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JAF-40型射流气浮装置在热轧水处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
京唐钢铁联合有限责任公司2 250 mm热轧工程轧机冷却、冲氧化铁皮废水经过旋流井沉淀除浮油而无法去除乳化油,其含油50~100 mg/L,造成过滤器内滤料堵塞、板结。为此设计JAF-40型射流气浮装置去除其乳化油,达到最终出水含油小于10 mg/L的水质条件,经过滤器过滤后,较好地满足了废水循环回用的要求。根据现场的实际情况反馈,对该设备进行了一些改进,使设备实现了完全自动化控制。结果表明:设备操作方便,运行稳定,除油效果好。  相似文献   

小球藻在食品工业中的应用及小球藻食品的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了小球藻以其原粉和抽提物在食品工业中的应用,阐述了小球藻保健食品和风味食品的研制、开发和生产工艺。  相似文献   

射流浮选柱气泡发生器及其充气性能的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
根据射流泵原理设计了一种浮选柱气泡发生器,并对其充气性能进行了试验,研究了气泡发生器结果参数、流体压力、负压与柱内含气率的关系;探讨了浮选过程中浮选药剂浓度、矿浆浓度变化对含气率的影响.结果表明:气泡发生器的射流面积比对含气率有较大影响,最佳面积比为6~10;含气率随压力增高而增加,压力升到一定程度后,含气率趋于平稳;当气泡发生器吸气室负压达到一定数值后,含气率也将趋于饱和;随起泡剂用量加大,含气率呈上升趋势;随矿浆浓度的增加,含气率则呈下降趋势.研究结果为射流浮选柱气泡发生器的设计和结构优化提供了依据。  相似文献   

硒是一种必需微量元素,具有重要的生理保健功能,利用生物合成方法生产有机硒引起了人们的关注。食用微藻含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素、脂质、多糖及微量元素等,有显著的营养和保健功能。利用有重要食用和保健功能的小球藻进行硒的富集,进而开发富硒小球藻食品,具有富集效率高,营养丰富均衡,多种生理保健功能等优点,因而具有良好的开发潜力和市场前景。  相似文献   

不同种类颗粒射流流化床的射流深度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对Geldart B、D类颗粒进行了射流深度计算关联式的研究。对前人的实验数据进行多元线性回归分析,建立了射流流化床中Geldart B、D类颗粒射流深度的计算关联式,关联式计算值与实验值吻合较好。将关联式与其他研究者得到的关联式进行比较,本关联式误差相对较小。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍轴颈气浮轴承的流体静力计算方法,它包括轴颈气浮轴承的压力分布、气体流量、气隙高度和负载能力等参数的计算,目的是为气浮轴承的结构设计、研制试验等提供简便而精确的理论设计依据。  相似文献   

提出并设计了一种新型溶气释放器,采用宽流道的整体布局,并配合创新设计的台阶状上盖板、"弧形分流槽+芯体"、压缩弹簧等局部细节,不仅避免流道堵塞,而且显著提高水流的消能降压效果,进而实现低饱和度溶解气的高效释放。该新型溶气释放器可直接用于低饱和度溶解气原水(如油田采出水)的快速释气,并生成气浮处理用微气泡。借助计算流体动力学(CFD)软件对新型溶气释放器的内部流场进行了数值模拟,并与常规溶气释放器对比分析了流场最大湍动能和压降值,结果表明,新型溶气释放器芯体上端采用弧形分流槽结构,优于采用径向分流槽结构。  相似文献   

在无菌条件下,对影响自养小球藻生长的主要因素进行优化.实验表明,优化结果对小球藻的生长有显著影响.通过正交试验和单因素实验得到了以BG-11培养基为基础的优化培养条件:Na2CO3质量浓度为0.02 g/L、初始pH值为7、N/P为30、接种量为5%、温度25℃、光照强度8 800 lx.该优化条件有效地提高了自养小球藻的生长速率.  相似文献   

Effect of frothers in preventing bubble coalescence during flotation of minerals has long been investigated. To evaluate the performance of a frother, an apparatus to measure the bubble size is a basic necessity. McGill Bubble Size Analyzer (MBSA) or bubble viewer that has been developed and completed by McGill University's Mineral Processing Group during the last decade is a unique instrument to serve this purpose. Two parameters which are thought to influence the bubble size measurements by McGill bubble viewer include water quality and frother concentration in the chamber. Results show that there is no difference in Sauter mean (D32) when tap or de-ionized water was used instead of process water. However, the frother concentration, in this research DowFroth 250 (DF250), inside the chamber exhibited a pronounced effect on bubble size. Frother concentration below a certain point can not prevent coalescence inside the chamber and therefore caution must be taken in plant applications. It was also noted that the frother concentration which has been so far practiced in plant measurements (CCC75-CCC95) is high enough to prevent coalescence with the bubble viewer.  相似文献   

为考察壳聚糖对常规混凝-气浮工艺除污效能的影响,对壳聚糖分别用作助凝剂与微气泡表面改性剂时,低温低浊淮河原水的气浮处理效果进行研究.利用超滤膜及树脂吸附技术对水中的NOM进行分离,并分析各NOM组分的THMFP和HAAFP及其去除情况.结果表明:壳聚糖作为助凝剂时,气浮对NOM的去除表现出明显的选择性,更偏向于高分子质量疏水性NOM的去除.在溶气系统循环水中投加壳聚糖,可以对微气泡进行表面改性.循环水p H由7.0降低为5.5(小于壳聚糖p Ka),促进了壳聚糖改性气浮对小分子亲水性NOM的去除,且浮后水Zeta电位未见明显升高,壳聚糖分子紧密的黏附在微气泡表面.此外,THMFP与HAAFP的去除率也得到提升.壳聚糖微气泡改性技术为强化气浮去除NOM提供了新选择.  相似文献   

气浮接触区气泡-颗粒碰撞效率模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了完善气浮接触区现有气泡-颗粒碰撞效率模型,以单个捕集体效率概念为基础,针对气浮接触区气泡-颗粒碰撞过程提出了新的碰撞效率模型,该模型把气泡-颗粒碰撞行为分为气泡作为捕集体和颗粒作为捕集体两种不同类型,分别给出相应碰撞效率表达式.新模型中,首次提出浮升效应是气泡-颗粒碰撞过程的主要碰撞机制之一.此外,结合计算机程序计算结果对上述两类碰撞过程的主要碰撞机制进行分析.  相似文献   

The size of bubbles created in the flotation process is of great importance to the efficiency of the mineral separation achieved. Meanwhile, it is believed that frother transport between phases is perhaps the most important reason for the interactive nature of the phenomena occurring in the bulk and froth phases in flotation, as frother adsorbed in the surface of rising bubbles is removed from the bulk phase and then released into the froth as a fraction of the bubbles burst. This causes the increased concentration in the froth compared to the bulk concentration, named as frother partitioning. Partitioning reflects the adsorption of frother on bubbles and how to influence bubble size is not known. There currently exists no such a topic aiming to link these two key parameters. To fill this vacancy, the correspondence between bubble size and frother partitioning was examined. Bubble size was measured by sampling-for-imaging (SFI) technique. Using total organic carbon (TOC) analysis to measure the frother partitioning between froth and bulk phases was determined. Measurements have shown, with no exceptions including four different frothers, higher frother concentration is in the bulk than in the froth. The results also show strong partitioning giving an increase in bubble size which implies there is a compelling relationship between these two, represented byCFroth/CBulk andD32. TheCFroth/CBulk andD32 curves show similar exponential decay relationships as a function of added frother in the system, strongly suggesting that the frother concentration gradient between the bulk solution and the bubble interface is the driving force contributing to bubble size reduction.  相似文献   

为寻找能够抑制或消灭产油微藻非共生菌且对产油微藻培养有促进作用的抑菌剂,推动富油微藻生产生物柴油的进程,研究了孟加拉红、硫酸链霉素和制霉菌素3种抑菌剂单独和组合分别对蛋白核小球藻生长的影响,并利用超临界二氧化碳萃取法和索氏提取法测定了藻类细胞中的脂质含量的变化.结果表明,制霉菌素会抑制蛋白核小球藻的生长;孟加拉红和硫酸链霉素对蛋白核小球藻的生长表现出积极的促进作用,藻细胞密度的最大值分别为4.216×107 cells/mL和3.512×107 cells/mL,高于不加任何抑菌剂的对照组3.325×107 cells/mL,而对油脂含量几乎没有影响.孟加拉红和硫酸链霉素的混合抑菌剂对蛋白核小球藻的生长起抑制作用.  相似文献   

水下爆炸冲击波遇到物面(如船底表面、海底等)将产生反射冲击波,对于近场爆炸,由于爆炸形成的气泡距离物面较近,气泡在运动过程中将遭遇物面反射冲击波.为了探讨反射冲击波对水下爆炸气泡特性的影响,假设冲击前期惯性力起主要作用,依据理想流体势流理论,建立了反射波作用下气泡运动模型,并采用边界积分法求解.在此基础上,给出了舰船近...  相似文献   

Improved fluid dynamics can enhance the separation efficiency of flotation methods.A Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation using FLUENT was performed to model the fluid environment of a cyclonic-stat...  相似文献   

分析了普通喷气织机的气路系统.通过在该气路系统上加设辅助气包、加接快接插头等增引气路分支;通过三通阀和电磁阀对各气路分支的气流进行整合和通断控制使其适应双层织造的需要.应用虚拟仪器编程对有关数据进行测试分析后可知,该新气路完全适合双层织造的需要.  相似文献   

This work aims to provide a relationship of how the key operational variables of frother type and impeller speed affect the size of bubble (D32). The study was performed using pilot-scale equipment (0.8 m^3) that is up to two orders of magnitude larger than equipment used for studies performed to date by others, and incorporated the key process variables of frother type and impeller speed. The results show that each frother family exhibits a unique CCC95-HLB relationship dependent on n (number of C-atoms in alkyl group) and m (number of propylene oxide group). Empirical models were developed to predict CCC95 from HLB associated with other two parameters a and ft. The impeller speed-bubble size tests show that D32 is unaffected by increased impeller tip speed across the range of 4.6 to 9.2 m/s (representing the industrial operating range), although D32 starts to increase below 4.6 m/s. The finding is valid for both coalescing and non-coalescing conditions. The results suggest that the bubble size and bubble size distribution (BSD) being created do not change with increasing impeller speed in the quiescent zone of the flotation.  相似文献   

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