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TP53 plays critical roles in maintaining genome stability. Deleterious genetic variants damage the function of TP53, causing genome instability and increased cancer risk. Of the large quantity of genetic variants identified in TP53, however, many remain functionally unclassified as variants of unknown significance (VUS) due to the lack of evidence. This is reflected by the presence of 749 (42%) VUS of the 1785 germline variants collected in the ClinVar database. In this study, we addressed the deleteriousness of TP53 missense VUS. Utilizing the protein structure-based Ramachandran Plot-Molecular Dynamics Simulation (RPMDS) method that we developed, we measured the effects of missense VUS on TP53 structural stability. Of the 340 missense VUS tested, we observed deleterious evidence for 193 VUS, as reflected by the TP53 structural changes caused by the VUS-substituted residues. We compared the results from RPMDS with those from other in silico methods and observed higher specificity of RPMDS in classification of TP53 missense VUS than these methods. Data from our current study address a long-standing challenge in classifying the missense VUS in TP53, one of the most important tumor suppressor genes.  相似文献   

The conformational heterogeneity of the p53 tumor suppressor, the wild-type (p53wt) and mutated forms, was investigated by a computational approach, including the modeling and all atoms of the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Four different punctual mutations (p53R175H, p53R248Q, p53R273H, and p53R282W) which are known to affect the DNA binding and belong to the most frequent hot-spot mutations in human cancers, were taken into consideration. The MD trajectories of the wild-type and mutated p53 forms were analyzed by essential dynamics to extract the relevant collective motions and by the frustration method to evaluate the degeneracy of the energy landscape. We found that p53 is characterized by wide collective motions and its energy landscape exhibits a rather high frustration level, especially in the regions involved in the binding to physiological ligands. Punctual mutations give rise to a modulation of both the collective motions and the frustration of p53, with different effects depending on the mutation. The regions of p53wt and of the mutated forms characterized by a high frustration level are also largely involved in the collective motions. Such a correlation is discussed also in connection with the intrinsic disordered character of p53 and with its central functional role.  相似文献   

The advent of novel and high-throughput sequencing (next generation) technologies allowed for the sequencing of the genome at an unprecedented depth. The majority of transcribed RNAs have been classified as non-coding RNAs. Among them, long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are emerging as important regulators in many biological processes. Here, we discuss the role of those lncRNAs which are under the control of p53 or that are able to regulate its activity, due to the central role of p53 pathway in many conditions. We also briefly discussed the emerging need of having novel strategies and computational tools to completely unravel the multifaceted roles of lncRNAs and to pave the way to the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic applications based on these peculiar molecules.  相似文献   

The calcium pump (sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, SERCA) plays a major role in calcium homeostasis in muscle cells by clearing cytosolic Ca2+ during muscle relaxation. Active Ca2+ transport by SERCA involves the structural transition from a low-Ca2+ affinity E2 state toward a high-Ca2+ affinity E1 state of the pump. This structural transition is accompanied by the countertransport of protons to stabilize the negative charge and maintain the structural integrity of the transport sites and partially compensate for the positive charges of the two Ca2+ ions passing through the membrane. X-ray crystallography studies have suggested that a hydrated pore located at the C-terminal domain of SERCA serves as a conduit for proton countertransport, but the existence and function of this pathway have not yet been fully characterized. We used atomistic simulations to demonstrate that in the protonated E2 state and the absence of initially bound water molecules, the C-terminal pore becomes hydrated in the nanosecond timescale. Hydration of the C-terminal pore is accompanied by the formation of water wires that connect the transport sites with the cytosol. Water wires are known as ubiquitous proton-transport devices in biological systems, thus supporting the notion that the C-terminal domain serves as a conduit for proton release. Additional simulations showed that the release of a single proton from the transport sites induces bending of transmembrane helix M5 and the interaction between residues Arg762 and Ser915. These structural changes create a physical barrier against full hydration of the pore and prevent the formation of hydrogen-bonded water wires once proton transport has occurred through this pore. Together, these findings support the notion that the C-terminal proton release pathway is a functional element of SERCA and also provide a mechanistic model for its operation in the catalytic cycle of the pump.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are molecular chaperones that assist diverse cellular activities including protein folding, intracellular transportation, assembly or disassembly of protein complexes, and stabilization or degradation of misfolded or aggregated proteins. HSP40, also known as J-domain proteins (JDPs), is the largest family with over fifty members and contains highly conserved J domains responsible for binding to HSP70 and stimulation of the ATPase activity as a co-chaperone. Tumor suppressor p53 (p53), the most frequently mutated gene in human cancers, is one of the proteins that functionally interact with HSP40/JDPs. The majority of p53 mutations are missense mutations, resulting in acquirement of unexpected oncogenic activities, referred to as gain of function (GOF), in addition to loss of the tumor suppressive function. Moreover, stability and levels of wild-type p53 (wtp53) and mutant p53 (mutp53) are crucial for their tumor suppressive and oncogenic activities, respectively. However, the regulatory mechanisms of wtp53 and mutp53 are not fully understood. Accumulating reports demonstrate regulation of wtp53 and mutp53 levels and/or activities by HSP40/JDPs. Here, we summarize updated knowledge related to the link of HSP40/JDPs with p53 and cancer signaling to improve our understanding of the regulation of tumor suppressive wtp53 and oncogenic mutp53 GOF activities.  相似文献   

Meiosis initiates with the formation of double strand breaks (DSBs) throughout the genome. To avoid genomic instability, these DSBs need to be correctly repaired by homologous recombination. Surveillance mechanisms involving the DNA damage response (DDR) pathway ATM-CHK2-p53 can detect the persistence of unrepaired DBSs and activate the recombination-dependent arrest at the pachytene stage. However, a complete understanding of p53 functions under normal physiological conditions remains lacking. Here, we report a detailed analysis of the p53 role during meiotic prophase in mice spermatocytes. We show that the absence of p53 regulates prophase progression by slowing down the pachytene stage when the recombination-dependent arrest occurs. Furthermore, our results show that p53 is necessary for proper crossover (CO) formation and localization. Our study contributes to a deeper understanding of p53 roles during the meiotic prophase.  相似文献   

As a tumor suppressor protein, p53 plays a crucial role in the cell cycle and in cancer prevention. Almost 50 percent of all human malignant tumors are closely related to a deletion or mutation in p53. The activity of p53 is inhibited by over-active celluar antagonists, especially by the over-expression of the negative regulators MDM2 and MDMX. Protein-protein interactions, or post-translational modifications of the C-terminal negative regulatory domain of p53, also regulate its tumor suppressor activity. Restoration of p53 function through peptide and small molecular inhibitors has become a promising strategy for novel anti-cancer drug design and development. Molecular dynamics simulations have been extensively applied to investigate the conformation changes of p53 induced by protein-protein interactions and protein-ligand interactions, including peptide and small molecular inhibitors. This review focuses on the latest MD simulation research, to provide an overview of the current understanding of interactions between p53 and its partners at an atomic level.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is a leading fatal malignancy in humans. p53 mutants exhibit not only loss of tumor suppressor capability but also oncogenic gain-of-function, contributing to lung cancer initiation, progression and therapeutic resistance. Research shows that p53 mutants V157F and R158L occur with high frequency in lung squamous cell carcinomas. Revealing their conformational dynamics is critical for developing novel lung therapies. Here, we used all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the effect of V157F and R158L substitutions on the structural properties of the p53 core domain (p53C). Compared to wild-type (WT) p53C, both V157F and R158L mutants display slightly lesser β-sheet structure, larger radius of gyration, larger volume and larger exposed surface area, showing aggregation-prone structural characteristics. The aggregation-prone fragments (residues 249–267 and 268–282) of two mutants are more exposed to water solution than that of WT p53C. V157F and R158L mutation sites can affect the conformation switch of loop 1 through long-range associations. Simulations also reveal that the local structure and conformation around the V157F and R158L mutation sites are in a dynamic equilibrium between the misfolded and properly folded conformations. These results provide molecular mechanistic insights into allosteric mechanisms of the lung-enriched p53 mutants.  相似文献   

Mutation of the tumor suppressor gene, TP53, is associated with abysmal survival outcomes in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Although it is the most commonly mutated gene in cancer, its occurrence is observed in only 5–10% of de novo AML, and in 30% of therapy related AML (t-AML). TP53 mutation serves as a prognostic marker of poor response to standard-of-care chemotherapy, particularly in t-AML and AML with complex cytogenetics. In light of a poor response to traditional chemotherapy and only a modest improvement in outcome with hypomethylation-based interventions, allogenic stem cell transplant is routinely recommended in these cases, albeit with a response that is often short lived. Despite being frequently mutated across the cancer spectrum, progress and enthusiasm for the development of p53 targeted therapeutic interventions is lacking and to date there is no approved drug that mitigates the effects of TP53 mutation. There is a mounting body of evidence indicating that p53 mutants differ in functionality and form from typical AML cases and subsequently display inconsistent responses to therapy at the cellular level. Understanding this pathobiological activity is imperative to the development of effective therapeutic strategies. This review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the effects of TP53 on the hematopoietic system, to describe its varying degree of functionality in tumor suppression, and to illustrate the need for the adoption of personalized therapeutic strategies to target distinct classes of the p53 mutation in AML management.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor p53 is regulated by various posttranslational modifications including different types of ubiquitylation, which exert distinct effects on p53. While modification by ubiquitin chains targets p53 for degradation, attachment of single ubiquitin moieties (mono-ubiquitylation) affects the intracellular location of p53 and/or its interaction with chromatin. However, how this is achieved at the molecular level remains largely unknown. Similarly, since p53 can be ubiquitylated at different lysine residues, it remains unclear if the eventual effect depends on the position of the lysine modified. Here, we combined genetic code expansion with oxime ligation to generate p53 site-specifically mono-ubiquitylated at position 120. We found that mono-ubiquitylation at this position neither interferes with p53 ubiquitylation by the E3 ligases HDM2 and E6AP in complex with the viral E6 oncoprotein nor affects p53 binding to a cognate DNA sequence. Thus, ubiquitylation per se does not affect physiologically relevant properties of p53.  相似文献   

Anchor residues, which are deeply buried upon binding, play an important role in protein-protein interactions by providing recognition specificity and facilitating the binding kinetics. Up to now, studies on anchor residues have been focused mainly on ordered proteins. In this study, we investigated anchor residues in intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) which are flexible in the free state. We identified the anchor residues of the N-terminus of the p53 protein (Glu17-Asn29, abbreviated as p53N) which are involved in binding with two different targets (MDM2 and Taz2), and analyzed their side chain conformations in the unbound states. The anchor residues in the unbound p53N were found to frequently sample conformations similar to those observed in the bound complexes (i.e., Phe19, Trp23, and Leu26 in the p53N-MDM2 complex, and Leu22 in the p53N-Taz2 complex). We argue that the bound-like conformations of the anchor residues in the unbound state are important for controlling the specific interactions between IDPs and their targets. Further, we propose a mechanism to account for the binding promiscuity of IDPs in terms of anchor residues and molecular recognition features (MoRFs).  相似文献   

Despite the recent development of precision medicine and targeted therapies, lung cancer remains the top cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide. The patients diagnosed with metastatic disease have a five-year survival rate lower than 6%. In metastatic disease, EGFR is the most common driver of mutation, with the most common co-driver hitting TP53. EGFR-positive patients are offered the frontline treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, yet the development of resistance and the lack of alternative therapies make this group of patients only fit for clinical trial participation. Since mutant p53 is the most common co-driver in the metastatic setting, therapies reactivating the p53 pathway might serve as a promising alternative therapeutic approach in patients who have developed a resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors. This review focuses on the molecular background of EGFR-mutated lung cancer and discusses novel therapeutic options converging on the reactivation of p53 tumor suppressor pathways.  相似文献   

The study of protein–protein interactions is of great interest. Several early studies focused on the murine double minute 2 (Mdm2)–tumor suppressor protein p53 interactions. However, the effect of plasma treatment on Mdm2 and p53 is still absent from the literature. This study investigated the structural changes in Mdm2, p53, and the Mdm2–p53 complex before and after possible plasma oxidation through molecular dynamic (MD) simulations. MD calculation revealed that the oxidized Mdm2 bounded or unbounded showed high flexibility that might increase the availability of tumor suppressor protein p53 in plasma-treated cells. This study provides insight into Mdm2 and p53 for a better understanding of plasma oncology.  相似文献   

Cancer is a disease associated with genomic instability and mutations. Excluding some tumors with specific chromosomal translocations, most cancers that develop at an advanced age are characterized by either chromosomal or microsatellite instability. However, it is still unclear how genomic instability and mutations are generated during the process of cellular transformation and how the development of genomic instability contributes to cellular transformation. Recent studies of cellular regulation and tetraploidy development have provided insights into the factors triggering cellular transformation and the regulatory mechanisms that protect chromosomes from genomic instability.  相似文献   

Coagulation factor IX (FIX) is a vitamin K dependent protein and its deficiency causes hemophilia B, an X-linked recessive bleeding disorder. More than 1000 mutations in the F9 gene have been identified in hemophilia B patients. Here, we systematically summarize the structural and functional characteristics of FIX and the pathogenic mechanisms of the mutations that have been identified to date. The mechanisms of FIX deficiency are diverse in these mutations. Deletions, insertions, duplications, and indels generally lead to severe hemophilia B. Those in the exon regions generate either frame shift or inframe mutations, and those in the introns usually cause aberrant splicing. Regarding point mutations, the bleeding phenotypes vary from severe to mild in hemophilia B patients. Generally speaking, point mutations in the F9 promoter region result in hemophilia B Leyden, and those in the introns cause aberrant splicing. Point mutations in the coding sequence can be missense, nonsense, or silent mutations. Nonsense mutations generate truncated FIX that usually loses function, causing severe hemophilia B. Silent mutations may lead to aberrant splicing or affect FIX translation. The mechanisms of missense mutation, however, have not been fully understood. They lead to FIX deficiency, often by affecting FIX’s translation, protein folding, protein stability, posttranslational modifications, activation to FIXa, or the ability to form functional Xase complex. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of FIX deficiency will provide significant insight for patient diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a major cause of reduced podocyte numbers, which leads to proteinuria and/or glomerulosclerosis. Emerging evidence has indicated that deSUMOylation, a dynamic post-translational modification that reverses SUMOylation, is involved in the apoptosis of Burkitt’s lymphoma cells and cardiomyocytes; however, the impact of deSUMOylation on podocyte apoptosis remains unexplored. The p53 protein plays a major role in the pathogenesis of podocyte apoptosis, and p53 can be SUMOylated. Therefore, in the present study, we evaluated the effect of p53 deSUMOylation, which is regulated by sentrin/SUMO-specific protease 1 (SENP1), on podocyte apoptosis. Our results showed that SENP1 deficiency significantly increases puromycin aminonucleoside (PAN)-induced podocyte apoptosis. Moreover, SENP1 knockdown results in the accumulation of SUMOylated p53 protein and the increased expression of the p53 target pro-apoptotic genes, BAX, Noxa and PUMA, in podocytes during PAN stimulation. Thus, SENP1 may be essential for preventing podocyte apoptosis, at least partly through regulating the functions of p53 protein via deSUMOylation. The regulation of deSUMOylation may provide a novel strategy for the treatment of glomerular disorders that involve podocyte apoptosis.  相似文献   

Tumor progression to a metastatic and ultimately lethal stage relies on a tumor-supporting microenvironment that is generated by reciprocal communication between tumor and stromal host cells. The tumor–stroma crosstalk is instructed by the genetic alterations of the tumor cells—the most frequent being mutations in the gene Tumor protein p53 (TP53) that are clinically correlated with metastasis, drug resistance and poor patient survival. The crucial mediators of tumor–stroma communication are tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs), in particular exosomes, which operate both locally within the primary tumor and in distant organs, at pre-metastatic niches as the future sites of metastasis. Here, we review how wild-type and mutant p53 proteins control the secretion, size, and especially the RNA and protein cargo of tumor-derived EVs. We highlight how EVs extend the cell-autonomous tumor suppressive activity of wild-type p53 into the tumor microenvironment (TME), and how mutant p53 proteins switch EVs into oncogenic messengers that reprogram tumor–host communication within the entire organism so as to promote metastatic tumor cell dissemination.  相似文献   

Understanding the heterogeneous nano/microscopic structures of various organic glasses is fundamental and necessary for many applications. Recently, unusual structural phenomena have been observed experimentally in various organic glasses near their glass transition temperatures (Tg), including dibutyl phthalate (DBP). In particular, the librational motion of radical probe in the glass is progressively suppressed upon temperature increase. In this work, we report in-depth molecular dynamics studies of structural anomalies in DBP glass, that revealed insights into the general mechanism of these phenomena. In particular, we have evidenced that the two types of solvation within alkyl chains coexist, allowing only small-angle wobbling of the solute molecule (TEMPO radical), and another favouring large-angle rotations. The former solvation assumes constrained location of the solute near carboxyl groups of DBP, while the latter is coupled to the concerted movement of butyl chains. Remarkably, excellent qualitative and quantitative agreement with previous experimental results were obtained. As such, we are certain that the above-mentioned dynamic phenomena explain the intriguing structural anomalies observed in DBP and some other glasses in the vicinity of Tg.  相似文献   

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