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In 37 patients with Crohn's disease the 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-HCC) serum level, serum concentration of calcium and inorganic phosphate, and the enzyme activity of alkaline phosphatase were measured. Furthermore the activity index of Crohn's disease was determined in every patient. There was no statistically significant difference of 25-HCC serum levels in these patients compared to a healthy control group. Correspondingly most patients showed normal alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity and normal serum concentration of calcium and inorganic phosphate. No correlation between 25-HCC concentration and site of inflammation or activity index was found.  相似文献   

In a case control study, serum levels of thrombopoietin (TPO) were determined by a sandwich ELISA in 20 patients (median age, 7 years; range, 2-56 years) with various malignancies who received high-dose chemotherapy and a stem cell rescue operation. The patients received two different transplant modalities: (a) 12 patients received purified autologous peripheral blood CD34+ cells; and (b) 8 patients received cells in the CD34(-) fraction, which still contains many CD34+ cells. No significant differences were observed between the two groups with regard to the duration required to achieve an absolute granulocyte count of >0.5 x 10(9)/liter, the duration of dependence on platelet transfusion, or the number of platelet transfusions. In both groups, the serum TPO levels were inversely correlated with the circulating platelet count. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that significant determinants of the serum TPO level included the circulating platelet count (standardized regression coefficient = -0.5179), transplantation with cells in the CD34(-) fraction (0.2414), solid tumor (0.1420), and the age of the patient (-0.1236; r2 = 0.3021; P < 0.0001). These results suggest that the mode of stem cell support (ie., the presence of accessory cells in the inoculum), age, or the type of preceding chemotherapy affects serum TPO levels after transplantation.  相似文献   

In a group of 16 patients, receiving chenic acid (20 mg/kg/day) and phenobarbital (60 mg/day) for gallstone dissolution, three patients were observed to develop a marked increase in serum levels of SGOT-SGPT and alkaline phosphatase without associated symptoms. Liver biopsy in one patient showed cellular infiltration with neutrophils and eosinophils, suggestive of a hypersensitivity reaction. Enzyme levels returned to normal, following cessation of chenotherapy, and a second biopsy 3 months later was normal. In that patient a challenge with chenic acid, at 250 mg/day, was again followed by a marked elevation in levels of SGOT-SGPT and alkaline phosphatase. These patients are the first to show marked elevation in liver enzyme levels during chenotherapy; the mechanism and significance are unclear.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nitrogen balance in patients who need high-dose administration of insulin has not been evaluated clinically. The purpose of this study was to compare the difference in nitrogen balance between burn patients who received high-dose administration of insulin and those who did not. METHODS: This study was performed in 19 severely burned adults with no liver or kidney failure. Patients were divided into two groups on the basis of the mean ratio of administered insulin and calorie intake (I/C) for the initial 4 weeks, a high I/C group (n = 9) and a low I/C group (n = 10). There were no significant differences between the two groups regarding age, percentage of area burned, and body weight. Nitrogen balance, blood urea nitrogen, and urine urea nitrogen were measured in all patients. Plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, glucagon, cortisol, and urinary excretion of 3-methyl-histidine were measured in 12 patients (six in each group). RESULTS: Until day 10 both groups exhibited similar changes in plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, glucagon, and cortisol. Subsequently, plasma concentrations of insulin and glucagon began to decrease in the low I/C group, whereas a high level was sustained in the high I/C group (p < 0.05). Plasma glucose and cortisol measurements showed no significant differences between the two groups. Blood urea nitrogen levels and urinary excretion of 3-methyl-histidine were not different between the two groups. Urine urea nitrogen excretion in the high I/C group, however, was significantly lower than that in the low I/C group from day 8 (p < 0.05). Thus the high I/C group achieved positive nitrogen balance more quickly than the low I/C group. Paradoxically, however, the high I/C group was at higher risk of septic complications and exhibited higher mortality than the low I/C group (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that an improvement in nitrogen balance, which is accepted as a good thing in the management of critically ill patients, is not necessarily good in the high I/C group and that residual nitrogen was retained within the body in the high I/C group.  相似文献   

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is characterized by significant morbidity and early mortality. Children with this hemoglobinopathy exhibit many of the manifestations associated with immunodeficiency disorders. Serum was obtained from 56 healthy SCD subjects and 45 normal healthy controls. Type 2 cytokines interleukin (IL)-4, IL-6, and IL-10 serum levels were measured. Concentrations were determined by reference to a standard curve, and results were expressed in pg/mL. Results revealed significant levels of IL-4 in 6 (13%) of 45 SCD patients compared with 1 (2%) of 45 controls. Increased levels of IL-6 were present in 35 (78%) of 45 SCD patients and 12 (41%) of 29 controls. Elevated levels of IL-10 were detectable in 13 (41%) of 42 SCD patients and 1 (4%) of 25 controls. High circulating levels of type 2 cytokines may suppress both humoral and cell-mediated immune functions in SCD, with resultant increased morbidity.  相似文献   

The capacity of four Mycobacterium tuberculosis recombinant antigens to elicit proliferation and cytokine production by human T cells was evaluated. Proliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to all antigens were greater in healthy tuberculin reactors than in pulmonary tuberculosis patients, and proliferative responses of pleural fluid cells were greater than those of PBMC from patients with tuberculous pleuritis. The proliferative responses to the four recombinant antigens were similar in all patient groups, and there was no selective unresponsiveness to any antigen in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. The 38-kDa antigen induced less interferon-gamma than did the 10-, 30-, and 65-kDa antigens, and all four antigens induced similar amounts of interleukin-10. These results suggest that none of the four recombinant antigens are immunodominant, and that the 10-, 30-, and 65-kDa antigens are similar in their capacity to induce a potentially protective Th1-like response.  相似文献   

Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) of the hand are rare in children and adolescents. From 1965 through 1995, 18 children with STS of the hand were treated at our institution. Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) was diagnosed in 11 patients; alveolar histological results predominated (7 of 11 cases). Seven patients presented with metastatic disease and died 4 to 23 months (median, 9 months) from diagnosis; their surgical treatment comprised above-elbow amputation (n = 1), local excision (n = 1), and biopsy (n = 5). For the four patients who presented with localized RMS, surgery consisted of wide local excision (n = 1), local excision (n = 2), or ray amputation (n = 1). With an average follow-up of 5.5 years (range, 4 months to 18 years), 3 of the 11 patients diagnosed with RMS still survive (27%). The remaining seven patients presented with nonrhabdomyosarcomatous soft tissue sarcoma (NRSTS); the most common histological variants were epithelioid and malignant fibrous histiocytoma (two cases each). Surgical treatment for these patients comprised ray amputation (n = 3), wide local excision (n = 3), excisional biopsy (n = 1), and regional lymph node dissection (n = 3). One patient received adjuvant multiagent chemotherapy; three patients received supplemental radiotherapy. Six of the seven (85%) patients are alive with no evidence of disease at an average follow-up of 4.7 years (range, 6 months to 12 years).  相似文献   

Cholesterol synthesis (HMG-CoA reductase) inhibitors have proven their value in preventing cardiovascular events, especially in patients with manifest coronary heart disease. Besides cholesterol lowering a number of effects have been described which may contribute to the beneficial influence of these agents on the process of atherosclerosis. Measurement of serum lipids is still necessary for various reasons, namely, to know the degree of elevation in serum cholesterol and specific disturbances in lipid metabolism, the extent to which serum lipids must be lowered and the compliance with cholesterol lowering therapy.  相似文献   

We carried out a randomized, single-blind, cross-over trial to compare the antiemetic effect, for both acute and delayed emesis, of granisetron plus dexamethasone (GRN+Dx) with that of high-dose metoclopramide plus dexamethasone (HDMP+Dx). Fifty-four patients with primary or metastatic lung cancer, given single-dose cisplatin (> 80 mg/m2) chemotherapy more than twice, were enrolled in this study. They were treated with both HDMP+Dx and GRN+Dx in two consecutive chemotherapy courses. On day 1, patients experienced a mean of 2.5 (SD = 4.3) and 0.1 (SD = 0.4) episodes of vomiting in the HDMP+Dx and the GRN+Dx groups, respectively (P = 0.0008). Complete response rate on day 1 was 45 and 90% in the HDMP+Dx and the GRN+Dx groups, respectively (P = 0.0001). Patients treated with GRN+Dx had a tendency to suffer more episodes of vomiting than the HDMP+Dx group on days 2-5, but it was not statistically significant. Twenty-four patients (57%) preferred the GRN+Dx treatment and 14 patients (33%), HDMP+Dx. In the HDMP+Dx group, nine patients (21%) had an extrapyramidal reaction, and 5 patients (12%) had constipation that lasted for at least two days. In contrast, no patients had extrapyramidal reactions, and 18 patients (43%) had constipation in the GRN+Dx group (P < 0.01). GRN+Dx was more effective than HDMP+Dx only in preventing the acute emesis induced by cisplatin. An effective treatment for delayed emesis is still needed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of a dedicated permanent pacemaker implantation procedure room on waiting time and waiting time-related morbidity. DESIGN: Retrospective chart review. SETTING: Two tertiary care teaching hospitals in southern Ontario; one with a dedicated procedure room (centre B) and one without (centre A). PATIENTS: Two hundred and fourteen consecutive patients who required permanent pacing urgently or emergently. METHODS: Charts were examined retrospectively at centre A (131 patients) and centre B (83 patients) to determine the waiting time for and the number of preoperative adverse events in nonelective permanent pacemaker implantation. RESULTS: Patients in centre A waited a mean of 4.5 +/- 3.0 days while patients in centre B waited a mean of 1.9 +/- 1.6 days (P = 0.0001). Centre A patients experienced a total of 57 adverse events that were likely or possibly related to the waiting period, while patients at centre B experienced eight such events (P < 0.0001). Thirty-three per cent of the centre A patients experienced at least one adverse event, while 8% of centre B patients experienced at least one adverse event (P < 0.00001). Of the centre A patients who waited for more than six days (26 patients), 58% had at least one adverse event, compared with 26% of those who waited less than six days (105 patients, P = 0.0009). CONCLUSIONS: Delays in implanting nonelective permanent pacemakers are strongly associated with an increase in adverse events. Measures to shorten the waiting time are likely to result in a reduction in morbidity in conjunction with a beneficial impact on health care resource utilization.  相似文献   

Cryopreserved skin must be used immediately after thawing or discarded owing to rapid post-thaw deterioration in viability. This is inconvenient and wasteful. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether release of protease enzymes from cryogenically damaged cells or the action of free radicals on skin cells, is the cause of this deterioration. Following thawing. skin was incubated for 24 h at 4 degrees C in a range of protease inhibitors and free radical inhibitors/scavengers. The rate of deterioration was significantly reduced by using complex treatments including addition of serum, egg white and raised pH. These treatments are known to inhibit various groups of protease enzymes but would clearly have additional effects on the cells. Of the remaining treatments most of the specific protease inhibitors improved viability although not significantly. Treatments designed to inhibit or scavenge free radicals had little or no effect.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the quantitative determination of haloperidol in brain and other tissues. Such determinations have been made after acute and chronic administration of haloperidol to Sprague-Dawley rats. Different regions of the brain including the striatum, the limbic forebrain and the cerebellum have been analyzed separately. The haloperidol effects on Dopa formation have been studied in the same tissue samples. The stimulation of prolactin secretion via blockade of hypothalamic dopaminergic mechanisms and behavioural effects of the drug have been evaluated in parallel experiments. The elimination of haloperidol from brain tissue is a multiphasic process. The fourth phase of elimination is the slowest with a half life of 4 days. No strict correlation was found between serum and brain concentrations of haloperidol. Both after acute and chronic administration there exists apparently a saturating dose above which the brain concentration of the drug increases very little. The dose seems to coincide with that beyond which little increase in Dopa formation is observed. A pharmacokinetic analysis suggests an element of saturable binding or transfer of haloperidol to brain tissue. This mechanism is not preferentially localized to areas of brain rich in dopaminergic synapses. A good correlation was found between the haloperidol concentration in the brain on the one hand and its effects on behaviour, on serum prolactin values and on Dopa formation on the other.  相似文献   

In order to assess whether doses or serum levels are predictive for the efficacy and adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), measures for exposure to drug combinations have to be used. For doses, the ratio of the observed prescribed daily dose (PDD) and the average defined daily dose (DDD) considered effective for the main indication of the drug was used. In analogy for serum levels, the OSL/ATL ratio, i.e. the ratio of the observed serum level and the average therapeutic level was used. In polypharmacy these ratios can be summed as the are normalized measures of strength. The correlations of these ratios with outcome measures were studied in 200 patients attending out-patient clinics of special centres for epilepsy; half of these patients were treated with monopharmacy and half with polypharmacy. As outcome measures the following indices were used: the index of seizures, which quantifies seizure type and frequency, the seizure activity index, the neurotoxicity score, the systemic toxicity score, and the composite index of impairments, which is the sum of the seizure activity index and the neurotoxicity score and the systemic toxicity score. When all data were pooled, the correlation coefficient between the PDD/DDD ratio and the OSL/ATL ratio was 0.77. However, when the data were examined separately for the monopharmacy and polypharmacy groups, the correlation was 0.31 for the monopharmacy group and 0.50 for the polypharmacy group. Neither the PDD/DDD ratio nor the OSL/ATL ratio correlated with the composite index of impairments or with any of the individual indices. Factors such as the difficulty of titrating the endpoint of seizure suppression and the development of tolerance to adverse drug effects may perhaps be responsible for these findings. This observational study signals the problem.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hypersensitivity reactions to rifampin are relatively uncommon, but they may result in cessation of therapeutic medications. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We report our experience with oral desensitization protocol to rifampin in a group of 35 HIV-positive patients with mycobacterial disease who had some hypersensitivity reaction to this drug. RESULTS: Adverse reactions with this protocol were few and easily treated. CONCLUSIONS: Oral desensitization to rifampin is safe and effective, allowing some of these patients (60%) to reintroduce the drug and to reduce the time of treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Continuous infusion of 2'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine (FUdR) has shown promise in its activity against metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Its side-effect profile is dominated by gastrointestinal toxicity; there are no known adverse pulmonary reactions. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report on the development of lung toxicity in three patients receiving FUdR-infusion chemotherapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma. METHODS: The hospital charts of three patients presenting with pulmonary symptoms during FUdR chemotherapy were reviewed. A literature search was performed regarding FUdR-related pulmonary toxicity. RESULTS: Nonproductive cough, dyspnea, and fever appeared within the 10th chemotherapy cycle. Chest radiographs showed interstitial disease in each case, accompanied by a restrictive pattern by pulmonary-function testing. Lung biopsies were performed on two patients showing a pattern of interstitial inflammation. Discontinuing FUdR and instituting steroidal therapy invariably improved symptoms, as was evident by chest radiographs and pulmonary function tests. In one patient, resuming FUdR treatment resulted in a recurrence of the respiratory symptoms, which was controlled with an increased steroidal dose. All three patients required low dose steroids to maintain their baseline respiratory functions. CONCLUSIONS: 2'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine-related lung toxicity is an uncommon event and occurs late in the treatment course. It is rapidly symptomatic and responds readily to steroidal therapy.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the prevalence of iron overload in chronic hepatitis C and its relationship with liver histology. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Serum iron, unsaturated iron binding capacity and ferritin levels were determined in 204 consecutive anti-hepatitis C virus positive subjects, whereas hepatic iron concentration, hepatic histological grading and staging, hepatitis C virus genotypes were further assessed in a subgroup of 50 patients who underwent liver biopsy for chronic hepatitis. RESULTS: An increase in the serum markers of iron metabolism was more frequently found in subjects with aminotransferase activities above the normal range, whereas hepatic iron overload, established by direct hepatic iron determination, was found only in 9/50 (18%) patients with chronic hepatitis C. No serum iron marker could reliably predict hepatic iron stores. Patients with mild iron overload usually showed active hepatitis and fibrosis, whereas iron overload was not present in patients without fibrosis or with very mild fibrosis. Two out of nine patients with iron overload were shown to be beta thalassaemia heterozygous, and two were heterozygous carriers of a putative haemochromatosis gene mutation (His63Asp). CONCLUSIONS: Many anti-hepatitis C virus positive patients with elevated aminotransferase activities have serum ferritin levels above the normal range, but only a minority of patients with chronic hepatitis C have a mild iron overload. In chronic hepatitis C, a relationship does exist between hepatic iron content and liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old boy with a paratesticular embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma and a large thrombus into the inferior vena cava reaching the suprahepatic vein is presented. We used cardiopulmonary bypass with deep hypothermic circulatory arrest to realize a complete exeresis of the tumor and thrombus, followed by systemic chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Ten years later the patient is alive and doing well without any sequelae.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha has been shown to induce shedding of ICAM-1. Experimental studies report that soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) may interfere with the host immunesurveillance system. Serum levels of TNF-alpha and sICAM-1 were determined by ELISA in 112 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Serum concentration of TNF-alpha and sICAM-1 were related to tumor burden and progression; a significant correlation was observed between circulating levels of TNF-alpha and sICAM-1. Our study suggests that ICAM-1 could be a marker of TNF-alpha activity and that high levels of these molecules may have a prognostic value in lung cancer.  相似文献   

Prolactin concentrations were measured in mixed cord blood of 782 newborn infants and related to the occurrence of the respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and maternal cardiovascular condition. Infants of 30 to 33 weeks' gestational age who developed RDS had significantly lower serum concentrations of prolactin than non-RDS infants within this same age range. No difference was observed between RDS and non-RDS infants at 34 to 36 weeks. Prolactin levels in infants delivered by preeclamptic women were greater than the levels in infants of normotensive women from 30 to 39 weeks' gestation. The levels were higher in the 40 to 42 weeks age group as well; however, the difference was not statistically significant. Infants of mothers with gestational hypertension also tended to have elevated serum prolactin concentrations. No differences were observed in infants of women presenting with a history of chronic hypertension. Within the RDS subgroups, serum prolactin levels were significantly greater in infants of preeclamptic women than in infants of normotensive women, being approximately equal to the levels in the non-RDS normotensive group.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Concerns about the risk of transfusion therapy are driving towards new strategies which are designed to minimize exposure to allogeneic blood products. We aimed to find out whether it is possible to support the phase of thrombocytopenia following high-dose chemotherapy (HDC) and circulating progenitor cells (CPC) transplantation by autologous platelet concentrates (PC). DESIGN AND METHODS: PC were collected from 32 patients undergoing HDC and CPC transplantation for stage II/III breast cancer. A single plateletpheresis was performed at rebound after high-dose cyclophosphamide, when platelet count exceeded 250 x 10(9)/L. PC were cryopreserved in 5% DMSO after controlled-rate freezing and stored in liquid nitrogen. In vitro studies of cryopreserved platelets (aggregation, ATP release and change of mean platelet volume induced by EDTA) were performed. When platelet counts dropped below 20 x 10(9)/L following HDC (thiotepa 600 mg/m2, L-PAM 160 mg/m2) and CPC transplant (CD34+ cells > 5 x 10(6)/kg), PC were thawed in a 37 degrees C water bath, centrifuged to remove DMSO, resuspended in autologous plasma and reinfused within one hour. RESULTS: Large quantities of platelets were harvested in all patients (median 6.6 x 10(11), range 4.8-12.2). In vitro studies showed preserved platelet function as compared to both fresh platelets and standard PC. Twenty-eight out of 32 patients received autologous PC. At the time of transfusion most of the patients were febrile (> 38 degrees C) and had mucositis > G2. The median number of platelets reinfused was 3.8 x 10(11) (range 2.0-8.1) with a median loss during the freeze-thaw-wash procedure of 37%. Autotransfusion was able to maintain platelet count above 20 x 10(9)/L in most patients, with a corrected count increment > 7.5 in 20 cases. Four patients required one additional allogeneic transfusion, two because of a poor increment and two due to a late-occurring epistaxis. No side effects related to PC infusion were recorded. Sixteen control patients who received the same HDC and a similar number of CD34+ cells required a total of 17 allogeneic PC units (1 patient did not require platelet transfusion). INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that large doses of autologous platelets can easily be collected and safely administered to support the period of thrombocytopenia in patients undergoing HDC and CPC transplantation. Autologous PC in these patients can abrogate the risks deriving from allogeneic platelet transfusion.  相似文献   

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