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我国成立的第一家仿真中心中国航天科工集团二院北京仿真中心4月2日迎来了20周岁"生日"。20年来,我国仿真技术取得了跨越式发展,已达国际先进水平。  相似文献   

我国多重PCR技术达国际先进水平西安第四军医大学基因诊断技术应用研究所在研究基因诊断技术领域取得重大突玻。他们研究建立的多重PCR技术,在肝类病毒、肠道传染病、性病或战伤细菌感染等疾病的诊断方面达到国际先进水平。这一重要成果为诊治多种病症提供了新的科...  相似文献   

据媒体报道,江苏省昆山工研院华科生物高分子材料研究所将生物高分子材料运用于重金属废水处理,近日获得成功。这项名为基于生物技术的工业重金属废水处理——中水回用系统的成果是由昆山工研院华科所和昆山生隆科技有限公司  相似文献   

中国水泥协会在浙江江山市举行新闻发布会,向来自业内外的新闻媒体及水泥企业发布,中国建材集团合肥水泥研究设计院中亚建材装备有限责任公司研制的国内最大的  相似文献   

由同济大学完成的“难降解工业废水预处理新工艺——催化还原内电解法的研究”,日前通过技术鉴定。与会专家对这一新型的污水处理技术表现出极大兴趣,认为成果属国际先进水平。 工业生产废水,如印染、纺织、皮革、纸浆和石油化工等废水中含有许多生物难降解物质,传统的生物氧化方法不能彻底解决有机物污染问题。针对这一现状,研究人员经过多年的机理分析及探索,提出了一种  相似文献   

<正>截至2010年1月,国内首套采用国外专利技术,生产超低硫汽油的生产装置——燕山石化120万吨/年催化汽油吸附脱硫(S-Zorb)装置已经连续运行了11个月,此前还曾创下连续运行15个月的历史纪录。与此同时,装置能耗、产品收  相似文献   

据报道,中科院长春应化所和甘肃银光聚银化工有限公司联手,经过4年艰苦攻关,成功开发出具有我国自主知识产权的500吨聚碳酸酯产业化新技术。据悉,该成果填补了国内一步光气界面法聚碳酸酯生产技术的空  相似文献   

甘肃凌云公司生产的纳米金刚石粉具有 4~ 16nm的颗粒尺寸 ,并具备接近天然金刚石的硬度 ,是理想的研磨材料。而在此基础上研制的抛光剂的外观、流变性能和储存稳定性良好。该纳米金刚石研磨膏对陶瓷球的研磨使其表面粗糙程度达到 6 .3nm ,优于常规的微米金刚石研磨膏 ,粗糙度已超过 3级 (最高级 )精度规定的 0 .0 12 μm。对碳钢的研磨试验结果表明 ,轮廓微观不平度只是用传统的研磨膏的 1/ 5 ,研磨时间从原来的 8~ 10h缩短到 2h。纳米金刚石粉研磨抛光剂达国际先进水平  相似文献   

据报道,中国矿业大学留美回国的翁家杰教授在液氮冻结温度场和液氮冻土特性等研究中,在世界上首次以数理关系形式揭示了液氮冻土发展规律和冻土冻结强度与冻结温度之间的应变关系,使我国在这一领域迈入世界先进行列。1992年中国矿业大学与中煤特殊凿井公司和上海隧道工程公司合作,首次在上海地铁工程中应用液氮冻结技术获得成功。翁家杰留学期间,利用有限差分和计算机模拟技  相似文献   

During International Children's Day,various kinds of children's productsbecame popular products in the market,especially children's clothing.Accord-ing to the China National Technical Committee of Standardization of Clothing,three new national standards of children's clothing have been approved and  相似文献   

There are several major technology standards, including audio video coding (AVS), automotive electronics, third generation (3G) mobile phones, mobile television, wireless networks and digital terrestrial television broadcasting, that have been released or are currently under development in China. This article offers a detailed analysis of each standard and studies their impact on China's high-technology industry.  相似文献   

从简单到复杂,从微观到宏观,从地方到全球,国际标准无处不在;从产品到服务,再到以国际标准为支撑的全球供应链条的各部分,国际标准无所不及。国际标准体系由国际标准化组织(ISO)、国际电工委员会(IEC)、国际电信联盟(ITU)组成,其功能就是将诸如效率、效力、经济、质量、生态、安全、可靠性、兼容性、互操作性等属性转换成产品和服务在生产、供应以及使用方面的具体特性。因此,三大组织的工作就是开发出切实可行的解决方案,帮助企业、政府、社会面对技术和经济挑战,并将这些解决方案作为国际标准进行出版。国际标准规范下的产品和服务需…  相似文献   

The World Standards Day began in 1970.From 1986,ISO President started to deliver a speech to the world onthe World Standards Day.From 1988,IEC President and ISO President jointly delivered the speech for the World Standards Day.From 1993,the ITU SecretaryGeneral also joined them for the speech on World Standards Day.The 3 most influential international standardization organizations have jointly promoted the World Standards Day,and the theme of every year's speech clearly suggests the development course and trend of standardization.  相似文献   

On October 14,the World Standards Day 2011 Ceremony was held in Beijing.Zhi Shuping,Minister and Secretary of the Leading Party Group of AQSIQ,Hong Feng,Deputy Mayor of Beijing,Liu Lihua,Vice Minister of Ministry of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,and Chen Gang,Member of the Leading Party Group of AQSIQ and Administrator of SAC,attended the meeting and gave speeches.Vice Administrator of SAC Shi Baoquan presided at the meeting.Vice Administrator of SAC,Sun Bo and Fang Xiang,and Chief Engineer of SAC,Yu Xinli,also attended the meeting.  相似文献   

<正>October 14 is a big day for standardizers across the globe every year, as it is the World Standards Day(WSD) to spread the value and importance of standards and pay tribute to the collaborative efforts of thousands of experts worldwide who develop standards. China regards the WSD as a good opportunity to raise the public’s awareness about standards. In 2023, a themed event was held in Liuzhou city, South China’s Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, which played a crucial role in promoting ...  相似文献   

<正>SAC organized the themed celebration activity for World Standards Day 2017 in Beijing on October 15.This year's theme of World Standards Day isstandards make cities smarterjointly decided by IEC,ISO and ITU,while the theme of China's celebration isstandardization for better quality.China's theme on WSD is designed to actively carry out the national quality improvement action and promote the action through standards on a larger scale,said SAC Administrator Tian Shihong.  相似文献   

Recently, in celebration of the World Standards Day, the result of the WSD Essay Contest hosted by SAC and China Standardization Press (CSP) was announced, with altogether 30 excellent essays awarded.  相似文献   

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