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In order to clarify the fragmentation mechanism of a metallic alloy (U–Pu–Zr) fuel on liquid phase formed by metallurgical reactions (liquefaction temperature = 650 °C), which is important in evaluating the sequence of core disruptive accidents for metallic fuel fast reactors, a series of experiments was carried out using molten aluminum (melting point = 660 °C) and sodium mainly under the condition that the boiling of sodium does not occur. When the instantaneous contact interface temperature (Ti) between molten aluminum drop and sodium is lower than the boiling point of sodium (Tc,bp), the molten aluminum drop can be fragmented and the mass median diameter (Dm) of aluminum fragments becomes small with increasing Ti. When Ti is roughly equivalent to or higher than Tc,bp, the fragmentation of aluminum drop is promoted by thermal interaction caused by the boiling of sodium on the surface of the drop. Furthermore, even under the condition that the boiling of sodium does not occur and the solid crust is formed on the surface of the drop, it is confirmed from an analytical evaluation that the thermal fragmentation of molten aluminum drop with solid crust has a potential to be caused by the transient pressurization within the melt confined by the crust. These results indicate the possibility that the metallic alloy fuel on liquid phase formed by the metallurgical reactions can be fragmented without occurring the boiling of sodium on the surface of the melt.  相似文献   


In the event of a severe accident, past experiences such as Three Mile Island and Fukushima Daichi have shown that the reactor core of a light-water nuclear reactor, if not properly safeguarded, could go through a meltdown. This will be followed by the formation of a corium, a mix of molten fuel elements, and liquid metals from the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV). In the worst-case scenario, a melt through from the RPV can occur and lead to the spreading of the corium, in the form of a molten element’s jet impinging on a flat concrete structure of the Primary Containment Vessel (PCV). To enhance the decommissioning and the safety procedure, scope of the present article is to deepen the understanding of the phenomena involved in the mentioned scenario, mainly jet-instability and molten material spreading. In the present study, experiments were carried out, by using corium simulant materials such as Copper and Tin, to investigate the link between the instability of the gravity-driven molten metal jet and the impinging followed by its spreading over a flat area.  相似文献   

In a core disruptive accident (CDA) of a Fast Breeder Reactor, the post accident heat removal (PAHR) is crucial for the accident mitigation. The molten core material should be solidified in the sodium coolant in the reactor vessel. The material, being fragmented while solidification and forming debris bed, will be cooled in the coolant.

In the experiment, molten material jet is injected into water to experimentally obtain the visualized information of the fragmentation and boiling phenomena during PAHR in CDA. The experiment shows that the break up of the molten material into fine fragments is observed at the front, side and middle part of the jet during very short time interval. The distributed particle behavior of the molten material jet is observed with high-speed video camera. And the visual data is analyzed with Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV).

The experimental results are compared with the existing theories. Consequently, the marginal wavelength on the surface of a water jet is close to the value estimated based on the Rayleigh–Taylor instability. Moreover, the fragmented droplet diameter obtained from the interaction of molten material and water is close to the value estimated based on the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability.  相似文献   

For the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, it is necessary to consider the access route to the fuel debris for its removal, which can be determined by knowing the corruption situation of the core support structure. To predict the damage condition of reactor vessel, dissolution behavior of the core structure material should be understood. In this study, the dissolution behavior of core structure materials (stainless steel) by molten metallic corium (stainless steel + B4C) originated from control rod and its cladding was investigated. As a result of immersion experiment, it was found that there were two types of dissolution mode in this system: (1) chemical dissolution by eutectic reaction between Fe and B and (2) physical dissolution caused by the grains falling off from solid steel due to infiltration of molten metal. Moreover, on the basis of kinetic analysis, it was considered that the chemical dissolution in this system was slow. Therefore, the dissolution is considered to mainly occur through the mechanism that physical dissolution precedes chemical dissolution.  相似文献   

The potential for an energetic molten fuel-coolant interaction (MFCI) during a hypothetical core meltdown accident is of concern in nuclear safety analysis. An important aspect of a MFCI is the fine fragmentation and intermixing of molten core debris with the core coolant. The fragmentation characteristics of the molten debris (a mixture of UO2 and zircaloy cladding) particles produced during a recent high-energy in-pile experiment are analyzed. The experimental results suggest that two mechanisms contributed to the fragmentation of the molten debris in this experiment, in which an MFCI occured. Phenomenological modelling of these two mechanisms and the effects of the governing parameters are presented.  相似文献   

It is one of the key issues for a high-temperature structural design guideline to evaluate the influence of variations in creep curve on the creep behavior of a high-temperature structure. In the present paper, a comparative evaluation was made to clarify such influence.The evaluation results showed that, in almost all cases of a creep behavior pattern in which creep strain accumulated during a stress cycle caused significant relaxation of the corresponding deformation-controlled stress in the following cycles, the variations in creep behavior with the creep curve were qualitatively similar to those in fundamental creep properties. On the other hand, in many cases of another creep behavior pattern in which creep strain accumulated during a cycle doesn't cause the significant stress-relaxation in the following cycles, the variations in creep behavior for earlier cycles are different from those in fundamental creep properties. Even in these cases, however, those get qualitatively similar after several cycles when their stress-time histories are stabilized.Additional consideration was given to the influence of the relationship between creep rupture life and minimum creep rate, i.e., the Monkman-Grant's relationship, on the creep damage evaluation.The consideration suggested that the Monkman-Grant's relationship be taken into account in evaluating the creep damage behavior, especially the creep damage variations. However, it was clarified that the application of the creep damage evaluation rule of ASME B.&P.V. Code Case N-47 to the “standard case”which was predicted from the average creep property would predict the creep damage on the safe side.  相似文献   

Under some circumstances that we aim to determine, a hot molten fuel drop flowing into a volatile liquid coolant and submitted to a small pressure wave, can be destabilized and explode in a few milliseconds. We propose a new approach to address this problem: in contrast with previous studies, we do not try to model the complete phenomenon but concentrate on its initiation. This way, we can differentiate favourable and non-favourable conditions with applications to PWR/BWR safety. We do the hypothesis that the occurrence of contacts between the two fluids is the criterion of explosion and phenomena occurring up to the contacting event are modelled, including the vapour film oscillations and the amplification of Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities at its interface. The latter feature receives a particular attention with a transient modelling adapted for variable acceleration cases. The fragmentation process itself is not studied in details but we give arguments supporting the fact that contacts between both liquids should induce a strong destabilization of the drops and initiate fragmentation. In this way, we can characterize the explosivity, i.e. the ability for the drop to explode, as a function of the various physical properties (e.g. pressure, temperatures). The model so deduced is qualified by comparison with the explosivity maps provided by Nelson and Duda [Nelson, L.S., Duda, P.M., 1985. Steam explosion experiments with single drops of iron oxide: Part II: parametric studies, NUREG CR-2718, April 1985]. Results obtained with this model confirm the experimental trends regarding the role of ambient pressure and liquid temperature. The influence of other parameters as the drop and the trigger characteristics are also investigated. We conclude this paper with some consideration on the implications for nuclear safety.  相似文献   

To characterize the relationship between thermal and hydrodynamic effects on fragmentation of molten metallic fuels, with the interaction of the sodium coolant under a wide range of thermal and hydrodynamic conditions, in this paper, we focus on the fragmentation characteristics of a single molten copper droplet (1 and 5 g) with an ambient Weber number (We a) from 102 to 614 and superheating conditions from 15 to 574°C, which penetrates into a sodium pool at an initial temperature from 298 to 355°C. In our experiments, fine fragmentations of the single molten copper droplets with a high We a were clearly observed even under a supercooled condition that is well below the copper melting point of 1083°C. The dimensionless mass median diameters (D m /D 0) of molten droplets with a high We a are less than the molten droplets with a low We a under the same thermal condition. When We a was approximately >200, the hydrodynamic effect on fragmentation became dominant over the thermal effect under a relatively low superheating condition. For a higher We a range, the comparisons indicated that the fragment sizes of the molten copper droplets had similar distributions to those of copper and metallic fuel jets and stainless steel droplets even with different thermophysical properties and a 1000-fold mass difference, which implied the possibility that the fragment size characteristics of the molten metal jets could be evaluated by the interaction of a single droplet with the sodium coolant without consideration of dropping modes and mass.  相似文献   

As a first step for obtaining experimental data on the effects of high-temperature chemical interaction on fission product release behavior, we focused on the dissolution of irradiated uranium plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel by molten zircaloy (Zry) and carried out a heating test under the reducing atmosphere. Pieces of an irradiated MOX fuel pellet and cladding were subjected to the heating test at 2373 K for five minutes. The fractional release rate of cesium (specifically 137Cs) was monitored during the test and its release behavior was evaluated. The observation of microstructures and measurements of elemental distribution in the heated specimen were also performed. We demonstrated experimentally that the fuel dissolution by molten Zry accelerated the release of Cs from the fuel pellets.  相似文献   

The penetration and freezing of hot-core material mixtures through flow channels during core disruptive accidents (CDAs) within a sodium-cooled fast reactor is one of the major concerns confronting safety designers of the next-generation reactors. The main objective of this study is to investigate those fundamental characteristics of penetration and solidification involved in channeling molten metal and solid particle mixtures over cold structures. In this study, a low-melting-point alloy (viz., Bi–Sn–In alloy) and mixtures with solid particles (of copper and bronze) were used as a simulant melt, while L-shape metal (of stainless steel and brass) and stainless steel fuel pin bundle were used as cooling structures. Two series of basic experiments were performed to study the effect solid particles have on penetration and cooling behavior under various thermal conditions of melt by varying solid particle volume fraction, structure temperature and structural geometry. Melt flows and distributions were recorded using a digital video camera and subsequently analyzed. The melt penetration length into the flow channel and the proportion of melt adhesion on structural surfaces were measured. Results indicate that penetration length becomes shorter for molten-metal/solid particle mixtures (mixed melts) compared with pure molten metal (pure melt) as well as decreases with increasing solid particles volume fraction of the melt. The present study will contribute to a better understanding of the basic thermal-hydraulic phenomena of melt freezing in the presence of solid particles and to provide an experimental database for validation and improvement of the models of fast reactor safety analysis codes.  相似文献   

In this study, the corrosion behavior of new Ni-based structural materials was studied for electrolytic reduction after exposure to LiCl-Li2O molten salt at 650 °C for 24-216 h under an oxidizing atmosphere. The new alloys with Ni, Cr, Al, Si, and Nb as the major components were melted at 1700 °C under an inert atmosphere. The melt was poured into a preheated metallic mold to prepare an as-cast alloy. The corrosion products and fine structures of the corroded specimens were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscope (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The corrosion products of as cast and heat treated low Si/high Ti alloys were Cr2O3, NiCr2O4, Ni, NiO, and (Al,Nb,Ti)O2; those of as cast and heat treated high Si/low Ti alloys were Cr2O3, NiCr2O4, Ni, and NiO. The corrosion layers of as cast and heat treated low Si/high Ti alloys were continuous and dense. However, those of as cast and heat treated high Si/low Ti alloys were discontinuous and cracked. Heat treated low Si/high Ti alloy showed the highest corrosion resistance among the examined alloys. The superior corrosion resistance of the heat treated low Si/high Ti alloy was attributed to the addition of an appropriate amount of Si, and the metallurgical evaluations were performed systematically.  相似文献   

采用固体粉末包装法在950℃渗硼5 h,在纯镍表面制备了厚度约50μm致密连续的渗硼涂层.采用浸没法研究了纯镍及纯镍渗硼涂层在750℃空气及熔融LiCl-l0Li2O(Li2O质量分数为l0%)中的腐蚀行为.渗硼涂层试样的腐蚀失重为8.4 mg·cm-2,只有原始纯镍试样的1/4.渗硼涂层明显改善了纯镍在熔融LiCl-Li2O中的耐腐蚀性能,这归因于渗硼涂层中的硼元素在熔融LiCl-Li2O中的优先腐蚀抑制了镍的加速腐蚀.  相似文献   

In this paper, the finite element method (FEM) based on GTN model is used to investigate the ductile crack growth behavior in single edge-notched bend (SENB) specimens of a dissimilar metal welded joint (DMWJ) composed of four materials in the primary systems of nuclear power plants. The Ja resistance curves, crack growth paths and local stress-strain distributions in front of crack tips are calculated for eight initial cracks with different locations in the DMWJ and four cracks in the four homogenous materials. The results show that the initial cracks with different locations in the DMWJ have different crack growth resistances and growth paths. When the initial crack lies in the centers of the weld Alloy182 and buttering Alloy82, the crack-tip plastic and damage zones are symmetrical, and the crack grow path is nearly straight along the initial crack plane. But for the interface cracks between materials and near interface cracks, the crack-tip plastic and damage zones are asymmetric, and the crack growth path has significant deviation phenomenon. The crack growth tends to deviate into the material whose yield stress is lower between the two materials on both sides of the interface. The different initial crack locations and mismatches in yield stress and work hardening between different materials in the DMWJ affect the local stress triaxiality and plastic strain distributions in front of crack tips, and lead to different ductile crack growth resistances and growth paths. For the accurate integrity assessment for the DMWJ, the fracture toughness data and resistance curves for the initial cracks with different locations in the DMWJ need to be obtained.  相似文献   

To estimate the current status of reactor pressure vessel of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, it is important to clarify the breakup and the fragmentation behavior of molten material jet in boiling water reactor (BWR) lower plenum by a numerical simulation. To clarify the effects of complicated structures on jet breakup and fragmentation behavior, we conducted visualized experiments simulating the severe accident in the BWR by using the multi-channel experimental apparatus. In this study, the jet falling behavior, the jet breakup length, the fragmentation behavior and internal/external velocity profiles of the jet are observed by the backlight method and the particle image velocimetry. It is clarified that the complicated structures prolong the jet breakup length or make the fragments fall together to the lower plenum similar to the bulk state. In addition, it is clarified that strong shearing stress occurs at the crest of interfacial waves at the side of the jet. Finally, the fragment diameters measured in the present study well agree with the theory based on the shering stress by changing the coefficient term. Thus, it is suggested that the fragmentation mechanism is controlled by shearing stress and the fragment diameter can be estimated by adjusting the characteristic value.  相似文献   

By designing a metal saw structure,both negative and positive rotations of dust vortices are obtained experimentally.With increasing gas pressure,the dust vortex undergoes different spatial distribution from dense dust cloud to dust void,then to dust chain.The transition between the negative and positive rotations of dust vortices is reversible and controllable by changing the gas pressure/input power.The underlying mechanism of this transition is preliminarily explored.  相似文献   

The redox reactions and coordination circumstances of uranium trivalent ions in molten LiCl-CsCl mixtures were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and spectrophotometry. The formal redox potential, E°′(U3+|U), in LiCl-CsCl mixtures with the CsCl mole fraction of 0.2 was more positive than that in LiCl melt. The CsCl system showed the most negative E°′(U3+|U). The electronic absorption spectra of U3+ in LiCl-CsCl mixtures showed that the intensities of absorption peaks decreased with the increase of CsCl mole fraction. The oscillator strength of the hypersensitive f-f transition, f, decreased with the increase of CsCl mole fraction.  相似文献   

Conclusions The method proposed makes it possible to obtain computational estimates of the intensity of a steam explosion inside a reactor vessel and in the space below the reactor inside the melt trap. The computational investigations of the intensity of a steam explosion inside a VVéR vessel in the most likely scenario of a serious accident with efflux of melt into the bottom pressurized chamber show that under certain conditions a high pressure capable of destroying separate structural elements can develop. The mass of the interacting melt, the initial temperature, the fragmentation time, and the final size of the fragments, as well as the type of contact realized, have the greatest effect on the intensity of the steam explosion. Local steam explosions in pipes of the melt trap have a relatively low intensity and cannot have a large effect on the construction in the space below the reactor and on the containment envelope. Deceased. State Science Center of the Russian Federation — Physics and Power Engineering Institute. Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 3–10, January, 1996.  相似文献   

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