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Friction-stir processing (FSP) was used to modify surface microstructures, to enhance the bending of thick-plate 6061-T6 and 7050-T7451 aluminum alloys. Plates were bent at room temperature into a V-shaped die, to various angles. Bending performance in the friction-stir-processed plates was significantly better than that in the base plates, where processing caused localized softening of the pretensile surface of the plate. A finite-element model of the plate-bending process was developed, to predict the bending limits of both the unprocessed base plates and of the friction-stir-processed plates. For the friction-stir-processed plates, the model employed a mesh divided into two or more zones; one zone was for unprocessed base material and other zones were for the processed material or for material that was affected by the heat of processing. The model used both the von Mises and the Latham and Cockroft criteria to predict bending limits. The bending-limit predictions were reasonably accurate, provided the gradient in true stress-strain behavior through the plate thickness was well characterized.  相似文献   

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe divides symmetrically using a medial F-actin- based contractile ring to produce equal-sized daughter cells. Mutants defective in two previously described genes, mid1 and pom1, frequently divide asymmetrically. Here we present the identification of three new temperature-sensitive mutants defective in localization of the division plane. All three mutants have mutations in the polo kinase gene, plo1, and show defects very similar to those of mid1 mutants in both the placement and organization of the medial ring. In both cases, ring formation is frequently initiated near the cell poles, indicating that Mid1p and Plo1p function in recruiting medial ring components to the cell center. It has been reported previously that during mitosis Mid1p becomes hyperphosphorylated and relocates from the nucleus to a medial ring. Here we show that Mid1p first forms a diffuse cortical band during spindle formation and then coalesces into a ring before anaphase. Plo1p is required for Mid1p to exit the nucleus and form a ring, and Pom1p is required for proper placement of the Mid1p ring. Upon overexpression of Plo1p, Mid1p exits the nucleus prematurely and displays a reduced mobility on gels similar to that of the hyperphosphorylated form observed previously in mitotic cells. Genetic and two-hybrid analyses suggest that Plo1p and Mid1p act in a common pathway distinct from that involving Pom1p. Plo1p localizes to the spindle pole bodies and spindles of mitotic cells and also to the medial ring at the time of its formation. Taken together, the data indicate that Plo1p plays a role in the positioning of division sites by regulating Mid1p. Given its previously known functions in mitosis and the timing of cytokinesis, Plo1p is thus implicated as a key molecule in the spatial and temporal coordination of cytokinesis with mitosis.  相似文献   

郭晓静  海超  左海霞 《中国冶金》2021,31(10):46-50
SPA-H钢板在用户制作集装箱时出现弯曲开裂的质量问题,应用扫描电镜、能谱仪、光学显微镜对弯曲开裂样品开裂部位的非金属夹杂物、成分偏析等进行分析,并对比分析了弯曲未开裂样品。经过观察发现,弯曲开裂样品在钢板1/4厚度部位严重的磷偏析割裂了钢板组织的连续性和金属的流动性;以及裂纹源附近的硫化锰夹杂物较多,破坏了基体的连续性,大颗粒的氧化铝夹杂物易形成应力集中,成为裂纹源。严重的磷偏析和较多的非金属夹杂物共同作用致使钢板在弯曲时开裂。  相似文献   

The results of the study of Enterovirus as viral meningoencephalitis producing agents, carried out from 1990 to 1994, are described, 546 feces samples, 95 cerebrospinal fluids and 1,058 matched sera were studied and obtained from 1,388 patients clinically diagnosed with this disease. Samples for viral isolation were inoculated into two different cellular systems. The highest number of isolation was found in diploid cells from human fibroblast. Antibody determinations were carried out by a neutralization test (micromethod) with 11 Enterovirus antigens (Echo 4, 6, 9, 11 and 30; and Coxsackie B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) and in epidemic periods with the isolated virus. During the years under study, 2 epidemic outbreaks took place: on caused by Coxsackie A9 (1990-1991) and the other one by Echo 30 (1994). A greater positivity to Echo 6 and 11 was found among the matched sera.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) express the highly polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) that has been proposed to promote plasticity in the adult brain. To investigate a role for NCAM in SCN circadian clock function, we examined the daily locomotor rhythm of mice homozygous for a mutation, Ncamtm1Cwr, which results in deletion of the NCAM-180 isoform that in brain carries polysialic acid (PSA). Mutant mice entrained well to a 12 hr light/dark cycle but exhibited a significantly shortened free-running period and longer activity duration under constant darkness (DD) than did wild-type mice. By the third week of DD treatment, circadian rhythmicity in the mutant was abolished. Immunocytochemical analyses of the mutant SCN revealed an abnormal number and distribution of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-producing neurons, suggesting a developmental effect of the mutant phenotype; however, a direct physiological effect of the mutation on clock function was indicated by the fact that removal of PSA from adult wild-type SCN by microinjection of endoneuraminidase shortened the free-running period to a similar extent as in the mutant. Together, these data indicate critical roles for NCAM and PSA in the development and physiology of the mammalian SCN circadian clock.  相似文献   

In eucaryotes, M-phase promoting factor (MPF) triggers meiosis in germ cells and mitosis in somatic cells. MPF is composed of two proteins of which one is homologous with the protein kinase encoded by gene cdc2 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (p34cdc2) and the other is a cyclin whose concentration oscillates during the cell cycle. Inactivation of p34cdc2 (MPF) requires cyclin degradation, which occurs during the metaphase-anaphase transition of the M-phase. Cyclin degradation is not only associated with cell cycle progression, but is also required for this event. At the G2/M transition, p34cdc2 protein kinase is activated and catalyzes phosphorylation of numerous key proteins, thus enabling cell changes to occur. p34cdc2 undergoes multiple-site phosphorylation in a cell cycle-dependent manner. At onset of mitosis, the protein phosphatase cdc25 catalyzes dephosphorylation of the p34cdc2 kinase at the threonine 14 and tyrosine 15 sites. This event may be the rate-limiting step controlling onset of mitosis in cells of vertebrates. A second protein kinase, encoded by the proto-oncogene c-mos, acts as a cytostatic factor preventing cyclin degradation and keeping unfertilized eggs from progressing beyond the second meiotic metaphase.  相似文献   

分析了中厚板轧制中板坯头部弯曲的主要原因, 介绍了韶钢中板厂在板头弯曲控制中采用的下辊电机启动时间早于上辊启动时间的"差动咬入"法. 通过采用该方法, 使板坯头部向下弯曲量控制在小于50 mm范围内, 命中率达到95 %以上, 满足了生产要求.  相似文献   

应用模式识别技术对影响高强度船板冷弯的因素进行定最分析,并通过正交试验,探讨王艺因素对冷弯性能的影响,通过工艺参数的动态优化,制订了控制、改善冷弯性能的有效措施。  相似文献   

The prokaryotic cell division protein FtsZ and eukaryotic tubulin have been shown to have very similar structures and are most likely homologs. The evolutionary transition from FtsZ to tubulin could provide a window into the transition from prokaryotic cells to eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Deletion of ftsK results in the inhibition of cell division, but this inhibition can be reversed by a plasmid carrying only the first approximately 17% of ftsK. The division block can be suppressed in most mutants by deletion of dacA, which codes for the D-alanine:D-alanine carboxypeptidase PBP5, or in all mutants by overexpression of ftsN. Overexpression of ftsK inhibits cell division and the formation of FtsZ rings. This division block is not due to the induction of either the SOS or the heat shock regulons.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis divIVA gene, first defined by a mutation giving rise to anucleate minicells, has been cloned and characterized. Depletion of DivIVA leads to inhibition of the initiation of cell division. The residual divisions that do occur are abnormally placed and sometimes misorientated relative to the long axis of the cell. The DivIVA phenotype can be suppressed by disruption of the MinCD division inhibitor, suggesting that DivIVA controls the topological specificity of MinCD action and thus septum positioning. A DivIVA-GFP fusion targets to new and used sites of cell division, consistent with it having a direct role in topological specification.  相似文献   

基于神经网络的热带钢连轧弯辊力预报模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统弯辊力预设定模型的缺陷和带钢热连轧轧制特点,利用日照钢铁有限公司1580 mm七机架热轧机生产数据,对精轧机组进行了基于神经网络的弯辊力优化预报。基于神经网络的弯辊力预报模型与传统模型相比,可进行高度非线性模拟,以大量实际数据作为神经网络训练输入,有模型结构简单、容易实现等优点。基于神经网络的弯辊力预报模型不但考虑各种输入参数相互之间的影响作用,而且考虑到各机架输出之间的关系,可用于提高头部板形控制精度,并为实际弯辊力设定提供了指导和试验基础。  相似文献   

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