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The agility link based navigation satellite network suffers from a lack of continuous end‐to‐end connectivity. Message transmitting relies on a store‐forward mechanism—ie, data are sent from one node to another, depending on the communication opportunities, termed contacts, which arise when 2 nodes are connected by a link. To address the technical issues in such networks, the common approach is termed delay‐tolerant networking. However, the problem becomes more complicated when the message is subdivided into several frames for the limited transmission capacity of one contact. In this paper, we formalize the multiframe message broadcast problem where node may possess different knowledge, such as contact plans and message distribution, which depict the state of network and is helpful for data transmission. With the different amount of the knowledge, we investigate several different transmission strategies. And we propose the theoretical models to evaluate the above transmission strategies. Simulations prove the accuracy of our model. We also find that, as expected, the strategy using more knowledge tends to perform better. To the best of our knowledge this is the first investigation of multiframe message broadcast issues in the agility link based navigation satellite network.  相似文献   

A new protocol is proposed for reducing the power consumption of battery-powered terminals in a mobile computing environment. We exploit the fact that, in a mobile data network, mobile terminals do not continuously receive data and therefore they need not continuously operate their receivers. Nevertheless, they need to check their traffic condition periodically, that is, whether there are pending data for them or not. The proposed energy-efficient protocol is based on a paging procedure wherein a dedicated channel is used to alert (page) terminals with pending traffic. Each terminal may check its traffic condition whenever it decides to by monitoring the paging channel. The protocol is evaluated through an approximated theoretical model and through computer simulation. We focus on deriving approximate formulas for the mean message delay, the message delay variance and the power consumption. It is shown that the proposed protocol can achieve considerable power saving at a cost of increased message delivery delay.  相似文献   

Potential satellite markets in the public safety (disaster relief, emergency medical, and law enforcement) and common carrier (mobile radio telephone) service areas are identified. The public mobile telephone segment is then examined to illustrate a methodology for identifying a potential satellite addressable market, including capacity requirements for roughly sizing a satellite. It is postulated that satellites could serve this lower density (mobiles per square kilometer), thin-route market at a competitive cost and thus complement terrestrial systems in the urban and more densely populated areas to provide an integrated nationwide mobile service.  相似文献   

提出了一种在卫星广播信号上重叠发射卫星导航增强信号的方法,将差分校正数据经过扩频后发射出去,与卫星广播信号进行频谱重叠,一起经卫星转发。通过参数设计和性能仿真可知,差分增强信号对广播信号的接收解调影响很小,差分接收机可以通过串行干扰抵消的方法从混合信号中提取出差分增强信号,实现解扩与辅助测距,解扩得到的差分校正数据可直接用于差分定位。当混合功率比为26 dB时,捕获概率达99.99%,测距精度为10.67 m,表明了此方法的可行性。  相似文献   

设计了一种陶瓷基底的右旋圆极化微带天线,能够满足高温环境下卫星导航系统的应用.天线设计特点有以下四点:天线外形具有低轮廓特性, 适合高速运动飞行器表面的贴装; 采用钛合金材料和高温陶瓷材料, 能够在400 ℃高温环境下正常工作, 具有优异的耐热性能; 加工装配流程均无焊接工艺, 确保天线组件的电连接在高温冲击下的可靠性; 采用中心短路销钉设计, 减少同轴馈针的感抗, 获得优异的阻抗匹配特性.通过仿真优化和实际测试, 验证了该天线性能优异, 满足高温环境下的卫星导航系统的使用要求.  相似文献   

详细介绍了印度GPS辅助GEO增强导航系统(GAGAN)和印度区域导航卫星系统(IRNSS系统)的星座组成、信号体制、导航电文、地面系统以及发展现状,分析了印度卫星导航系统的发展计划。相关内容对我国卫星导航系统的发展建设及应用具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

在全球卫星导航系统抗干扰问题的研究中,自适应波束形成技术很好地解决了与信号不同来向的干扰的抑制问题。但对与信号同向的窄带干扰抑制程度不够,同时会滤除部分导航信号。针对以上问题,提出了一种改进的自适应波束干扰抑制算法。首先,通过级联IIR格型陷波器预测并抑制与信号同向的窄带干扰,然后,利用基于直接数据域自适应波束形成技术抑制剩余的宽带干扰。该改进算法能够有效的滤除窄带和宽带干扰,提升卫星导航系统的抗干扰性能,并在实际卫星通信应用中更具处理的实时性。最后,通过仿真实验证明了该算法的可行性。  相似文献   

分析了前馈式抛物面天线和后馈式抛物面天线主要部件(如反射面、馈源喇叭、极化变换器、圆矩匹配器等)的工作原理,并讨论了天线的主要指标:增益、旁瓣特性、噪声温度和极化轴比。  相似文献   

随着互联网和宽带通信需求的不断增长,未来的多波束宽带卫星系统将主要工作在Ka频段或更高频段,在这些高频段下,时变的天气和降雨是影响系统性能的主要因素。针对这一问题,提出了基于公平性指标的启发式多波束动态功率分配方法,并采用了波束用户分群方法降低算法的计算复杂度,从而能实现系统性能和复杂性之间的交换。仿真结果表明,相比于传统的静态功率分配算法,提出的算法可以在雨衰环境下服务更多的用户,实现更高的功率效率;另一方面,算法也明显提高了系统资源分配的公平性。  相似文献   

This paper presents the design and performance analysis of a narrowband, mobile radio system optimized for dispatch-oriented broadcast applications in the 450 and 800 MHz frequency bands. The proposed system is significant since present-generation systems have proven incapable of providing the increased capacity demanded by new data services such as mobile data terminals, automatic vehicle location, and mobile facsimile. The centerpieces of the proposed design are a dynamic multiplexing technique known as packetized data, voice dedicated (PDVD) burst switching, which allows transmission of data within the silence gaps inherent in speech, and a noncausal signal processing technique called lookahead, which provides the data sources with advance knowledge of where the silence gaps will occur. Simulation results are given for two dispatch-oriented broadcast applications with widely differing traffic statistics, showing the flexibility and efficiency of the proposed system. The results show that for either application, the proposed integrated voice/data system can be retrofitted into existing 450 and 800 MHz public and private land mobile radio channels and, compared to conventional voice-only systems, can provide the user with full data services plus a tripling of voice capacity  相似文献   

以移动流媒体体系结构和流媒体传输控制协议族为基础,在家庭电视机顶盒和无线路由器的基础上,设计一种基于Android系统框架的电视直播系统.机顶盒通过DVB-C获取稳定的数字信号然后硬转码把音视频数据编码成适合移动端播放的AAC和H.264格式并通过HLS协议实现移动端高清电视直播.经验证,该系统可以在现有的家庭多媒体资源基础上实现移动端电视节目的高清同步观看,具有很好的可行性和商业价值.  相似文献   

卫星定位导航技术目前应用极为广泛,与人民生活息息相关,在手机定位、精准授时、汽车导航、智能交通、智能监控、智能家居、国际救援等等领域应用比较成熟。文章介绍了北斗导航系统的移动导航定位终端的分类和北斗定位基本原理、结构;设计了北斗导航系统的移动导航定位终端,给出了设计的结构、硬件电路以及操作系统。  相似文献   

A centralized, integrated voice/data radio network for fading multipath indoor radio channels is proposed and analyzed. The packets of voice and data are integrated through a movable boundary method. The uplink channel access uses a framed-polling protocol whereas the downlink uses a time-division multiple-access (TDMA) scheme. This system dynamically switches between two transmission rates and uses multiple antennas to maximize the throughput in the fading multipath indoor environment. Throughput and delay characteristics of the system are analyzed using four different techniques. The results are compared with those of Monte Carlo computer simulations. A simple relationship between the number of voice terminals and the throughput of the data traffic are derived for an upper bound of 10-ms delay for the data packets  相似文献   

A reliable one-hop broadcast is a fundamental communication primitive in mobile ad hoc networks in which a message from the source node is guaranteed to be delivered to all nodes within the source node’s transmission range. Despite the importance of it, reliable one-hop broadcast is not easy to accomplish due to collisions in wireless networks known as Hidden Terminal Problem. This paper presents a MAC protocol that not only guarantees reliable one-hop broadcast but also achieves it efficiently by exploring as many simultaneous executions of the communication as possible. In addition to the data packets, the proposed algorithm utilizes the control packets that prevent packet collisions, and at the same time, make the simultaneous communications possible to improve the network throughput. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

A Land-Mobile Satellite System (LMSS) is a satellite-based communications network which provides voice and data communications to mobile users in a vast geographical area. By placing a "relay tower" at a height of 22300 mi, an LMSS can provide ubiquitous radio communication to vehicles roaming in remote or thinly populated area. LMSS is capable of supporting a variety of services, such as two-way alphanumeric service, paging service, full-duplex voice service, and half-duplex dispatch service. A Network Management Center (NMC) will handle the channel requests, channel assignments, and in general the network control functions. A pool of channels is managed at the NMC to be shared by all mobile users. An integrated demand-assigned multiple-access protocol has been developed for the experimental LMSS. The pool of channels is divided into reservation channels and information channels. The information channels can be assigned by the NMC to be either voice channels or data channels. Each mobile user must send a request through one of the reservation channels to the NMC via the ALOHA random-access scheme. Once the request is received and processed, the NMC will examine the current traffic condition and assign an information channel to the user. NMC will periodically update the partitions between the reservation channels, voice channels, and data channels to optimize system performance. Data channel requests are queued at the NMC while voice channel requests are blocked calls cleared. Various operational scenarios have been investigated. Tradeoffs between the data and voice users for a given delay requirement and a given voice call blocking probability have been studied. In addition, performance impacts of such technological advancements as satellite on-board switching and variable bandwidth assignment are discussed.  相似文献   

为提高北斗/罗兰组合导航系统伪距导航定位解算的精度和改善对动态目标的实时跟踪,本文提出了一种新方法,采用镜像映射法解具有病态的矛盾方程组以提高精度,以及将伪距导航定位解算方程模型转换为具有贯序输入输出数据的系统辨识模型,然后用递推最小二乘法,对所求的北斗/罗兰组合导航系统伪距导航定位信息一接收机的三维位置参数和时钟误差参数进行动态快速实时估计。  相似文献   

文章针对仿生偏振光/地磁/惯导多源信息组合导航系统中的地磁导航需求,设计了一种三轴地磁导航传感器。介绍了应用背景、设计需求与实现方法,进行了系统的误差分析,并针对不同误差来源,进行了标定测量与补偿,实现了三轴姿态角的动态测量,为多信息源融合下的导航系统提供了一种获取地磁导航信息的有效手段。  相似文献   

提出了一种适用于GEO卫星移动通信系统流业务的无线资源管理方法,保障在共享信道上传输的流业务的速率和延时需求.该方法由3个功能实体组成:1)接纳控制/信道分配实体,用于接受或拒绝新的资源请求;2)分组调度实体,负责为每个连接提供所需的传输服务,满足传输速率要求;3)质量控制实体,监测目前系统为当前服务提供的QoS是否与签约QoS一致.在NS2仿真平台建立了相应的系统模型,进行了动态仿真.  相似文献   

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