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以园区综合能源系统(PIES)的优化配置为研究对象,考虑电力市场分时定价机制下的需求侧响应策略,以PIES的运行成本、污染排放和能耗为优化目标,建立主问题与子问题的迭代优化架构,最后采用多属性决策方法从待选方案中选出最优的系统配置。算例结果表明,可再生能源的接入可以有效地提高PIES的综合效益,引入价格型和替代型需求侧响应后可以进一步提升PIES的经济性,但同时降低了PIES的环保性。  相似文献   

针对我国“三北”地区供暖季弃风严重问题,提出一种计及综合需求响应(CDR)的电热集成系统(IETS)优化调度策略。基于电量电价弹性矩阵构建实时电价需求响应模型以引导用户错峰时移用电;考虑到热用户对供热温度感知的模糊性,将其作为热能需求响应参与调度,分析并阐述电热需求响应促进风电消纳的机理;通过多场景分析刻画新能源预测的不确定性,计及系统安全运行约束,以系统总运行成本最小优化求解日前调度决策与旋转备用容量安排。最后,通过典型算例对比不同模式下的调度策略,验证了提出的计及CDR的优化调度策略能够开阔风电上网空间和提高系统的经济性。  相似文献   

电能和天然气的强耦合使得电气综合能源系统调度问题复杂化,特别是该类系统需求侧的灵活性显著强于电力系统或天然气系统,基于此,该文旨在解决考虑综合需求侧灵活性的电气综合能源系统优化调度问题。为了充分利用需求侧的灵活性,该文建立了详细能量路由器的综合需求响应模型,与传统需求响应方案不同,综合需求侧响应方案须考虑电力需求和天然气需求的灵活性和可控性。此外,该文建立的综合需求响应模型属于一个优化问题,而不是价格响应问题。基于两级优化框架,实现了能量路由器综合需求响应模型与电气综合能源系统的调度模型的能量交互。然后,将上述优化调度问题建模为一个复杂的双层混合整数非线性规划问题,并提出了一种有效解决上述复杂问题的方法。最后,案例研究验证了所提方法的优越性。  相似文献   

摘要: 需求响应使用户积极参与到电网的优化运行中,是实现用户侧微电网优化运行的重要手段。针对用户侧微电网,提出了基于价格激励与可控负荷的优化运行模型。模型中包括实时电价的分区策略与可控负荷的调控策略。将用户用电成本,空调与热水器温度与目标温度的差值最小化作为优化目标,将可延迟负荷的延迟时间,可计划负荷的工作状态作为决策变量。通过仿真计算与分析,验证了优化模型的可行性与有效性,为用户侧微电网的低成本运行提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

综合能源系统能够提高能源的综合利用效率,是能源领域未来的发展趋势。为了充分发挥需求侧灵活资源对综合能源系统运行的优化作用,提出一种计及需求侧灵活资源的综合能源系统合作博弈优化运行方法。首先,构建综合能源系统的需求侧灵活资源运行模型,包括综合需求响应和多类型储能设备;接着,考虑多个综合能源系统间的电能交易合作,以合作联盟效益最大化为目标函数,构建计及需求侧灵活资源的综合能源系统合作博弈优化运行模型;然后,运用数学方法对所提模型进行两阶段等效转换,使其易于求解;最后,通过算例分析验证了所提模型能够充分发挥需求侧灵活资源的优势,提高综合能源系统的运行经济性。  相似文献   

需求侧是电力市场规划的重要组成部分.通过分析需求侧的特征,整合电能系统的供给和使用方式,能够协助系统稳定运行、完善市场定价机制.需求侧响应技术针对电力系统中的峰值负荷,按需调整价格机制,有效转移了用户的负荷使用时段,达到了削峰填谷、维持稳定的目的 .需求侧响应所涉及的价格型响应与激励型响应分别以价格、奖励为基础,针对用...  相似文献   

随着分布式发电技术的不断成熟及发展,未来综合能源服务将是整合不同类型分布式发电并满足用户不同用能需求的有效途径.提出了一种含有多种分布式发电资源同时考虑多用能需求的综合能源服务商优化运行策略模型.首先建立了含有风电、光伏、燃气轮机、电储能、电热泵、辅助锅炉等分布式资源及电、热用能需求的园区综合能源系统优化调度模型;其次...  相似文献   

随着能源需求急剧上升及环境污染日益严重,安全高效、低碳清洁的能源形式已成为能源发展的主流方向,而综合能源系统是降低环境污染排放、提高能源利用效率的有效途径之一。为了实现综合能源系统经济、低碳运行,本工作提出一种基于奖惩阶梯型碳交易机制和综合需求响应策略的综合能源系统低碳优化调度策略。首先,针对多元负荷的柔性特性和可调度价值,提出了考虑冷-热-电多元负荷的综合需求响应模型,并在此基础上,提出了响应补偿机制;其次,针对可再生能源的不确定性,采用拉丁超立方抽样法结合Kantorovich场景削减法生成光伏、风电和负荷的预测出力典型场景,并在优化调度模型中引入奖惩阶梯型碳交易成本,建立了以系统运行成本、响应补偿成本以及阶梯型碳交易成本之和最低的优化目标函数。最后,采用CPLEX工具箱对所提模型进行求解。算例仿真设置了不同场景,分析了综合需求响应策略和奖惩阶梯型碳交易机制对综合能源系统运行优化、节能减排的影响,验证了所建立的模型和策略能有效兼顾系统的经济、环境效益。  相似文献   

需求响应是需求侧参与电网调度的柔性负荷,在能源互联网多能耦合和综合利用的思想下,衍生为综合需求响应,其利用冷、热、电、气等不同形式能源间的互补关系,在不影响用户舒适度的前提下,充分调动用户侧资源,能够提升能源的综合利用效率,降低用能成本,并消纳更多可再生能源。本文介绍了IDR的基本概念和研究价值,分析了IDR在系统调度中的研究现状及存在问题,重点分析了IDR不确定性及考虑IDR不确定性的多能系统调度方法,最后总结并展望了IDR研究中的关键问题。  相似文献   

综合能源系统作为实现智慧能源的关键技术形式,其优化运行问题是一门重要课题。针对综合能源系统优化运行问题,考虑到系统多能互补协调,基于主从博弈理论进行建模。其中:主体博弈模型以多能互补协调计划为博弈策略,以综合能源系统综合运行成本最小化为博弈支付,计及多能互补协调约束等必要约束条件;从体博弈模型以各个形式能源子网的运行计划为博弈策略,以能源子网运行收益最大化为博弈支付,计及分布式供能设备运行约束等必要约束条件。分析得到主从博弈模型的纳什均衡,基于混沌粒子群算法设计模型求解流程。最后通过仿真算法表明,所建立的模型适用于综合能源系统优化运行方案制定,能够显著降低系统运行成本。  相似文献   

The hydrogen-based clean energy infrastructure provides a viable option for resilience improvement against extreme events, e.g., natural disaster and malicious attacks. This paper presents a resilience-oriented operation model for industrial parks energized by integrated hydrogen-electricity-heat microgrids, which aims to improve the load survivability under contingency status. The synergies of multi-type distributed energy resources (e.g., fuel cells, hydrogen storage tanks, battery storage and heat storage unit) and the sequential operation of the industrial distribution network are analytically represented by a mixed-integer second-order conic program (SOCP) formulation. Moreover, by leveraging the information of probabilistic disaster prediction, a risk-averse receding horizon method is developed to handle the uncertainty of network contingencies, and supports the optimal decision of proactive and emergency scheduling. Numerical results on a 26-node industrial energy system demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model and resilient scheduling method. The synergetic operation of hydrogen-based microgrids could significantly reduce the risks of load interruption.  相似文献   

In the energy station and distribution network collaborative planning of integrated energy system (IES), it is difficult to consider station and network interaction in IES operation at the same time. For resolving this problem, the model and solution of planning and operation alternative optimization are proposed considering multiagent interest balance. First, the three-stage optimization framework and model of station and network planning of IES are proposed based on the operation scheduling of IES and the response of energy station and users as different subjects, aiming at optimization of station and network cost-effectiveness, respectively. Second, the distribution network simplification method is proposed based on topological equivalence principle. The topological structure characteristics of distribution network is analyzed, the rapid generation strategy of single tie line network based on broken circle method is proposed, and then an encoding/decoding scheme is proposed based on particle swarm optimization algorithm. Third, considering the load characteristics and energy station demand response based on flexible comfort level of users, a dynamic spot price optimization method and operation strategy of IES are proposed. And then the station and network collaborative planning solution is presented based on the operation optimization of IES. Finally, an example is given to verify the practicability and effectiveness of the proposed method in this paper.  相似文献   

文章介绍了电转氢气、氢气转天然气的过程,并在此基础上构建了电-氢-气综合能源系统。通过考虑综合需求侧响应,建立以最小化系统运行总成本为目标函数的协调优化模型,利用禁忌搜索算法和粒子群算法相结合的改进算法进行求解。经验证,考虑电转氢气过程及综合需求响应的协调优化方案增强了综合能源系统的经济性、环保性,提高了新能源的消纳能力。  相似文献   

Multi-energy industrial parks are required to render a huge variety of services in an eco-friendly, secure, reliable, and affordable way. The industrial energy park is a separate area consisting of multiple distributed generations, energy storage systems, etc., which supply local gas, heating, and electrical consumers. Meanwhile, the integration of power-to-X technologies such as power-to-gas and power-to-heat, which convert the electricity into other forms of energies while facilitating the integration of renewable energy in the industrial park, can enhance the flexibility and efficiency of energy supply. Therefore, this paper proposes novel robust energy management of multi-energy industrial parks integrated with wind power resources, cogeneration units, power-to-X technologies, and demand response programs to total operation cost minimization. The industrial park can simultaneously participate in a multi-energy market, including power, thermal, and gas markets, to meet local heating, gas, and electrical load. The robust optimization framework is extended to address the power price uncertainty and manage the conservatism level of the operator against price variability. The proposed model is examined on the industrial park test system, and numerical results will be presented for the different cases. Under the robust energy management, the total operation cost of the multi-energy industrial park reduces up to 53 %.  相似文献   

Because of highly increasing energy consumption, environmental issues and lack of common energy sources, the use of renewable energy sources especially wind power generation technology is increasing with significant growth in the world. But due to the variable nature of these sources, new challenges have been created in the balance between production and consumption of power system. The hydrogen energy storage (HES) system by storing excess wind power through the technology of power to hydrogen (P2H) and delivering it to the electricity network through hydrogen-based gas turbine at the required hours reduces not only wind alternation but can play an important role in balancing power production and consumption. On the other hand, power consumers by participating in demand response (DR) programs can reduce their consumption at peak load or wind power shortage hours, and increase their consumption at low-load or excess wind power hours to reduce wind power spillage and system energy cost. This paper proposes a stochastic security constrained unit commitment (SCUC) with wind energy considering coordinated operation of price-based DR and HES system. Price-based DR has been formulated as a price responsive shiftable demand bidding mechanism. The proposed model has been tested on modified 6-bus and 24-bus systems. The numerical results show the effect of simultaneous consideration of HES system and price-based DR integrated with wind energy on hourly generation scheduling of thermal units. As a result there is some reduction in wind generation power spillage and daily operation cost.  相似文献   

Wind generation (WG) units as renewable energy sources (RESs) are increasing in the world due to environmental functions and lack of conventional energy sources. Also, hydrogen storage system (HSS) as an energy storage system (ESS) is used to cope with variable nature of RESs in which the concepts of power to hydrogen (P2H) and hydrogen to power (H2P) are defined. In this work, a risk-averse stochastic operation of HSS and WG is modeled using a scenario-based stochastic approach by considering price-responsive demand response (DR) program. All uncertainties are modeled via a scenario-based stochastic approach while the risk related uncertainties are modeled via the downside risk constraints (DRC) to capture the risk-averse operation of the HSS and WG. In order to investigate the impact of DRC implementation, a risk-averse strategy is compared versus risk-neutral strategy. Compared results show that the risk-in-cost (RIC) is reduced while the expected operation cost (EOC) is raised to deal with the risk of the uncertainty.  相似文献   

More flexibility is desirable with the proliferation of variable renewable resources for balancing supply and demand in power systems.Thermostatically controlled loads (TCLs) attract tremendous attentions because of their specific thermal inertia capability in demand response (DR) programs. To effectively manage numerous and distributed TCLs, intermediate coordinators, e.g., aggregators, as a bridge between end users and dispatch operators are required to model and control TCLs for serving the grid. Specifically, intermediate coordinators get the access to fundamental models and response modes of TCLs, make control strategies, and distribute control signals to TCLs according the requirements of dispatch operators. On the other hand, intermediate coordinators also provide dispatch models that characterize the external characteristics of TCLs to dispatch operators for scheduling different resources. In this paper, the bottom-up key technologies of TCLs in DR programs based on the current research have been reviewed and compared, including fundamental models, response modes, control strategies, dispatch models and dispatch strategies of TCLs, as well as challenges and opportunities in future work.  相似文献   

The energy flow in energy supply system has become further complicated due to the addition of multiple clean primary energy and the integration of energy storage technique, which gives rise to the main challenges for integrated energy system (IES) designing on how the IES coordinates the start and stop or varying load operation of multiple equipment so as to maximize the energy conservation and emission reduction and economic benefits. In this paper, with the integration of multiple primary energy utilization technologies and combination of various energy conversions and storage equipment, a superstructure model of IES with multiple complementary energy is established by the way of gradually decomposing and modeling, taking the optimal annual total cost (ATC), primary energy consumption (PEC), and CO2 emission (CE) as the objective function, which can harmonize the energy supply and demand restrictions and the relations of energy flow in the subsystems of energy production system (EPS), energy conversion system (ECS), and energy storage system (ESS). The scientific installed capacity and optimum operation strategy can be solved by this model, which is applied for the designing of integrated energy supply scheme for one certain park. The result shows that the model is both suitable for the energy supply scheme research and the scientific and rational planning and designing for integrated energy of IES with multiple complementary energy.  相似文献   

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