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The function of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) via activation through its high-affinity receptor Tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) has a pivotal role in cell differentiation, cell survival, synaptic plasticity, and both embryonic and adult neurogenesis in central nervous system neurons. A number of studies have demonstrated the possible involvement of altered expression and action of the BDNF/TrkB signaling in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this review, we introduce an essential role of the BDNF and its downstream signaling in neural function. We also review the current evidence on the deregulated the BDNF signaling in the pathophysiology of AD at gene, mRNA, and protein levels. Further, we discuss a potential usefulness of small compounds, including flavonoids, which can stimulate BDNF-related signaling as a BDNF-targeting therapy.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with a decline in cognitive function, which can partly be explained by the accumulation of damage to the brain cells over time. Neurons and glia undergo morphological and ultrastructure changes during aging. Over the past several years, it has become evident that at the cellular level, various hallmarks of an aging brain are closely related to mitophagy. The importance of mitochondria quality and quantity control through mitophagy is highlighted by the contribution that defects in mitochondria–autophagy crosstalk make to aging and age-related diseases. In this review, we analyze some of the more recent findings regarding the study of brain aging and neurodegeneration in the context of mitophagy. We discuss the data on the dynamics of selective autophagy in neurons and glial cells during aging and in the course of neurodegeneration, focusing on three mechanisms of mitophagy: non-receptor-mediated mitophagy, receptor-mediated mitophagy, and transcellular mitophagy. We review the role of mitophagy in neuronal/glial homeostasis and in the molecular pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and other disorders. Common mechanisms of aging and neurodegeneration that are related to different mitophagy pathways provide a number of promising targets for potential therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative disorders are characterized by the progressive loss of central and/or peripheral nervous system neurons. Within this context, neuroinflammation comes up as one of the main factors linked to neurodegeneration progression. In fact, neuroinflammation has been recognized as an outstanding factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and multiple sclerosis (MS). Interestingly, neuroinflammatory diseases are characterized by dramatic changes in the epigenetic profile, which might provide novel prognostic and therapeutic factors towards neuroinflammatory treatment. Deep changes in DNA and histone methylation, along with histone acetylation and altered non-coding RNA expression, have been reported at the onset of inflammatory diseases. The aim of this work is to review the current knowledge on this field.  相似文献   

The development of cell reprogramming technologies became a breakthrough in the creation of new models of human diseases, including neurodegenerative pathologies. The iPSCs-based models allow for the studying of both hereditary and sporadic cases of pathologies and produce deep insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration. The use of the cells most vulnerable to a particular pathology makes it possible to identify specific pathological mechanisms and greatly facilitates the task of selecting the most effective drugs. To date, a large number of studies on patient-specific models of neurodegenerative diseases has been accumulated. In this review, we focused on the alterations of such a ubiquitous and important intracellular regulatory pathway as calcium signaling. Here, we reviewed and analyzed the data obtained from iPSCs-based models of different neurodegenerative disorders that demonstrated aberrant calcium signaling.  相似文献   

Insulin signaling is a conserved pathway that orchestrates glucose and lipid metabolism, energy balance, and inflammation, and its dysregulation compromises the homeostasis of multiple systems. Insulin resistance is a shared hallmark of several metabolic diseases, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes, and has been associated with cognitive decline during aging and dementia. Numerous mechanisms promoting the development of peripheral and central insulin resistance have been described, although most of them were not completely clarified. In the last decades, several studies have highlighted that biliverdin reductase-A (BVR-A), over its canonical role in the degradation of heme, acts as a regulator of insulin signaling. Evidence from human and animal studies show that BVR-A alterations are associated with the aberrant activation of insulin signaling, metabolic syndrome, liver steatosis, and visceral adipose tissue inflammation in obese and diabetic individuals. In addition, recent findings demonstrated that reduced BVR-A levels or impaired BVR-A activation contribute to the development of brain insulin resistance and metabolic alterations in Alzheimer’s disease. In this narrative review, we will provide an overview on the literature by focusing on the role of BVR-A in the regulation of insulin signaling and how BVR-A alterations impact on cell dysfunctions in both metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Neurotrophic factors (NTFs) are essential for cell growth, survival, synaptic plasticity, and maintenance of specific neuronal population in the central nervous system. Multiple studies have demonstrated that alterations in the levels and activities of NTFs are related to the pathology and symptoms of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and Huntington’s disease. Hence, the key molecule that can regulate the expression of NTFs is an important target for gene therapy coupling adeno-associated virus vector (AAV) gene. We have previously reported that the Ras homolog protein enriched in brain (Rheb)–mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) axis plays a vital role in preventing neuronal death in the brain of AD and PD patients. AAV transduction using a constitutively active form of Rheb exerts a neuroprotective effect through the upregulation of NTFs, thereby promoting the neurotrophic interaction between astrocytes and neurons in AD conditions. These findings suggest the role of Rheb as an important regulator of the regulatory system of NTFs to treat neurodegenerative diseases. In this review, we present an overview of the role of Rheb in neurodegenerative diseases and summarize the therapeutic potential of AAV serotype 1 (AAV1)-Rheb(S16H) transduction in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders, focusing on diseases, such as AD and PD.  相似文献   

This narrative review summarises the evidence for considering physical exercise (PE) as a non-pharmacological intervention for delaying cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) not only by improving cardiovascular fitness but also by attenuating neuroinflammation. Ageing is the most important risk factor for AD. A hallmark of the ageing process is a systemic low-grade chronic inflammation that also contributes to neuroinflammation. Neuroinflammation is associated with AD, Parkinson’s disease, late-onset epilepsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and anxiety disorders. Pharmacological treatment of AD is currently limited to mitigating the symptoms and attenuating progression of the disease. AD animal model studies and human studies on patients with a clinical diagnosis of different stages of AD have concluded that PE attenuates cognitive decline not only by improving cardiovascular fitness but possibly also by attenuating neuroinflammation. Therefore, low-grade chronic inflammation and neuroinflammation should be considered potential modifiable risk factors for AD that can be attenuated by PE. This opens the possibility for personalised attenuation of neuroinflammation that could also have important health benefits for patients with other inflammation associated brain disorders (i.e., Parkinson’s disease, late-onset epilepsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and anxiety disorders). In summary, life-long, regular, structured PE should be considered as a supplemental intervention for attenuating the progression of AD in human. Further studies in human are necessary to develop optimal, personalised protocols, adapted to the progression of AD and the individual’s mental and physical limitations, to take full advantage of the beneficial effects of PE that include improved cardiovascular fitness, attenuated systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation, stimulated brain Aβ peptides brain catabolism and brain clearance.  相似文献   

Adiponectin is an adipokine produced by adipose tissue. It has numerous beneficial effects. In particular, it improves metabolic effects and glucose homeostasis, lipid profile, and is involved in the regulation of cytokine profile and immune cell production, having anti-inflammatory and immune-regulatory effects. Adiponectin’s role is already known in immune diseases and also in neurodegenerative diseases. Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, are a set of diseases of the central nervous system, characterized by a chronic and selective process of neuron cell death, which occurs mainly in relation to oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. Lifestyle is able to influence the development of these diseases. In particular, unhealthy nutrition on gut microbiota, influences its composition and predisposition to develop many diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases, given the importance of the “gut-brain” axis. There is a strong interplay between Adiponectin, gut microbiota, and brain-gut axis. For these reasons, a healthy diet composed of healthy nutrients such as probiotics, prebiotics, polyphenols, can prevent many metabolic and inflammatory diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases and obesity. The special Adiponectin role should be taken into account also, in order to be able to use this component as a therapeutic molecule.  相似文献   

Calcium signaling is essential for neuronal function, and its dysregulation has been implicated across neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A close reciprocal relationship exists between calcium signaling and mitochondrial function. Growing evidence in a variety of AD models indicates that calcium dyshomeostasis drastically alters mitochondrial activity which, in turn, drives neurodegeneration. This review discusses the potential pathogenic mechanisms by which calcium impairs mitochondrial function in AD, focusing on the impact of calcium in endoplasmic reticulum (ER)–mitochondrial communication, mitochondrial transport, oxidative stress, and protein homeostasis. This review also summarizes recent data that highlight the need for exploring the mechanisms underlying calcium-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction while suggesting potential targets for modulating mitochondrial calcium levels to treat neurodegenerative diseases such as AD.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative diseases affect millions of people worldwide and are characterized by the chronic and progressive deterioration of neural function. Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Huntington’s disease (HD), represent a huge social and economic burden due to increasing prevalence in our aging society, severity of symptoms, and lack of effective disease-modifying therapies. This lack of effective treatments is partly due to a lack of reliable models. Modeling neurodegenerative diseases is difficult because of poor access to human samples (restricted in general to postmortem tissue) and limited knowledge of disease mechanisms in a human context. Animal models play an instrumental role in understanding these diseases but fail to comprehensively represent the full extent of disease due to critical differences between humans and other mammals. The advent of human-induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) technology presents an advantageous system that complements animal models of neurodegenerative diseases. Coupled with advances in gene-editing technologies, hiPSC-derived neural cells from patients and healthy donors now allow disease modeling using human samples that can be used for drug discovery.  相似文献   

Sirtuin 2 (SIRT2) has been associated to aging and age-related pathologies. Specifically, an age-dependent accumulation of isoform 3 of SIRT2 in the CNS has been demonstrated; however, no study has addressed the behavioral or molecular consequences that this could have on aging. In the present study, we have designed an adeno-associated virus vector (AAV-CAG-Sirt2.3-eGFP) for the overexpression of SIRT2.3 in the hippocampus of 2 month-old SAMR1 and SAMP8 mice. Our results show that the specific overexpression of this isoform does not induce significant behavioral or molecular effects at short or long term in the control strain. Only a tendency towards a worsening in the performance in acquisition phase of the Morris Water Maze was found in SAMP8 mice, together with a significant increase in the pro-inflammatory cytokine Il-1β. These results suggest that the age-related increase of SIRT2.3 found in the brain is not responsible for induction or prevention of senescence. Nevertheless, in combination with other risk factors, it could contribute to the progression of age-related processes. Understanding the specific role of SIRT2 on aging and the underlying molecular mechanisms is essential to design new and more successful therapies for the treatment of age-related diseases.  相似文献   

Cognitive dysfunctions such as mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and other forms of dementia are recognized as common comorbidities of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Currently, there are no disease-modifying therapies or definitive clinical diagnostic and prognostic tools for dementia, and the mechanisms underpinning the link between T2DM and cognitive dysfunction remain equivocal. Some of the suggested pathophysiological mechanisms underlying cognitive decline in diabetes patients include hyperglycemia, insulin resistance and altered insulin signaling, neuroinflammation, cerebral microvascular injury, and buildup of cerebral amyloid and tau proteins. Given the skyrocketing global rates of diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders, there is an urgent need to discover novel biomarkers relevant to the co-morbidity of both conditions to guide future diagnostic approaches. This review aims to provide a comprehensive background of the potential risk factors, the identified biomarkers of diabetes-related cognitive decrements, and the underlying processes of diabetes-associated cognitive dysfunction. Aging, poor glycemic control, hypoglycemia and hyperglycemic episodes, depression, and vascular complications are associated with increased risk of dementia. Conclusive research studies that have attempted to find specific biomarkers are limited. However, the most frequent considerations in such investigations are related to C reactive protein, tau protein, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, advanced glycation end products, glycosylated hemoglobin, and adipokines.  相似文献   

Sulforaphane (SFN) is a phytocompound belonging to the isothiocyanate family. Although it was also found in seeds and mature plants, SFN is mainly present in sprouts of many cruciferous vegetables, including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. SFN is produced by the conversion of glucoraphanin through the enzyme myrosinase, which leads to the formation of this isothiocyanate. SFN is especially characterized by antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic properties, and for this reason, it aroused the interest of researchers. The aim of this review is to summarize the experimental studies present on Pubmed that report the efficacy of SFN in the treatment of neurodegenerative disease, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and multiple sclerosis (MS). Therefore, thanks to its beneficial effects, SFN could be useful as a supplement to counteracting neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Microbial dysbiosis (MD) provokes gut barrier alterations and bacterial translocation in the bloodstream. The increased blood bacterial DNA (BB-DNA) may promote peripheral- and neuro-inflammation, contributing to cognitive impairment. MD also influences brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) production, whose alterations contribute to the etiopathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The purpose of this study is to measure BB-DNA in healthy elderly controls (EC), and in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD to explore the effect on plasma BDNF levels (pBDNF), the inflammatory response, and the association with cognitive decline during a two-year follow-up. Baseline BB-DNA and pBDNF were significantly higher in MCI and AD than in EC. BB-DNA was positively correlated with pBDNF in AD, plasma Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and Interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels in MCI. AD patients with BB-DNA values above the 50th percentile had lower baseline Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). After a two-year follow-up, AD patients with the highest BB-DNA tertile had a worse cognitive decline, while higher BB-DNA levels were associated with higher TNF-α and lower IL-10 in MCI. Our study demonstrates that, in early AD, the higher the BB-DNA levels, the higher the pBDNF levels, suggesting a defensive attempt; BB-DNA seems to play a role in the AD severity/progression; in MCI, higher BB-DNA may trigger an increased inflammatory response.  相似文献   

The most common cause of dementia, especially in elderly people, is Alzheimer’s disease (AD), with aging as its main risk factor. AD is a multifactorial neurodegenerative disease. There are several factors increasing the risk of AD development. One of the main features of Alzheimer’s disease is impairment of brain energy. Hypometabolism caused by decreased glucose uptake is observed in specific areas of the AD-affected brain. Therefore, glucose hypometabolism and energy deficit are hallmarks of AD. There are several hypotheses that explain the role of glucose hypometabolism in AD, but data available on this subject are poor. Reduced transport of glucose into neurons may be related to decreased expression of glucose transporters in neurons and glia. On the other hand, glucose transporters may play a role as potential targets for the treatment of AD. Compounds such as antidiabetic drugs, agonists of SGLT1, insulin, siRNA and liposomes are suggested as therapeutics. Nevertheless, the suggested targets of therapy need further investigations.  相似文献   

As a neurodegenerative disease, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) shows a higher incidence during the aging process, mainly revealing the characteristics of a significant decrease in cognition, uncontrolled emotion, and reduced learning and memory capacity, even leading to death. In the prevention and treatment of AD, some pharmacological therapy has been applied in clinical practice. Unfortunately, there are still limited effective treatments for AD due to the absence of clear and defined targets. Currently, it is recognized that the leading causes of AD include amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) deposition, hyperphosphorylation of tau protein, neurofibrillary tangles, mitochondrial dysfunction, and inflammation. With in-depth mechanistic exploration, it has been found that these causes are highly correlated with the dysfunctional status of autophagy. Numerous experimental results have also confirmed that the development and progression of AD is accompanied by an abnormal functional status of autophagy; therefore, regulating the functional status of autophagy has become one of the important strategies for alleviating or arresting the progression of AD. With the increasing attention given to microRNAs (miRNAs), more and more studies have found that a series of miRNAs are involved in the development and progression of AD through the indirect regulation of autophagy. Therefore, regulating autophagy through targeting these miRNAs may be an essential breakthrough for the prevention and treatment of AD. This article summarizes the regulation of miRNAs in autophagy, with the aim of providing a new theoretical reference point for the prevention and treatment of AD through the indirect regulation of miRNA-mediated autophagy.  相似文献   

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