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The technique of transient electrical birefringence was used to compare some of the electric and structural dynamic properties of myosin subfragment 1 (S1(elc, rlc)), which has both the essential and regulatory light chains bound, to S1(elc), which has only an essential light chain. The rates of rotational Brownian motion indicate that S1(elc, rlc) is larger, as expected. The permanent electric dipole moment of S1(elc, rlc) is also larger, indicating that the regulatory light chain portion of S1(elc, rlc) has a dipole moment and that it is aligned head-to-tail with the dipole moment of the S1(elc) portion. The permanent electric dipoles decrease with increasing ionic strength, apparently because of ion binding to surface charges. Both S1(elc, rlc) and S1(elc) have intrinsic segmental flexibility, as detected by the ability to selectively align segments with a brief weak electric field. However, unlike S1(elc), which can be structurally distorted by the action of a brief strong electric field, S1(elc, rlc) is stiffer and cannot be distorted by fields as high as 7800 V/cm applied to its approximately 8000 D permanent electric dipole moment. The S1 . MgADP . Pi analog S1 . MgADP . Vi is smaller than S1 . MgADP, for both S1(elc, rlc) and S1(elc). Interestingly, the smaller, stiffer S1(elc, rlc) . MgADP . Vi complex retains intrinsic segmental flexibility. These results are discussed within a framework of current hypotheses of force-producing mechanisms that involve S1 segmental motion and/or the loss of cross-bridge flexibility during force production.  相似文献   

A recently developed, real-time spectroscopic technique, burst-integrated fluorescence lifetime (BIFL), is shown to be well suited for monitoring the individual molecular conformational dynamics of a single molecule diffusing through the microscopic, open measurement volume (approximately 10 fl) of a confocal epi-illuminated set-up. In a highly diluted aqueous solution of 20-mer oligonucleotide strand of DNA duplex labeled with the environment-sensitive fluorescent dye tetramethylrhodamine (TMR), fluorescence bursts indicating traces of individual molecules are registered and further subjected to selective burst analysis. The two-dimensional BIFL data allow the identification and detection of different temporally resolved conformational states. A complementary autocorrelation analysis was performed on the time-dependent fluctuations in fluorescence lifetime and intensity. The consistent results strongly support the hypothesized three-state model of the conformational dynamics of the TMR-DNA duplex with a polar, a nonpolar, and a quenching environment of TMR.  相似文献   

Many biological systems have multiple fluorophores that experience multiple depolarizing motions, requiring multiple lifetimes and correlation times to define the fluorescence intensity and anisotropy decays, respectively. To simplify analyses, an assumption often made is that all fluorophores experience all depolarizing motions. However, this assumption usually is invalid, because each lifetime is not necessarily associated with each correlation time. To help establish the correct associations and recover accurate kinetic parameters, a general kinetic scheme that can examine all possible associations is presented. Using synthetic data sets, the ability of the scheme to discriminate among all nine association models possible for two lifetimes and two correlation times has been evaluated. Correct determination of the association model, and accurate recovery of the decay parameters, required the global analysis of related data sets. This general kinetic scheme was then used for global analyses of liver alcohol dehydrogenase anisotropy data sets. The results indicate that only one of the two tryptophan residues in each subunit is depolarized by process(es) independent of the enzyme's rotations. By applying the proper kinetic scheme and appropriate analysis procedures to time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy data, it is therefore possible to examine the dynamics of specific portions of a macromolecule in solution.  相似文献   

The interaction between retinol-binding proteins and prealbumins of human and chicken was studied by fluorescence polarization techniques. The binding affinity between chicken plasma retinol-binding protein and chicken prealbumin was essentially the same as between the respective human proteins. Human urine retinol-binding protein displayed a similar affinity, though possibly slightly smaller than that of the human plasma protein, toward human prealbumin. Retinol-binding proteins and prealbumins of human and chicken have been found to cross-interact displaying an affinity similar to that displayed by the proteins of the same species. Solution of a binding equation which assumes identical, independent sites, indicated that the number of binding sites on prealbumin for retinol-binding protein is somewhat less than 2 with the human system, and in the neighborhood of 4 with the chicken system. A possible interpretation suggests that prealbumin possesses four identical binding sites for retinol-binding protein, one for each subunit, but that the binding is of a negative cooperative nature. A major share of the negative cooperativity is likely to result from steric hindrance induced by already bound retinol-binding protein molecules, which have a sizable volume compared to the volume of the prealbumin molecule. The cooperativity is likely to be more pronounced with the human system. Rotational relaxation times derived from Perrin plots suggest that 1:1 molecular complexes of retinol-binding proteins with prealbumins have a compact structure.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis with immobilized pH gradient 4-8 in the first dimension was applied in the analysis of Alzheimer's disease brain proteins. The silver-stained 2-D maps of extracts from the frontal cerebral cortex were examined. About 800 and 550 protein spots could be observed on the electrophoretograms from the total and buffer-soluble fractions, respectively. In comparing the gels, four protein spots could now be detected which had either been hitherto undetectable (one spot) or which were weaker (two spots) or stronger (one spot) in density (in the controls) [corrected].  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of planar supported membranes were studied by using the fluorescence probe Nile red. The width of fluorescence lifetime distribution of Nile red was used to infer the heterogeneity of membranes. The width of fluorescence lifetime was larger and the lifetime was shorter in supported membranes when compared to vesicle membranes. This was interpreted as due to the presence of water-filled membrane discontinuity leading to a heterogeneous surface in supported membranes. Microdomain causing agents such as cholesterol, sphingomyelin, etc. caused a larger level of heterogeneity in supported membranes when compared to vesicle membranes.  相似文献   

The global embedding dimension (dE) and the local dynamical dimension (dL) are calculated from the microphone and electroglottographic (EGG) signals elicited from five healthy subjects and seven dysphonic subjects with laryngeal pathology during phonation of sustained/a/. The data from each pathologic subject contain at least one bifurcation and are divided into periodic and irregular segments for analysis. The dE values from both the microphone and EGG signals elicited from the healthy subjects indicate that a relatively small coordinate space can be used to reconstruct the attractor, with little residual noise. Consistent across all healthy subjects, three dominant degrees of freedom (dL) are found to govern local dynamics of the trajectories on the attractor. From the pathologic subjects, many of the dE values suggest the presence of a high-dimensional component in the signals. However, the noise does not completely obscure the deterministic dynamics of the source signal or prevent extraction of an optimal global embedding dimension. The data do not reveal consistent differences in degrees of freedom between healthy and pathologic phonation, or between different modes of pathologic phonation. However, the dL values suggest that the pathologic vocal fold vibration of these subjects, even highly irregular vibration, is governed locally by a low number of dominant degrees of freedom, sometimes no greater than those calculated from the signals of healthy subjects. Only in the cases of severe breathiness are the microphone and EGG signals sufficiently contaminated by noise to obscure any deterministic component.  相似文献   

The atomic force microscope (AFM) was employed to investigate the extension and retraction dynamics of protruding and stable edges of motile 3T3 fibroblasts in culture. Such dynamics closely paralleled the results of earlier studies employing video microscopy that indicated that the AFM force-mapping technique does not appreciably perturb these dynamics. Force scans permitted height determinations of active and stable edges. Whereas the profiles of active edges are flat with average heights of 0.4-0.8 micrometer, stable edges smoothly ascend to 2-3 micrometers within about 6 micrometers of the edge. In the region of the leading edge, the height fluctuates up to 50% (SD) of the mean value, much more than the stable edge; this fluctuation presumably reflects differences in underlying cytoskeletal activity. In addition, force mapping yields an estimate of the local Young's modulus or modulus of elasticity (E, the cortical stiffness). This stiffness will be related to "cortical tension," can be accurately calculated for the stable edges, and is approximately 12 kPa in this case. The thinness of the leading edge precludes accurate estimation of the E values, but within 4 micrometers of the margin it is considerably smaller than that for stable edges, which have an upper limit of 3-5 kPa. Although blebbing cannot absolutely be ruled out as a mechanism of extension, the data are consistent with an actin polymerization and/or myosin motor mechanism in which the average material properties of the extending margin would be nearly constant to the edge. Because the leading edge is softer than the stable edge, these data also are consistent with the notion that extension preferentially occurs in regions of lower cortical tension.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial activity of a new super-oxidized water, Sterilox, has been tested against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, Mycobacterium chelonae, Escherichia coli (including type O157), Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis var niger spores, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, poliovirus type 2 and human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1. Under clean conditions, freshly generated Sterilox was found to be highly active against all these micro-organisms giving a 5 log10 (99.999%) or greater reduction in two minutes or less.  相似文献   

We describe practical aspects of photobleaching fluorescence energy transfer measurements on individual living cells. The method introduced by T. M. Jovin and co-workers (see, most recently, Kubitscheck et al. 1993. Biophys. J. 64:110) is based on the reduced rate of irreversible photobleaching of donor fluorophores when acceptor fluorophores are present. Measuring differences in donor photobleaching rates on cells labeled with donor only (fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated proteins) and with both donor and acceptor (tetramethylrhodamine-conjugated proteins) allows calculation of the fluorescence energy transfer efficiency. We assess possible methods of data analysis in light of the underlying processes of photobleaching and energy transfer and suggest optimum strategies for this purpose. Single murine B lymphocytes binding various ratios of donor and acceptor conjugates of tetravalent concanavalin A (Con A) and divalent succinyl Con A were examined for interlectin energy transfer by these methods. For Con A, a maximum transfer efficiency of 0.49 +/- 0.02 was observed. Under similar conditions flow cytometric measurements of donor quenching yielded a value of 0.54 +/- 0.03. For succinyl Con A, the maximum transfer efficiency was 0.36. To provide concrete examples of quantities arising in such energy transfer determinations, we present examples of individual cell data and kinetic analyses, population rate constant distributions, and error estimates for the various quantities involved.  相似文献   

A fluorescent study of some structural and functional properties of conjugates of a number of proteins (bovine serum albumin, pyruvate kinase, alpha-chymotrypsin, and the two toxic proteins of plant origin--ricin and viscumin) with polyalkylene oxides (polyethylene glycol and pluronic) has been carried out. Analysis of the intrinsic protein fluorescence showed that the structure and stability of various protein conjugates to denaturing agents change only slightly: the conformational mobility of tryptophan residues accessible to the solvent decreases, whereas that of tryptophan residues localized in the protein regions of low polarity remains unchanged. Besides, the conjugates display a higher thermal stability in comparison with their native proteins. The fluorescence of 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid and water insoluble 2',3',4',5'-tetrabenzoylriboflavin bound to the native and modified proteins indicated that modification of the proteins with polyalkylene oxides decreased the polarity and increased the viscosity of the microenvironment. Hence, this modification makes it possible to change some functional characteristics of the protein without causing any significant changes in its structure.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effect of a bipolar ablation probe on experimentally roughened articular cartilage and compare it with the traditional mechanical shaving technique using the knee joint of sheep. Twenty-eight skeletally mature ewes were divided randomly into two groups: one group was treated with a rotating shaving device and another group was treated using the bipolar ablation probe (Bipolar Arthroscopic Probe; Electroscope, Inc, Boulder, CO). Animals were killed at 0, 6, 12, and 24 weeks, and histological sections of the experimental limbs were compared with sections of the opposite limb using a modified Mankin scale. The following variables were used to determine scores: surface (0-6), cells (0-4), hypocellularity (0-3), matrix staining (transitional zone [0-4], radiate zone [0-4], and focal empty lacunae or hypereosinophilic cells (0-3). Differences in scores for all response variables were calculated as treated limb minus sham limb. Response variables were formed: score >0 recoded as 1 (favorable response treated better than sham), score of 0 recoded as 2 (neutral response no differences), and score <0 recoded as 3 (unfavorable response treated worse than sham). Bipolar ablative probe-treated limbs had 14.29% favorable responses and 35.71% favorable or neutral responses, whereas shave-treated limbs had 0% favorable and only 7.14% favorable or neutral responses. For all variables, bipolar ablative probe-treated limbs had more favorable responses. The less severe histological change in the bipolar ablative probe-treated joints compared with the shave-treated joints suggests that bipolar ablation of articular cartilage may be a better treatment for chondromalacia than the usual shaving methods of debridement. Further, there were no pathological changes in the subchondral bone.  相似文献   

Thioglycosides of D-galactose, D-glucose, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, and D-mannose were covalently attached to Aspergillus oryzae alpha-amylase, hen's eggs lysozyme, and bovine serum albumin by amidination, diazo coupling, and amide formation. The binding of the newly formed glycoproteins (neoglycoproteins) to rabbit liver membranes was measured, using asialoorosomucoid as a reference. Attachment of D-galactosides by any of the three methods enhanced binding by several orders of magnitude. Coupling of a comparable number of D-mannosides or N-acetyl-D-glucosaminides had little or no effect. Attachment of D-glucosides also enhanced binding but to a variable extent depending on the method of attachment. Thus, the behavior of neoglycoproteins toward rabbit liver membranes closely paralleled that of serum glycoproteins (Ashwell and Morell, 1974) with respect to sugar specificity.  相似文献   

To achieve a stable, sensitive, and high-efficiency biological probe, a novel NaYF_4:Yb,Er nanocrystals/TiO_2 inverse opal composite film was designed by self-assembly and solvent evaporation methods. 32-fold enhanced upconversion(UC) emission was investigated under 980 nm excitation. According to size-dependency, excitation power density-dependency as well as photonic stop band(PSB)-dependency upconversion spectra, the enhancement mechanism of the composite film was put down to the stochastical diffraction of IOPCs multi-layered structure to the excitation laser. On the basis of the enhancement effect of the composite film, energy transfer between upconversion nanoparticles(UCNPs) and quantum dots(QDs), and the sensitive sensing of CdTe QDs on mercury, the UC composite film was used for sensing of Hg~(2+) in serum. The solid sensor as a mercury detector owns lots of superiorities such as feasible operation, good linear relationship(R=0.997), low limit of detection(70.5 nmol/L) and thus may have broad prospects in the biosensing field.  相似文献   

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