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<正>China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection recently issued the development plan of national environmental protection standards in the 13th Five-Year Plan(2016-2020).The plan sets five specific objectives as follows:Launch about 300 projects on environmental standards development and revision,and 20 projects on solving the key and common issues such as standards compliance assessment,discharge calculations,etc.,in the development 相似文献
本文从SWOT分析入手,系统地论述了辽宁高新技术产业技术标准化战略的指导思想、原则、战略目标、战略重点和配套措施。 相似文献
In order to implement The 12th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China (2011- 2015), push forward the development of oceanic economy, reinforce the comprehensive management of the ocean, and promote the exploration and utilization of the ocean resources, State Oceanic Administration (SOA) 相似文献
当今时代,文化越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉,越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素,丰富精神文化生活越来越成为我国人民的热切愿望。如何进一步繁荣社会主义文化,提高文化软实力,标准化工作将发挥重要的作用。为此,国家非常重视文化行业标准化工作,即将成立8个文化领域全国专业标准化技术委员会和分技术委员会来推动文化行业标准化工作。为进一步宣传文化标准在剧场管理、网络文化服务、图书馆管理与服务、文化艺术资源保护等方面的重要作用,尤其是文化标准在推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣中不可或缺的重要作用,本期《中国标准化》杂志与文化部文化科技司合作开辟了“文化行业标准化”专栏,旨在大力宣传文化行业标准化工作的创新与实践,特别是新成立的丈化领域标准化技术委员会的相关情况,以推动我国文化行业标准化工作又好又快地向前发展。 相似文献
本文在解释了什么是标准化战略高地及其极端重要性之后,着重论述了传统标准化面临的一系列挑战,提出了向现代标准化转型的问题。作者认为虽然模块化和综合标准化能发挥一定作用,但不能满足现代社会发展对标准化的要求,必须加快建设现代标准化。研究现代标准化理论,探索现代标准化方法,创造标准化的新形式是摆在当代标准化工作者面前的历史任务。 相似文献
正A national directory of standards complexes for strategic emerging sectors was recently developed and released jointly by 12governmental departments,namely,SAC,NDRC,MOST,MIIT,MEP,MOA,AQSIQ,State Forest Administration,State Administration of Science and Technology for National Defense,State Oceanic Administration and National Railway Administration. 相似文献
References: 《中国标准化(英文版)》2007,24(6):14-19
This article points out the necessity and urgency of accelerating convention and exhibition industrial standardization on the basis of an analysis of the industry demands, developing tendencies, and existing problems during development. 相似文献
LED照明产品的广泛应用和技术的迅猛发展,给LED照明产业标准化工作提出了更高的要求。标准体系推进方案的缺失已成为制约广东省LED照明产业快速发展的瓶颈。本文从广东省LED照明产业发展实际需要出发,沿着《广东省LED照明产业发展技术路线图》研究路径,运用标准化路线图理论与方法,充分考虑标准化对象、标准化研究、标准化示范与试点、标准实施监督四方面问题,按时间和阶段进行规划,制定了广东省LED照明产业标准化路线图(包括总体路线图和产品路线图),符合LED照明产业发展需要,对于理清技术、产品、市场、应用与标准之间的关系,有序、有效地实施战略性新兴产业技术标准规划具有重要指导作用和意义。 相似文献
李春田 《中国标准化(英文版)》2012,55(5):68-75
1.The formation of the current standardization working mode
Although the standardization work started early in the period of the Republic of China,large scale development of standards was carried out during the "First Five-Year Plan" period after the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949.At thattime,our state-owned large enterprises and industry sections developed and implemented enterprise and industry standards according to the former Soviet Union mode and under the guidance ofthe former Soviet Union experts.Then govemment organization was set up for adninistrating national standardization work and developing national standards;however,it still employed the Soviet Union mode,and some standards of it even dirctly copied that of the Soviet Union.The socialist countries of that time always held standardization meetings planned economy system. 相似文献
中海石油天然气及发电有限责任公司(简称"海油气电公司")为中国海洋石油总公司的独资子公司,是其在天然气及发电业务领域的唯一投资主体。海油气电公司于2002年12月4日正式注册成立,是国内第一家独立经营天然气及发电业务的企业。现任董事长吴振芳,总经理刘立名。 相似文献
本文分析了美国、日本、韩国等发达国家的LED照明产业标准发展现状,以此为我国LED照明产业的标准化工作提供借鉴。 相似文献
<正>Hosted by People's Daily,Seminar on Standardization and National Governance was held in Beijing on September 22,with more than 30 experts from the government,universities and institutes discussing the strategic role of standardization in state governance and the challenges and opportunities faced in the future governance. 相似文献
一、引言 地方标准化研究机构历来都处于微利运营之中,其原因不是因为标准化咨询处于市场供大于求的“买方市场”,而是因为标准化咨询历来提供的都是低端产品,诸如标准文本提供、标准有效性追踪、标准题录库、专题数据库、产品标准制修订等“标准化形式”方面的服务,或者标准化法律法规公布、“什么是标准”之类的标准化基础知识宣传等极为简单的“标准化内容”方面的服务。 相似文献
The Ministry of Civil Administration has finalized its Standardization Plan . According to this plan the Ministry will see that standards including compulsory national standards recommended national standards professional standards are prepared by June .…… 《中国标准化(英文版)》2007,(4):42
The Ministry of Civil Administration has finalized its Standardization Plan 2007. According to this plan, the Ministry will see that 117 standards, including 8 compulsory national standards, 83 recommended national standards, and 26 professional standards, are prepared by June 2008. 相似文献