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The objective of this research was to estimate the genetic correlations between milk mid-infrared-predicted fatty acid groups and production traits in first-parity Canadian Holsteins. Contents of short-chain, medium-chain, long-chain, saturated, and unsaturated fatty acid groupings in milk samples can be predicted using mid-infrared spectral data for cows enrolled in milk recording programs. Predicted fatty acid group contents were obtained for 49,127 test-day milk samples from 10,029 first-parity Holstein cows in 810 herds. Milk yield, fat and protein yield, fat and protein percentage, fat-to-protein ratio, and somatic cell score were also available for these test days. Genetic parameters were estimated for the fatty acid groups and production traits using multiple-trait random regression test day models by Bayesian methods via Gibbs sampling. Three separate 8- or 9-trait analyses were performed, including the 5 fatty acid groups with different combinations of the production traits. Posterior standard deviations ranged from <0.001 to 0.01. Average daily genetic correlations were negative and similar to each other for the fatty acid groups with milk yield (?0.62 to ?0.59) and with protein yield (?0.32 to ?0.25). Weak and positive average daily genetic correlations were found between somatic cell score and the fatty acid groups (from 0.25 to 0.36). Stronger genetic correlations with fat yield, fat and protein percentage, and fat-to-protein ratio were found with medium-chain and saturated fatty acid groups compared with those with long-chain and unsaturated fatty acid groups. Genetic correlations were very strong between the fatty acid groups and fat percentage, ranging between 0.88 for unsaturated and 0.99 for saturated fatty acids. Daily genetic correlations from 5 to 305 d in milk with milk, protein yield and percentage, and somatic cell score traits showed similar patterns for all fatty acid groups. The daily genetic correlations with fat yield at the beginning of lactation were decreasing for long-chain and unsaturated fatty acid groups and increasing for short-chain fatty acids. Genetic correlations between fat percentage and fatty acids were increasing at the beginning of lactation for short- and medium-chain and saturated fatty acids, but slightly decreasing for long-chain and unsaturated fatty acid groups. These results can be used in defining fatty acid traits and breeding objectives.  相似文献   

Milk color is one of the sensory properties that can influence consumer choice of one product over another and it influences the quality of processed dairy products. This study aims to quantify the cow-level genetic and nongenetic factors associated with bovine milk color traits. A total of 136,807 spectra from Irish commercial and research herds (with multiple breeds and crosses) were used. Milk lightness (L?*), red-green index (a?*) and yellow-blue index (b?*) were predicted for individual milk samples using only the mid-infrared spectrum of the milk sample. Factors associated with milk color were breed, stage of lactation, parity, milking-time, udder health status, pasture grazing, and seasonal calving. (Co)variance components for L?*,a?*, and b?* were estimated using random regressions on the additive genetic and within-lactation permanent environmental effects. Greater b?* value (i.e., more yellow color) was evident in milk from Jersey cows. Milk L?* increased consistently with stage of lactation, whereas a?* increased until mid lactation to subsequently plateau. Milk b?* deteriorated until 31 to 60 DIM, but then improved thereafter until the end of lactation. Relative to multiparous cows, milk yielded by primiparae was, on average, lighter (i.e., greater L?*), more red (i.e., greater a?*), and less yellow (i.e., lower b?*). Milk from the morning milk session had lower L?*,a?*, and b?* Heritability estimates (±SE) for milk color varied between 0.15 ± 0.02 (30 DIM) and 0.46 ± 0.02 (210 DIM) for L?*, between 0.09 ± 0.01 (30 DIM) and 0.15 ± 0.02 (305 DIM) for a?*, and between 0.18 ± 0.02 (21 DIM) and 0.56 ± 0.03 (305 DIM) for b?* For all the 3 milk color features, the within-trait genetic correlations approached unity as the time intervals compared shortened and were generally <0.40 between the peripheries of the lactation. Strong positive genetic correlations existed between b?* value and milk fat concentration, ranging from 0.82 ± 0.19 at 5 DIM to 0.96 ± 0.01 at 305 DIM and confirming the observed phenotypic correlation (0.64, SE = 0.01). Results of the present study suggest that breeding strategies for the enhancement of milk color traits could be implemented for dairy cattle populations. Such strategies, coupled with the knowledge of milk color traits variation due to nongenetic factors, may represent a tool for the dairy processors to reduce, if not eliminate, the use of artificial pigments during milk manufacturing.  相似文献   

The Interbull procedure for combining dairy bull evaluations uses estimated genetic correlations between countries. It is important to know whether the resulting difficulties from differences in ranking in each country are justified by improved accuracy relative to a system assuming unity correlations. Data submitted for the May 2001 yield and somatic cell score (SCS) Interbull evaluations were processed once with the usual estimated genetic correlations (E01) and again assuming these correlations to be essentially unity (0.995; U01). The 2 sets of resulting evaluations were compared with August 2004 national evaluations (N04) for bulls not having local evaluations used in the 2001 evaluations. Thus, the examination was of Interbull evaluations from foreign data in predicting national evaluations. Countries in the study for yield were Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United States. Countries included for SCS were Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, The Netherlands, and the United States. For most countries’ evaluations, standard deviations of differences between E01 or U01 and N04 were smaller for E01 by about 5 to 7% and correlations between E01 and N04 were higher by 0.01 or the same as for U01 and N04. Although use of estimated correlations tended to improve prediction, the advantage was small. A previous study had concluded no difference in accuracy for yield but did not include Australia and New Zealand, countries with the lowest correlations with other countries. Excluding bulls from those countries produced results for the other 8 countries more like the previous study, but still favoring E01 slightly. Those 2 countries were not in the SCS data. Estimated genetic correlations improved the prediction of future national evaluations slightly in most countries but more substantially for the evaluations and bulls of Australia and New Zealand.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to estimate genetic parameters of milk fatty acid unsaturation indices in Canadian Holsteins. Data were available on milk fatty acid composition of 2,573 Canadian Holstein cows from 46 commercial herds enrolled in the Québec Dairy Production Centre of Expertise, Valacta (Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada). Individual fatty acid percentages (g/100 g of total fatty acids) were determined for each milk sample by gas chromatography. The unsaturation indices were calculated as the ratio of an unsaturated fatty acid to the sum of that unsaturated fatty acid and its corresponding substrate fatty acid, multiplied by 100. A mixed linear model was fitted under REML for the statistical analysis of milk fatty acid unsaturation indices. The statistical model included the fixed effects of parity, age at calving, and stage of lactation, each nested within parity, and the random effects of herd-year-season of calving, animal, and residual. Estimates of heritabilities for the C14, C16, C18, conjugated linoleic acid, and total unsaturation indices were 0.48, 0.25, 0.29, 0.14, and 0.19, respectively. Phenotypic and genetic correlation estimates among unsaturation indices were all positive and ranged from 0.20 to 0.65 and 0.23 to 0.81, respectively. The estimates of heritabilities and genetic correlations for milk fatty acid unsaturation indices suggest that genetic variation exists among cows in milk fatty acid unsaturation, and the proportions of desirable unsaturated fatty acids from a human health point of view may be increased in bovine milk through genetic selection.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associations with milk production traits found to be significant in different screening experiments, including SNP in genes hypothesized to be in gene pathways affecting milk production, were tested in a validation population to confirm their association. In total, 423 SNP were genotyped across 411 Holstein bulls, and their association with 6 milk production traits--Australian Selection Index (indicating the profitability of an animal's milk production), protein, fat, and milk yields, and protein and fat composition--were tested using single SNP regressions. Seventy-two SNP were significantly associated with one or more of the traits; their effects were in the same direction as in the screening experiment and therefore their association was considered validated. An over-representation of SNP (43 of the 423) on chromosome 20 was observed, including a SNP in the growth hormone receptor gene previously published as having an association with protein composition and protein and milk yields. The association with protein composition was confirmed in this experiment, but not the association with protein and milk yields. A multiple SNP regression analysis for all SNP on chromosome 20 was performed for all 6 traits, which revealed that this mutation was not significantly associated with any of the milk production traits and that at least 2 other quantitative trait loci were present on chromosome 20.  相似文献   

Genetic and phenotypic correlations between milk coagulation properties (MCP: coagulation time and curd firmness), milk yield, fat content, protein content, ln(somatic cell count) (SCS), casein content, and pH of milk and heritability of these traits were estimated from data consisting of milk samples of 4664 Finnish Ayrshire cows sired by 91 bulls. In addition, differences in average estimated breeding values (EBV) for the above traits between the cows with noncoagulating (NC) milk and those with milk that coagulated (CO samples) were examined. The estimations were carried out to study the possibilities of indirect genetic improvement of MCP by use of the above characteristics. The genetic and phenotypic correlations between MCP and the milk production traits were low or negligible. The genetic associations between desirable MCP and low SCS were rather strong (-0.45 to 0.29). Desirable MCP correlated both genetically and phenotypically with low pH of milk (-0.51 to 0.50). The rather high heritability estimates for curd firmness in different forms (0.22 to 0.39), and the wide variation in the proportion of daughters producing NC milk between the sires (0 to 47%) suggested that noncoagulation of milk is partly caused by additive genetic factors. Based on the genetic correlations between curd firmness and SCS and the high EBV for SCS obtained for the cows with NC-milk, it is possible that the loci causing noncoagulation of milk and increasing somatic cell count of milk are closely linked or partly the same. One means to genetically improve MCP and to reduce the occurrence of NC milk could thus be selection for low somatic cell count of milk.  相似文献   

The current cattle selection program for dairy cattle in the Walloon region of Belgium does not consider the relative content of the different fatty acids (FA) in milk. However, interest by the local dairy industry in differentiated milk products is increasing. Therefore, farmers may be interested in selecting their animals based on the fat composition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of genetic selection to improve the nutritional quality of bovine milk fat. The heritabilities and correlations among milk yield, fat, protein, and major FA contents in milk were estimated. Heritabilities for FA in milk and fat ranged from 5 to 38%. The genetic correlations estimated among FA reflected the common origin of several groups of FA. Given these results, an index including FA contents with the similar metabolic process of production in the mammary gland could be used, for example, to increase the monounsaturated and conjugated fatty acids in milk. Moreover, the genetic correlations between the percentage of fat and the content of C14:0, C12:0, C16:0, and C18:0 in fat were −0.06, 0.55, 0.60, and 0.84, respectively. This result demonstrates that an increase in fat content is not directly correlated with undesirable changes in FA profile in milk for human health. Based on the obtained genetic parameters, a future selection program to improve the FA composition of milk fat could be initiated.  相似文献   

Livestock produce CH4, contributing to the global warming effect. One of the currently investigated solutions to reduce CH4 production is selective breeding. The goal of this study was to estimate the genetic correlations between CH4 and milk production, conformation, and functional traits used in the selection index for Polish-Holstein cows. In total, 34,429 daily CH4 production observations collected from 483 cows were available, out of which 281 cows were genotyped. The CH4 was measured using a so-called sniffer device installed in an automated milking system. Breeding values for CH4 were estimated with the use of single-step genomic BLUP, and breeding values for remaining traits were obtained from the Polish national genomic evaluation. Genetic correlations between CH4 production and remaining traits were estimated using bivariate analyses. The estimated genetic correlations were in general low. The highest values were estimated for fat yield (0.21), milk yield (0.15), chest width (0.15), size (0.15), dairy strength (0.11), and somatic cell count (0.11). These estimates, as opposed to estimates for the remaining traits, were significantly different from zero.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate sources of variation of milk composition and technological characteristics routinely collected in field conditions in the Italian dairy industry. A total of 40,896 bulk milk records from 620 herds and 10 regions across Italy were analyzed. Composition traits were fat, protein, and casein percentages, urea content, and somatic cell score; and technological characteristics were rennet coagulation time, curd firming time, curd firmness 30 min after rennet addition to milk, and titratable acidity. Data of herd bulk milks were analyzed using a model that included fixed effects of region, herd nested within region, and season of milk analysis. An average good milk quality was reported in the dairy industry (especially concerning fat, protein, and casein percentages), and moderate to high correlations between composition and technological traits were observed. All factors included in the statistical model were significant in explaining the variation of the studied traits except for region effect in the analysis of casein and somatic cell score. Northeast and central-southern Italian regions showed the best performance for composition and technological features, respectively. Traits varied greatly across regions, which could reflect differences in herd management and strategies. Overall, less suitable milk for dairy processing was observed in summer. Results of the present study suggested that a constant monitoring of technological traits in the dairy industry is necessary to improve production quality at herd level and it may be a way to segregate milk according to its processing characteristics.  相似文献   

Sire and error variance components and heritabilities were estimated for 26 conformation traits using linear type classifications of 175,693 daughters of 6681 Holstein sires in 21,869 herd-round-classifier subclasses. Estimates from first classifications during first lactations were contrasted with estimates from the same 175,693 females' most recent classification, which included reclassifications. Only cows that have their final classification raised a full category receive an official reclassification record; thus, heritability estimates from data that include these reclassification records may be biased. A total of 9420 (5.4%) of the first lactation, first classifications were replaced by reclassifications for the second analysis, which is current practice for official sire evaluations for Holsteins in Canada. Records, expressed as Snell's scores, were preadjusted for age within parity and stage of lactation at classification. Sire and error components of variance were estimated by Henderson's new method. When reclassifications replaced first classifications in the analysis, estimates of sire and error variances increased 7.2 and 11.1% respectively, as compared with the first lactation, first classification estimates. Heritabilities ranged from .07 for rear heel to .38 for stature and decreased by an average of 2.5% when first lactation, first classifications were replaced by reclassifications. Results indicate that the inclusion of reclassifications tends to bias heritabilities downward.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters and accuracies of breeding values for milk content traits of individual udder quarters in Brown Swiss cattle. Data of 1,799 phenotyped cows from 40 Swiss dairy herds were analyzed, taking the complete pedigree into account. Fat, protein, lactose, and urea contents, somatic cell score (SCS), and information about hyperkeratosis were available for each udder quarter. The milk of rear udder quarters was found to have significantly higher lactose content and significantly lower fat content than milk of the front udder quarters. The same trend found for fat content was observed for protein content, whereas no differences between the udder quarters were observed for urea content, SCS, or hyperkeratosis. Heritabilities for each udder quarter were in the following ranges: fat content 0.09 ± 0.06 to 0.14 ± 0.06, protein content 0.20 ± 0.09 to 0.33 ± 0.07, lactose content 0.04 ± 0.03 to 0.16 ± 0.07, urea content 0.13 ± 0.07 to 0.22 ± 0.08, SCS 0.18 ± 0.06 to 0.32 ± 0.07, and hyperkeratosis 0.12 ± 0.04 to 0.26 ± 0.05. In our study, hyperkeratosis, protein content, and SCS showed higher heritabilities in the front udder quarters, fat content had higher heritabilities in the rear udder quarters, and no systematic pattern in heritability was observed for lactose content or urea content. Additive genetic correlations between all udder quarters were >0.90 for protein and urea contents, whereas they were remarkably low (<0.60) for SCS. For fat and lactose contents, the genetic correlations between the 2 front or between the 2 rear quarters, respectively, were notably higher than correlations between 1 front and 1 rear quarter, suggesting that the front and the rear udders could be considered as partly genetically different organs. The variability within the udder as such was found to be of low heritability (<0.10) in general, but repeatability was moderate to high for some traits (lactose content: 0.33 ± 0.05, protein content: 0.53 ± 0.05). Some of these findings can be explained by differences in the physiological background of the traits.  相似文献   

Associations among six primipara type traits and first and second lactation milk yield, yield persistency, and culling rates were estimated by means of 100 progeny groups with first and 76 with second lactations. Correlations of second lactation culling rate with dairy character and with rear udder were approximately -.4. Persistency, measured in either first or second lactation, was negatively associated with all type traits.  相似文献   

Associations between milk protein polymorphisms and milk production traits.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Associations between milk protein genotypes and milk production traits were estimated from 6803 first lactation records. Exact tests of associated hypotheses and unbiased estimates of genotype effects were from an animal model. Milk protein genotype effects were estimated using a model in which each milk protein gene was analyzed separately (single-gene analysis) and a model in which all milk protein genes were analyzed simultaneously (multigene analysis). The results of the two models indicate that some effects ascribed to certain milk protein genes in the single-gene analysis are not effects of the milk protein gene itself but of linked genes. Results from this study and from literature indicate that the kappa-casein gene or a very closely linked gene affects protein percentage, and the beta-lactoglobulin gene or a very closely linked gene affects fat percentage. Furthermore, effects of beta-casein genotypes on milk production, fat percentage, and protein yield were significant, and beta-lactoglobulin genotypes had significant effects on milk production and protein yield. It is less clear whether those effects are due to effects of milk protein genes themselves or to effects of linked genes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate effects of environmental sensitivity of milk production traits for several environmental parameters and to investigate the impact of combining traits with different environmental sensitivity in an economic index. Variance components and breeding values were estimated for milk, fat, and protein yield, and fat and protein percentage by applying a random regression on values of an environmental parameter for each sire. Fourteen environmental parameters were defined and fitted to data consisting of 151,696 heifers in 6780 herds in The Netherlands with first-lactation records for milk production, somatic cell count, body condition score, and number of inseminations. Milk, fat, and protein yield showed environmental sensitivity in combination with 12 environmental parameters. Herd-year averages of protein, body condition score, age at calving, calving interval, and peak date of calving explained most genotype by environment interaction, mainly resulting from scaling effects. Almost all genetic correlations across environments were 0.99 or higher. Although heterogeneity of genetic variances was considerable, heterogeneity of heritabilities was limited. Scaling had a large effect on the weights of the economic index, but environmental sensitivities of milk, fat, and protein yields were approximately of equal magnitude. Consequently, very little reranking occurred based on the economic index.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to estimate the proportion of total genetic variance attributed to a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on Bos taurus autosome 6 (BTA6) for milk production traits in the German Holstein dairy cattle population. The analyzed chromosomal region on BTA6 spanned approximately 70 cM, and contained 6 microsatellite markers. Milk production data were obtained from routine genetic evaluation for 4500 genotyped German Holstein bulls. Technical aspects related to the estimation of model parameters for a large data set from routine genotype recording were outlined. A fixed QTL model and a random QTL model were introduced to incorporate marker information into parameter estimation and genetic evaluation. Estimated QTL variances, expressed as the ratio of QTL to polygenic variances, were 0.04, 0.03, and 0.07 for milk yield; 0.06, 0.08, and 0.14 for fat yield; and 0.04, 0.04, and 0.11 for protein yield, in the first 3 parities, respectively. The estimated QTL positions, expressed as distances from the leftmost marker DIK82, were 18, 31, and 17 cM for milk yield; 25, 17, and 9 cM for fat yield; and 16, 30, and 17 cM for protein yield in the 3 respective parities. Because the data for the parameter estimation well represented the current population of active German Holstein bulls, the QTL parameter estimates have been used in routine marker-assisted genetic evaluation for German Holsteins.  相似文献   

To determine whether individual cow milking vacuum (within the short milk tube and the liner mouthpiece) could be substituted for milk flow technology to identify delayed (bimodal) milk ejection, and the possible relationship between bimodal milk flow and milk yield, we recorded milking data from 663 Holstein cows on a 3,600-cow Michigan dairy that milked 3 times per day. Overall, delayed milk ejection occurred in 45.6% of the milkings, and 98% of the cows with delayed milk ejection also had bimodal flow. Multivariable analysis revealed that milk yield during each individual cow milking was positively associated with increasing lactation number but negatively associated with increasing days in milk and delayed milk ejection. As the time between unit attachment and the estimated milk letdown (the lag period) increased, milk yield decreased; relative to a lag of <30 s, milk yield decreased by 1.8 and 3.1 kg for lags of 30–59 and ≥60 s, respectively. The final multivariate model had an adjusted coefficient of determination of 0.27. The negative association between delayed milk ejection and decreased milk yield in this study suggested that milking vacuum parameters from individual cows could serve as a useful tool to qualitatively estimate milk flow within a herd and that this information may be used to enhance herd productivity.  相似文献   

This study aimed to estimate individual and herd-level energy balance (EB) using blood and milk traits in 90 multiparous high-yielding Holstein cows, held on a research farm, from wk 1 to 10 postpartum (p.p.) and to investigate the precision of prediction with successively decreased data sets simulating smaller herd sizes and with pooled samples. Dry matter intake, milk yield, and BW were measured daily from parturition through wk 10 p.p. Milk composition was determined 4 times per week, and milk acetone was measured weekly. Blood samples for the determination of metabolites, hormones, electrolytes, and enzyme activities were taken weekly from wk 1 to 10 p.p. between 0730 and 0900. Body condition scores and ultrasonic measurements of backfat thickness and fat depth in the pelvic area were evaluated in wk 1, 4, and 8 p.p. Concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, urea, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1, triiodothyronine, and thyroxine (T4) in blood plasma and of lactose and urea in milk were positively correlated with EB, whereas concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), creatinine, albumin, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and growth hormone and enzyme activities in blood, and concentrations of fat, protein, fat:lactose ratio, and acetone in milk were negatively correlated with EB. Leptin concentration was not correlated to EB over the first 10 wk p.p. To estimate EB linear mixed-effects, models were developed by backward selection procedures. The most informative traits for estimation of EB were the fat:lactose ratio in milk and NEFA and T4 concentrations in blood. The precision of estimation of EB in individual cows was low. Using blood in addition to milk traits did not result in higher precision of estimation of herd-level EB, and decreasing sample sizes considerably lowered the precision of EB prediction. Estimation of overall mean herd-level EB over the first 10 wk p.p. using pooled samples was precise even with small sample sizes, but does not consider the level of EB in particular weeks. In conclusion, estimation of herd-level EB at individual weeks using milk traits only has practical implication with herd sizes of > or = 100 cows if calving is highly seasonal and of or = 400 cows if calving is uniformly distributed. Using blood in addition to milk traits does not improve precision of estimation of herd-level EB, regardless of sample size.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(3):1910-1924
The objectives of this study were to estimate the genetic and phenotypic correlations and heritabilities for milk production and fertility traits in spring-calved once-daily (OAD) milking cows for the whole season in New Zealand and compare those estimates with twice-daily (TAD) milking cows. Data used in the study consisted of 69,252 first parity cows from the calving seasons 2015–2016 to 2017–2018 in 113 OAD and 531 TAD milking herds. Heritability estimates for production and fertility traits were obtained through single-trait animal models, and estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations were obtained through bivariate animal models. Heritability estimates of production traits varied from 0.26 to 0.61 in OAD and from 0.13 to 0.63 in TAD. Heritability estimates for fertility traits were low in both OAD and TAD milking cow populations, and estimates were consistent (OAD: 0.01 to 0.10 and TAD: 0.01 to 0.08) across milking regimens. Estimates of phenotypic and genetic correlations among production traits were consistent across populations. In both populations, phenotypic correlations between milk production and fertility traits were close to zero, and most of the genetic correlations were antagonistic. In OAD milking cows, genetic correlations of milk and lactose yields with the start of mating to conception, 6-wk in-calf, not-in-calf, and 6-wk calving rate were close to zero. Interval from first service to conception was negatively genetically correlated with milk and lactose yields in OAD milking cows. Protein percentage was positively genetically correlated with 3-wk and 6-wk submission, 3-wk in-calf, 6-wk in-calf, first service to conception, 3-wk calving, and 6-wk calving rate in the TAD milking cow population, but these correlations were low in the OAD milking cow population. Further studies are needed to understand the relationship of protein percentage and fertility traits in the OAD milking system. The phenotypic correlations between fertility traits were similar in OAD and TAD milking populations. Genetic correlations between fertility traits were strong (≥0.70) in cows milked TAD, but genetic correlations varied from weak to strong in cows milked OAD. Further research is required to evaluate the interaction between genotype by milking regimen for fertility traits in terms of sire selection in the OAD milking cow population.  相似文献   

First lactation milk yield and percentages of fat, solids-not-fat, and protein were analyzed in Guernsey cows to determine relationships of production traits to genetic markers at 16 polymorphic loci. The polymorphic systems examined were blood groups A, B, C, F, J, L, M, S, and Z; blood proteins transferrin, hemoglobin, and alkaline phosphatase; and milk proteins beta-lactoglobulin, alpha s1-casein, beta-casein, and kappa-casein. Different statistical models were utilized to evaluate direct genetic marker effects, linkage group effects, and heterozygosity effects. There were many indications of relationship with milk composition traits but for milk yield only for A system direct effects and for F system linkage effects. Pronounced associations between markers and component percentages were noted for the J, Z, and beta-lactoglobulin systems with fat percentage, for the M system with fat and solids-not-fat percentages, for the alkaline phosphatase system with solids-not-fat percentage and protein percentages, and for L and alpha s1-casein systems with protein percentage. Additionally, the interaction of beta-lactoglobulin and alpha s1-casein markers was significant for deviations of percent fat and percent solids-not-fat.  相似文献   

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