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The decentralized polytechnical patent library of the Technische Hochschule Ilmenau (GDR) is from the point of view of its structure and the nature of its services characterized by: a stock of documents limited in volume and optimized as far as contents and access are concerned and a computerized search system through which state-of-the-art searches and preliminary novelty and infringement searches can be carried out rapidly and in a cost-efficient way.The criteria for selecting the documents stocked, the approach to computerized analysis of documents and the search strategy are explained in detail. At present the system is being tested in the area of information technology.  相似文献   

The small angle neutron scattering technique is a valuable method for the characterization of morphology of various materials. It can probe inhomogeneities in the sample (whether occurring naturally or introduced through isotopic substitution) at a length scale from the atomic size (nanometers) to the macroscopic (micrometers) size. This work provides an overview of the small angle neutron scattering facilities at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and a review of the technique as it has been applied to polymer systems, biological macromolecules, ceramic, and metallic materials. Specific examples have been included.  相似文献   

The Trade Act of 1988 created the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) from the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). In addition to explicitly defining and reconfirming the traditional measurement services, the law assigned new responsibilities to NIST to assist U.S. industry in capitalizing on new technologies developed in the U.S. scientific and technical community at a faster rate. This article decribes the new programs being established at NIST to comply with this mandate and the new organizational unit at NIST that brings together the traditional services and these new programs.  相似文献   

During the past year the activities of the Chemical Thermodynamics Data Center and the JANAF Thermochemical Tables project have been combined to obtain an extensive collection of thermodynamic information for many chemical species, including the elements. Currently available are extensive bibliographic collections and data files of heat capacity, enthalpy, vapor pressure, phase transitions, etc. Future plans related to materials science are to improve the metallic oxide temperature dependent tabulations, upgrade the recommended values periodically, and maintain the bibliographic citations and the thermochemical data current. The recommended thermochemical information is maintained on-line, and tied to the calculational routines within the data center. Recent thermodynamic evaluations on the elements and oxides will be discussed, as well as studies in related activities at NIST.  相似文献   

The author describes MIT and its Laboratory for Computer Science. He argues that with programming on several hundred advanced workstations and several multiprocessor systems, with construction of hardware prototypes, with industrial partnerships for the construction of systems too ambitious for the Laboratory facilities, and with analytical and theoretical work throughout, the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science is truly a dynamic and inspiring place  相似文献   


In 1937, László Moholy-Nagy planted the Bauhaus seed, a hybrid of art and mass production, in the soil of the American Midwest. The New Bauhaus in Chicago only survived a year, but its successor, first called the School of Design and then the Institute of Design (ID), would be an influential centre of photographic experimentation for the next thirty-five years. Taken by Design: Photographs from the Institute of Design, 1937–1971 traces the tumultuous history of the school's small but seminal photography programme, the work of its major instructors, and their combined influence on photography in the USA. The essays in this handsome catalogue tell the story of how the ID approach evolved, from Moholy's formalist view of photography as one of the design arts, into the arrival of the medium as an art form in its own right under Hany Callahan, Aaron Siskind and Arthur Siege!. Published to accompany David Travis and Elizabeth Siegel's exhibition of the same title for the Art Institute of Chicago, the book is the first comprehensive documentation of the vital contribution of the Institute of Design to the history of photography.  相似文献   

创建节约型社会,更加有效地利用现有能源(如电能)是我们一直追求的目标,随着人们对空调带来的舒适性的依赖越来越强,工业社会中空调的用电负荷成为众多国家的沉重负担,冰蓄冷技术是解决这一问题的重要技术手段,其诞生以来就受到国内外的持续关注。本文主要对冰蓄冷技术相关的中国专利申请进行分析,从申请量年度变化、专利申请类型、申请国家及地区分布、申请人类型构成、技术改进分析以及重要申请人分析等方面进行剖析,以期对该领域现有技术发展现状有所了解,并对今后该领域技术发展与研究重点提出建议与意见。  相似文献   

Recent developments for a new spectral irradiance scale realization at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have been targeted to reduce the present relative expanded uncertainties of 0.67 % to 4.34 % (coverage factor of k = 2 and thus a 2 standard deviation estimate) in the spectral irradiance scale to 0.17 % for the range from 350 nm to 1100 nm. To accomplish this goal, a suite of filter radiometers calibrated using NIST’s high accuracy cryogenic radiometer have been used to measure the temperature of a high-temperature black-body. A comparison of the filter radiometer calibrations with the spectral irradiance scale along with an evaluation of the black-body calibration technique have been performed. With the aid of a monochromator, the calibrated filter radiometers will then be utilized to calibrate primary and secondary spectral irradiance standard lamps at NIST.  相似文献   

Prior-art search is a critical step towards determining whether a patent can be granted or not. In 2016, an internal project called Search Workflow Modelling (SWM) was launched at the European Patent Office (EPO) for building a search knowledgebase, which contains a set of models that record not only the current situation on how patent examiners deal with prior-art search (i.e. the as-is models), but also their requirements of being able to do a more efficient and effective search (i.e. the to-be models). We use the Fact-based Modelling (FBM) approach for formalizing search ontologies, which cover a common vocabulary, relations between concepts related to search, and constraints applicable to these relations. We use a hybrid modelling approach of Business Process Modelling Notations and Case Management Model and Notations (BPMN/CMMN) to model search work flows. A patent search strategy typically involves at least one FBM model and at least one BPMN/CMMN model. In this paper, we will illustrate 5 types of existing search strategies (including recursive flow patterns and FBM models for future search features), and future search strategies. The SWM empirical studies in this paper are being put into practice in the ongoing projects concerning search tools at the EPO.  相似文献   

The in vivo monitoring laboratory (IVM) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), with one whole body counter and three partial-body counters, is an approved lab for individual monitoring according to German regulation. These approved labs are required to prove their competencies by accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2005. In 2007 a quality management system (QMS), which was successfully audited and granted accreditation, was set up at the IVM. The system is based on the ISO 9001 certified QMS of the central safety department of the Research Centre Karlsruhe the IVM belonged to at that time. The system itself was set up to be flexible and could be adapted to the recent organisational changes (e.g. founding of KIT and an institute for radiation research) with only minor effort.  相似文献   

人才战略、专利战略和技术标准战略是我国的三大科技发展战略.本文围绕这三大科技发展战略讨论了成组技术的作用,并讨论了三大科技发展战略中的成组技术的特点.  相似文献   

创建节约型社会,更加有效地利用现有能源(如电能)是我们一直追求的目标,随着人们对空调带来的舒适性的依赖越来越强,工业社会中空调的用电负荷成为众多国家的沉重负担,冰蓄冷技术是解决这一问题的重要技术手段,其诞生以来就受到国内外的持续关注。本文主要对冰蓄冷技术相关的中国专利申请进行分析,从申请量年度变化、专利申请类型、申请国家及地区分布、申请人类型构成、技术改进分析以及重要申请人分析等方面进行剖析,以期对该领域现有技术发展现状有所了解,并对今后该领域技术发展与研究重点提出建议与意见。  相似文献   

Studies on actinide extraction were initiated at the Khlopin Radium Institute in 1946 with the aim to recover weapons-grade plutonium using diethyl ether. However, only since 1976 the extraction procedures came into industrial use for reprocessing of irradiated uranium using solutions of TBP in chlorinated hydrocarbon diluents. Subsequently, the extraction processes were modified for reprocessing of NPP spent fuel, with partitioning of all the long-lived radionuclides. An extraction procedure employing chlorinated cobalt dicarbollide in combination with organophosphorus extractants (used successively or simultaneously) was developed for reprocessing of wastes from military industry. Other applications of extraction procedures are also discussed.  相似文献   

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