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The responses to fertiliser‐N of winter wheat and winter barley grown on sandy soils were measured in 72 experiments in England from 1990 to 1994. Yield without fertiliser‐N (Y0) was c 1.1 t ha−1 greater following root crops than following cereals. Following potato crops given organic manures, Y0 was c 1.2 t ha−1 greater than following unmanured potato crops, but Y0 was no greater following sugarbeet to which organic manures had been applied. Only after the two driest winters was there sufficient variation in soil N supply in spring (SNSs) for this to show a relationship with Y0. However, Y0 increased with increasing N mineralisation during the growing season (AM) in the three years it was measured. There was no consistent effect of sowing date on Y0. Following potatoes, yield at optimum fertiliser‐N (Yopt) decreased as sowing date was delayed, but this was not so after cereals, sugarbeet or overall. There was no increase in Yopt with SNSS or AM, but Yopt decreased with increasing moisture stress (S) in June. The mean yield response to NoptY) was c 0.4 and 0.8 t ha−1 smaller following potatoes and sugarbeet respectively than following cereals, but not consistently so as there were large interactions between site, year and previous crop. Following root crops, ΔY was c 0.6 and 1.4 t ha−1 less after sugarbeet and potatoes respectively that had been given organic manures. Without the addition of organic manures, ΔY following potatoes was similar to that following cereals. Regression on SNSS and AM accounted for 28 and 15% respectively of the variance in ΔY. The optimum economic fertiliser‐N application (Nopt) was similar, at c 140 kg ha−1, following cereals and potatoes. Following sugarbeet, cereal Nopt was only c 110 kg ha−1. The differences according to previous crop reported here are consistent with mineralisation of crop residues on sandy soils being more rapid than on other soils; the potato residues were rapidly mineralised in autumn and lost by leaching over winter. Residues from later‐harvested sugarbeet were mineralised during the growing season of the subsequent cereal crop. Fertiliser‐N requirements were, at c 110–140 kg ha−1, smaller than has been found on other soil types, and less than current recommendations for wheat. Requirements were significantly reduced in years of drought stress. No differences were found in Nopt between wheat and barley. These data do not justify the current advice to invariably reduce fertiliser‐N to cereals following potatoes by 20–25 kg ha−1 on these sandy soils. On average a reduction of c 20 kg ha−1 could be made following sugarbeet, with a further reduction of c 40 kg ha−1 N if manures had been applied to the previous sugarbeet crop. A reduction of 40 kg ha−1 N could also be made where cereals followed a potato crop to which manures had been applied. Further refinements on the basis of measurements of soil mineral N could not be justified. Seasonal variation in N response due to drought stress makes recommendations difficult on these soils. Adopting the fertiliser‐N recommendations proposed here would produce N surpluses to the soil of c 37, 10 and 27 kg ha−1 respectively following cereals, sugarbeet and potatoes when cereal grain is removed but straw incorporated. On farms where straw is removed, N surplus would be largely eliminated. Our recommendation that no reduction in fertiliser‐N application to cereal crops grown on sandy soils should be made following potatoes will not increase fertiliser‐N use and is not expected to increase nitrate leaching. Some reduction in nitrate leaching may be achieved if recommendations following cereal crops and sugarbeet are made in accordance with the results reported here. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Nitrogen response experiments were conducted on pairs of wheat fields at ten farms in East Anglia, UK, in 1984–1985 and 1985–1986, such that the previous crop of one of the pair was sugar beet (with tops ploughed in) and the other was wheat. Topsoil organic matter contents ranged from 1·4 to 4·3% and were associated with significant differences in soil mineral N (NH4-N and NO3-N) between sites. Average soil mineral nitrogen (Nmin) to 90 cm in October after sugar beet was 34 kg N ha-1, significantly less (P=0·03) than the 58 kg N ha-1 after wheat. However, the net difference between Nmin in October and Nmin plus crop N in April was +25 kg N ha-1 after beet, significantly more (P=0·002) than the +2 kg ha-1 after wheat, suggesting some mineralisation from the tops over winter. There were no evident differences in net N mineralisation during spring and summer, and by harvest there was no significant difference due to previous crop in wheat yield with nil N or with ample N; mean optimum yields were 8·2 t ha-1 after beet and 7·8 t ha-1 after wheat. The mean optimum amount of fertiliser N (determined from a fitted linear plus exponential function) was 188 kg ha-1 after beet, not significantly different from the optimum of 197 kg N ha-1 after wheat. It is concluded that amounts of fertiliser N should be similar following sugar beet and following wheat. © 1997 SCI  相似文献   

Evidence relating to nitrate leaching was taken from series of extensive field experiments conducted to support guidance on fertiliser use. Over the last 50 years, it is estimated that increased fertiliser N use on intensive wheat in the UK, has resulted in an increase of 36 kg N ha?1 year?1 leachable nitrate. Probably more than one-third of this change is due to larger yields resulting in a gradual build up in soil organic matter, the remainder to annual effects of fertiliser application. This justifies the association generally made between fertiliser used and nitrate leached and supports the value of some control of fertiliser use in order to restrict nitrate concentrations in drinking water.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was grown in pots on 21 UK soils, both with and without fertiliser N. The fertiliser N was applied in six equal applications of 15N-labelled ammonium nitrate, each at the rate of 120 mg N per pot. The first application was mixed thoroughly with the soil, while subsequent applications were made in solution to the soil surface, after each of the first five of the six harvests of herbage. In the absence of fertiliser N, the proportion of the total soil N taken up by the plants, including stubble and roots at the sixth harvest, varied between 1.5 and 4.0%. In the presence of fertiliser N, the proportion varied between 2.1 and 4.7%. The apparent recovery of the fertiliser N was calculated from the difference between the amounts of N in the plants that received fertiliser N and in those that did not, expressed as a percentage of the amount applied. The actual recovery of the applied fertiliser N was determined by analysis of the plant material for 15N. With all soils at the first harvest, the apparent recovery was greater than the actual recovery. When calculated over all six harvests, apparent recovery of the total amount of fertiliser N was generally close to the actual recovery. This difference from the first harvest probably reflected (i) a reduction in the extent of turnover between fertiliser N and soil N when the fertiliser N was applied to the surface and (ii) a virtually complete uptake of available soil N by the end of the experiment, in both the absence and presence of fertiliser N. Differences between the 21 soils in actual recovery were not closely related, either positively or negatively, to a range of measured soil properties. A mean of 17.2% of the labelled fertiliser N was retained in the soil (excluding visible roots) at the end of the experiment. The lowest retention (6.2%) occurred with the soil which had the lowest contents of organic matter and silt plus clay but, with the other soils, the extent of retention varied only between 14.7 and 22.0% of that applied, and was not closely related to contents of total organic matter or macro-organic matter, or to the C:N ratio of the whole soil or the macro-organic matter.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen application on the nitrogen content and yield of amino acids from potato tubers was studied in one experiment in 1983 and two in 1984. Increasing fertiliser N over the range 0–250 kg ha?1 raised tuber nitrogen concentrations from 0.68–0.81 to 1.27–1.49% DM. Applying half the fertiliser on the seedbed and half at tuber initiation did not increase tuber nitrogen concentrations compared with a single broadcast application at planting. Increasing tuber nitrogen concentrations had little effect upon the proportion recovered in amides or the different amino acids. Yields of some nutritionally essential amino acids were, therefore, substantially increased up to a maximum of 256 kg ha?1 in 1982 and 308 and 384 kg ha?1 in 1984 at the highest fertiliser level. These yields were significantly higher (P<0.01) than those found with the nitrogen application rate optimal for tuber dry matter production (213, 195 and 331 kg N ha?1, respectively) in the same experiments. Methionine and cystine were the limiting essential amino acids. As the amount of each amino acid contained in a unit weight of fresh tuber increased with nitrogen supply, application of more nitrogen than is needed for maximal tuber dry matter production increased protein yields without decreasing the nutritional quality.  相似文献   

广东南雄烟区主要植烟土壤中氮肥淋失特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室内土柱淋溶模拟试验,研究了广东南雄烟区3种主要植烟土壤不同施氮水平下氮素淋失特征。结果表明,3种土壤氮素淋失形态主要为硝态氮,淋失主要发生在第1、2、3、4、5次淋洗,其淋失量(Y)随施氮量(x)增加而增加Y紫色土=1.8889+0.0121x+0.0012x2(R2=0.9993)、Y牛肝土田=2.7918-0.0771x+0.0012x2(R2=0.9861)、Y砂泥田=3.6654-0.0536x+0.0012x2(R2=0.9935)。在相同施氮量下,3种土壤硝态氮淋失率大小顺序为:紫色土>砂泥田>牛肝土田,其硝态氮累计淋失量与淋洗次数间最佳回归方程为对数方程。淋洗结束后,施氮处理土柱各层硝态氮含量较未施肥处理高,且在相同施氮量时,牛肝土田土柱各层残留硝态氮最高,紫色土最低。  相似文献   

Nitrogen losses were measured in water draining from cut permanent grass swards growing in monolith lysimeters containing clay loam (Salop series) or silt loam (Bromyard series) soils. The swards were cut at 6-week intervals during the summer and were fertilised with calcium nitrate at rates of 0 and 400 kg N ha?1 in each of five successive years (1977–81); in the first year the fertiliser was labelled with 15N. Four differing rainfall regimes were imposed from spring to autumn in each year. Mean annual losses of nitrogen by leaching from unfertilised swards were 3.8 kg N ha?1 with mean nitrate-N concentrations in the water of about 1 mg N litre?1. In fertilised lysimeters where rainfall distribution was that of the long-term average the mean annual total nitrogen losses were 41 kg N ha?1 in the Salop soil and 15 kg N ha?1 for the Bromyard soil; mean nitrate-N concentrations were 11.6 mg N litre?1 and 5.1 mg N litre?1, respectively. Losses of nitrogen and nitrate concentrations were similar to these quantities when irrigation increased the rainfall total to 120% of average. Where a drought was imposed for 2 weeks before and after each cut, mean nitrate-N concentrations increased to 20.3 mg N litre?1 on Salop soil and 13.1 mg N litre?1 on Bromyard soils; total annual nitrogen losses were 74 kg N ha and 33 kg N ha?1, respectively. The largest losses were recorded when the drought period extended for four weeks before each cut and mean nitrate-N concentrations increases to 28.8 mg N litre?1 on Salop soil and 34 mg N litre?1 on Bromyard soil, with total annual nitrogen losses of 104 kg N ha?1 and 109 kg N ha?1, respectively. Losses of nitrogen derived from the fertiliser labelled with 15N were 7.3–8.4% of that applied in the Salop soil (29–33 kg N ha?1), with little effect by the differing rainfall distributions. On the Bromyard soil, losses were 3.7% (14 kg N ha?1) of the applied fertiliser in lysimeters not subjected to droughts. When the period of the drought extended before and after each cut, losses were 8.2% (32 kg N ha?1) and increased to 17.9% (70 kg N ha?1) when the drought period occurred entirely before each cut. Fertiliser nitrogen contributed 48–69% of the total nitrogen in drainage water from both soils in the first year.  相似文献   

The effect of drought and irrigation on the yield and fertiliser nitrogen uptake by cut permanent grass swards was investigated using lysimeters containing monoliths (80 cm diam., 135 cm deep) of two soil types (Salop series, clay loam and Bromyard series, silt loam). Over the five summers 1977–81 swards were treated with four dressings of calcium nitrate at rates of 0 and 100 kg N ha?1 after each cut; in the first year, the nitrogen was labelled with 15N. Rainfall equivalent to the long-term average gave mean yields of 12.9 t dry matter ha?1 for Salop and 14.3 t dry matter ha?1 for Bromyard. Irrigation (to 120% of average summer rainfall) gave a non-significant increase of 8–9% in herbage yield on both soils. When the average rainfall distribution was modified to create periods of drought for 4 weeks duration immediately before each cut and fertiliser application, yields were significantly depressed, by 12% on Salop soil and 20% on Bromyard soil. Adjustment of the drought so that cutting and nitrogen application fell mid-way in the dry period resulted in only a small non-significant depression of yield on both soils (yield 95–96% of average rainfall treatment). The recovery of applied 15N labelled fertiliser in herbage during the first year of the experiment was in the range 45–47% for the Salop soil and 39–52% for the Bromyard soil. In the Salop soil the recovery of the labelled nitrogen was not significantly affected by imposition of drought conditions or by irrigation. However, in the Bromyard soil the drought treatment resulted in a significant reduction in the recovery of fertiliser nitrogen to 79% of that of the average rainfall treatment and irrigation increased the recovery to 106%. The contrasting results from the two soils was due to the imposed drought treatments which were more effective in creating differing soil water status in the Bromyard soil. This was due to its good drainage and lower water holding capacity. On both soils, fertiliser nitrogen constituted 53–60% of the total nitrogen content of the herbage. This experiment indicates that on clay soils with poor drainage status, the pattern of rainfall distribution has relatively little impact on the productivity of the sward and its utilisation of fertiliser nitrogen. On freely-draining soils, however, heavy rainfall after drought following cutting and nitrogen application can substantially depress yield and fertiliser use.  相似文献   

Temperature had an influence on desorption isotherms of potato measured at six different temperatures (4, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 50°C). The parameters of the Oswin, Henderson, Halsey and GAB models, for isotherm representation, were identified. Water activity at any temperature could be calculated by means of only one equation using the GAB model, which gave the best fit to experimental data in all the range of water activity studied (0·4–0·9). Isosteric heats of water desorption of potato, were determined from the desorption isotherms following the Clausius–Clapeyron equation and from two thermal analysis techniques (DSC and TG). Similar results were obtained through the two methods, indicating that calorimetric techniques are adequate to obtain the isosteric heat of desorption of products with a high starch content. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

烟秆生物质炭对土壤碳氮矿化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为优化烟草废弃物的资源化利用,采用室内培养试验,研究了烟秆生物质炭对土壤有机碳、有机氮矿化特征的影响。结果发现,与对照(生物质炭添加质量分数为0.0%)相比,添加烟秆生物质炭后能一定程度促进土壤有机碳的矿化,且1.0%添加量处理的有机碳累积矿化量最高,其次为0.5%及2.0%的添加量处理;与其他处理相比,2.0%添加量处理能显著降低土壤总有机碳的累积矿化率,促进土壤中有机碳的积累;添加烟秆生物质炭对土壤无机氮含量、有机氮的矿化及硝化速率均无显著影响。说明较高量的烟秆生物质炭(2.0%)添加能提高土壤有机碳含量,对于烟田土壤的增碳固氮效应及废弃烟秆的资源化利用方面具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The presence of stable mixed nitrogen forms (such as nitrate/ammonium/urea or nitrate/urea) in the soil solution is due to the use of nitrification and/or urease inhibitors in urea‐based fertilisers. However, there is no specific information in the literature comparing the efficiency of these urea mixed nitrogen forms as a nitrogen source for plants with that of nitrate and ammonium/nitrate. The aim of this study was to compare the effects on plant growth and mineral nutrition of different nitrogen forms, including mixed nitrogen forms containing urea. RESULTS: The results indicated that for both wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) the growth of plants fed mixed nitrogen forms containing urea was generally similar to that of plants receiving nitrate and nitrate/ammonium. Only in the case of pepper did ammonium/urea nutrition cause a significant decrease in plant growth. The presence of nitrate corrected the negative effects of mixed nitrogen forms containing ammonium and/or urea on the growth of pepper plants. CONCLUSION: Mixed nitrogen forms containing urea did not cause any negative effect on plant growth or mineral nutrition. In fact, plants fed mixed nitrogen forms containing urea had higher shoot concentrations of potassium, phosphorus, iron and boron than plants receiving nitrate. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

以某酒厂污水处理站的活性污泥为原材料,使用微生物筛选和培养技术筛选出若干株微生物,其中编号为WS-16的菌株具有降解氨氮、化学需氧量(COD)生理活性,采用不同接种量和培养时间进行WS-16降解氨氮和COD研究;并对WS-16进行微生物测序.结果 证明:不同培养时间菌株WS-16降解污水中COD和氨氮更明显,氨氮从37...  相似文献   

合成了一系列含氮衍生物作为免烫整理织物强力保护添加剂 ,并与国外免烫整理强力保护添加剂对比 ,测试了纯棉织物免烫整理后的物理机构性能。结果表明 ,添加适当用量的该类含氮衍生物在保持免烫整理效果的同时可以提高整理品的断裂和撕破强力保留率  相似文献   

Fuor years after 15N labelled fertiliser nitrogen (as Ca(NO3)2 and equivalent to 400 kg N ha?1) was applied to permanent grass swards growing in lysimeter monoliths, approximately one-quarter remained immobilised in soil organic matter. In the intervening years similar but non-labelled applications were made. Although differing rainfall regimes applied during the experiment had significantly affected nitrogen uptake by plants and nitrate loss in drainage, they caused no significant effect on the tracer nitrogen remaining in the soil, the ranges were 85–97 kg N ha?1 and 79–94 kg N ha?1 respectively for the 135 cm deep clay and silt loam soil monoliths. Labelled nitrogen unaccounted for in crop, drainage or soil was presumed to have been denitrified. These losses averaged 62 and 49 kg N ha?1 on the clay and silt loam soils respectively; again the differing rainfall regimes caused no significant differences. The ratio between estimates of labelled nitrogen denitrified and of annual nitroux oxide loss was approximately 9:1 for both soils. The conversion from permanent grass to winter wheat in autumn 1981, involving killing and then burying the sward, resulted in no pronounced increase in net mineralisation of labelled nitrogen. However, the balance between crop uptake and the quantity leached did change. Labelled nitrogen assimilated was less for the wheat (growing without addition of fertiliser nitrogen) than for the grass in its last year, and the quantity leached was considerably greater than under grass swards that were supplied with an average rainfall distribution. Following the first wheat harvest total nitrogen leached averaged 51 and 44 kg N ha?1 on the clay and silt loam soils respectively. Rates of nitrous oxide emissions during the autumn following sward destruction were greater than in earlier years, but this enhanced loss was of short duration. The crop clearly benefited from the succession of nitrogen applications made to grass, as grain yield and total nitrogen uptake exceeded 7 t ha?1 and 120 kg N ha?1 respectively on both soils. These quantities exceed the national averages for winter wheat and are also considerably greater than for crops from lysimeters which received no nitrogen fertiliser throughout the experiment.  相似文献   

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