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MolecularDopedPolymerLightEmitingDiodeswithAir-stableAluminumasCathode①②CHENBaijun,HOUJingying.XUEShanhua,LIUShiyong(StateKey... 相似文献
LIULu FANGuang-han LIAOChang-jun 《半导体光子学与技术》2004,10(2):86-92
A simple model of the graded heterojunction in AIGalnP compound semiconductors was introduced to analyze the band profile. The band profiles are analyzed with the different grading ways but the same grading length and under the different doping densities. The effect of the different grading lengths on the surplus of the potential of the spike to the potential of N region are also analyzed under the different doping densities. Through the experiments, it proves that the performances of high brightness light emitting diodes can be improved by the effects of the graded heterojunction. 相似文献
报道了用可溶性发光材料聚(2,5-二丁氧基苯)做发光材料,分别与母体聚合物聚乙烯基咔唑(PVK)和聚甲基丙烯酸甲脂(PMMA)共混,并掺杂电子传输材料叔丁基联苯基苯基口恶二唑和空穴传输材料二胺衍生物作发光层,用铟锡氧化物和铝分别作正负电极,制作了两种蓝紫光有机/聚合物单层发光器件。通过比较两种器件的器件特性,发现以PMMA做母体的器件比用PVK做母体的器件有更好的稳定性,器件开启电压为10V左右,发光峰值波长均位于424nm,电致发光效率可达2.9%,比用PVK做母体的器件效率高一倍多。 相似文献
The degradation of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) due to the growth of dark spots can be attributed to the synergy of three external causes: dust particles deposited during the fabrication process, pollution by water vapor, and pollution by oxygen. On the basis of a set of new experiments performed on benchmark devices, we demonstrate that, for a given distribution of dust particles and a given concentration of the polluting agent, water is a thousand times more destructive than oxygen at room temperature. While the thermal diffusion of oxygen causes the oxidation of both the metal at the interface and the dye in the bulk of the device, water acts by an electrochemical process causing the delamination of the electrode. 相似文献
发光二极管引线键合可靠性探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文简要地描述发光二极管金丝引线键合过程,讨论分析了影响其键合可靠性的主要因素,说明了键合质量的评价方法,提出了增强键合可靠性的措施,以达到提高发光二极管寿命的目的. 相似文献
本文简述了发光二极管结构原理,对发光二极管开路失效模式进行全面分析,确定不同的失效机理及所对应的失效原因,并提出针对性的改善措施和筛选方法,达到提高发光二极管质量和可靠性的目的。 相似文献
本文较详细地描述了多孔硅的电致发光(EL),以及发光的量子限制效应的机制,并且讨论了目前已经制备出的几种多孔硅发光二级管:Ps/电解液型,Schot-tky-Like,PN结等二极管。最后,讨论了多孔硅作为半导体光电材料所存在的一些问题。 相似文献
In this paper, we describe a method for increasing the external efficiency of polymer light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) by coupling out waveguided light with Bragg gratings. We numerically model the waveguide modes in a typical LED structure and demonstrate how optimizing layer thicknesses and reducing waveguide absorption can enhance the grating outcoupling. The gratings were created by a soft‐lithography technique that minimizes changes to the conventional LED structure. Using one‐dimensional and two‐dimensional gratings, we were able to increase the forward‐directed emission by 47 % and 70 %, respectively, and the external quantum efficiency by 15 % and 25 %. 相似文献
设计了多孔硅电致发光器件,讨论了工艺条件对器件I—V特性影响。试验中已观察到微弱的电致发光。认为利用多孔硅制备可见光发光器件是可行的。 相似文献