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针对BIPV建筑负荷削峰填谷和接入配电网后考虑网损、电压偏差的选址优化问题,提出了一种BIPV建筑双层能源系统优化模型。模型下层在考虑DG成本和环境成本的前提下,利用储能对负荷进行削峰填谷,模型上层在考虑配电网网损、电压偏差的前提下对BIPV和储能的选址方案进行优化。在求解该双层模型时利用量子理论中的量子行为和概率表达特性设计了一种改进的多目标量子粒子群算法,在解的处理上引入了一种动态ε不可行度约束支配函数。以IEEE30节点系统为参考系统,算例优化结果表明:BIPV建筑负荷峰谷差、配电网网损和电压偏差得到了有效降低,证明了所提配置优化策略的可行性;同时也表明,所提算法在全局寻优能力和种群多样性方面得到了明显提升。  相似文献   

文章在考虑等效负荷均方差最小的基础上,以火电机组的运营成本和污染物排放量最低为目标函数,考虑到风力发电、光伏发电和火电机组的约束条件,建立了一种含电动汽车、风光发电参与下的经济环保调度优化模型。采用动态改变学习因子的粒子群算法,以某地区电力系统为实例,验证了文章所提模型的有效性;并通过4种不同的运行模式的对比分析发现,风力发电、光伏发电和电动汽车协同并网调度,不但能够最大限度地利用光能和消纳风电来平滑负荷的波动,而且有利于削峰填谷和降低火电机组运营成本和污染物排放量。  相似文献   

风电与电动汽车协同并网调度多目标优化模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了风电与电动汽车协同并网调度多目标优化模型。首先调度风电和电动汽车协同入网,优化电动汽车充放电时间和功率来适应风电和负荷的波动,最大程度地消纳风电,减少净负荷峰谷差;然后对火电机组负荷进行经济分配,达到可调度协同并网的经济性。对可入网电动汽车数量进行敏感性分析,结果表明,电动汽车入网数量越多,削峰填谷效果越好。文章通过算例证明了所提模型的有效性和合理性。  相似文献   

为了解决北方风电弃风严重的问题,提出通过蓄热式电锅炉进行供暖消纳风电的策略.首先考虑到风电具有不确定性,通过对预测误差区间离散化处理,建立误差较小的风电预测模型.然后将电网系统与供暖系统结合,实时监测供暖系统的出水、回水温度,通过电网调度发布指令,并以弃风率最小为目标函数进行优化调度.最后通过北方某地区的供暖数据,建立...  相似文献   

冷热电联供系统因其能源利用率高等特点在综合能源系统中得到广泛应用,但是由于其“以热定电”模式的约束,供热和供电不能解耦,使得大量风电难以消纳。针对我国冬季夜间大量风电未被使用的问题,将热泵及电转气装置纳入综合能源系统,研究二者对于消纳风电的作用。以综合能源系统总经济成本、温室气体排放量及净负荷波动最小为目标函数,计及联络线、储能上下限及功率平衡约束条件,采用帕累托多目标粒子群算法对模型进行求解,并设置四种场景,探究不同场景下热泵及电转气对于系统各个方面的影响。仿真分析了加入热泵及电转气装置前后系统的风电消纳及负荷波动情况,验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

  目的  针对电动汽车光伏充电站的有序充电问题,提出一种分时段有序充电策略。  方法  研究了光伏充电站的结构体系及工作原理,构造了电动汽车充电时间、储能电池荷电状态(SOC)范围等约束条件。负荷高峰时段,在满足车辆充电需求的同时,减少向电网的购电量,降低购电费用,并辅助电网“消峰”。负荷低谷时段,在满足车辆充电需求的同时,增加向电网的购电量,辅助电网“填谷”。  结果  通过仿真事例验证了所建模型的有效性,并与即时充电方案进行比较,说明了所建模型在减小充电站的购电费用,降低电网峰谷差方面的优势。  结论  所提电动汽车光伏充电站的充电策略是正确并有效的,可为实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   

电动汽车与电网互动协调运行技术探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了国内外电动汽车与电网互动协调运行技术的研究现状,分别从电动汽车与电网互动方式、互动内容、互动技术装备、控制策略以及互动激励措施等5个方面对互动协调运行技术进行了全面阐述。分析了电动汽车与电网互动协调运行技术所带来的社会经济效益,并对推广电动汽车与电网互动协调运行技术亟需解决的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

电气化铁路电分相构成了无电区,阻碍各供电区间内能量传递,不利于再生制动能量的回收利用,极大地影响了铁路运营效益。为降低铁路运营成本,在电分相处接入铁路功率调节器(railway power conditioner,RPC),RPC直流环节便于混合储能装置接入。在此基础上,本文提出了一种牵引供电系统优化运行策略,通过控制混合储能充放电,达到削减负荷尖峰,回收制动能量的效果,进而实现牵引负荷的削峰填谷。该模型以牵引供电系统运行总成本最低为目标,以混合储能充放电功率等为决策变量,考虑了系统潮流平衡、混合储能等约束。进一步地,将模型中的非线性函数线性化,得到混合整数线性规划模型,然后利用CPLEX求解得到混合储能充放电策略和牵引供电系统购电方案。最后,基于实测数据,分析了所提模型的降费效果。与既有牵引供电系统对比,接入混合储能和RPC之后牵引供电系统日运营成本降低效果显著,为牵引供电系统优化运行提供了依据。  相似文献   

为了解决电动汽车(electric vehicle, EV)大规模接入微电网后,由于无序充电而导致的日负荷波动增大以及运行成本增高的问题,提出了一种考虑用户满意度的微电网双层多目标优化调度方案。方案将微电网日前优化调度过程分为配网层和负荷层,配网层以最小化日负荷方差和最低的系统运行成本为目标,制定了电动汽车聚合商(electric vehicle aggregator, EVA)调度策略。负荷层制定每辆电动汽车的充电策略,在EVA的调度计划下,按照配电网系统层的要求,最大限度地提高用户的综合满意度。通过多场景对比分析,结果表明所提出的优化模型在减少日负荷方差、提高系统经济性的同时,提升了用户综合满意度,增大了用户参与调度的积极性。  相似文献   

大规模的电动汽车负荷可增加电网系统的调峰能力,消纳受阻风电。文章首先根据系统负荷和风电出力特性分析其受阻原因;其次,通过对电动汽车充放电特性、可时移特性和SOC模型的分析,建立了电动汽车充放电模型,并提出相应策略;然后,以电动汽车消纳后的风电剩余受阻量最小为目标,建立电动汽车参与受阻风电消纳的源荷优化控制模型,并利用差分进化算法对模型进行求解;最后,以某地区电网实际数据进行仿真计算,验证电动汽车参与受阻风电消纳协调控制的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

An optimal design of a three-component hybrid fuel cell electric vehicle comprised of fuel cells, battery, and supercapacitors is presented. First, the benefits of using this hybrid combination are analyzed, and then the article describes an active power-flow control strategy from each energy source based on optimal control theory to meet the demand of different vehicle loads while optimizing total energy cost, battery life and other possible objectives at the same time. A cost function that minimizes the square error between the desired variable settings and the current sensed values is developed. A gain sequence developed compels the choice of power drawn from all devices to follow an optimal path, which makes trade-offs among different targets and minimizes the total energy spent. A new method is introduced to make the global optimization into a real-time based control. A model is also presented to simulate the individual energy storage systems and compare this invention to existing control strategies, the simulation results show that the total energy spent is well saved over the long driving cycles, also the fuel cell and batteries are kept operating in a healthy way.  相似文献   

研究并联混合动力汽车的控制策略。基于发动机输出转矩最优的能量管理策略,对并联混合动力汽车在工作模式切换中的相互配合问题,提出发动机动态转矩控制+动力电池荷电状态(state of charge,SOC)干预+电机转矩补偿控制的转矩协调控制方法;在Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow平台搭建整车能量管理控制策略模型,控制发动机工作在高效率区,保证发动机输出最优转矩;根据电池的SOC干预电机的运行状态,协同发动机提供整车需求转矩。在Cruise平台下建立整车模型,以新欧洲驾驶周期作为循环工况进行离线仿真。结果表明,能量管理与转矩协调控制策略能够有效分配电机和发动机的转矩输出,满足混合动力汽车多模式切换的要求。  相似文献   

In order to accommodate additional plug‐in electric vehicle (PEV) charging loads for existing distribution power grids, the vehicle‐to‐grid (V2G) technology has been regarded as a cost‐effective solution. Nevertheless, it can hardly scale up to large PEVs fleet coordination due to the computational complexity issue. In this paper, a centralized V2G scheme with distributed computing capability engaging internet of smart charging points (ISCP) is proposed. Within ISCP, each smart charging point equips a computing unit and does not upload PEV sensitive information to the energy coordinator, to protect PEV users’ privacy. Particularly, the computational complexity can be decreased dramatically by employing distributed computing, viz., by decomposing the overall scheduling problem into many manageable sub‐problems. Moreover, six typical V2G scenarios are analyzed deliberately, and based on that, a load peak‐shaving and valley‐filling scheduling algorithm is built up. The proposed algorithm can be conducted in real‐time to mitigate the uncertainties in arrival time, departure time, and energy demand. Finally, the proposed scheme and its algorithm are verified under the distribution grid of the SUSTech campus (China). Compared with uncoordinated charging, the proposed scheme realizes load peak‐shaving and valley‐filling by 11.98% and 12.68%, respectively. The voltage values are ensured within the limitation range by engaging power flow calculation, in which the minimum voltage values are increasing and the maximum voltage values are decreasing with the expansion of PEV penetration. What is more, the computational complexity of peak‐shaving and valley‐filling strategy is near‐linear, which verifies the proposed scheme can be carried out very efficiently.  相似文献   

国内风力发电的现状和前景   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
分析了我国的风能资源和风力发电的现状,探讨了在风力发电时要注意的几个问题,并对我国风力发电的发展前景提出了看法。  相似文献   

Increasing penetration of wind power in power systems causes difficulties in system planning due to the uncertainty and non dispatchability of the wind power. The important issue, in addition to uncertain nature of the wind speed, is that the wind speeds in neighbor locations are not independent and are in contrast, highly correlated. For accurate planning, it is necessary to consider this correlation in optimization planning of the power system. With respect to this point, this paper presents a probabilistic multi-objective optimal power flow (MO-OPF) considering the correlation in wind speed and the load. This paper utilizes a point estimate method (PEM) which uses Nataf transformation. In reality, the joint probability density function (PDF) of wind speed related to different places is not available but marginal PDF and the correlation matrix is available in most cases, which satisfy the service condition of Nataf transformation. In this paper biogeography based optimization (BBO) algorithm, which is a powerful optimization algorithm in solving problems including both continuous and discrete variables, is utilized in order to solve probabilistic MO-OPF problem. In order to demonstrate performance of the method, IEEE 30-bus standard test case with integration of two wind farms is examined. Then the obtained results are compared with the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) results. The comparison indicates high accuracy of the proposed method.  相似文献   

论述了风电容量在占局部电网相当比例时,风电机组的无功功率调整与电网电压之间的关系,对于定速和变速风电机组的运行特性做了分析,提出了在需要做无功功率调整时风电机组应能满足的特殊要求。  相似文献   

This paper employs the Conditional Value‐at Risk, largely used in financial risk management, to specify the power reserve capacity of a wind power plant (WPP) under a risk metric. Evidences are shown here that other popular, simpler measure, the Value‐at Risk, is inappropriate for that specification. Under this risk‐based reserve metric, two programs are approached to optimally distribute a reserve request in a WPP subject to a given confidence level in the commitment. The most exhaustive of the two is a two‐level formulation including a solution to the load power flow (LPF) in the WPP. By solving these two programs, for comparison with interior‐point and heuristic solvers, conclusions are drawn. Notably, that a Pareto optimality occurs for stringent reserve requests; that putting off‐line generators is financially more profitable than partial curtailments to respond to low reserve requests; and that in these cases accounting for losses through LPF‐based optimization seems unnecessary. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对冬季供热期我国北方地区因电网风电接纳能力不足导致的严重弃风问题,研究了电力市场背景下采用蓄热式电采暖提高电网风电消纳规模的经济性评估问题,考虑弃风电量、弃风电价等因素影响,建立了弃风蓄热式电采暖系统的经济性评估模型,分析了影响蓄热式电采暖系统经济性的关键因素。结合某清洁供暖示范工程进行算例分析,分析了协定弃风电价对系统经济性的影响,对所提出的经济性评估模型的有效性进行验证,为蓄热式电采暖可行性分析奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework to find optimal offshore grid expansions using a transportation model of the power grid. The method extends the standard mixed‐integer linear programming approach to the solution of the transmission expansion planning problem to account for fluctuations in wind power generation and load; this makes the method especially suited to identify optimal transnational offshore high‐voltage direct current grid structures for the integration of large amounts of offshore wind power. The applicability of the method is demonstrated by a case study of the North Sea region. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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