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本文提出了一种将任意多面体剖分为四面体的算法,给出了算法理论基础的证明、算法具体实现步骤及所用数据结构。该算法首先根据多面体类型,查找出符合剖分要求的多面体一个面与一个顶点,构成一个简单多面体,将原多面体剖分为该简单多面体和一个新的多面体,再 对新的多面体重复剖分,直到多面体全部剖分为简单多面体。每个简单多面体进一步剖分为四面体。最后,文章讨论了该算法在机器人碰撞检测中的应用。  相似文献   

文章提出了一种对任意多面体不添加顶点的凸剖分方法,它对多面体的剖分个数接近最少。方法是从多面体的棱和对角棱所构成的所有环链中按形成剖分面最少和周长最短的要求选取一个最好的环,利用这个环的各个边所形成的一系列面对多面体进行一次剖分。这种方法可找到对多面体不添加顶点剖分的最好剖分面,使剖分的次数接近最少,同时此方法可对任意多面体进行剖分。  相似文献   

曲面的自适应三角网格剖分   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在传统的映射法基础上 ,采用自适应三角网格加密法能有效地处理带有特征约束条件的任意曲面的三角剖分问题 .在平面三角化算法中对环边统一处理 ,并且采取了一种简单有效的曲率估算方法 ,提高了运行效率 ;并在保持外观的基础上进行了网格质量的优化  相似文献   

该文提出一种将任意多面体剖分为四面体的算法,该算法首先依据顶点凸凹性算法判定多面体顶点的凸凹性性质,再寻找符合剖分条件的凸顶点,将该凸顶点的凸空间从原多面体中剖分出去,得到一个新的多面体,剖分出来的凸空间再分为多个四面体;再重复对新的多面体进行剖分,直到剖分完毕。该算法的平均时间复杂度为O(N+M),其中N为多面体的凸顶点数目,M为多面体的凹顶点数目。  相似文献   

为了提高凹多面体的剖分效率、减少剖分后增加的顶点数和凹边数,利用回路提出一种对任意的凹多面体不添加任何顶点的有效的凸剖分方法。首先将凹多面体抽象成无向图,然后利用深度优先搜索策略找出由这个无向图的边所组成的最优回路,该回路上的边的个数最少,并且凹边个数多。由该回路上的边组成的一系列切面对凹多面体进行一次切割。该方法可以在对多面体不添加任何顶点的情况下找到近似最好的回路,形成近似最少的切割面,对多面体的切割接近最少,剖分后得到的多面体个数近似最少。  相似文献   

基于成功回路的凹多面体的剖分算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种对任意凹多面体不添加顶点的凸剖分方法,该算法首先把凹多面体抽象为无向图,无向图的顶点为多面体的顶点,边为多面体的棱和对角棱,权值为棱或对角棱的长度,然后根据普利姆算法构造最小生成树的思想来构造一个成功回路,利用该回路对多面体进行剖分。重复执行此过程,直到剖分后的所有多面体都是非凹的。该算法能够对多面体进行不添加顶点的剖分,同时可以对任意凹多面体多面体进行剖分,包括含有空洞的凹多面体。  相似文献   

本文介绍用有限元法计算电机磁场的网格自动剖分,即网格单元的自动形成,单元、节点的自动编号和节点坐标的自动计算。  相似文献   

NURBS曲面的有限元网格三角剖分   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
主要介绍一种NURBS曲面的有限元网格三角剖分算法。首先讨论NURBS曲面的离散算法,接着在此基础上,提出了利用网格前沿技术剖分NURBS曲面的算法,并且网格单元和结点同时生成  相似文献   

张莉  饶文碧 《微机发展》2000,10(3):64-66
本文将选用2分离式模型对钢筋混凝土平面结构进行有限元网格剖分,其中对混凝土结构采用四边形网格的自动剖分方法,对钢筋则采用一维杆单元的生成方法。本文所述方法能保证所产生网格的质量,有利于钢筋混凝土有限元分析。  相似文献   

Metamorphosis of Polyhedral Surfaces using Decomposition   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

Decomposition of block convex-programming problems with coupling variables is considered in the paper. Functions of the blocks are defined on bounded sets. Rules for calculating -subgradients of objective functions of subproblems with connected variables are formulated. Initial problem normalization is described.  相似文献   

Feasible sets play an important role in model predictive control (MPC) optimal control problems (OCPs). This paper proposes a multi-parametric programming-based algorithm to compute the feasible set for OCP derived from MPC-based algorithms involving both spectrahedron (represented by linear matrix inequalities) and polyhedral (represented by a set of inequalities) constraints. According to the geometrical meaning of the inner product of vectors, the maximum length of the projection vector from the feasible set to a unit spherical coordinates vector is computed and the optimal solution has been proved to be one of the vertices of the feasible set. After computing the vertices, the convex hull of these vertices is determined which equals the feasible set. The simulation results show that the proposed method is especially efficient for low dimensional feasible set computation and avoids the non-unicity problem of optimizers as well as the memory consumption problem that encountered by projection algorithms.   相似文献   

We consider the version of broadcast scheduling where a server can transmit W messages of a given set at each time-step, answering previously made requests for these messages. The goal is to minimize the average response time (ART) if the amount of requests is known in advance for each time-step and message. We prove that this problem is NP-hard, thus answering an open question stated by Kalyanasundaram, Pruhs and Velauthapillai (Proceedings of ESA 2000, LNCS 1879, 2000, pp. 290–301). Furthermore, we present an approximation algorithm that is allowed to send several messages at once. Using six channels for transmissions, the algorithm achieves an ART that is at least as good as the optimal solution using one channel. From the NP-hardness of broadcast scheduling we derive a new inapproximability result of (2 − ε, 1) for the (congestion, cost) bicriteria version of the single source unsplittable min-cost flow problem, for arbitrary ε > 0. The result holds even in the often considered case where the maximum demand is less than or equal to the minimum edge capacity (d maxu min), a case for which an algorithm with ratio (3, 1) was presented by Skutella.  相似文献   

基于边/面遮挡关联性的多面体凸剖分方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李静  王文成  吴恩华 《软件学报》2008,19(7):1766-1782
提出一种多面体凸剖分的方法,与国际上已有的工作相比,在计算速度、空间需求和新增顶点等方面均降低了复杂度,有大幅的效率提高,且在处理凹边很多的多面体时具有更大的优越性.其工作步骤是根据多面体的面、边沿某些方向正投影时面与面之间、边与边之间的遮挡关系进行局部化操作,以渐进地凸剖分多面体.它对应用中的常见模型表现出的时间复杂度、空间复杂度皆近似为O(n),而新点数不超过O(r n~(0.5)),这里,n为模型的点数,r为凹边数.实验结果表明,与目前国际上常用的"切割分裂"方法相比,新方法的速度提高了14~120倍,空间下降至"切割分裂"方法的1/2.3~1/7.4,而新增加的点数则最多为"切割分裂"方法的1/28,甚至有些情况下无须增加新点就能完成凸剖分.新方法剖分出的凸多面体绝大多数是四面体,多于"切割分裂"方法所得凸多面体数量.但是,很多应用是要求多面体被剖分为四面体的.如果进一步将凸多面体四面体化,则新方法的结果个数将明显少于"切割分裂"方法,因为新方法的剖分过程中所增加的新点要少很多.新方法还能方便地处理包含空洞的多面体,甚至是包含孤立面、孤立边和孤立点的非流形多面体.  相似文献   

A graph G is said to be a bicluster graph if G is a disjoint union of bicliques (complete bipartite subgraphs), and a cluster graph if G is a disjoint union of cliques (complete subgraphs). In this work, we study the parameterized versions of the NP-hard Bicluster Graph Editing and Cluster Graph Editing problems. The former consists of obtaining a bicluster graph by making the minimum number of modifications in the edge set of an input bipartite graph. When at most k modifications are allowed (Bicluster(k) Graph Editing problem), this problem is FPT, and can be solved in O(4 k nm) time by a standard search tree algorithm. We develop an algorithm of time complexity O(4 k +n+m), which uses a strategy based on modular decomposition techniques; we slightly generalize the original problem as the input graph is not necessarily bipartite. The algorithm first builds a problem kernel with O(k 2) vertices in O(n+m) time, and then applies a bounded search tree. We also show how this strategy based on modular decomposition leads to a new way of obtaining a problem kernel with O(k 2) vertices for the Cluster(k) Graph Editing problem, in O(n+m) time. This problem consists of obtaining a cluster graph by modifying at most k edges in an input graph. A previous FPT algorithm of time O(1.92 k +n 3) for this problem was presented by Gramm et al. (Theory Comput. Syst. 38(4), 373–392, 2005, Algorithmica 39(4), 321–347, 2004). In their solution, a problem kernel with O(k 2) vertices is built in O(n 3) time.  相似文献   

We consider a tangent-space representation of surfaces that maps each point on a surface to the tangent plane of the surface at that point. Such representations are known to facilitate the solution of several visibility problems, in particular, those involving silhouette analysis. In this paper, we introduce a novel class of distance fields for a given surface defined by its tangent planes. At each point in space, we assign a scalar value which is a weighted sum of distances to these tangent planes. We call the resulting scalar field a 'tangential distance field' (TDF). When applied to triangle mesh models, the tangent planes become supporting planes of the mesh triangles. The weighting scheme used to construct a TDF for a given mesh and the way the TDF is utilized can be closely tailored to a specific application. At the same time, the TDFs are continuous, lending themselves to standard optimization techniques such as greedy local search, thus leading to efficient algorithms. In this paper, we use four applications to illustrate the benefit of using TDFs: multi-origin silhouette extraction in Hough space, silhouette-based view point selection, camera path planning and light source placement.  相似文献   

可重构造网孔机器上简单多边形三角剖分的常数时间算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简单多边形的三角剖分是计算几何的基本问题之一 ,在计算机图形学、地理信息系统及有限元方法等领域有许多重要的应用 .可重构造网孔机器是近几年出现的一种新的并行计算模型 ,由于其特有的灵活性 ,已经有很多领域的基本问题在这种模型上得到了研究 .该文在这种结构上考虑了简单多边形的三角剖分问题 :提出了一个将简单多边形分解为特殊单调多边形的算法 ,并在规模为 n× n的可重构造网孔机器上实现了常数时间分解单调多边形为特殊单调多边形的并行算法 ,基于这个算法得到了一个 n× n的机器上常数时间三角剖分单调多边形的算法 ;将这些算法稍加推广 ,并使用稍多的处理器 ,得到了一个在规模为 n× n1 ε(0 <ε<1为常数 )的可重构造网孔机器上三角剖分简单多边形的常数时间算法 .就目前了解到的情况而言 ,这分别是第一个在常数时间三角剖分单调多边形和简单多边形的并行算法  相似文献   

孙晓鹏  盖宇  徐南  李志 《软件学报》2016,27(10):2612-2621
针对耳廓多角度扫描获取的三维网格合并问题,提出了一种新的三维网格合并方法—去补丁合并法.首先基于kd-tree算法将三维耳廓配准后的两幅网格快速分割为重叠区域与非重叠区域;然后根据连通性对重叠区域和非重叠区域进行分块,并从重叠区域分块中去除冗余的补丁块、构建边界点;最后基于边界点将保留的重叠区域网格与邻接的非重叠区域网格缝合.实验结果表明,与同类算法相比,本文方法具有较好的合并效果与较高的计算效率.  相似文献   

本文提出表示网格上图形的绝对方向法和相对方向法及其性质与转换。给出甩掉解析式直接用计算机检索以任意所需精度求解几何问题的方法,并解出任意曲线上的连杆曲线。  相似文献   

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