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Lymphocyte cultures were set up from venous blood samples collected from 23 patients of submucous fibrosis (SMF) and 10 normal controls. Slides, thus prepared, were processed and screened for G-, C-banding and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency analysis. No gross chromosomal anomalies except that a few breaks and gaps were observed to be randomly distributed throughout the genome. However, a proportionate increase in SCE frequency in SMF patients as compared to the normal control individuals was observed. An attempt has been made to correlate the period of betel leaves, nuts, quid and tobacco chewing with the incidence of chromosomal anomalies and increase in SCE frequency and its sexwise distribution in these patients.  相似文献   

Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), a premalignant and crippling condition of the oral mucous membrane, was studied to identify its relationship to various chewing and smoking habits. Two hundred and thirty-six consecutive cases of OSF were compared with 221 control subjects matched for age, sex and socio-economic conditions. It was found that chewing of areca nut/quid or pan masala (a commercial preparation of areca nuts, lime, catechu and undisclosed colouring, flavouring and sweetening agents) was directly related to OSF. Also, pan masala was chewed by a comparatively younger age group and was associated with OSF changes earlier than areca nut/quid chewing. However, chewing or smoking tobacco with various other chewing habits did not increase the risk of developing OSF. It was also found that frequency of chewing rather than the total duration of the habit was directly correlated to OSF.  相似文献   

Long standing oral submucous fibrosis is associated with involvement of the oral submucosa and the muscles of mastication leading to difficulty in mouth opening. Various surgical modalities are mentioned for release but each has its own limitations. This article introduces a new technique of release of submucous fibrosis and reconstruction using superficial temporal fascia flap and split skin graft. The surgical technique involves a pre-auricular incision extending into the temporal region with dissection carried out in the sub follicular plane to develop the superficial temporal fascia flap to its maximum extent. The masseter muscle origin is released from the zygomatic arch and the temporalis muscle insertion is released from the coronoid process through an external approach. The entire fibrosed mucosa is released intraorally to create a mucomuscular defect thus achieving full mouth opening. The superficial temporal fascia flap is then brought in and sutured to the intraoral defect, which is then covered with a split thickness skin graft. This procedure is performed bilaterally.A total of five patients were treated with this new technique and all of them showed good mouth opening in long term follow up. There was no donor site morbidity. The incision line is well hidden in the hair bearing area. A well vascularised superficial temporal fascia flap brings in good blood supply to the area of affected muscle and mucosa to improve its function.  相似文献   

Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), a chronic oral mucosal condition commonly found in south Asians, is a disorder characterized by a quantitative as well as a qualitative alteration of collagen deposition within the subepithelial layer of the oral mucosa. Since degradation of collagen by fibroblast phagocytosis is an important pathway for physiological remodelling of soft connective tissues, we have investigated phagocytosis of collagen- and fibronectin-coated latex beads by fibroblast cultures with an in vitro model system. Coated fluorescent latex beads were incubated with human oral mucosa fibroblasts and the fluorescence associated with internalized beads was measured by flow cytometry. Cells from normal tissues that had been incubated with beads for 16 h contained a mean of 75% collagen phagocytic cells and 70% fibronectin phagocytic cells; however, about 15% and 10% of phagocytic cells individually contained more than twice the mean number of beads per cell. In contrast, cells from OSF tissues exhibited a 40% reduction of the proportions of collagen phagocytic cells (mean=35%) and a 48% decrease of the proportions of fibronectin phagocytic cells (mean=22%), none of the cells having a high number of beads as compared to normal fibroblasts. OSF lesions appear to contain fibroblasts with marked deficiencies in collagen and fibronectin phagocytosis. To investigate if inhibition of phagocytosis could be demonstrated in vitro, normal fibroblast cultures were incubated with areca nut alkaloids (arecoline, arecaidine). The cultures had a dose-dependent reduction in the proportions of phagocytic cells. On the other hand, corticosteroid used in the treatment of OSF exhibited a dose-dependent enhancement in the proportion of phagocytic cells. Therefore, our hypothesis for OSF, although oversimplified, is that betel nut alkaloids (arecoline, arecaidine) inhibit fibroblast phagocytosis and this provides a mechanism for the development of OSF. The benefit of a local intralesional injection of corticosteroid is also possibly, at least in part, through an enhancement of fibroblast collagen phagocytosis.  相似文献   

The discovery that certain cytokines have carbohydrate-binding (lectin) properties opens new concepts in the understanding of their mechanism of action. The carbohydrate-recognition domain, which is localized opposite to the receptor-binding domain, makes these molecules bi-functional. The expression of the biological activity of the cytokine relies on its carbohydrate-binding activity which allows the association of the cytokine receptor with molecular complexes comprising the specific kinase involved in receptor phosphorylation and in specific signal transduction. It is expected that blood accumulation of free or membrane-bound glucan ligands of cytokines may dramatically perturb their endogenous function inducing specific immunodeficiencies.  相似文献   

The pre-emptive analgesia concept suggests that pre-administration of analgesics may enhance the efficacy of these drugs. This review has selected the data from the literature according to two types of methodological criteria: Sackett's criteria, and those specific of pre-emptive analgesia studies. Infiltration, spinal and peripheral nerve blocks using local anaesthetic drugs do not seem to produce pre-emptive analgesia. The few positive results have limited clinical significance. The results concerning opioids are contradictory and the clinical significance is limited. Preoperative oral administration of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) offers no benefit. Intravenous pre-administration has a limited advantage, but enhances perioperative bleeding. Ketamine, an NMDA receptor antagonist, may have some pre-emptive analgesic properties according to the few studies available. In conclusion, pre-administration of analgesic drugs represents the usual strategy for the anaesthesiologist (spinal or peripheral block, infiltration, opioids). In other cases (NSAIDs, ketamine), pre-administration represents a change in usual practice. This is not justified for NSAIDs; NMDA receptor antagonists may offer an interesting research area. Data concerning pre-emptive analgesia for chronic pain syndrome such as phantom limb pain are quite limited.  相似文献   

Pulmonary fibrosis can complicate diverse pulmonary and systemic pathologies. In many cases the underlying cause remains unidentified. Mortality from the disease is increasing steadily in the UK and USA. The clinical features are well-described, but patients frequently present at an advanced stage, and current treatments have not improved the poor prognosis. There is a compelling need to identify the fibrotic process earlier and to develop new therapeutic agents. Increased collagen deposition is central to the pathology and interest over the last decade has focused on the role of cytokines in this process. These polypeptide mediators are believed to be released from both circulating inflammatory and resident lung cells in response to endothelial and epithelial injury. Key cytokines currently implicated in the fibrotic process are transforming growth factor-beta, tumour necrosis factor-alpha and endothelin-1. This article outlines the evidence implicating these mediators in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis and also considers the possible role of cytokines with antifibrotic effects, such as interferon-gamma. The "balance" of positively and negatively regulating cytokines is discussed, and the potential for interaction with other factors including viruses, hormones and altered antioxidant status is also considered. Finally, potential novel therapeutic approaches are discussed, together with suggestions for future studies and clinical trials. As the outcomes of different avenues of research over the last ten years are brought together, it is clear that there is now a hitherto unrivalled opportunity to begin to tackle the treatment of this devastating disease.  相似文献   

Uterine leiomyomas, hard masses of smooth muscle-like tissue embedded in the myometrium, may be the most common tumors among humans. These tumors enlarge in as many as 30% of women over 30 years of age, cause significant morbidity, and are the most frequent indication for hysterectomy. Many researchers and clinicians have recently directed their attentions to understanding the etiology of these benign tumors, the conditions which cause their enlargement, and appropriate therapies which may be used as alternatives to hysterectomy. The ovarian steroid hormones estrogen and progesterone are known to play a central role in the pathology of leiomyomas. Both estrogen and progesterone contribute to the pathology of leiomyomas through gene regulation, but in opposing ways. During the follicular phase, estrogen maintains high expression of several genes which are normally expressed in the differentiated myometrium of pregnancy. During the luteal phase, progesterone can increase the mitotic activity of leiomyomas, particularly in younger women. Progesterone may act by inducing the production of growth factors and/or their respective receptors. This article surveys growth factors which may promote enlargement of susceptible leiomyomas. A potential role for cytokines in leiomyoma pathology is also discussed.  相似文献   

With recent health care policy changes and the implementation of direct access in many states, physical therapists must be able to identify pathology that is beyond their scope of practice. The five case reports presented in this series required the differential diagnosis of hip vs. lumbar spine pathology. All of the cases required a referral from the physical therapist to either the patient's physician or a specialist because of abnormal screening test results. Each referral resulted in a new diagnosis of pathology that was beyond the scope of physical therapy. Cyriax's concepts of capsular and noncapsular patterns of joint restriction and the "Sign of the Buttock" proved useful in differentiating between hip and lumbar spine pathology in each patient. Our clinical experience indicates that utilizing the presence/absence of a capsular pattern and a "Sign of the Buttock" to screen out hip pathology in patients may be effective; however, further research is needed to support these claims.  相似文献   

Craniosynostosis is a common disorder with an unknown etiology. Recent genetic mapping studies have demonstrated a strong linkage between several familial craniosynostotic syndromes and mutations in fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGF-R1) and 2 (FGF-R2). The purpose of this experiment was to investigate by immunohistochemistry the protein production of these receptors as well as of their most prevalent ligand, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), before, during, and after sutural fusion in rat cranial sutures. The posterior frontal (normally fuses between postnatal days 12 and 22) and sagittal (remains patent) sutures of embryonic day 20 and neonatal days 6, 12, 17, 22, and 62 (n = 3 per group) were harvested, fixed, and decalcified. Five-micrometer sections were stained with polyclonal antibodies against bFGF, FGF-R1, and FGF-R2, and patterns of immunohistochemical staining were assessed by independent reviewers. Our results indicate that increased bFGF production correlates temporally with suture fusion, with increased staining of the dura underneath the fusing suture prior to fusion followed by increased staining within osteoblasts and sutural cells during fusion. FGF-R1 and, to a lesser extent FGF-R2 immunostaining revealed a different pattern of localization with increased immunostaining within the patent sagittal suture at these time points. These results implicate bFGF in the regulation of sutural fusion and may imply autoregulatory mechanisms in fibroblast growth factor receptor expression.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical approach was utilized to evaluate the cellular distribution of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF beta 1) and transforming growth factor beta 2 (TGF beta 2) at different stages of follicle development in the prepubertal mouse ovary under the following conditions: (i) after pregnant mare's serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) treatment; (ii) after PMSG and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) treatment; (iii) after PMSG and HCG treatment plus mating. In the immature ovary, TGF beta 1 and TGF beta 2 immunoreactivities are localized in theca and granulosa cells and in oocytes. After PMSG treatment, TGF beta 1 and TGF beta 2 immunoreactivities are localized in granulosa cells; in addition, TGF beta 2 staining is noted in the matrix surrounding antral cells. Staining for both TGR beta 1 and TGF beta 2 drops in the theca but persists in the oocyte. PMSG plus HCG treatment results in a significant increase in TGF beta 1 and TGF beta 2 immunoreactivity in the theca and in the maintenance of TGF beta 1 staining in both basal granulosa cells and cumulus cells whereas TGF beta 2 immunoreactivity is essentially localized in the matrix surrounding cumulus cells. Staining for TGF beta 1 and TGF beta 2 persists in the oocyte. Following PMSG plus HCG treatment and mating, TGF beta 1 immunoreactivity is localized in the luteal cells of corpora lutea and TGF beta 2 shows a similar localization pattern. This study provides evidence that TGF beta 1 and TGF beta 2 peptides are expressed in specific cell types during induced follicular maturation in the mouse ovary.  相似文献   

We explored the association of inflammatory mediators and markers of autoimmune and coagulation disorders with cerebral palsy (CP), examining 53 analytes in dried neonatal blood of 31 children with spastic CP, most born at term, and 65 control children. Ultramicroanalysis was performed by recycling immunoaffinity chromatography coupled with laser-enhanced fluorescence and chemiluminescence detection. Reactive antibodies to lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin, antithrombin III, and the translational product of the factor V Leiden mutation were isolated by recycling immunoaffinity chromatography and measured by capillary electrophoresis with chemiluminescence-enhanced immunoassay. Higher concentrations of interleukins (ILs) 1, 8, 9, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and RANTES were observed in these children with CP than in any control child. There were also substantial elevations of IL-6, 11, 13, and other chemokines and colony-stimulating factors in children with CP. Antiphospholipid antibody was present in a titer of 1:100 or greater in 4 children with CP and no control child. Using cuts empirically chosen by recursive partitioning, we found higher concentrations of antibody to antithrombin III, to a translational product of factor V Leiden mutation, and to proteins C and S in children with CP than in controls. We conclude that inflammation and these coagulation abnormalities, which have interacting pathways, are important in the etiology of CP.  相似文献   

We have employed deuterium NMR techniques to determine the dynamics of trimethoprim (TMP) in a binary complex with dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) or in a ternary complex with DHFR and cofactor NADP+ in the fully hydrated state. TMP was deuterated at the following positions: (2',6'-D2)TMP, (3'-Ome-D3)TMP and (3',4'-Ome-D6)TMP. Dynamics of TMP were deduced from lineshape simulation and relaxation measurements of the deuterium NMR powder spectra of the three samples obtained at various temperatures. The results showed that in the polycrystalline state the TMP molecule is very rigid. The only detectable motion is the methyl group rotation at a rate of 10(10) s-1 at 25 degrees C, as determined from simulation of the partially relaxed powder patterns. When bound to DHFR a residual deuterium quadrupole splitting of 140 kHz was observed for (2',6'-D2)TMP at temperatures up to 30 degrees C, suggesting that the benzyl ring in the bound state is also very rigid. In contrast, in the binary complex with DHFR the methoxyl groups of TMP undergo librational motion of 10(7) s-1 about the C3-O bond at an amplitude of 54 degrees for the meta methoxyl group and about the C4-O bond at an amplitude of 70 degrees and similar rate for the para methoxyl group at 30 degrees C. The presence of the cofactor, NADP+, appears to tighten up the binding pocket such that the motion freedom of TMP is more restricted. The rigidity of TMP in a protein complex as revealed by our deuterium NMR results is in accord with the tight binding of TMP to DHFR.  相似文献   

Study or exploration time and retention interval duration between orignal-form exploration and test-form exploration were varied to assess the effect of these two variables on performance accuracy on an oral stereognostic memory task. Irregularly shaped, four-sided plastic forms were used as stimuli. Retention performance improved significantly with an increase in exploration time of up to 15 seconds, but was not effected by delays in testing of up to 60 seconds. Clinical and theoretical implication for oral stereognosis are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: OG-VI is a solution composed of 30 mmol/l inosine, 30 mmol/l sodium 5'-guanylate, 30 mmol/l cytidine, 22.5 mmol/l uridine and 7.5 mmol/l thymidine; it limits myocardial stunning in dogs. We examined whether adenosine A1 receptors were involved in the mechanism of action of OG-VI. METHODS: Dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital were subjected to 20 min of left anterior descending coronary artery ligation followed by 30 min of reperfusion. Saline, OG-VI in several doses, adenosine or inosine was infused at 0.1 ml/kg/min, starting 30 min before the ischemia. In some experiments, 1 or 3 mg/kg 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX), a selective adenosine A1 receptor antagonist, was injected intravenously 15 min before the start of the OG-VI infusion. The percentage myocardial segment shortening (%SS) was measured by sonomicrometry. The tissue concentration of ATP was measured in the 30-min-reperfused hearts. RESULTS: In the saline group, %SS that had been decreased by ischemia returned toward pre-ischemic values after reperfusion, although the metabolic recovery was incomplete, with a low concentration of ATP. The %SS was almost completely restored by 12 and 1.2 mumol/kg/min OG-VI, but 0.4 mumol/kg/min was less effective. Administration of adenosine or inosine did not modify the changes in %SS during ischemia/reperfusion. Pretreatment with DPCPX worsened the recovery of %SS during reperfusion after ischemia in both the saline and the OG-VI groups. Infusion of DPCPX (3 mg/kg) with saline caused the animals to die shortly after the onset of ischemia. However, the enhancement of %SS recovery during OG-VI reperfusion was observed in the presence of DPCPX. CONCLUSION: OG-VI improves the recovery of %SS during reperfusion after brief ischemia in a dose-dependent manner. This effect is not brought about by stimulation of adenosine A1 receptors.  相似文献   

Tubular damage and loss associated with interstitial inflammation and fibrosis may be the most important determinants in chronic renal allograft rejection. To elucidate potential pathophysiologic mechanisms associated with tubulointerstitial lesions, we examined the expression of a fibrogenic cytokine, acidic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-1) and its high-affinity receptors, in both relevant renal transplant controls (n=5) and tissue from patients (n=19) who underwent nephrectomy after graft loss, secondary to chronic rejection. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analyses demonstrated minimal expression of FGF-1 mRNA and protein in the tubulointerstitial compartment of the normal human kidney. In contrast, tubulointerstitial lesions in kidney allografts experiencing chronic rejection demonstrated the exaggerated appearance of both FGF-1 protein and mRNA in resident inflammatory and tubular epithelial cells. Patterns of staining were consistent throughout tubular compartments and did not appear to be localized to any particular region. The tubulointerstitium in kidneys with findings of chronic rejection also exhibited increased immunodetection of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in the tubular epithelium, inflammatory cell infiltrate, and neovascular structures. The enhanced appearance of FGF-1 and readily detectable fibroblast growth factor receptors suggests that this polypeptide mitogen may serve as an important mediator of growth and repair responses, associated with development of angiogenesis and tubulointerstitial lesions during chronic rejection of human renal allografts.  相似文献   

To understand chronic neutrophil attraction into cystic fibrosis airways, both global chemotactic activity and individual chemotactic factors were studied in bronchial secretions. Bronchial secretions of 8 cystic fibrosis patients, collected on the first day of admission for antibiotic treatment, showed a high chemotactic index (19.4 +/- 5.7, n = 8). Fractionation by gel filtration of bronchial secretions resulted in three chemotactic fractions. The first factor corresponded to interleukin-8, and the second activated neutrophils via the FMLP receptor. The third factor, which was of lower molecular weight, did not activate FMLP or leukotriene B4 receptors, and its nature is still under investigation. Treating patients with antibiotics reduced global chemotactic activity, mainly by reducing the activity due to stimulation of the FMLP receptor.  相似文献   

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