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正The concept of Smart Cities is gaining increasingly high importance as a means of making available all the services and applications enabled by ICT to citizens,companies and authorities that are part of a city’s system.It aims to improve citizens’quality of life and improve the efficiency and quality of the services provided by governing  相似文献   

正@ISO:TMB:Task Force on Smart cities TMB had established a Task Force to address Smart Cities (Resolution 112/2013) Objective of Task Force To identify the needs for coordination in the area of smart cities and to propose appropriate mechanisms for a strategic approach within ISO and  相似文献   

正1.Introduction Although cities account for only two per cent of global land area,they are responsible for more than 70 per cent of global greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions and 60-80 per cent of global energy consumption.Recognizing the sustainability challenges that cities are facing and the consequent need  相似文献   

正Editor’s Note A fast growing population is moving into cities and as estimated eight out of ten people by 2050 will be urbanized in a single-digit percent space on the earth surface.Along with this,the world is increasingly challenged by issues arising with highly-concentrated cities such as trai c,communications,energy and resource consumption.  相似文献   

正With its Resolution 112/2013,the ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) had established a Task Force on Smart Cities:TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT BOARD RESOLUTION 112/2013TMB Task Force to address Smart cities The Technical Management Board,·Decides to establish a Task Force to identify the needs for coordination in the area of smart cities and propose appropriate  相似文献   

正Cities today face major challenges.They are essential to growth and economic development,bringing together people and businesses with infrastructure and services.And yet they also use a disproportionate share of the world’s resources.They currently occupy 2%of global landmass,house 51%of the world’s population and consume 80%of the world’resources.By 2050 it is predicted  相似文献   

正Cities occupy less than two percent of the earth’s surface,yet they consume between 60 and 80 percent of the available energy worldwide and are responsible for 75 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.In the light of diminishing resources and global population growth,the need for sustainable urban development and  相似文献   

正The Forum of Smart City International Standardization was held in Guilin,Guangxi Province on February 24,2014.Experts from ISO,IEC,and ITU as well as 14 countries including Britain,Germany,France,Japan,Dutch,etc.,attended the forum.  相似文献   

正Organized by SAC,Forum of Smart City International Standardization was held in Guilin city of China on February 23-24,attracting experts from global organizations.During the event,we interviewed the attending experts who shared their insights on topics like the concept of smart city,developments and challenges,collaboration between international standards organizations,etc.Through the  相似文献   

正Introduction Since February 2012,ISO TC 268/SC1 has been working on the standardization of"Smart Community Infrastructures".The first deliverable was just published in February 2014,ISO TR 37150"Smart community infrastructures—Review of existing activities relevant to metrics"(Fig.1).It is the author's pleasure to provide the  相似文献   

本刊记者:据我了解,您长期从事国际标准化工作,并于去年获得了美国阿斯汀-珀克国际标准奖章。作为IEC美国国家委员会2006年至2010年的前任主席,您为中美国际标准化的交流与合作做出了杰出的贡献。在国际标准化方面,您一定积累了很多珍贵的经验。近年来,中国政府非常重视国际标准化,希望能实质性地参与到国际标准化活动中。对此您可以给我们一些建议吗?  相似文献   

0 引言 实验室认可在我国已实施10多年了,从ISO国际导则25过渡到ISO/IEC 17025∶ 2005<检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求>和ISO/ IEC 17020∶ 1998<各类检查机构能力的通用要求>,对于推动我国实验室认可工作,规范实验室管理和技术要求的建设,起到了积极作用并取得了良好效果.  相似文献   

正ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 on artificial intelligence held its fifth plenary meeting and working group meetings virtually, which were attended by more than 200 experts from 26 countries.At the event, with the efforts of 14 Chinese experts, two proposals of international standards submitted by China advanced to the balloting stage. Besides, the Chinese delegation handled the comments on ISO/IEC TR 24372,  相似文献   

概述了雷达隐身技术的基本原理、智能雷达隐身技术与材料实现功能的结构平台以及智能雷达隐身材料研究的主要方向,结合智能雷达隐身材料实现可控的主要机理综述了导电高分子材料、液晶材料、可电控超材料在智能雷达隐身材料中的研究现状.  相似文献   

在随机服务系统中,减少系统能源消耗,提高服务效率,是人们关注的焦点.基于此目的,本文加入阈值和休假中止策略,具体分析了离散时间GI/Geo/1工作休假排队系统.首先,建立了顾客到达前夕二维嵌入马尔可夫链,给出了GI/M/1型结构矩阵.其次,应用矩阵分析方法得到系统稳态队长分布,并进一步求得系统稳态下的平均队长和平均逗留时间等指标.最后,通过Matlab仿真软件,对模型中的性能指标给予刻画和展示,结果表明平均队长和平均逗留时间随阈值的增大而增大,随休假服务率的增加而减少.本文的结果将为交换虚通道以及无线网络等方面的研究提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍ISO/IEC 170251999的由来,及其与ISO9001、ISO9002的关系;ISO/IEC 17025的组成和构架以及与ISO/IEC导则25的对照、比较和分析。以帮助读者了解ISO/IEC 170251999与导则25的异同,从而有助于推进ISO/IEC 17025的实施。  相似文献   

基于工作状态的产品艺术形态设计方法的探讨   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
主要研究基于工作状态的产品艺术形态设计方法.该设计方法基于产品系统的工作状态设计创作产品艺术形态,能使艺术、技术之间建立良好的融合,设计思维简洁、理性,设计效率高,是一种快速、良好的产品造型设计方法.  相似文献   

工作休假的Geo/Geo/1排队   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究多重工作休假的Geo/Geo/1离散时间排队。工作休假排队在光通信网络的网关路由器性能分析中有重要应用。我们使用矩阵几何解的方法得到了稳态队长和逗留时间的分布及随机分解性质,并使用交替更新过程理论,得到了忙期和忙循环的均值。  相似文献   

1904~1906年间世界上发生了许多事情。爱因斯坦发表了他的卓越的相对论,美国工程师开始修建巴拿马运河,发明了美术明信片、冰激淋蛋卷和自动电唱机等等。在大西洋的两边,林立的工厂和居民区吵吵嚷嚷着要求提供更多的电力来取代过时的气、油照明系统。H·G·威尔斯在《北美评论》(1901年)上提前预言了电世纪的到来:家庭和工厂将会得到电力供暖、通风和操作的便利。在电气工程世界中,也发生着许许多多的事情。J·A·弗莱明,英国的有史以来第一个电气工程教授发明了热离子阀,而在美国,Lee De福斯特发明了三极管。这是国际电工委员会(IEC)…  相似文献   

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