YKL-40 is unknown, but the pattern of its expression in normal and disease states suggests that it could function in remodeling or degradation of the extracellular matrix. High levels of YKL-40 are found in synovial fluid from patients with active RA. Neutrophils are abundant in synovial fluid of patients with RA, and the cells are assumed to play a role in joint destruction in that disorder. Therefore, we examined whether neutrophils are a source of YKL-40. YKL-40 was found to colocalize and comobilize with lactoferrin (the most abundant protein of specific granules) but not with gelatinase in subcellular fractionation studies on stimulated and unstimulated neutrophils. Double-labeling immunoelectron microscopy confirmed the colocalization of YKL-40 and lactoferrin in specific granules of neutrophils. Immunohistochemistry on bone marrow cells showed that neutrophil precursors begin to synthesize YKL-40 at the myelocyte-metamyelocyte stage, the stage of maturation at which other specific granule proteins are formed. Assuming that YKL-40 has a role as an autoantigen in RA by inducing T cell-mediated autoimmune response, YKL-40 released from neutrophils in the inflamed joint could be essential for this response. In RA and other inflammatory diseases, YKL-40 released from specific granules of neutrophils may be involved in tissue remodeling or degradation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An actomyosin-based contractile ring plays a pivotal role in cytokinesis. Despite the identification of many components of the ring, the steps involved in its assembly are unknown. The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is an attractive organism in which to study cytokinesis because its cell cycle has been well characterized; it divides by medial fission using an actomyosin ring; and a number of S. pombe mutants defective in actomyosin ring assembly have been isolated. Here, we have characterized one such mutant, rng2. RESULTS: Temperature-sensitive rng2 mutants accumulated F-actin cables in the medial region of the cell but failed to organize the cables into a ring. In rng2-null mutants, only a spot-like structure containing F-actin was detected. The rng2+ gene encodes a protein related to human IQGAP1, a protein that binds actin and calmodulin and is a potential effector for the Rho family of GTPases. Rng2p localized to the actomyosin ring and to the spindle pole body (SPB) of interphase and mitotic cells. Localization of Rng2p to the actomyosin ring but not the SPB required F-actin. Rng2p interacted with calmodulin, a component of the SPB and the actomyosin ring. The rng2 gene showed genetic interactions with three other actomyosin ring assembly mutants, cdc4, cdc12, and rng5. CONCLUSIONS: The S. pombe IQGAP-related protein Rng2p is a component of the actomyosin ring and the SPB and is required for actomyosin ring construction following assembly of F-actin at the division site.  相似文献   

MTF1 is a nuclear gene that encodes the promoter recognition factor of the yeast mitochondrial RNA polymerase. The MTF1 gene was physically mapped to chromosome XIII. Genetic mapping data indicate that the gene is closely linked to RNA1.  相似文献   

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