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We describe the construction of tagging cassettes and plasmids for tandem affinity purification (TAP) of proteins in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The tagging cassettes are designed for either carboxy- or amino-terminal tagging of proteins. The carboxyl terminal tags differ in that they contain either two or four repeats of IgG binding units. For tagging endogenous loci, the cassettes contain the kan MX6 module to allow for selection of G418-resistant cells. The amino-terminal tagging vectors allow for the regulated expression of proteins. Sz. pombe Cdc2p was chosen to test these new affinity tags. Several known binding proteins co-purified with both Cdc2p-CTAP and N-TAP-Cdc2p, indicating the usefulness of these tags for the rapid purification of stable protein complexes from Sz. pombe.  相似文献   

The following urease genes of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe have been mapped by induced haploidization and tetrad analysis—ure1: chromosome arm III-L; ure2 and ure3: chromosome arm I-R. The previously determined tps19rad1 interval (11–12 cM) has been increased to 18 cM. A convenient medium for rapidly scoring the ure gene markers of fission yeast was developed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe gpi1+ gene was cloned by complementation of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gpi1 mutant, which has temperature-sensitive defects in growth and glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI) membrane anchoring of protein, and which is defective in vitro in the first step in GPI anchor assembly, the formation of N -acetylglucosaminyl phosphatidylinositol (GlcNAc-PI). S. pombe gpi1+ encodes a protein with 29% identity to amino acids 87–609 of the S. cerevisiae protein, and is the functional homolog of the S. cerevisiae Gpi1 protein, for it restores [3H]inositol-labelling of protein and in vitro GlcNAc-PI synthetic activity to both S. cerevisiae gpi1 and gpi1::URA3 cells. Disruption of gpi1+ is lethal. Haploid Δgpi1+::his7+ spores germinate, but proceed through no more than three rounds of cell division, many cells ceasing growth as binucleate, septate cells with thickened septa. These results indicate that GPI synthesis is an essential function in fission yeast, and suggest that GPI anchoring is also required for completion of cytokinesis. The nucleotide sequence reported will appear in the GenBank Nucleotide Sequence database under the Accession Number U77355.©1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Characterization of cdk (c yclin d ependent k inases) substrates and studies of their regulation require purified enzymatic complexes of cdc2-related catalytic and cyclin regulatory subunits. We produced human Cdc2 kinase in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase (GST). The GST-human Cdc2p fusion protein was active in vivo since it rescued a temperature-sensitive allele of cdc2. The fusion protein was purified using a one-step chromatography procedure with glutathione–Sepharose and exhibited a catalytic activity in vitro. Yeast cyclin B and suc1 were found in association with GST-Cdc2. A 17-fold stimulation of GST-Cdc2 kinase activity was obtained by incubation of recombinant human cyclin A with the S. pombe cellular extract prior to affinity purification. This indicates that cyclin concentration is limiting in this overexpression system. These findings describe a fast and easy production of active recombinant human Cdc2 kinase in yeast that can be used for biochemical studies.  相似文献   

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe lacks a diverse toolkit of inducible promoters for experimental manipulation. Available inducible promoters suffer from slow induction kinetics, limited control of expression levels and/or a requirement for defined growth medium. In particular, no S. pombe inducible promoter systems exhibit a linear dose–response, which would allow expression to be tuned to specific levels. We have adapted a fast, orthogonal promoter system with a large dynamic range and a linear dose response, based on β‐estradiol‐regulated function of the human oestrogen receptor, for use in S. pombe. We show that this promoter system, termed Z3EV, turns on quickly, can reach a maximal induction of 20‐fold, and exhibits a linear dose response over its entire induction range, with few off‐target effects. We demonstrate the utility of this system by regulating the mitotic inhibitor Wee1 to create a strain in which cell size is regulated by β‐estradiol concentration. This promoter system will be of great utility for experimentally regulating gene expression in fission yeast. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conjugation is a complex event directed to ensure the transfer of genetic material, which is achieved by the union of two cells. In fungi, success of this relevant process requires digestion of the cell wall at the point where both cells have agglutinated and, later, the union of the plasma membranes and nuclei from the mating partners. In order to gain information about cell fusion, we have cloned and disrupted the cfr1+ gene from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. cfr1+ gene is slightly induced at the beginning of mating but Cfr1p protein is degraded soon after the cells are transferred to nitrogen-lacking medium. cfr1Delta mutants present a defect in cell fusion owing to a failure in the digestion of the cell walls between the two parental cells. Finally, cytological and genetic analyses show that cfr1+ acts in a new pathway involved in conjugation that is independent of fus1+, the only gene that has been found to be specifically required for cell fusion during mating in the fission yeast.  相似文献   

The fission yeast model system Schizosaccharomyces pombe is used to study fundamental biological processes. To continue to fill gaps in the Sz. pombe gene deletion collection, we constructed a set of 90 haploid gene deletion strains covering many previously uncharacterized genes. To begin to understand the function of these genes, we exposed this collection of strains to a battery of stress conditions. Using this information in combination with microscopy, proteomics and mini‐chromosome loss assays, we identified genes involved in cell wall integrity, cytokinesis, chromosome segregation and DNA metabolism. This subset of non‐essential gene deletions will add to the toolkits available for the study of biological processes in Sz. pombe. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have generated a temperature‐sensitive form of the Ura4p protein from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. A single T‐to‐C mutation at nucleotide 782 (relative to the initiator ATG codon of ura4) changes the leucine residue at position 261 in Ura4p to a proline. The mutant Ura4pts supports growth at 30°C but is unable to allow growth at 37°C in the absence of uracil when a single copy of the gene is integrated into the host chromosome. Using the ura4ts cassette for gene replacements simplifies the identification of transformants in which the disruption construct has undergone homologous integration into the host chromosome, as these individuals contain a single copy of the ura4ts gene and fail to grow when replicated to 37°C in the absence of uracil. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Chs4p directly interacts with chitin synthase III (Chs3p) to act as a post-translational regulator of the Chs3p complex. We identified four Chs4p homologous proteins in Schizosaccharomyces pombe which we named Chr1, Chr2, Chr3 and Chr4 (putative chitin synthase regulatory factor). We assessed the functions of these proteins and found that while overproduction of Chr1, Chr2 or Chr3 did not affect the cellular morphology of wild-type Sz. pombe cells, overproduction of Chr4 caused the cells to form multi-septa and delayed their growth. All multiple disruptants of chr1, chr2, chr3 and chr4 grew normally under a variety of growth conditions. However, while chitin synthase II (Chs2) normally localizes exclusively at the septum, in many chr4-disrupted cells it was found in the cytoplasm and the septa. Chs2 did localize at the abnormal septa caused by the overproduction of chr4+. Chr4-13Myc expression was unaffected by the different media or growth conditions in both wild-type and the chs2 disruptant. Chs2 expression was also unaltered by the absence of Chr4. Moreover, Chr4-13Myc localized mostly at the tips and the septum during vegetative growth in chs2, chr1, chr2 and chr3 disruptants as well as in wild-type. Thus, chr4+ is involved in septum formation and is required for the proper localization of Chs2 at the septum in Sz. pombe.  相似文献   

Vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CPYsc) has been expressed in a Schizosaccharomyces pombe strain devoid of the endogenous equivalent peptidase, employing a 2 μ derived plasmid. Immunoblot analysis revealed that CPYsc produced in the fission yeast has a higher molecular mass than mature CPYsc produced by the budding yeast. CPYsc is glycosylated when expressed in S. pombe and uses four N-linked glycosylation sites as shown by endoglycosidase H digestion. Carbohydrate removal leads to a protein moiety which is indistinguishable in size from deglycosylated CPYsc produced by S. cerevisiae. CPYsc isolated from S. pombe soluble extracts is enzymatically active and thus is presumed to undergo correct proteolytic maturation. Subcellular fractionation experiments showed a cofractionation of CPYsc with the S. pombe endoproteinases PrA and PrB, suggesting that the protein is correctly sorted to the vacuole and that these peptidases might be responsible for zymogen activation.  相似文献   

Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells are rod-shaped and grow along a single axis from their two ends. Microtubules extend from the cell centre terminating at the cell ends. The ERM(ezrin/radixin/moesin)-like proteins Tea1p and Tea3p, and the Dyrk-like kinase Pom1p are cell end markers involved in the regulation of growth and microtubular dynamics at the cell ends. We have analysed the relative contribution of these three proteins to the determination of cell ends as sites both for cell growth and for microtubular termination. Pom1Delta, in combination with Tea1Delta or Tea3Delta, has the greatest difficulty in relocalizing actin to the cell ends following actin depolymerization and generates the most defective growth pattern. Tea1Delta, in combination with Pom1Delta or Tea3Delta, displays the highest number of microtubules bending round the cell ends. Tea1DeltaPom1Delta, which has the most defective growth pattern and microtubules, also displays the highest number of branched cells. We show that Tea1p, Tea3p and Pom1p all contribute, to different extents, to the determination of cell ends, as sites for both cell growth and microtubular termination. We also show that the fission yeast cell relies on both the positioning of landmarks and a properly organized microtubule cytoskeleton to direct cell growth.  相似文献   

Cdc42p is a highly conserved GTPase involved in controlling cell polarity and polarizing the actin cytoskeleton. The CDC42 gene was first identified by the temperature-sensitive cell-division-cycle mutant cdc42-1ts in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have determined the DNA and predicted amino-acid sequence of the cdc42-1ts allele and identified multiple mutations in the coding region and 5′ promoter region, thereby limiting its usefulness in genetic screens. Therefore, we generated additional temperature-conditional-lethal alleles in highly conserved amino-acid residues of both S. cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cdc42p. The cdc42W97R temperature-sensitive allele in S. cerevisiae displayed the same cell-division-cycle arrest phenotype (large, round unbudded cells) as the cdc42-1ts mutant. However, it exhibited a bud-site selection defect and abnormal bud morphologies at the permissive temperature of 23°C. These phenotypes suggest that Cdc42p functions in bud-site selection early in the morphogenetic process and also in polarizing growth patterns leading to proper bud morphogenesis later in the process. In S. pombe, the cdc42W97R mutant displayed a cold-sensitive, loss-of-function phenotype when expressed from the thiamine-repressible nmt1 promoter under repressing conditions. In addition, cdc42T58A and cdc42S71P mutants showed a temperature-sensitive loss-of-function phenotype when expressed in S. pombe; these mutants did not display a conditional phenotype when expressed in S. cerevisiae. These new conditional-lethal cdc42 alleles will be important reagents for the further dissection of the cell polarity pathway in both yeasts. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Treatment of Schizosaccharomyces pombe with the C5 DNA methyltransferase (C5Mtase) inhibitor 5-azacytidine (5-azaC) has previously been shown to induce G2 checkpoint-dependent cell cycle arrest. S. pombe strains defective in both the checkpoint control pathways and in DNA repair processes are sensitive to 5-azaC. Here we describe the isolation of azr1as a multi-copy suppressor of the 5-azaC sensitivity of G2 checkpoint and DNA repair-deficient strains. azr1+ encodes a putative 25 kDa protein with limited homology to a Saccharomyces cerevisiae open reading frame of unknown function. The azr1+ gene is not essential and the null mutant shows no alteration in either DNA repair or checkpoint properties. We also report the sequence of the putative fission yeast cytidine deaminase gene, designated pcd1+, which lies immediately adjacent to azr1+ but which plays only a moderate role in suppression of 5-azaC sensitivity. These data have been deposited with EMBL nucleotide sequence database, Accession Number X98329. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To understand endocytic trafficking in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we constructed an end4 disruption mutant. The end4+ gene encodes a protein homologous to Sla2p/End4p, which is essential for the assembly and function of the cytoskeleton and endocytosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We characterized the fission yeast mutant end4 Delta as well as ypt7 Delta, which is deficient in vacuolar fusion and, hence, endocytosis. The delivery of FM4-64 to the vacuolar membrane, accumulation of Lucifer yellow CH and internalization of plasma membrane protein Map3-GFP were inhibited in the end4 mutant. Deletion of end4 resulted in pleiotropic phenotypes consistent with F-actin depolarization, including high temperature sensitivity, abnormal morphology and mating defects. Extensive missorting of carboxypeptidase Y was detected in the ypt7 mutant; however, little missorting was detected in the end4 mutant. These results indicate that End4p is essential for the internalization process and Ypt7p affects endocytosis at a post-internalization step after the intersection of the endocytic and the vacuolar protein-sorting pathways in fission yeast.  相似文献   

From the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe we have identified and deleted vps33, a gene encoding a homologue of VPS33, which is required for vacuolar biogenesis in S. cerevisiae cells. When the vps33(+) gene is disrupted, Sz. pombe strains are temperature-sensitive for growth and contain numerous small vesicular structures stained with FM4-64 in the cells. Deletion of the Sz. pombe vps33(+) gene results in pleiotropic phenotypes consistent with the absence of normal vacuoles, including missorting of vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y, various ion- and drug-sensitivities, and sporulation defects. These results are consistent with Vps33p being necessary for the morphogenesis of vacuoles and subsequent expression of vacuolar functions in Sz. pombe cells.  相似文献   

Alpha-aminoadipate reductase (AAR), the signature enzyme for lysine biosynthesis in fungi, catalyses the conversion of alpha-aminoadipate to alpha-aminoadipate-semiadehyde in the presence of ATP and NADPH. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans, the LYS2-encoded AAR is posttranslationally activated by CoA and the LYS5-encoded PPTase. The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is evolutionarily highly diverged from S. cerevisiae and C. albicans. We report here several unusual activation characteristics of Sz. pombe Lys1p and Lys7p, isofunctional to Lys2p (AAR) and Lys5p (PPTase), respectively. Unlike the Lys2p from S. cerevisiae and C. albicans, the Sz. pombe Lys1p was active when expressed in E. coli and exhibited significant AAR activity without the addition of CoA or the Sz. pombe Lys7p intron free PPTase. Somewhat higher AAR activity was obtained with the addition of CoA and the Sz. pombe Lys7p PPTase. Substitution of G910A, S913T or S913A in the Sz. pombe Lys1p activation domain (IGGHSI) resulted in no AAR activity. Similarly, substitutions of several amino acid residues in the Sz. pombe Lys7p PPTase domain (G79A, R80K and P81A in Core 1; F93W, D94E, F95W and N96D in Core 1a; G124A, V125I and D126E in Core 2; K172R, E173D and K177R in Core 3) also resulted in no activation of Lys1p and no AAR activity. The Sz. pombe Lys1p amino acid sequence showed a high degree of similarity to other fungal Lys2p proteins; however, the Lys7p amino acid sequence showed much less similarity to other bacterial, fungal and animal PPTases representing several phylogenetic groups.  相似文献   

A novel series of plasmid vectors named pDUAL have been developed. These vectors enable one to introduce not only multicopies of genes with episomal maintenance but also a single copy with chromosomal integration into the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The multicopy plasmids can be easily converted to fragments for chromosomal integration by digestion of the plasmids with a certain restriction endonuclease before transformation of the yeast cells. The resultant fragments, lacking the autonomously replicating sequence, are designed for targeting into the chromosomal leu1 locus by homologous recombination. Whether the transformants are the results of episomal maintenance of the plasmid or homologous gene targeting can be readily checked by their requirement for uracil or leucine, or by the PCR diagnostic analysis. Furthermore, we propose the use of pDUAL derivatives for PCR-based chromosomal tagging of a gene to introduce several tags into 5'-terminus of a gene, employing a set of primers. Using these all-in-one vectors, a suitable mode of expression of a cloned gene can be selected for individual analysis without any complicated subcloning processes.  相似文献   

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